The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle used by Renyi Security Company has undergone additional modifications. The corresponding modification plan draws on the design of military drones, such as the addition of high-decibel loudspeakers and rubber bullet weapons.

Thomas and Nasim naturally heard the shouting from mid-air. Although the shouting of Renyi Security Company was in Xia Mandarin, both Thomas and Nasim were proficient in Xia Mandarin.

However, the two did not sit still. Both Thomas and Naseem chose to speed up together.

In mid-air, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle once again shouted in English, asking Thomas and Nasim to stop for inspection.

But how could Thomas and Naseem be willing to stop and be inspected?

"Last warning! The black motorcycles with license plate numbers: Sheng A: 84141 and Sheng A: 94410, stop immediately for inspection!"

Faced with the final warning from the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, Thomas and Nasim still chose to resist.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company who controlled the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle did not hesitate anymore and directly attacked with rubber bullet weapons.

Although the lethality of rubber bullets is limited, the caliber of the rubber bullet weapon mounted on the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is large enough, reaching 12.7mm.

Coupled with the precise aiming of the intelligent flight control system, only two bullets can Then they knocked Thomas and Nasim off the motorcycle.

After Thomas and Nasim crashed, they rolled on the ground several times. They were all smashed up and down, so much so that they didn't react when they were caught. Come over.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, the interrogation room of the Shiliwan Special Branch of Renyi Security Company.

Thomas and Nasim were detained in different interrogation rooms, forming a prisoner's dilemma situation.

An Liang first came to the interrogation room where Nasim was detained. He sat opposite Nasim. Nasim looked a little embarrassed. His clothes were dusty and torn, and there was a wound on his forehead.

"who are you?" An Liang asked casually.

Nasim looked confused and pretended not to understand Xia Mandarin. An Liang cooperated with the acting and switched to English to ask again.

This time Nasim understood, and he immediately responded,"I am Sanmik the Bald Eagle. The representative of the pharmaceutical company in Xia State, I came to Shiliwan for investment inspection on behalf of our Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company."

"Representative of Sanmik Pharmaceuticals?"An Liang frowned slightly.

"Yes, I am Naseem Yorkson, representative of Sanmik Pharmaceuticals."Nasim responded quickly.

An Liang retrieved Nasim's apparent identity information on the tablet. As Nasim explained, he was the representative of the Xia Kingdom of Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company. This time he came to the Xia Kingdom to go to Shili Bay for business investment inspection.

Such an identity is naturally a disguise!

Anliang placed the tablet in front of Nasim,"Is this your identity information? Nasim looked at the tablet, which displayed Xia Mandarin. Nasim responded in English very carefully,"I don't understand Xia Mandarin. Do you have an English version?""

An Liang secretly laughed. This guy was quite cautious. An Liang switched the text displayed on the tablet to English.

Nasim took a quick look at it, and then nodded affirmatively,"Your investigation is correct."

"No, no, no, this is not our investigation. This is the information we obtained from the Immigration Bureau. It is just your identity and reason for entering the country."An Liang responded casually.

"I don't understand you." Naseem responded pretending to be innocent.

"Have you heard about our Shengqing smart city project? An Liang asked casually.

Nasim had naturally heard of it, but Nasim shook his head,"What is that?""

"It is a comprehensive urban management system, including a behavioral logic analysis system based on the security monitoring system. For example, what you did in Shili Bay will be analyzed by this system."An Liang explained.

After explaining, An Liang started operating on the tablet computer and marked Nasim's activity trajectory in Shili Bay.

"These are the tracks of your activities in Shiliwan. You and your companion Thomas entered Shiliwan for six days. Although you lived in a hotel on the surface, you often gathered at No. 193, Shiliwan Old Street."An Liang explained

"What’s even more coincidental is that a fire broke out at No. 193 Shiliwan Old Street today. According to the data analysis found by the smart city project, the corresponding fire must have been caused by man-made arson, because the fire started in too short a time, and the fire reached its peak in a very short period of time. to a very vigorous degree."An Liang continued.

"Our fire department was notified of the smart city project immediately, so it had enough time to put out the fire. Under such circumstances, we quickly extinguished the flames, and then found some listening equipment at the fire scene. What else can you say? Of?"An Liang placed all the evidence in front of Nasim one by one.

Facing such conclusive evidence, Nasim fell into silence for a while. He didn't know how to refute.

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