Just arrived in the imperial capital, Jing Xingchen was slightly unwell, a new environment, a new life, everything will start from scratch.

There are no memories or pasts here, but Jing Xingchen has enough confidence!

As soon as he got off the plane, the person who came to pick him up was the moving company that Fan Shaoying had contacted in advance, and a group of seven people got into two cars, and Jing Xingchen gave the driver's address.

The driver was also surprised to see Jing Xingchen's address: "Boss, are you sure you want to go here?"

"yes, what's wrong?"

"Not much, then let's go!"

Looking at everything outside the window, the bustling of the imperial capital, the lively streets, and the busy people on the road, it is really incomparable to Los Angeles!

Jing Xingchen sat in the car, and basically drove for more than 2 hours before he barely reached the place - No. 1 Ding'anmen Outer Street!

"Boss, it's here!"

The group got out of the car, and Fan Shaoying asked in surprise, "Master!" This house belongs to the young master?

"yes, it's just... Well, it's mine! Jing Xingchen didn't expect that the courtyard house he saw just now was actually a set of mansions! There is also a huge gate that can be opened to traffic next to the wide electronic iron gate! The surrounding walls are made of antique white bricks, and from the front, the sides are about 200 meters wide! In this case, you can imagine how big the yard is!

Jing Xingchen stood in front of the gate and was surprised for a long time, and then thought about it, what the system gave, can it be bad, 42 billion is also a top mansion in the imperial capital!

And before coming, Jing Xingchen investigated that the housing price in this place is about 10-200,000 yuan per square meter, so 4.2 billion, there are about 20,000 square meters in it...

Later, Wang Zhong and the others were also standing at the door, and they were shocked by Jing Xingchen's strength again!

"Sister Ying, this is the key, go open the door!" Jing Xingchen casually handed over a string of keys given by the system!

"It's the young master!" Fan Shaoying has also seen the market in the imperial capital, especially for this kind of courtyard mansion, after all, the former old man Shangguan and the current generation of Shangguan family head Shangguan Tianrong live in the courtyard, but the location is not as good as Jing Xingchen's, let alone this set looks so heroic!

Fan Shaoying took the electronic card on the key and crossed it towards the entrance and exit of the door!

The door opened, and everyone walked in with their luggage!

Just walked into the courtyard inside, in front of everyone is a set of artificial rockery and small lake, the rockery is seven or eight meters high, the lake is not big, but sitting in the courtyard, it seems very suitable for the atmosphere.

On the left hand side of the rockery is a paved asphalt road where vehicles enter and exit, and at the end of it is a parking lot, 12 indoor and dozens of outdoor parking lots!

On the right hand side of the rockery lake is a bamboo forest, and now in this season, the bamboo leaves are the stage of rapid growth of new sprouts, and the green ones are comfortable~

"Master, where do we live?"

"Let's go check it out first, it's my first time here!"

"Uh..." Several people looked at Jing Xingchen's back, secretly thinking how rich is their young master? I bought such a big courtyard house and didn't live it, but threw it aside, and the cost of such a big house would be a lot of money every day! ......

The seven of them walked through the road between the artificial rockery lake and the bamboo forest, and then saw the living room, a big old-fashioned palace building, with white walls and wooden beams and blue brick tiles with modern glass, so that Jing Xingchen also secretly liked it!

Behind the living room are all kinds of houses! And there are large courtyards interspersed with small courtyards, and there are plaques on the doors of each courtyard, with nice names!

"Sister Ying, let's go around first, see how many houses there are, and then a few of you can arrange where to live!"

"Okay young master! You sit in the living room and wait!

Fan Shaoying and the others spread out happily, like a tour, looking around and recording!

Jing Xingchen climbed onto the rockery and took a look at it as a whole, hey! This yard is really big!

It seems that behind the living room, there is a mansion that is more magnificent than the living room! I'll take a look!

Jing Xingchen also took a few turns around the mansion before he understood!

They came in through the main entrance, and the other three sides of the mansion were the other three roads! Ding'anmen Outer Street is the main road, so the gate of the mansion is set up in the south direction, facing Ding'anmen Outer Street, and the other three sides are facing the other three paths, and Jing Xingchen found that this house is not only oriented to pay attention to, it seems that even the location and proportion of the building are very particular, for example, in addition to the toilet in each house, it is also set up separately in the southwest corner of the atom.

In addition, corresponding buildings have been set up in the eight directions of east, west, north and south, southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest, and the entire courtyard is full of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth!

It seems to be definitely a treasure place to gather wealth!

"Young Master, we've counted it! This can't be called a courtyard anymore, this should be a mansion, maybe it was where the princes and ministers lived in the past! There are a total of 48 rooms in front of and behind the mansion, including many annexes, kitchens, and toilets! There are also 11 detached courtyards, each with three rooms! Master, we found a house with the best location, the largest room, and the most complete configuration in the entire mansion, which should be where the head of the household lives! Shall I take you to see it?

"Okay, let's go!" Following Fan Shaoying, Jing Xingchen came to the house he had just seen on the rockery, it was really different, the independent courtyard was located not far behind the living room, and a chess game of artificial landscape was set up in the middle of the two houses!

On the left hand side of the courtyard is the study, and the small living room! On the right-hand side is a large kitchen, toilet and hot spring room!

Directly opposite is the living room! And around the back of the living room, is the pool! There are lawns all around, artificial beaches, sunbathing seats, umbrellas, and more!

"I live here, where do you live?"

"Young master, you are me and Wang Zhong to the east, and Wang Yi and Sizheng are to the west! Everyone else is north of you! And with such a large yard, I originally thought that there would be security problems, but I found that in the control room at the back, there is a whole set of power grid security systems, as well as monitoring and operation guides! There is high voltage electricity on the 2.3-meter-high wall on our periphery, if someone is forced to climb over the wall, it will be directly coronaized, and there are monitoring and thermal safety devices in each yard inside, once outsiders enter, there will be an alarm! "

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