In the VIP room, Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the dealer alliance is not in a mess because of Mr. Su's 300 million.

Still as planned, a trick was used.

This No. 5 tornado is a fake dark village deliberately released by the dealer.

The aim is to cut another wave of leeks before the victorious general takes over the whirlwind.

As soon as the tornado came out, the whole gambling game immediately became active.

But the good news is that Tatsumaki only ran in the top 3, and the Whirlwind took the first place.

The winning generals remain in the top 5 and are very low-key.

It is a real dark village, which only the dealer knows, and the tornado is just a trick.

But Su Yun didn't know.

He frowned slightly: "Could it be that my analysis is wrong?"

Zhu Bingbing shouted:

"Mr. Su, look, I'll just say that this No. 2 play is so unstable, how can it be

a dark village? In my opinion, this tornado is the real dark village."

Su Yun frowned slightly.

Although he doesn't know horses, he knows how to gamble.

Anyway, he also opened a casino, and Su Yun still understands the doorway here.

A real dark bank, it is impossible for all gamblers to know that it is a dark bank.

It's obvious.

Even if you say, 'Whoever works here?' or 'This is the inside news of the horse farm', you can't break the rules of the dark village.

The tornado is obviously a trick thrown by the person sitting in the bank.

This is to collect another wave of pool funds at the last minute.

This is not a common tactic in casinos.

But Su Yun is a clear man.

After the opening of the New Games Club, many operations were carried out by the Soviet Union.

He doesn't manage, but he has to know.

So I understand some of the unspoken rules in the casino.

Su Yun didn't speak, but shook his head with a smile and looked at Ning Ning.

Ning Ning's whole body tightened.

Whenever this happens, someone always asks her about the identity of the dragon.

The odds of No. 2 have changed so much that the racecourse always has to leave a way out.

And since Ning Ning is a person from the horse farm, it is impossible for him to betray Li Changyuan and tell the gamblers that the dragon scroll is a fake dark village.


, when facing Su Yun's eyes, Ning Ning always felt that he seemed to have seen through everything.

Zhu Bingbing has already begun to prepare to bet, and persuaded Su Yun: "Mr. Su, bet on No. 5, No. 5 is a dark village, and it will win."

Su Yun glanced at the projection screen.

Naturally, Cyclone No. 1 still took the lead.

Because it is impossible for all gamblers to know about the dark bank.

Those who know about it are a small group of veterans.

The gamblers on the periphery still feel that the No. 1 whirlwind has the appearance of a dark horse.

But there is no doubt that the odds of the No. 5 tornado are starting to rise, absorbing a lot of money and entering the No. 5 betting pool.

Su Yun smiled slightly: "No, it's still No. 2, this one, I'll bet 500 million." As

soon as these words came out, the

audience was silent.

Ning Ning's whole body trembled

, 500 million? You sincerely want to make the dealer Mao can't eat it!

As soon as the 500 million

is smashed in, it can directly cover the entire No. 2 gambling pool, and if you win, Su Yun can take it all.

And those dealers, although they can also make a profit, can only drink a mouthful of soup...

Seeing that Ning Ning didn't move, Su Yun smiled: "What's wrong?"

Ning Ning swallowed his saliva, his face turned pale, "Mr. Su, I'll help you later." This

matter is beyond her authority, and

she must ask Mr. Li.

This horse farm has been established for more than ten years, and it is very difficult to operate.

Li Changyuan spent a lot of effort in the horse farm.

In the past ten years, he has been good at dancing with long sleeves, and has attracted a large amount of capital to enter the game.

This can be bigger and bigger.

The capitalists hope to launder money through his horse farm,

and Li Changyuan can also use the background and energy of this capital to absorb more gambling pools.

From 500,000 yuan in one game at the beginning, to 2 billion bets in one game at the highest record now.

Li Changyuan is not easy.

He is middle-aged, but he has no wife and daughter, because he doesn't want to affect his family, and it is much easier to run away alone.

Of course, there are big capitalists covering him, and

for so many years, no one really dares to smash the racecourse.

But today,

I was stunned.

In order to bet on their dark village in these rounds in the morning, they invested 500 million to come in...

Hearing Ning Ning's report, Li Changyuan's brows furrowed into the shape of 'Sichuan'.

"How did he know that General Chang Sheng was a secret village?"

Ning Ning was also puzzled:

"Mr. Li, this Mr. Su, after my observation, it seems that it is really the first time to contact horse racing, but he understands some rules in the gambling game very well.

Every time he acted, he seemed to be reckless and reckless, but he was always stepping on the right idea.

This can be very uncomfortable for those who sit in the bank.

Li Changyuan said 'um'

, groaned for a long time, hurriedly picked up the phone on the table, and dialed it.

The call was answered quickly.

Ning Ning didn't know who was on the other side of the phone.

But she knew very well that the person on the other side of the phone should be Mr. Li's eldest brother, covering the power of this horse farm.

There are several forces in the racecourse.

They are all big capitals in Shanghai.

Generally, if there is a problem with the operation of the racecourse, Li Changyuan will not touch their phone.

But if someone in the gambling game is causing trouble, no matter how big or small, Li Changyuan is supposed to report it.

What's more,

the troublemakers have already spent 500 million in the bureau.

That's not a small amount of money.

Looking at the entire Shanghai city, there are not a few who can come up with 500 million.

But there are only a handful of people who can come up with 500 million to gamble money...

Su Yun did not leave his specific identity on the racecourse, and when he filled in the identity information just now, the racecourse also concealed some necessary identity investigations because he was a guest.

But not anymore.

Li Changyuan must use some energy to investigate Su Yun's identity.

After talking in the office for 10 minutes

, Li Changyuan pushed the door out and said to Ning Ning: "Go, don't alarm the guests, the backstage, we will come to operate, and we will not let the dealer suffer."

Ning Ning nodded

, she was just a part-time worker, so naturally she couldn't say anything.

After she left,

Li Changyuan went to Liu Mingfeng's VIP room.

"Young Master Liu, it's me. The

door opened

, Liu Mingfeng glanced at him, his face gloomy: "Mr. Li, how do you plan to arrange this matter?" Li

Changyuan glanced at the projection screen above his head,

and 90% of the gambling pool of the No. 2 winning general had fallen into the hands of that big man.

If this dark village continues to exert its power and ends according to the established plan, Tuda

will reap a profit of nearly 1 billion.

And their gang of dealers who do the game can only drink a mouthful of soup with them...

Although this is not a loss

, Nima

, the hard-working bureau, how many hands to arrange, and make wedding dresses for others, this feeling is not happy.

Li Changyuan smiled:

"Young Master Liu doesn't have to worry, I just called Mr. Liu..."

Li Changyuan smiled:

"Young Master Liu, don't be nervous, this is not a whistleblower, the 50 million public funds you embezzled, but the money for your company's next business."

Mr. Liu has been saying that doing business should be honest.

If this batch of payments is not returned on time, I am afraid that it will be difficult for

Liu Gongzi to do it..."Liu Mingfeng gritted his teeth, squinted, and said, "Are you threatening me?"

Li Changyuan smiled very gently: "How can I say this, I don't dare to threaten Liu Gongzi if I have ten guts."

Liu Feifei said angrily:

"Then what do you mean!

My brother is a frequent visitor to you, is there such a frequent customer as you?"

The girl beside him, her face was very calm, she slowly got up and walked behind Li Changyuan.

The flattery and flattery just now disappeared from his face, replaced by indifference and calmness.

Li Changyuan rubbed his hands and said with a smile:

"Young Master Liu, do you think this is good, we will carry it for you in this game."

However, the money you have in your hand should be quickly returned to your company's account and given an account to your father.

Come to our horse farm to play in the future, and I can cover for you, Son, right?"

Liu Mingfeng squinted,

this was actually a kind of flattery.

Li Changyuan wanted them to swallow this breath, not to find trouble with the racecourse, let alone trouble with the 'big money'.

If he wants to make trouble

, Liu Mingfeng embezzled 50 million money from his company, but it is a handle for Li Changyuan.

Liu Mingfeng asked with a calm face: "My dad he... Do you already know?"

Li Changyuan sighed: "You and Mr. Liu are both members of our own family, and I am an outsider, so I don't want to meddle in things."

Liu Mingfeng took a deep breath.

That's fine.

Even if Dad found out, he would keep it a secret from him.

After all, if this kind of thing spreads, his Liugang Group will have to change its name.

Even if there is no problem,

Liugang's market value will be greatly reduced.

In today's game, Liu Mingfeng originally wanted to empty the gloves of the white wolf.

50 million he thought he wouldn't lose.

And the money won by the banker will naturally tighten his pocket.

Dad usually doesn't give him pocket money to use, Liu Mingfeng can't find money to use by himself,

although it is a bit against the company's rules...

But that's it.

He snorted coldly: "Okay, we'll admit this one."

Li Changyuan said with a smile: "The three rounds in the afternoon, I will call Liu Gongzi?"

Liu Mingfeng waved his hand: "Forget it, I can watch from the sidelines, but I don't participate in the three in the afternoon, after all, thanks to Mr. Li's blessing, I still have to return the money." When

he said this, he almost didn't grit his teeth.

Hate can't do it.

And Li Changyuan, as if he hadn't heard it, still maintained a gentle smile.

Turning his head and saying to the girl behind him, "Treat Liu Gongzi well." Then he

pushed the door and left.

The girl, once again put on a tender smile, not seeing the calm that lowered her eyebrows just now, she breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest:

"I'm scared to death, I thought you were going to fight."

Liu Mingfeng's face was cloudy.

Liu Feifei also sneered, and took the girl into his arms again

, just now, as if it hadn't happened.

Liu Mingfeng put his hands behind his back, looked at the arena, and asked without looking back

: "I won't play in the afternoon game, you should also tell us, who is that big money, right?"

The girl pondered for a moment: "He... It's called

Su Yun..."Hmm

, Su Yun,

why is this name so familiar?

Liu Mingfeng was dumbfounded.


The victorious general won.

Because Su Yun bet 500 million on No. 2, he instantly returned to his original cost and won nearly 1 billion back, laughing happily.

Zhu Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief, and

his heart was also happy.

There's even a sense of aftermath.

Porridge porridge was stunned throughout the whole process, as if watching a movie to witness the whole process.

500 million sets 1 billion.


Bingbing has been playing horse racing for several years, and

it is the first time he has seen this level of high gambling.

'It's really Mr. Su, who has a very accurate grasp of the gambling game, and he is not a novice at first glance.

But in some ways, he doesn't know as much about horse racing as I am.

It should be the first time to play a horse, but it is not the first time to gamble.

That's right

, the core of gambling is actually the same, whether you bet on cards or horses, there is not much difference.

Zhu Bingbing asked: "Mr. Su, how are you sure that No. 2 is from Dark Village?" Su

Yun: "At first, it was Meng, but later as soon as the tornado appeared, I was sure."

Zhu Bingbing's face flushed, just

now she persuaded Su Yun to take the No. 5 tornado.

"A real dark village is impossible for others to know, unless you are the one who sits in the bank.

As soon as the news that the tornado was released, I understood that the dealer wanted to harvest another wave of gambling pools before jumping into the dark village.

Ning Ning swallowed her saliva

, and listening to Su Yun's analysis beside her,

she was also very shocked.

Sure enough, he was right.

Ning Ning, as an insider of the racecourse, is also a 'gambling trust', so he naturally knows that the No. 2 winning general is the dark village.

The tornado is just a trick to put it out.

But Su Yunyi is not a dealer, and second, he is not an insider

, and even he is just a novice who is playing betting on horses for the first time!

But he quickly saw through the core of this game with a vicious eye, and decisively made a wave of big bets.

Don't look at Su Yun, the whole process is relaxed.

But then he thought that every time he bet, he had to call at least hundreds of millions of yuan.

Isn't this a kind of pressure on him?

This kind of thing cannot be done without having a strong heart.

He...... Who the hell is it?

Ning Ning gritted her teeth, this

work was a dereliction of duty.

But Su Yun brought two girls over, and the oil and salt that he guarded against did not enter.

I wanted to get closer, but I was blocked by two girls.

She could only be a maid, standing behind without saying a word.

But this Mr. Su doesn't squint and doesn't seem to be interested in her at all.

"Could it be that I am not pretty?not good enough?Why is this man not interested in me at all?'

Ning Ning muttered in his heart several times, looked down at his chest, and his heart became more and more mixed.

"Could it be that this Mr. Su likes tablets?" she

glanced at the porridge, and her heart became more and more sure of her thoughts.

But Zhu Bingbing's figure is not worse than him.

How can I say that this Mr. Su is also a big and small person, why can't he look down on her...


At this time

, Zhu Bingbing answered the phone, and then said to Su Yun: "Mr. Su, my friends have arrived and asked me where I am."

Su Yun smiled: "Miss Ning Ning, go pick up someone, please come into our room."

Zhu Bingbing got up: "I'll accompany you."

Ning Ning looked confused, and then followed Zhu Bingbing out to pick up people.

Anyone else coming?

Yes, there are three more in the afternoon.

These three are the main events.

On the other side

, Congee Porridge leaned on Su Yun's shoulder and said, "Brother Su, are you still playing

in the afternoon?" "Play, not only in the afternoon, I plan to soak here during this time."

Congee Congee looked confused: "Ah? this... What's the point?

Su Yun flicked her head and said, "Didn't you win 1 billion just now?" Don't you think it's boring?"

Congee stuck out her tongue, "No, although you are very powerful, I think these things are too far away from me."

Su Yun smiled: "Then what's not far from you?"

Congee Congee felt that

Su Yun deliberately brought her to see the world.

The heart is clear, but there is always something missing.

Congee Congee feels that as long as he can follow Brother Su, he can enjoy it wherever he goes.

She is also content.

It's just that if Brother Su asks, he must also tell the truth.

Even if it's a bit of a disappointment, you can't lie to Brother Su.

"Hehe, in fact, I don't care, I just want to remind Brother Su that a small gamble is pleasant, and a big gamble hurts the body. Porridge smiled.

"Are you afraid that I will

lose?" "Yes, I won 1 billion just now, what if I lose again in the afternoon?"

Su Yun: "If you lose, you lose." Porridge

slurred, looking at Su Yun with a confused expression.

"I'm not just here to bet on horses, I've been here for the past few days, and I have other arrangements. Congee

Congee was stunned, tilted his head, and asked, "What is the arrangement?"

Su Yun looked at the still lively arena and said with a smile:

"I will stay in Shanghai for the next few months, and it will not be easy to carry out follow-up work if I don't find a way to integrate into some groups in advance." "

Group?" Congee Congee looked confused.

Su Yun pointed

to this horse farm: "This is a group, according to my observation, behind this horse farm, there are at least a few or even dozens of large and small capitals taking turns to sit in the village."

Their purpose is not just to make a profit and launder money.

Capital formation groups are mostly for better and faster information exchange.

Even if you can't get on the table for help, you can get a response here.

I'm just wondering if it's a good or bad way for me, but it's always a good thing to do in advance. "

I can understand every word, but I don't understand it when I synthesize a sentence.


Zhu Bingbing and Ning Ning had already walked into the VIP room with her friends.

As soon as I entered the house,

there were five people.

All of them are local ladies in Shanghai who are in their twenties and thirties.

The dress is quite extravagant, the temperament is outstanding, and the appearance of each one is not inferior to Zhu Bingbing, Ning Ning, and Congee.

Thousands of charming, tender like water, and all kinds of amorous styles, which makes people shudder.

Su Yun swallowed his saliva

, tried to remain calm and composed, and got up to shake hands with them one by one.

This VIP room is almost inaccessible to both regular and premium members.

Only top members can enjoy it.

The rich women knew that Su Yun was Zhu Bingbing's boss, and they were very curious about him.

"Bingbing, this is your boss

?" "So young, brother, how old are you?"

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched: "25."

"Yo, what about that young, sister is 5 years older than you, you call Sister Shengqing to listen."

Zhu Bingbing introduced later: "Mr. Su, she is my former boss, Jiang Rouqing, and her husband is the founder of the Hermit Academy. "

Hermit Academy?

Su Yun had never heard of it.

Zhu Bingbing saw Su Yun frowning, and leaned up and whispered: "The Hermit Academy is the aristocratic school here in Shanghai!"

Su Yun heard this, and nodded uncheckable, "Then I'm welcome, Sister Qing sit down."

Jiang Rouqing smiled gently, walked up and sat beside Su Yun, cocked her long legs, had a thief's temperament, leaned on the sofa, and looked at Su Yun unscrupulously...

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