Wu Di's treatment was an eye-opener for everyone, and even surprised Hu Yanjie.

"I didn't expect him to have this hand, it seems that I underestimated him too much before, and such a powerful person is still rare.

Hu Yanjie changed her opinion of Wu Di in her heart, from the contempt at the beginning to the current acceptance, it was a completely earth-shaking change!

Zhao Wei also gave a thumbs up: "Since you are so powerful, then this piece of wounded will be handed over to you!" This

is not Zhao Wei deliberately making things difficult for Wu Di, it is really because of the limited manpower now, especially since their Huaxing Hospital itself is only a small private hospital, and there are not many doctors on the job.

It was not easy to meet Wu Di, a great god of medical skills, so naturally he had to make good use of it, at least he couldn't miss it so easily!

Wu Di was also very simple: "Yes, but I must be too busy alone, you must assign me a nurse, so as to facilitate my work." He

doesn't care too much, if he is still thinking about personal gains and losses, then from the beginning, Wu Di will not be able to appear here.

After hearing these words, Zhao Wei immediately pointed at Hu Yanjie and arranged for the other party to say, "In this way, you will work with Wu Di."

"Men and women don't get tired of working together, and I believe you can definitely learn something." As

the director of surgery in the hospital, Zhao Wei is naturally the leader of Hu Yanjie.

So now Zhao Wei's words will only make Hu Yanjie dare not resist, but Hu Yanjie is still a little resistant in her heart.


, there were so many awkwardness with Wu Di, even Wu Di almost scolded himself, but now he actually beckoned himself to work with Wu Di.

Could it be that the director is deliberately playing tricks?"

"Yes, Director, I promise to complete the task.

Although Hu Yanjie was a hundred unwilling in her heart, she still had to cooperate with the doctor after all, so she could only bow her head and agree.

Seeing Hu Yanjie like this, Zhao Wei naturally knew the little Jiujiu in her heart.

However, manpower is indeed very scarce now, otherwise Zhao Wei would not have been able to go into battle in person, so Zhao Wei didn't say anything, and directly set the direction.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wei said: "Okay, I have to go to another car to see the situation, you guys will be busy first."

Zhao Wei immediately jumped out of the ambulance and rushed towards another ambulance nearby.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night

! Wu Di simply changed into a clean white coat, and even put on a mask and white gloves, and he was an angel in white who escaped alive!

Fortunately, all the wounded people in this car were burned by open flames, and the situation was not complicated, as long as one could be cured, then there were almost no problems with the people behind them.

Except for some slight wailing in the car, everyone tried their best to keep quiet.

"Everyone can cooperate a little, I will definitely try my best to ensure the safety of your lives, so everyone can rest assured.

Wu Di assured everyone, and even made a promise with his own personality, which moved many of the injured people present.

The wounded nodded excitedly: "This is the real good doctor

, I will recognize Huaxing Hospital in the future!" "That's right, I originally thought that Huaxing Hospital was just a small hospital, but I didn't expect that there are such good doctors in this hospital, I will often look for you in the future!"

Suddenly, the wounded man felt that he was talking wrong, and hurriedly "baba" a few times.

The car was full of joy, as if it didn't look like it had just met with an accident.

At the beginning, Hu Yanjie originally wanted to make it clear to everyone first, not to be confused by Wu Di's identity, and even said that the other party was just a barefoot doctor.

But now I see with my own eyes that so many people like Wu Di, and because of Wu Di's relationship, they completely like Huaxing Hospital, which is really something Hu Yanjie never expected!

" Could it be that I was too mean before, I really have to reflect on it, if it is really my problem, then I really have to change it."

Hu Yanjie began to hesitate in her heart, and began to have a new understanding and reflection on everything she had done.

At this moment, she stood beside Wu Di, and from the beginning, she felt that Wu Di was just a gangster, always wanting to make trouble.

But after experiencing it for herself, Hu Yanjie refreshed her cognition, and then she realized that there are really people in this world who are really very powerful!

Wu Di almost glanced at the wounded, and immediately gave Hu Yanjie an order: "Now I find out that these burned people have a lot of trauma, and they must use medicine quickly."

Hu Yanjie frowned: "Mr. Wu, what you said is not right, although I am not a doctor, but I have been a nurse for so many years, and I still have a little understanding of how to deal with burns."

"Some cases of being burned by open flames, even if drugs are used, are impossible to heal, and there may even be scabs on the injured person, and there will be traces of trauma for a lifetime.

As soon as she said this, a young woman became nervous: "No, I'm still a flight attendant, and I must not have scabs and scars on my face

!" "Please, doctor, please save me, I can't be disfigured!"

At the same time, the flight attendant beauty immediately lowered her head and cried, as if she felt that her life was beginning to become slim, and even began to regret why she lived in this community!

Wu Di patted the other party's shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, if you change to someone else, it is estimated that there is no way."

"But when you meet me, you don't need to worry about these difficulties, I will definitely heal you and restore your face to the same as before."

Wu Di's words always made people feel like a spring breeze, and the flight attendant beauty immediately laughed, and she felt a lot better.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yanjie pushed the other party's hand and muttered quietly beside Wu Di: "Mr. Wu, aren't you lying

?" "Obviously, the probability of healing this scalded wound is very small, and only by going to the plastic surgery department can you change the situation, how can you agree to others so hastily?"

However, Hu Yanjie still missaw Wu Di after all, everything was wrong!

Wu Di smiled faintly: " As I said before, I may not be able to do it if I am someone else, but now the doctor is me, so I am confident enough to save everyone.

As soon as the words fell, Wu Di began to give orders to Hu Yanjie: "You go and help me prepare some antibiotics such as purple potion, red mercury, alcohol, iodine wine, and cephalosporins, and help me find an antibiotic ointment such as sulfadiazine silver." Wu

Di's professional terminology made Hu Yanjie a little surprised, it seems that the other party's medical skills are really not covered!

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