Qin Jinhua sighed.

It seems that he blamed Mr. Su for his fault...


Something seems wrong.

Mr. Su wants to make a break with Congee Congee, and he has been ignoring her, isn't it over

? Why did he take her with him this time when he went to Shanghai?

Qin Jinhua found a blind spot.

But Mr. Su has talked about this, and she is not good at saying more, after all, Mr. Su will hate it if she talks too much.

"Hmm... I think it's not impossible for Mr. Su to take her to Shanghai, but Miss Yuanyuan knows about it, after all, she still won't feel at ease.

Su Yun was stunned for a moment

, what did this mean?

As a result, before he could react, he heard Qin Jinhua say:

"That's it, Mr. Su won't let me go, I'll let others go with you."

With her by Mr. Su's side, I can... cough, Miss Yuanyuan can rest assured. Su

Yun: "???


He looked at Qin Jinhua with a confused expression.

The latter smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

"Hey, Bingbing, there's something I

want to ask you..." Su Yun: "..."

, you want Zhu Bingbing to go with us!

On the other hand, Zhu Bingbing was also very confused.

"Ah, let

me go to Shanghai with Mr. Su to take classes?" Qin into the painting: "Oh, you just go along, it's a big deal, you can't do without you!" Zhu

Bingbing said bitterly: "I'm just an investment consultant, don't you go with me as a secretary, tell me to follow?"

Qin into the painting: "Mr. Su won't let me go." "


Qin Jinhua said aggrievedly: "I have to stay in the company, there are many things that can't do without me."

Zhu Bingbing: "Do you have such a sister? Push me to Mr. Su when you co-author?" Qin

Zhu's face flushed: "What do you say, what do you mean by pushing, let you go to spy on Mr. Su!"

"Monitoring?" Zhu Bingbing was stupid.

Qin Jinhua muttered and said something to her that Su Yuanyuan had said.

Zhu Bingbing sighed: "What does this have to do

with you..."Qin into the painting: "You just say, you can't help with this favor

!" Zhu Bingbing: "Then if I don't help you, will you break off friendship with me?"


Yes!" Qin Jinhua did not hesitate.

"Well, it's up to you, okay, okay! I'll come here.

Zhu Bingbing was also convinced, hung up the phone, and thought: 'I'm afraid it's not Mr. Su's girlfriend who explained, it's you who don't feel at ease...'

Qin Jinhua is really not at ease.

She's Su Yun's secretary, the kind that is

close to her! He didn't even take her there!

Then how could he spy on her at close range, cough, and take care of Mr. Su!

In case Miss Yuanyuan blamed her, wouldn't she put on small shoes for herself?

Of course, in Qin

Jinhua's heart, she was actually not at ease.

What Mr. Su said just now is obviously an excuse!

In the office,

Su Yun is also very difficult.

Damn, I made a mistake, I thought it was a perfect excuse, but who knew that Qin Jinhua still had an extra heart.

The title of a high-ranking scumbag can be said to be precarious.

But Su Yun was not afraid, she

originally brought porridge porridge over to let her be a companion.

Over there in Shanghai, Su Yun has no friends, and if he is lonely, it is better to bring a noisy person by his side, and it will be lively.

Yes, it's just for the sake of fun

! Absolutely nothing else!

Qin Jinhua finished making a phone call, pushed the door in, and said with a smile: "Bingbing is also from Shanghai, and she is there to take care of Mr. Su, so Mr. Su can rest assured."

Su Yun: "..."

You're too obvious."

The corners of his mouth twitched: "Okay, I thank you."

Qin Jinhua smiled very happily: "Caring about Su is always what I should do, and Su doesn't have to be polite." "

Although Zhu Bingbing is only an investment consultant and is not Su Yun's 'cronies', he is also trustworthy.

During this time, she used Su Yun's 2.1 billion yuan to crush 500 million yuan in the stock market.

If you want to say that Zhu Bingbing has any peculiar means of investment, it is really not.

It is to speculate on stocks, and when the value of the stock is high, so as to attract a large number of retail investors to enter the market, she will sell the low-priced stocks in her hand at a high price.

It's such a simple method, and

it's been profitable.

This is inseparable from Zhu Bingbing's business vision and keen sense of smell in the stock market.

Although the means are not very bright,

this method is very tricky.

But it's good to make money, and there is no distinction between noble and inferior money.

If you want to blame, blame those retail investors for being blinded by greed, and it is normal to be trapped.


"Sign in successfully, money +100 million. "

You've been checking in for 52 days in a row. "

Heroic value: 700 million. "

Draw chances: 31 times. "

Acquisition of Qualcomm is underway, 23% progress.

Early the next morning, Su Yun sat in the waiting room, and Congee Congee and Zhu Bingbing sat next to him at two ends.

One dangled his feet and turned on the live broadcast.

The other has a laptop on his lap and is carefully browsing the stock market.

It's embarrassing....

"Can you stop being busy with work in the middle of the day?" Su Yun said.

Zhu Bingbing said with a smile: "Mr. Su, if you are not busy with work during the day, are you busy at night? Now the market is very good, if you don't take this opportunity to lay out early, it will be late." "

But Congee Congee was very obedient,

and when he saw this, he turned off the live broadcast and smirked at Su Yun'hehe.

She didn't know why this Zhu Bingbing came along.

But this does not prevent him from being close to Brother Su.

"Brother Su, what are you going to take me to play in Shanghai?" asked Congee Congee.

As soon as these words came out,

Zhu Bingbing inadvertently stopped what he was doing and pricked up his ears.

After all, it is the task of entering the painting, and she still has sisters in her heart, and there is no ambiguity in what she should inquire.

Su Yun thought for a moment and took out a card from his pocket.

"Well, let's go see this. Congee

Congee was stunned for a moment, but glanced at the card: "Horse racing?"

This VIP membership card of the Shanghai Racecourse was given by Su Yun when he bought a watch before.

The racecourse is a top-up system.

Naturally, there is not a penny in this card.

But this did not prevent Su Yun from entering with a charge of 1.8 million.

Horse racing in your spare time is also a form of entertainment.

Zhu Bingbing glared, "Wow, VIP card? Su can always get it, where did you get it?"


How much money is in it?"

"I guess there is no money."

Zhu Bingbing smiled: "Then can I go too?" I have long wanted to watch horse racing, but I have never had the opportunity.

"Of course. The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

Porridge Porridge has already pouted.

A woman's intuition is very accurate.

Zhu Bingbing was so actively involved in the dating of the two of them, obviously with another purpose.

But Porridge Porridge is now smart

, look at this Zhu Bingbing, her skin is like snow, gentle and lovely, her eyes are wonderful, and her figure is twice better.

If you are coquettish with Brother Su in front of her, you will obviously be inferior.

Besides, Porridge thinks about his current self, and he has to be calm no more than before.

"Didn't Sister Bingbing come with her?" she said tentatively.

Zhu Bingbing smiled: "No, my family is in Shanghai, and I am also on the way with Mr. Su."

"Then Sister Bingbing doesn't go back to see her family or anything?"

"Of course I have to see it, but I prefer to stay by Mr. Su's side..." Zhu Bingbing tilted her head and smiled softly.

Su Yun: "..."Why

do you smell a smell of gunpowder?

But now, it is not suitable for him to speak, so he can only remain silent and smile, and empty everything with sincere eyes.

The plane arrived.

Su Yun boarded the plane with the two girls.

Zhu Bingbing was even better, the ticket was bought by Qin Jinhua, and it took some careful thought to arrange her by Su Yun's side.

The business class is not a three-row seat, so Congee Congee can only sit aggrievedly across the aisle and share a seat with a middle-aged man.

Zhu Bingbing put away the computer and put on a blindfold, "Mr. Su, do you mind if I sleep?" "

Well, you can sleep, you don't have to ask me." "

Okay. On

the other hand, there is a different style of painting.

The kind of middle-aged man pretended to talk to Congee Congee: "Meeting is fate, the contemptible surname is Fan, and you have opened a mining company under your name, beauty, what is your surname?"

looked at Su Yun aggrievedly: "Brother Su..."

Su Yun sighed, and was saying that he would change his seat or something.

As a result, Zhu Bingbing fell asleep on his shoulder.

Su Yun: "..."

Porridge became even more angry, pinched his pink fist, turned his back to the middle-aged man, and covered it with a blanket.

"Please don't disturb my sleep!" The

mine boss turned his head away with a gloomy face, and muttered, "I don't know how to lift." But

everyone was on the plane, and he didn't dwell too much.

Until the plane arrived in Shanghai.

Zhu Bingbing woke up slowly, lifted the blindfold, and found that Mr. Su had borrowed his shoulder to lean on, and his pretty face was slightly red

: "Mr. Su, is your shoulder sore, will I rub it for you?"

Su Yun had a black line: "No, no need."

But Zhu Bingbing still rubbed his shoulders and whispered:

"Mr. Su, don't blame me, I was called by the painting, and if you want to deduct her salary!"

Zhu Bingbing was also just a little curious about the relationship between Su Yun and Congee.

She knew that Su always had

a girlfriend, but it was not the one before, it seemed that she had broken up and found a new girlfriend.

As for what is the identity of this porridge porridge....

Even if she is Mr. Su's canary, Zhu Bingbing feels that this is normal.

Mr. Su is so good, there is naturally no shortage of girls around him, but he is worried that Qin will enter the painting and easily enter this Shura field, but it will be difficult to get out.

But looking at her like that, she seems to enjoy it.

After getting off the plane, Congee Porridge grabbed Su Yun's arm with both hands and yawned, with a faint sleepiness on his face.

"Bingbing, is there any good house here in Shanghai that can be bought

?" Hearing this, Zhu Bingbing was also stunned: "Mr. Su wants to buy a house here?"


Zhu Bingbing shook his head: "Mr. Su, you don't have a hukou here, you can't buy it, and there are restrictions on real estate in Shanghai."

"Well, I'll buy it in your name." Suddenly

, Zhu Bingbing looked confused, and pointed to himself: "I, my name?" "

Aren't you from Hucheng?

"No! I agree! I agree!" "

Nonsense, buy a house in your own name

? it!

Is Mr. Su so domineering?

Although Zhu Bingbing used to chat with Qin Jinhua on WeChat, she had long heard her say that Mr. Su 'spent money like dirt'.

But seeing it with my own eyes today still feels a little unreal.

Zhu Bingbing was stunned for a long time before coming back to his senses: "Then, I don't know where Mr. Su plans to buy it?"

"Just, on the banks of the Huangpu River, the scenery is good." "


Zhu Bingbing almost didn't bite her tongue.

Who doesn't know that on the banks of the Huangpu River, it is one of the best real estate in Shanghai, Tomson!

In fact, Su Yun has not investigated,

but he has a deep memory when he brushes the kneeling sound.

Over there, Tomson Yipin is all large flats, the elevator goes directly, the balcony is very large, and it can even be used for barbecue.

Outside is the Huangpu River, and you can enjoy the night view of Shanghai at night.

"Is there a problem

?" "No, no, does Mr. Su know how much Tomson costs per square meter over there?" Zhu Bingbing asked cautiously.

Su Yun patted her on the shoulder

, the price or anything, she didn't ask,

but smiled: "It doesn't matter how much it is, I'll leave this matter to you, how about

it?" Zhu Bingbing swallowed his saliva, feeling like a dream: "Mr. Su, do you really buy it with my name?" "

Well, when I go back, you can also live in this house."

After all, it's a property in your name, hahahaha..."

Seeing that Mr. Su was so bold, she suddenly felt that this trip was not in vain

!"Thank you, Mr. Su! Thank you, Mr. Su! You are too angry!"

Congee Congee pouted beside her.

This sycophant is too blunt, isn't it?

But when she saw Brother Su's happy face, she suddenly thought in her heart: 'Does Brother Su also eat this?

' Zhu Bingbing turned his head to look at the porridge, and immediately pulled Su Yun's other arm and whispered:

"What if I didn't see what you are doing here?"

Su Yun smiled and said nothing.

"This is all forcibly pushed by the painting, and if I don't come, she will break off my friendship with me.

Don't worry, I won't bother you, you can play how you want. "


, this is all Su Yun's strategy!

It's not that he doesn't know that Shanghai has a policy of restricting the purchase of real estate, and he deliberately bought a house in Zhu Bingbing's name just to buy her.

It doesn't matter how much it is.

He only needs Zhu Bingbing to turn a blind eye to his affairs with Congee Congee.

Fight me?

I'm sorry, but if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

And at this moment, Qin Jinhua, who was far away in Zhangcheng, suddenly felt a little irritable.

She pinched her eyebrows and muttered, "Why do you have a feeling of anger in your heart inexplicably, could it be that the eldest aunt is coming in the last few days?"

She didn't know that her best sister, Zhu Bingbing,

had been bought by Su with a set of Tomsons...


On the bank of the Huangpu River, Tomson Community, the best orientation.

Located on the 16th floor.

Su Yun had just paid the money and walked into the house with porridge.

"Wow! it's so beautiful!" Congee Blinked excitedly, leaning on the balcony and sweeping the riverside scenery.

Shanghai is a super first-tier city and extremely prosperous.

You can also see many pleasure boats on the river, coming and going like snails.

Zhu Bingbing went to buy a car for Su Yun.

Of course, the name is still hers.

Otherwise it wouldn't be so positive.

After he finishes his class and graduates, this house and car can be directly given to Zhu Bingbing.

Isn't it just buying people's hearts?

I'm familiar with this!

Su Yun sat comfortably on the sofa, and

just now,

he had gained another 200 million yuan in his system.

It cost 120 million to buy this house, and the car is a small amount of money in comparison.

However, because it is recorded in Zhu Bingbing's name, the premium of the luxury value is particularly large.

After seeing the scenery, Congee walked back to the living room: "Brother Su, are you planning to stay here for a long time?" "

It's probably going to be a few months, I can't tell." Su Yun said with a smile.

Porridge Porridge Qiao's face was flushed, and

she couldn't stop her excitement at the thought of staying in Shanghai with Brother Su for a few months.

Lonely men and widows, will Brother Su not be able to control

it? But at the same time, Congee Congee also feels a little strange, why did Brother Su bring himself over?

There should be no shortage of girls around him.

'Could it be that my rank is actually higher in Brother Su's heart?Otherwise

, I can't explain that Brother Su would take me to such a far place

, wait, is this elopement?

' Congee Congee was thinking wildly, only to hear Su Yun suddenly say: "I'm here to take classes, so I don't usually have much time to take you to play." "


, class?" "Yes, I signed up for a president class to learn some knowledge. Congee

Congee was stunned for a moment

, and he was just a companion?"

"You can go with me, anyway, there is no limit to the number of people over there, and the school will not start until a week later."

I'll spend more time with you these days. "

Really?" Congee Congee was extremely happy.

"Of course it's true. When

Zhu Bingbing bought a car and came over, it was not early, he got up and said with a smile: "Bingbing has worked hard, so let's go out to eat for a while, and go to see the horse race tomorrow."

Zhu Bingbing said with a smile: "Mr. Su, then I'm welcome."

"Let's go along, you're welcome.

Zhu Bingbing glanced at the porridge, leaned over and whispered, "I still won't go to the horse race tomorrow, right?"

Su Yun glanced at her: "Haven't you always wanted to go?

Zhu Bingbing: "But I'm afraid of disturbing you..."

she glanced at Congee Congee, "Mr. Su, don't you like your current

girlfriend?" "How do you say this

?" "No, then why don't you bring your girlfriend over?"

Su Yun: "She has to be busy with work." "


Zhu Bingbing went up again and shook hands with Congee Congee: "Miss Congee Congee, please give me more advice in the future."

She knew that she might have to stay with Mr. Su in Shanghai for a while.

and porridge porridge always look at each other unpleasantly, which is not conducive to getting along in the future.

Besides, Mr. Su didn't want to see the two of them facing Mai Mang, right?

I just didn't expect that in order to buy himself, Mr. Su actually bought a house and a car.

This is a mansion of hundreds of millions of dollars!!

is it so atmospheric?

Congee Congee was also a little confused, and nodded shyly.

She is also willing to make a temporary truce, and she can also see that Zhu Bingbing is a companion, and it is estimated that she did not want to come by herself.

At this time,

Qin Jinhua made a phone call.

"Bingbing, has

Mr. Su settled down?" "Settle down, you don't work hard, what are you always worried about

Mr. Su doing?" "Am I not afraid that you haven't found a place to live yet?"

Zhu Bingbing sneered: "Don't worry, Mr. Su just bought a house, 120 million Tomson, my God, it's too much!"

Qin into the painting frowned.

She had just gotten off work and was about to drive home.

Champion car sent an Audi to her, private in nature.

Qin Jinhua is the shareholder of the future Su Group, although she is only a secretary, no one dares to underestimate her.

After all, she is the closest celebrity to Mr. Su.

"120 million?" Qin

Jinhua pouted, hating, Mr. Su spent money again...

(Let's talk about the update here, in fact, starting from chapter 236, one chapter was integrated into 5000 words by me, and one chapter of other novels is only 2000, so, my one is more equivalent to two and a half chapters of other novels, and there is no other reason for such chapters, mainly to make everyone look good, so if you see me only one more in the future, don't panic, my one more is more than other novels, and the number of words is more than two more in other novels, as for the New Year, I am three more every day, that is, 15,000 words, which is equivalent to nearly 8 chapters of other novels.) Cough,Don't thank me.,The amount is full.,So I hope you give more gifts.,More reminders.,In the future, my chapter is also 5000 words.,The next week will continue to explode.,I hope you know!)

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