"Mr. Li, there is a result over there..."

In the racecourse office,

a call from Zhang Cheng called Li Changyuan.

Say. Li Changyuan said coldly.

Su Yun, the chairman of Chongjin Group, acquired Chongjin about two months ago

, and he also has actual controlling stakes in many companies such as Star Entertainment, Champion Automobile Group, and Sun Sports Group.

He has also invested a lot of shares in companies such as Kneeyin, Goose Factory, Alibaba, Moyun, and Weibo.

The funds are clean, but the identity is a mystery.

We can only find out the origin of his ordinary household registration in Zhangcheng, and his parents are both salarymen and retired employees of public institutions.

But after our analysis, Su Yun's identity is by no means ordinary.

Regarding his original source of funds, we searched all over Zhangcheng, and the clues were all broken.

What exactly is the identity and background of this person remains to be investigated.

Li Changyuan frowned slightly,

he thought that there was a big money coming from the racecourse.

Who knows, this Nima is a big chaebol

! There is a mine at home, right

? There are so many well-known enterprises with your name?

No wonder you dare to bet 500 million yuan in a Marseille, it is simply capricious!

Li Changyuan has been in the game for so many years, and it is the first time he has seen a local tyrant who makes such a simple and refreshing move.

"Okay, let's stop here, since your clues are broken, it means that people don't want you to find out.

Mr. Su is now a distinguished guest of our horse farm, hurry up and come back from work, don't check any further. "


Li Changyuan hung up the phone, sat at the desk, clasped his hands, and took a deep breath.

What Su Yun represents is not him personally

, but a background!

From what he has done since he entered the racecourse, he has preemptively bet on the dealer's gamble, eaten all the cakes, and has known the proprietress of the hermit college.

Li Changyuan went to inquire just now.

Relationship between the parties....

Something is unusual.

Could it be that this Nima is a bureaucrat sent by the Hermit Academy

? What do you want to do to expand your shareholding in the racecourse

? Do you want to talk to

the Liugang Group? There is no doubt that Liugang is now the big brother of the racecourse.

It is the spokesperson of their 'gray industry'.

Even the Brotherhood League and Sanyang listen to Liu Gang most of the time.

Liu Mingfeng's father generally does not sit idly by and watch the change in the shareholding of the racecourse.

And Su Yun's identity is too mysterious, and he can't figure out his purpose and background, so it stands to reason that he wants to report it.

But Li Changyuan also has selfish motives.

Although he is the operator of the horse farm, he is actually the top contractor of the big capital.

If one day the matter is revealed, he will definitely be pushed out as a scapegoat.

And Li Changyuan himself only holds a small amount of 1.3% of the shares in

the racecourse, although it is held by him privately, the weight is not low, to think about the racecourse's annual net profit of betting on horses is tens of billions.

Just one percent, don't look at it less, that is also an annual income of hundreds of millions of yuan.

This Su Yun now has a special identity, and his status is somewhat supernatural, and he is not in the scope of the dealers' response

, like Cheng Biting Jin, who was killed halfway

, if he can take advantage of a wave, it is not that he can't eat meat together.

This Mr. Su seems to be young, but he is actually careful and bold, and he should be very good at talking.

Li Changyuan frowned and thought carefully

, if he wanted to cooperate with Su Yun, then what could he come up with as a bargaining chip?

Thinking about

it, except for the internal channels of the racecourse and the gray capital platform that could be given to him, there was really nothing else good.

"What Mr. Su wants, it should be this

, and what I want is just a back road, a shelter..."

Li Changyuan smiled bitterly,

feeling that he was thinking too much.

Why did

Su Yun help him? If the matter was revealed, wouldn't Su Yun take him in

? He shouldn't be so stupid?

But Li Changyuan couldn't be clearer about the urine nature of those capitals.

When it's time to run, they don't leave a whole corpse of their own.

At that time, Li Changyuan is afraid that he will be difficult to argue, and he will be arranged by the capital in front of the law.

Li Changyuan took a deep breath, drank a cup of cold coffee in his hand, and

called the Suyun VIP room.

"What do you have to say?" Ning Ning's gentle voice came quickly.

"Tell Mr. Su, I'll invite him to dinner after the race, and I'll also invite Sister Qing to come along, by the way, you can also come along."

Ning Ning looked confused: "I?ah... Okay, okay.

Although she didn't know what Mr. Li's arrangements were, she still nodded obediently and agreed.

hung up the phone, turned his head to Su Yun and smiled: "Mr. Su, Mr. Li said that he would like to invite you and Sister Qing to have a meal after the competition, and I want to appreciate my face."

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Jiang Rouqing.

Jiang Rouqing had an expected expression, looked at the arena with a telescope, and said without looking back:

"Yes, but I can pick my mouth, let Mr. Li book a good restaurant, I will definitely be there."

Su Yun pondered for a moment

, Li Changyuan invited himself to dinner? What does this mean

? Does he intend to get closer?

It is exactly in line with Su Yun's purpose, and it is not impossible to have a meal with him, Li Changyuan

should have invited him with a purpose.


So, Su Yun also nodded.

Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief, took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Li Changyuan.

Li Changyuan hurriedly booked a restaurant...

Let's leave that aside.

The race has begun.

Wind No. 1 is still outstanding, and the No. 3 death knell is chasing me, and no one is convinced.

Jiang Rouqing had watched the previous games before.

She knew that the whirlwind and the death knell were the two notekeepers of this competition, and they were called to the guests.

The No. 2 winning general and the No. 5 tornado are the two dark villages of this competition.

One bet is responsible for sucking gold and cutting leeks, and the other bet is responsible for making money from the gambling pool at critical moments.

The division of labor is clear.

Su Yun also told Jiang

Rouqing about this, Jiang Rouqing smiled and said, "Brother Su, do you believe that this dark village will be changed." Jiang


"No, I mean, No. 2 and No. 5 are exchanged, and they are both dark to each other, regardless of whether they are true or false."

At this time, the horse farm will change its strategy depending on the situation on the casino.

After the morning game, everyone knows that the winning general is the dark horse, so the odds of No. 2 have changed, you see..."

Su Yun looked up at the projection screen.

The odds of number 2 were still stuck at a more appropriate value.

But because of the change in the situation,

now the odds of No. 2 are starting to fluctuate.

Even the odds that drove the No. 1 whirlwind, the original C position, were also lowered.

The odds for Dragon No. 5 remain unchanged.

Most of the money in the pool is on the three horses 1, 2 and 3.

Jiang Rouqing: "Are you willing to believe me?" Su

Yun shrugged: "Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, how is Sister Qing going to gamble?"

Jiang Rouqing smiled slightly, pulled Su Yun's cuffs, leaned up, and spat out Xianglan:

"Brother, borrow me 500 million, do you dare?"


Su Yun smiled, turned his head and beckoned to Ning Ning: "Come here, listen to Sister Qing's arrangement."

Jiang Rouqing took Su Yun's card, glanced at Su Yun with a wonderful eye, and said to Ning Ning with a smile:

"This money is divided into three batches, you don't care about anything, listen to my arrangement..."

After some operation, 500 million was divided into three batches and smashed into the gambling pool.

Ning Ning secretly wiped her sweat, here

she is, this is Jiang Rouqing's forte.

She has been betting on horses for nearly 10 years, and she has long developed a pair of sharp eyes.

Like Su Yun, who distinguishes between true and fake, is just a novice who has just started.

And Jiang Rouqing can predict part of the odds of the target in the operation of the slightest difference, and even change the odds of the next game.

She chose three unrelated targets on the racecourse.

It has nothing to do with the two bankers and dark villages on the field now.

Seeing this, Su Yun also looked confused, but his arrogance had already begun to skyrocket, and he would not say a word.

Zhu Bingbing also wiped his sweat and pulled

Su Yun's cuffs: "Mr. Su, are you really relieved?" Su

Yun smiled: "What's not at ease? What do you want to say

?" Zhu Bingbing came up and whispered: "What if you lose?"

Su Yun shrugged: "That's only

500 million..." Zhu Bingbing: "???"

just, 500 million, that's it?

Look, is this talking about human words?

She had only seen Mr. Su scolding Fang Xuan in the shopping mall, but she had never seen Mr. Su open and close so much in the casino.

500 million will be smashed when it is said, not by itself, but by outsiders.

Zhu Bingbing suddenly became even more worried than Su Yun, and her little face turned pale.

Jiang Rouqing is a friend she introduced, in case she loses to Mr. Su, then isn't it her own responsibility?

Zhu Bingbing walked up tremblingly, supporting Jiang Rouqing's slender and soft: "Sister Qing, if you want to win, I, I didn't expect Mr. Su to trust you too much."

Jiang Rouqing glanced at Su Yun, and Su Yun

also returned a gentle smile to her.

Jiang Rouqing:

"Your boss is very interesting, I like him."

If you tell your sister about matchmaking, your sister will win for you. Zhu

Bingbing: "...""Sister, aren't you all


Jiang Rouqing knocked on Zhu Bingbing's forehead and rolled her eyes, "So what?" Zhu

Bingbing pouted and said, "I'm afraid that Mr. Su doesn't like married women..."


This Jiang Rouqing was Zhu Bingbing's boss when he first graduated.

At that time, Zhu Bingbing had just arrived and had just entered the society.

If it weren't for Jiang Rouqing's trust and reuse, she would have been drowned in the vast sea of people.

can mix up, and Jiang Rouqing is very optimistic about her.

Of course, Zhu Bingbing also knows a thing or two about Jiang Rouqing's character.

So after listening to Jiang Rouqing's words, Zhu Bingbing couldn't help but secretly smacked her

, "Cut, if Mr. Su falls in love with you, I'll do a handstand... Wait a while, Mr. Su should, probably, feel... You won't take a fancy to her, right?"

Zhu Bingbing glanced at Su Yun secretly.

found that Su Yun was sitting on the sofa all day, holding a telescope, looking at the arena in the distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Bingbing frowned.

She has always been unsure of Mr. Su's preferences.

And to be honest, Zhu Bingbing and Su Yun are actually not very familiar.

Even she herself worked for Su Yun after being introduced by Qin Jinhua.

usually doesn't follow Su Yun around, and his 'appreciation level' of his boss can be said to be a black eye.

He can even see an airfield like porridge.

It's hard to say if it will be a different taste, such as a young lady like Sister Qing...

Qin into the painting, Qin into the painting

! You are so poisonous!

You actually threw me such a big problem.

Zhu Bingbing's face turned pale, "In case Mr. Su stabs Lou Zi in Shanghai, and I am not in the painting, how can I control Mr. Su?"

Jiang Rouqing didn't say anything else, at least she was the proprietress of the Hermit Academy.

His mother's family is a well-known industrial company, with a net worth of more than 100 million, in case of gossip news of inappropriate marriage, this series of influences is difficult to control.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine

, but what kind of character is Mr

. Su? This pair of strong people collided, and there were scandals, and the most seriously injured person was not the founder of the Hermit Academy, Jiang Rouqing's husband

? He is now a big name in the education circle in Shanghai

, will he seek revenge on Mr. Su when the time comes?

While Zhu Bingbing was thinking nonsense,

Su Yun and Jiang Rouqing began to bet on the field.

I don't know what means Jiang Rouqing used, after the first game of betting, the second game has not yet started, and there is a No. 8 horse outside the first 5 opens, which was pushed out by the resistance.

Number 8, Butcher.

The morning performance was mediocre, but in the first game just now, he ran into 6th place.

Jiang Rouqing didn't know who she was sending WeChat to.

The situation on the field has also begun to change dramatically.

Together with the No. 8 butcher, the odds began to skyrocket

, while the odds of the No. 1, 2, 3, and 5 players fell in tandem.

In the sentence just now, Jiang Rouqing gave the gambling pool funds to the banker.

And this game, she plans to give it back.

Turning his head to look at Su Yun: "Lend me another 500 million, and watch me fight 500 million for 3 billion in the next game!"

Su Yun smiled slightly

, as a witness to the whole process, he already roughly understood what Jiang Rouqing wanted to do.

This is the simplest and most complex chamber operation.

Jiang Rouqing has someone on the sidelines.

But her approach is even more special.

In the afternoon, in these three rounds, except for the organizer, the person who sat in the bank was not her.

But as soon as Jiang Rouqing entered, she used this method of encircling Wei to save Zhao and rescued No. 1 and No. 3 horses.

Diverted attention and made the mediocre No. 8 a dark village.

The 500 million just now was divided into three batches and injected into different numbers, which

affected the changes in the entire gambling pool.

It's a series of butterfly effects, and it can't be done without a whole team working behind her back.

So Ning Ning ran errands and bet 400 million to No. 8 and 100 million to No. 2.

Zhu Bingbing asked: "Sister Qing, why do you press

No. 2 again?" Jiang Rouqing: "No. 2 performed the best, and No. 1 and No. 3 were not emotionally stable enough because they worked hard with each other.

Su Yun understood that

Jiang Rouqing still wanted No. 2 to be a dark village, but she used the method of changing the number of Ming Zhuang to trap the odds of the dark village.

I saw that the odds of the winning general began to rise infinitely.

The gambling pool is also changing rapidly.

Some veterans also bet because of the 100 million entry.

At the critical moment, it is absolutely right to follow the person sitting in the bank.

And the real dealer, the funds are still trapped in the No. 1, No. 3, No. 5 betting pool, and they can't move at all.

Some old slippery heads saw it on the spot:

"The lady of the Hermit Academy has entered the game."

"When did Mrs. Jiang come? Look at this Mr. Li, he won't tell us.

"If she wants to preemptively register, let her rob, it's all her own family, just let me give the hermit academy a face." "

Some bookmakers are starting to relax the limits on the pool.

The second game started with a gunshot.

No. 8 still ran a bad noun.

The No. 1 whirlwind fell into the third, the death knell took the first stick, and the general of the dark village still ran in the top 5.

But the odds on it have reached the terrifying point of 30 to 1

! 100 million can make 3 billion!

Of course, there is also a cost to sit in the bank, and the organizers of the racecourse also have to get a piece of the pie, and

there are definitely not so many in the real calculation.

But it is also in line with Jiang Rouqing's expectations.

Su Yun's eyes lit up, the operation just now... If it's not God's perspective, it's incomprehensible.

Only Jiang Rouqing herself knows,

because she still has to give orders on and off the field.

After all, she can't rob this village alone.

"The last one, the remaining 500 million will be all bet!" Ning

Ning ran in and out in a panic, but Jiang Rouqing was so busy that she was ready to wait for the last one to end, Guan Suyun reached out and asked for money.

And Su Yun squinted slightly, counting the 2.6 billion pride value he earned from the 1.5 billion.

Not only did the pride be earned, but the

money was not lost, and it was doubled back.

You must know that

since the morning, the principal of the Soviet transport has been about 1 billion.

Sure enough,

at the beginning of the third game,

the No. 2 winning general ran first for the first time.

One suspects that it is doping.

But no.

As a fair and just high-level horse farm, doping is too low, and Li Changyuan still disdains to do it.

Excluding Su Yun's principal, the

remaining 1.5 billion will be divided into six or four points with Jiang Rouqing.

Su Yun took 600 million.

Jiang Rouqing took 900 million.

This wave of blood earned.

In just one day, not to mention that the money was recovered, the heroic value increased by more than a billion out of thin air, and Nima was outrageous.

Su Yun believes that if he stays here for a few more days, he may be able to collect 10 billion heroic values before next week and redeem them for lottery opportunities.

"Really give it to me?" Jiang

Rouqing smiled and narrowed her eyes, and she was still a little surprised when she settled the money.

"Of course, a gentleman is hard to chase. Su

Yun's look of 'I'm not interested in money' made the ladies present look sideways.

The other side.

Liu Mingfeng, who had not yet left the racecourse, witnessed everything with a calm face.

Su Yun is the biggest winner today.

He hadn't thought about going up there and saying hello or anything.

It's just that seeing Su Yun win so coolly, Liu Mingfeng felt a little jealous in his heart.

At that time, when Zhang Cheng smashed his car, he was angry with three points of fear for Su Yun.

Why did this guy come

to Shanghai? Is it for business

? The tentacles of the heavy gold group are about to reach out

to Shanghai? Or is

he running for his own Liugang

Group? This guy wants to avenge the Moyun Group?

In fact, Liu Mingfeng has thought too much, since

Su Yun came to Shanghai, the word Liu Mingfeng has never appeared in his mind, let alone revenge...

"Brother, I'm bored, let's go. "


Liu Mingfeng kept this matter in mind and prepared to leave with Liu Feifei.

As a result, as soon as they came out of the outfield, in front of the parking lot, they met Su Yun and Jiang Rouqing and others who went out with Li Changyuan and them to prepare for dinner.

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