After Ji Tianxiang sat down,

Su Yun took the opportunity to tell him about the IP pool.

Ji Tianxiang thought for a while:

"Kamikaze Film Group..." "

Mr. Su, you just met the eldest lady of this house yesterday."

Su Yun was stunned: "Ah, who is it?" "

That Wei Guanyin is the daughter of the kamikaze movie Wei Shenhai. "

Su Yun has a black line.


He suddenly remembered that he had climbed the mountain at the door of the bathroom at the Blue House yesterday...

It's a little embarrassing.

Ji Tianxiang smiled:

"I'll help you find out when you go back."

Su Yun smiled: "Then there will be labor."

Ji Tianxiang leaned over and whispered

, "However, that Wei Guanyin seems to be investigating you as well..."

"She also has friends over there in Zhangcheng and asked you something.

"But Mr. Su, you are too low-key, and there are very few people in Zhangcheng who know about your situation.

Su Yun didn't say anything.

This Wei Guanyin is also interested in him

? Could it be that she already knows that she is the president of Star Entertainment?

Probably not.

Su Yun's identity in front of them is the president of the Chongjin Group.

As for the other companies under the Su family, only Qin Jinhua and the heads of each company knew.

But it is not excluded that Wei Guanyin has deeper connections in this regard.

His situation can be investigated....

After eating.

Ji Tianxiang took He Lingyuan to retire first.

Su Yun gave Qin Jinhua 500 million yuan and asked her to transfer it to the account of Star Entertainment.

Then I did a new check-in for the day.

"Your (CCB) savings card with tail number 8888 received a transfer of 10 million yuan. Balance

: $495.78 million. "

After hitting 500 million out, there are nearly 500 million left.

And this part of the funds

is included in the value of pride.

"Pride +600 million. "


Sure enough, it was as Su Yun expected.

Because the 500 million funds are not used as investments.

Instead, most of it is used for the promotion of the movie and the internal operations of Star Entertainment.

Therefore, the system determines that for consumption,

it is the funds that Su Yun cannot get a return on.

As a result,

he had six chances to draw the lottery.


Su Yun suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Soon, the

hands slowly stopped turning.

"The lottery was successful, and you got the full level of car skills. "

The lottery was successful, and I got the full level arrangement. "

The draw is successful, and you will get a lucky card +1. "

The lottery was successful, and I got the full level of programming. "

The lottery was successful, and you got the full level of fighting. "

The lottery was successful and won 20% of the shares of the goose factory.

Su Yun narrowed his eyes and focused on the card.

Lucky Card:

Activate this card to maintain a lucky time of 24 hours, I hope the host will use it properly, and wish all your wishes come true.

The other four rewards are all skills,

but they are very useful for the current Su Yun.

Aside from martial arts and martial arts.

A full-level arrangement allows him to create a track in the movie he invests in, and then hire someone to fill in the lyrics.

It's also a skill that can add to a movie.

And the full-level programming, not to mention!

Su Yun is now going to run a website, and it will be much more convenient for him if he himself has such skills.

For a while,

Su Yun's mind surged with countless knowledge and experience.

It's all about these four skills.

This made Su Yun even have a headache, but this feeling disappeared quickly.

Su Yun also mastered these four skills in an instant.

And the last one....

20% stake in the goose factory....

This Nima.

What kind of IP pool are you looking for

? I have become a big shareholder of the goose factory, so isn't it a matter of one sentence to take the IP?

The goose factory is a large enterprise all over the world.

This year, we participated in the United Nations' network engineering program.

If you look at the people, the

business has gone to the United Nations...

The 20% stake has a gold content even higher than that of Blackwater International!


it also has a large number of domestic users.

The usage rate of WeChat and QQ is even more widespread in thousands of households.

From primary school students to retired seniors, they are inseparable from the products of the goose factory.

It can be said that

with this 20% stake,

no matter what Su Yun does in business, he can rely on the huge energy of the goose factory and take advantage of the trend.

At this time

, Qin Jinhua's voice came from his ears

: "Mr. Su, Mr. Su?" "Are you listening?"

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses: "Ah, I'm listening, you continue."

Qin Jinhua took out a document, which was a study of Star Entertainment actors.

"Here are some of my observations.

"Regarding the film, I checked the script and the cast.

"Some actors are really not suitable for this filming. "

For example, this Qi Fengtian, he takes the route of small fresh meat, and his acting skills have just begun to be honed, and he is not tactful.

Moreover, Qi Fengtian's previous acting experience was also on romance films and urban films.

"His temperament is really not in line with our science fiction film.

Su Yun nodded: "What else?"

Qin Jinhua replied one by one.

Four or five people were selected to come out and also speak her mind.

Su Yun:

"Pass this document to Zeng Min and let her change people."

"According to the role setting on the script, it is not necessary to involve the artists of Star Entertainment. "

You can also invite outside stars to play.

"As for the appearance fee, I don't have to worry about that.

"My only requirement is that the characters must conform to the script!"

Qin Jinhua nodded: "Yes, I will discuss it with Mr. Zeng, and then come up with a plan."

Su Yun nodded

, pretended to take out his mobile phone, and flipped through it aimlessly.

Then he lied:

"Into the painting, I just received another message. "

I bought a 20% stake in the goose factory. "

Our IP pool plan is estimated to have been settled

..."Qin into the painting: "..."At

this moment,

she was stupid.

I didn't hold the pen in my hand steadily, and I almost fell off the table.

"Mr. Su... You...... What do you say?"

Su Yun smiled: "Goose Factory, 20% of the shares, you need to contact us."

Qin Jinhua swallowed his saliva: "Goose factory..."

she didn't expect it at all.

Yesterday the two of them were still discussing the matter of the IP pool.

There is also the cooperation between kamikaze film group and goose factory.

As a result, today Mr. Su bought 20% of the shares of the Goose Factory

? Are you a monster?

Qin Jinhua wanted to look at Mr. Su's mobile phone screen and wanted to know who was doing these things behind Mr. Su.


she saw nothing.

Is this so efficient?

There are a lot of people behind Mr. Su...


20% of the shares....

This gold content is much higher than the 20% of Blackwater International!

Qin Jinhua tried his best to calm down: "I'll contact you when I get back, Mr. Su... Don't worry..."Su

Yun nodded.

picked up the mobile phone and got up: "Then I'll go out, I'll leave the following things to you, tell me when it's done." "


and left the hotel.

Su Yun thought about

it, since he would have to be active in Yangcheng in the future,

it would be too inconvenient to stay in a hotel and take a taxi...

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