The housewife excitedly pointed to the rooftop upstairs and said to the people around her: "That person is my daughter, she is fine, she has been rescued!"

At this time, the woman was very excited, and she had originally planned for the worst, after all, in the face of this catastrophe, human beings often seem very powerless.

But at this time, the housewife's heart became very excited, she knew that Wu Di was still very good, and she was able to find her daughter in such a short time.

Not only was this housewife surprised, but everyone around also admired Wu Di's approach, being able to help people who had nothing to do with him in time at a critical juncture, what a great mind it must take to be able to do this kind of thing!

Yang Zhen sighed with emotion: "Today's young people are all backwards, and I believe it is rare to see such an excellent person." "

Being able to take the initiative to rush into the sea of fire and successfully rescue the little girl can completely shock the entire Huadu City!

Sure enough, the beautiful reporter Li Qi also immediately called the camera brother and asked him to capture this picture immediately, and he must complete the news! Li Qi

kept talking in front of the camera, and everyone else was also watching this scene with concern.

Jumping from the rooftop of more than 20 floors, what a dangerous move, although there is an air cushion bed prepared below, it is estimated that it is also very dangerous to jump down from such a high distance!"

Fang Suxin was also very nervous, she now felt that her breathing was a little unsmooth, and she couldn't help but keep her eyes on Wu Di on the rooftop.

At this time, it is a pity that Bai Lang still did not rush back, but the fire has begun to spread in the direction of the rooftop.

And the smoke is billowing out, this choking smell may be a temporary bearable past for Wu Di, but for children, it is simply a very cruel torment.

So at this time, Wu Di didn't make any choice, he had to jump.

For himself or for others, he has no choice now!

" Since I chose to embark on this path, I know that there is no turning back.

Wu Di took a deep breath, in fact, he was also very nervous in his heart, after all, under the protection of no protective measures, he jumped down so rashly, and it was estimated that it would be impossible for anyone to take this step.

But for Wu Di, an extraordinary person, it is okay to be able to do this step

, and it is okay to be a little nervous! Juanjuan next to her saw Wu Di's nervous appearance, and she didn't know why Wu Di was nervous for a while, in fact, even she couldn't figure out what Wu Di planned to do next.

So Juanjuan curiously tugged at the corner of Wu Di's clothes, and asked the other party: "Big brother, didn't you say that you want to show me superpowers?"

"What does your superpower look like?" Can you tell me now.

So far, Juanjuan's mind is on Wu Di, and she is always guessing what kind of ability the other party will have!

I saw Wu Di smile slightly and explain to Juanjuan: "I'll let you see it right away, don't worry."

"Next, my brother will carry you on his back and land from this rooftop together, but you can believe that my brother is a person with superpowers and will never let you have an accident."

After hearing Wu Di's words, Juanjuan was not surprised, now she can think of a way to escape from this residential building, and it is estimated that the only way is to jump off the roof

! Juanjuan did not have any resistance, she had just seen the scene of the fire passing by Wu Di's side, so now Juanjuan has long been 100% trusted by Wu Di!

"Okay, then I'll hold my big brother and see the big brother's superpowers together!"

Juanjuan excitedly climbed onto Wu Di's back and hugged each other's necks tightly, and then Wu Di pulled out a rope and tied the two of them tightly together.

"Look, but if you feel scared later, you can close your eyes, but you have to trust your brother, nothing will happen.

Wu Di finally said another word, and after hearing Juanjuan's "um", Wu Di jumped down with confidence.


gust of wind descended suddenly, and Wu Di's figure was driven by his own gravity, and he almost turned into an afterimage in mid-air

! It seemed to be a very unscientific scene, but it was pinched to death by Wu Di!

If it were someone else, it would be estimated that when he just jumped, everyone else would have landed and staggered, and his body was very likely to spin in mid-air!

But now the person who jumped off the building was Wu Di, he completely mastered the rhythm and law of the fall, and descended very straight, without any accidents!

Juanjuan saw that all the scenery around her was changing rapidly, and the hula wind slapped her little face, making her feel a little tingling.

Fortunately, Wu Di helped her block most of the wind, so from Juanjuan's point of view, it was relatively exciting but not dangerous!

And Wu Di kept a high degree of tension throughout the whole process, and he tensed his nerves, for fear that the slightest negligence would cause a big disaster!

If you win, you will become famous in a battle, and if you lose, you will have to give up all your efforts

!"Brother, will we fall into meat sauce!"

Juanjuan suddenly felt that something was wrong, Wu Di was falling quickly the whole time, but it was completely inconsistent with the position of the air mattress.

The people around also began to notice, the original position where Wu Di jumped down was still the center of the air mattress, but because the distance was too high, the wind speed at night was very fast at this moment, Wu Di's prediction was wrong!

Wu Di casually agreed: "Don't be afraid, my brother promised you before, I will never let you have an accident, you have to have confidence in your brother!"

Although Wu Di's heart is very nervous now, he still can't talk much, because he is afraid that if he is not careful, something big will really happen

! The crowd next to him all felt that their hearts had been raised to the position of their throats, and they were so nervous that they couldn't speak at all!

This distance was obviously off

, and Wu Di was about to finish! At this moment, Wu Di's position probably fell to the position of about five floors, and he was still falling downward, but Wu Di also began to make changes.

I saw Wu Di's feet kick out suddenly, originally as close to the wall of the building as possible, but now as soon as he stretched his legs, he easily touched the wall!

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