Face like a peach blossom?

An Liang immediately checked the prompt information of the winner system in life.


Face like a peach blossom:

The peach blossom essence extract from Shiliwan Maotaoyuan has the special effect of repairing scars and making the skin look brand new.

If the peach blossom essence extract is diluted and combined with ordinary peach gum to make a facial mask, although the scar repair effect will be lost, the skin rejuvenating effect can be retained.

Special note: The corresponding rewards are provided by Bian Xiaogang


So is it a facial mask recipe?

But why is it the formula provided by Bian Xiaogang?

Doesn't Bian Xiaogang prefer to study areas close to the edge?

Although there were many question marks in An Liang's mind, these things were all trivial and An Liang didn't take them to heart. Anyway, as long as there were rewards.

After waiting for Bian Xiaogang to get the corresponding Mianruo Peach Blossom Mask, An Liang asked Bian Xiaogang why he made this mask.

Late at night and just after early morning.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi finished their supper, and Yang Maoyi took the initiative to pay the bill. Boss Xiang looked at An Liang with a look of sympathy.

Almost half an hour later, An Liang drove a Porsche 718 Cayman back to Linshanju, while the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle drove automatically back to the Sky Realm.

After the two of them entered the house, An Liang asked casually,"Aren't you still going to move to Lanjingyuan?"

An Liang had previously bought Yang Maoyi a mansion with an area of ​​almost 1,000 square meters in Lanjingyuan, and also came with a house of nearly 400 square meters. Hanging garden.

But Yang Maoyi prefers to live in a small two-bedroom apartment in Linshan Residence and has no intention of moving to the Lanjingyuan mansion.

Yang Maoyi shook her head in denial,"It's too big over there."

"Okay, we'll talk about it later, let's take a shower first."An Liang picked up Princess Yang Maoyi.

Yang Maoyi hummed,"Your Majesty, I'm not afraid of you!"

This little vixen is qualified to say this!

Although the war between the little vixen and the righteous giant Taoist An always ends with the little vixen being suppressed, the little vixen can fight again and again, at least with the righteous giant Taoist An back and forth. Three rounds.

This kind of combat power far surpasses the big cat in the imperial capital, and also surpasses Ning Ruoshuang, a fake dance student, and Zhao Wanxi, a proud girl of heaven. After all, the three of them are novices with a combat power of 1..At

1:35 in the morning, the first battle between the righteous giant Daochang An and the little vixen came to an end. Naturally, the little vixen lost, and the two bathed and changed clothes together. The righteous giant

Daochang An righteously rejected the little vixen. It’s not that the righteous giant Daochang An cannot suppress the little vixen, but that the little vixen has to get up at eight o’clock the next morning to work.

Recently, the little vixen has too much work, and he has to do the filming of"Xiaguo Restaurant". He had to continue working on the food documentary, and also had to deal with the fox fairy food evaluation work.

So the righteous giant An Daochang felt compassion, and he was willing to let the little fox go temporarily so that the little fox could rest and recuperate.

The next day, at

7:30 in the morning.

Yang Maoyi woke up early. After she woke up, she immediately looked at An Liang beside her. When she found that An Liang was still sleeping soundly, Yang Maoyi showed a naughty look. She carefully propped up her body, reached over her head, and looked at An Liang's face. They kissed her.

The next moment, An Liang opened her eyes. Yang Maoyi suddenly panicked. She quickly greeted,"Your Majesty, good morning.""

"Did you kiss me secretly just now?"An Liang teased.

Yang Maoyi's face turned red,"I...I..."

An Liang held Yang Maoyi in his arms, and then said,"Okay, okay, get up quickly and go to work, and try to complete the filming of"Xiaguo Restaurant" as soon as possible."

Yang Maoyi was relieved, but also a little disappointed," Got it! Your Majesty, are you still with me today?"

An Liang thought about it for a moment before nodding in response,"Well, I am also with you today."

"Then I'll come back early today."Yang Maoyi immediately responded happily.

This little vixen is so easy to satisfy. She only needs a little time from An Liang to be with her and she will be very happy.

Ten minutes later, the two went out to have breakfast together, and then An Liang drove Yang Maoyi to Muling Mountain Entrepreneurship incubator.

After An Liang sent Yang Maoyi there, he did not stop at Nanruo Photography Studio, but drove home first, and then changed to a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and headed to Shili Bay. Shili Bay is 60 meters away from the main city. If you drive there, if you encounter a slight traffic jam, it will take at least an hour.

But using the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to fly there, it only takes less than twenty minutes, which greatly improves the efficiency of traveling..

An Liang was going to Shiliwan to plan the underground buildings in the North District. After waiting for Luo Yibin to come over, he arranged for Luo Yibin to take charge of this project. Just after nine o'clock in the morning.

Shiliwan Life Science Research Center, Comprehensive Life Science Research Laboratory Inside, Bian Xiaogang was checking the experimental data. When An Liang came over, Bian Xiaogang didn't notice it. An

Liang silently glanced at the data displayed on the computer screen for a few times. After finding that he couldn't understand it, he deliberately coughed twice. Thus reminding Bian Xiaogang

"Mr. An?"Bian Xiaogang finally discovered An Liang

"What research report are you reading?"An Liang asked casually.

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