"Shangguan Qianhua?"

"Yes, Mr. Jing!"

"Okay, got it, go pay! This card is 20 million, and this card is all the rest! "

Okay Mr. Jing!"

After the operation, Jing Xingchen heard the prompt tone of the system upgrade as he wished!

"Ding! The system is being upgraded, please wait! "

Here Jing Xingchen no longer looked at the system upgrade, but chose to drive Sibel home!

Five people and five superb luxury cars!

Originally, the avenue of the imperial capital was very congested and blocked, and as soon as these five cars got on the road, all the cars avoided one after another, lest there be a slight friction that would cause them to lose money by selling their houses!

Back home, all five cars were parked in the garage, and soon the other five cars were also pulled over in the car dealership's delivery vehicle!

"Mr. Jing! Big Guy!!!! It turns out that the huge courtyard house that the imperial capital is famous for is your home! Zhang Chao stood dumbfounded in front of the gate of the courtyard on the street outside Ding'anmen!

"yes, what's wrong?"

"This house is expensive! Hahaha" "

It's okay, it's just a few hundred million, you just let people put the car here, I'll let the driver drive in!"

"It's Mr. Jing!"

I was busy until the afternoon, and I barely settled the car!

Jing Xingchen looked at it, they were all sports cars, and the scooters should either be bought, or they would be pulled over when Tingya and Wang Wu came from Los Angeles!

"Young Master, are you in the house?" Fan Shaoying's voice came from outside the courtyard!

"Yes, Sister Ying!"

"Young Master! I went to the job fair in the morning, and I have already recruited a lot of people, and I want to report back to you! Fan Shaoying walked in and stood beside Jing Xingchen.

"Sister Ying, you sit, why are you so polite! Sit down and speak! "

It's the young master, this morning I recruited 5 chefs to give Yuan Yi a hand, and there are two drivers, and then recruited 19 servants to be responsible for the cleaning work in different areas, Wang Zhong contacted his 10 brothers before, and after hearing the treatment you gave, he promised to come over and be your home bodyguard!" I also have a family member who used to do cleaning area management in Shangguan's house, and I also dug it up and managed 19 servants to arrange for them to clean and clean up!

"Good! Thank you Sister Ying, these things are thanks to you, otherwise I really wouldn't be busy, so I think the annual salary of your team will rise to 8 million in the future!

"Young master, you don't need to give me a salary increase, you have already raised it once, if you are like this, I will feel that I have not done enough!"

"It's different Sister Ying, you and I were in Los Angeles earlier, and the salary over there can't be compared with the imperial capital, and now we are in the imperial capital according to the level of the imperial capital! You deduct 600W of the 3000W I transferred to you to Wang Zhongshenyuan and them! No, I'll ask them! "

“...... Master, I.." Fan Shaoying was very moved, Jing Xingchen's kindness to them was not to see them pitiful or how, but from the heart, which each of them could see clearly!

"Okay, Sister Ying, go get busy, I'm tired today, take a nap!"

"It's the young master, then I'll go out first!" Fan Shaoying wiped the tears that were about to slip from the corners of her eyes, pushed the door and walked out!

Where is Jing Xingchen sleepy, he is in a hurry to cultivate a relationship with the system!

Looking at the system that was successfully upgraded by 1% in front of him, Jing Xingchen was a little excited and a little curious, why did the system upgrade take longer and longer?

"Ding! The system has been successfully upgraded to level 5! "

Ding! The host Los Angeles bank account transferred 100 million yuan!

Jing Xingchen faced the control panel of the system, looking at the function keys that were re-lit, in addition to the four buttons of prediction, blessing, skill, and lottery, there was one more button called technology/patent!

"The system, this technology/patent, does it represent ultra-modern technology?"

"Yes host! After you get the patent and technology, you need to transform the living situation of modern people! The aim is to make a profit as soon as possible!

"Rub! The function keys of the system are really one more awesome than the other!!

"Does the host want to use the function keys right away?"

"Yes! Now that you have them, why not! This time I'm going to click on the patent/technology button first!

Jing Xingchen clicked on the patent button!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the perfect chip of the super era - Galaxy chip, and at the same time obtaining the chip making machine and user manual! Please select the location of the host! "

System! How big is that machine?

"Back to the host! It's a tiny one, it's the size of a mobile phone!

"That's good! Just put it on the table!

"Please keep an eye on the host!"

As soon as the system finished speaking, Jing Xingchen saw a lithography machine the size of a mobile phone on his yellow rosewood table, with a thickness of about ten centimeters! At the same time, a bag of dense small chips also appeared in front of Jing Xingchen!

Jing Xingchen opened the packaging bag, and each chip was packaged very safely, and each other would not wear out! There is also an instruction manual next to it.

The manual says that the Galaxy chip is the top chip of the super era, suitable for any electronic products and weapons! Its size is 2mm*2mm*0.2nm!

Jing Xingchen opened one and measured it simply, this is too small, about 2 mm square! Dozens of times smaller than the current chip! And his thickness is simply negligible!

I took out my mobile phone and quickly checked it to find out that the world's top chip is 5nm, and my own chip is 0.2nm! During this period, it is dozens of times worse!

"I wipe !!!!!! This bag is more valuable than gold! Jing Xingchen sighed, and then continued to look at the lithography machine use skills in the manual!

This lithography machine as big as a mobile phone, where is there any trick to use, is to insert the monocrystalline silicon material used to make the chip from one side of the lithography machine, then click start, and set the speed, just wait for the finished product to appear!

God Operates!!!!!!!!!

Jing Xingchen put down the machine and thought to himself! You must register a chip technology company in the shortest possible time, and at the same time acquire a large number of electronic technology companies to apply your own chips!

And I just arrived in the imperial capital, and I don't know anyone, but it's difficult at the beginning of everything! If you have money, you are not afraid of anything!

Silently hid the chip and lithography machine! I wondered how I should take the next step!

During dinner in the evening, Fan Shaoying suddenly mentioned: "Young master, I went to the imperial capital car dealership to buy a car today!" "

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