In fact, it is somewhat inappropriate to compare the market values ​​of Gongshang Bank and Maoxiang Liquor Technology Company.

After all, Gongshang Bank is a bank owned by the imperial court, and it does have a certain influence on market value estimation.

On the surface, Maoxiang Liquor Technology Company sells wine, but in fact it is a financial product, so it is normal for Maoxiang Liquor Technology Company to have a higher valuation.

Now that Shengchun Smart Travel has exceeded the market value of Maoxiang Liquor Technology Company, it actually feels like a castle in the air, so Anliang needs to do some publicity to stabilize the rising trend of Shengchun Smart Travel's stock price.

This is also the reason why the official blog account of Shengchun Smart Travel publishes operating data on Weibo every day, that is to give people confidence and make the stock price of Shengchun Smart Travel go higher.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, inside the Bai Yujing Club in the Sky.....,

Li Feng is an official member of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky. He holds shares in multiple companies, such as Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group.

But it is obviously impossible for Li Feng to sell the shares of these two companies.

An Liang: Everyone: Regarding Brother Li Feng’s question, I believe others have the same question. I will reply here uniformly. The Shengchun Smart Travel stocks in your hands can be sold.

At present, Shengchun Smart Travel’s Class B shares are one Class B stock equal to 5 voting rights. Only four founding members and four honorary members own Class B shares, holding more than 76.9% of the voting rights.

If a member of Class B shares sells Class B shares, the Class B shares are automatically converted into A shares, which means that the total number of voting shares decreases without changing the total number of shares.

The total share capital of Shengchun Smart Travel is 10 billion shares, but the voting rights correspond to 26 billion shares.

If 5% of Class B shares are sold and converted into A shares, it is equivalent to 500 million Class B shares being converted into A shares. The 2.5 billion voting rights originally represented by 500 million Class B shares are directly converted into 5 billion voting rights.

This means that although the total share capital of Shengchun Smart Travel is still 10 billion shares, the voting rights have been reduced by 2 billion shares, leaving only 24 billion shares.

Anliang's voting rights will rise from 9.615% to a new high of 10.417%.

However, An Liang felt that shareholders holding Class B shares would not sell Shengchun Smart Travel’s shares, because only the four honorary members and the four founding members held Shengchun Smart Travel’s Class B shares. It is absolutely impossible for these people to be Fool.

Shengchun Smart Travel is the golden rooster that lays eggs. According to Shengchun Smart Travel's internal estimates, the annual net profit can easily exceed 150 billion, and a 5% equity dividend is 7.5 billion Xia Guoyuan.

How could it be possible to sell the shares of Shengchun Smart Travel under such circumstances?

It’s impossible to even joke!..,

An Liang: The original purpose of our Shengchun Smart Travel was to raise funds for the Sky Dome Project. I believe everyone can now understand the importance of the Sky Dome Project, right?

An Liang: After the implementation of the Tianqiong Plan, our national cold chain transportation projects will also benefit. We will even combine Shengchun Smart Travel and cold chain transportation projects and use smart driving trucks to execute cold chain transportation projects.....We also had a bite of meat.

An Liang: Let me tell you in advance that we plan to invest at least 15% of Shengchun Smart Travel stocks in the open market in the future. If you are interested, then pay attention to the open market..,....,

An Liang did not doubt this, this little koi was indeed very lucky.

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