The case of Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company suing the Shengqing court in Shengqing attracted a certain amount of attention. Of course, it was impossible for the Shengqing court to let Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company turn things upside down in Shengqing.

After all, Renyi Security Company submitted enough evidence, coupled with the auxiliary proof of big data from the smart city project, Thomas and Nasim were convicted of commercial espionage in Shili Bay.

Not only that, Thomas and Naseem were also suspected of arson!

On February 28th, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the Judicial Yuan under the Shengqing Imperial Court.

The case of Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company suing the Shengqing Imperial Court went to trial. Faced with various evidence submitted by the Shengqing Imperial Court, Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company was unable to produce any rebuttal evidence and ultimately lost the case directly.

However, Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company does not intend to do this!

Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company doesn't care at all about winning or losing the case, not only because they have appeased Thomas and Nasim, saying that they have turned into deep sleeper agents, and their next task is to sit in jail in Shengqing and step on the sewing machine, and in jail During this period, you will enjoy field operation remuneration.

So even after Thomas and Nasim were sentenced to ten years in prison for commercial espionage and arson, they chose to accept it.

Although Sanmike Pharmaceutical Company lost the lawsuit, their operation in Shiliwan was"very successful" because they used 3D printing technology to manufacture masks, coupled with makeup, successfully disguised Zhou You as Sanmike Pharmaceutical Company He was a member of the negotiation team and successfully left Ten Mile Bay.

This situation was naturally noticed by Renyi Security Company, but because An Liang and Zhou You had already reached an agreement, Renyi Security Company took no action and allowed Zhou You to leave Shili Bay.

In the main urban area of ​​Shengqing, inside the business suite of Linjiang five-star hotel.

A field worker from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau handed a mobile phone to Zhou You. As soon as Zhou You took the phone, the phone started ringing.

Swipe the screen to answer calls while traveling

"First of all, congratulations on escaping from Shiliwan."Zhang Dahai's voice sounded in the receiver.

Zhou You responded with thanks,"Thank you."

"We have booked a red-eye flight four hours later. You will fly directly from Shengqing to New York. We welcome you home in advance! Zhang Dahai added.

Zhou You thanked him again,"Thank you, Mr. Roger, for the rescue."

Zhang Dahai replied with a smile,"What information did you obtain from Shiliwan Life Science Research Center?""

Zhou You was silent for a few seconds before responding,"I can tell you some information first. I have obtained part of the formula of Miracle Salvia Pills and experimental information."

"The name of Miracle Salvia Pills is misleading. Although there is [Salvia Miltiorrhiza] in the name, the actual formula not only contains Salvia miltiorrhiza, but also contains yellow ginseng and blood ginseng."Zhou You revealed some information.

This information was forged by Bian Xiaogang. Whether it is yellow ginseng or blood ginseng, both of them do have the effect of treating heart disease.

Even if the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau consults traditional Chinese medicine experts, they will get similar results. Information

"As for the more detailed formula and the content of the formula, I will tell you after I return to Bald Eagle."Zhou You responded.

Zhang Dahai did not force Zhou You to reveal more information. Anyway, they will return to Bald Eagle today.

Summer time, the first day of March, two o'clock in the morning, Shengqing International Airport.

Sanmik Medicine The company's negotiation team and legal team boarded the plane one by one and took off smoothly.

Even after taking off, everyone still did not let go of their hanging hearts. They waited until they left the confines of Xia Kingdom before they breathed a sigh of relief.

However, these The guys from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had no idea that the mantis was stalking the cicada and the oriole was behind. Their actions were completely controlled by Renyi Security Company. In addition to them, there was a field team from Renyi Security Company on the same flight.

Although Renyi Security Company only arranged for a four-person team to follow, in the cargo hold of the aircraft, a specially designed security guardian robot also followed the aircraft to Bald Eagle. In addition, Renyi Security Company developed in Bald Eagle The branch organization also arranged response personnel, and the personnel there were the main force, so the Renyi Security Company in Xia State only dispatched a team of four.

Almost fifteen hours later, Bald Eagle New Yao Ke arrived at 6 a.m. local time Just after that, a direct flight from Xia Guoshengqing landed at New York International Airport.

The agents of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, disguised as employees of Sanmik Pharmaceutical Company, were completely relieved, and they took Zhou You back to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. At the headquarters of the New Yorker, the four-person team of Renyi Security Company met with the response staff of the Bald Eagle branch of Renyi Security Company, and with the help of the other party, the specially-made security guardian robot was successfully cleared.

If necessary Next, this security guardian robot will also participate in the rescue operation.

Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, New Yorker Headquarters. Office of the

High Commissioner of the Department of Asian Affairs, Zhang Dahai personally delivered a cup of coffee to Zhou You, and he said with a smile on his face ,"Albatross, welcome home!"

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