On the fourth day after the company's official operation, the outer packaging of 100,000 chips was packaged, and there was originally only a small box of chips, which became a box and a box of advanced chips under the skillful packaging of Jing Xingchen's workers. But the appearance of Jing Xingchen's chip broke this convention, Jing Xingchen can't sell the same product, because the other party uses different machines to sell at different prices, so it was finally finalized at 2999 yuan!

And on this day, Wang Wu took Fan Tingya from Los Angeles to the imperial capital, Fan Tingya knew Jing Xingchen's plan, so she stayed in Jing Xingchen's mansion with peace of mind, she knew that Jing Xingchen is now working so hard to promote the operation of the company, part of the reason is because of herself, although the proportion of this part of the reason is very small, but it also makes this girl moved!

After making the finished product of 100,000 chips, Jing Xingchen did not rush to contact the person above and Shangguan Qianhua, but planned to wait until after May Day! After all, when we first talked about it, Jing Xingchen said that his chip is difficult to make, so it may take a long time, May Day Golden Week, Jing Xingchen put all its employees on seven days off, four days more than in the society, and all employees because of over-completion of work, respectively, got different degrees of bonuses, even the cleaning everyone got an extra thousand yuan, Jing Xingchen's operation, so that new employees have a new understanding of the boss's open-mindedness and generosity, and secretly vowed to work harder after the return of May Day!

On the first day of the May Day Golden Week, Jing Xingchen took five secretaries to the Tianya Haige sales center in the center of the imperial capital, and directly spent 90 million to buy a house of about 120 square meters for each secretary, and then spent 5 million to configure five cars for five people, not Jing Xingchen is generous, but the five people in front of him, in the eyes of outsiders, they are Jing Xingchen's personal secretaries, but for Jing Xingchen, the five of them are Jing Xingchen's hands and feet, Buying things for them is buying things for Jing Xingchen himself, and more importantly, the 96 million is all calculated on the experience of his own system upgrade!

There are so many people in the imperial capital during the May Day Golden Week, there are traffic jams everywhere, after buying the car, leaving five people to transfer the house by themselves, Jing Xingchen hurried home and lay down!

"The system, now there is still 4 million left, I upgraded, I still have function keys that I haven't used!"

"The host can be used at any time!"

"I'll take a look, I still have a skill key, a prediction key, and a blessing key, I haven't used it, take advantage of today's good weather, I'll use the skill key first!" Jing Xingchen clicked the skill button as he spoke!

"Ding! The host gains an invincible musical talent! At the same time, you will be given the skill of playing 28 musical instruments at the master level! "

It's... Is it useful?

"Host, the higher the level of society you enter in the future, the more important this personal cultivation skill will be!"

"Oh oh, well! I'm going to use the blessing button next! "

Ding! The host is blessed by the god level ------ eliminate unexpected events!

"Eliminate the unexpected? What do you mean? "

Literally, all the host's future dangerous accidents have been cleared! (If a group of people accidentally includes a host, this cannot be eliminated, and only for the individual host or the host and close people traveling directly!) Jing

Xingchen understood, the last god-level blessing was to never get sick, and this god-level blessing was to eliminate personal disasters! The system is silently protecting the host for a long life!

"Thank you again for the system 100,000 times!"

"Come on, host, what should you do?"

At night, Jing Xingchen carefully thought about the path he planned for the future, etc., and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he knew too little, so it was better to go to the bookstore to absorb knowledge during the Golden Week!

For Jing Xingchen, of course, the mobile phone can also find the knowledge of management, investment and other aspects that you want to learn, but it is too troublesome to find them one by one, especially for Jing Xingchen who doesn't understand it at all, it is like a headless fly, it is better to go directly to the bookstore, manage the investment area, and see which one to take!

For the next three days, Jing Xingchen, accompanied by the bodyguard driver, absorbed knowledge in the largest Wencheng bookstore in the imperial capital!

Until May 5, Jing Xingchen met the girl in his life.

Originally, everything was as usual, Jing Xingchen was sitting in the management and investment area of Wencheng Bookstore, and was quickly reading a book in his hand, when suddenly a light that was originally quite bright was blocked, Jing Xingchen looked up, and a girl was looking at him.

"What's the matter with you?" Jing Xingchen asked.

"How long will it take you to finish the book in your hand?" The girl asked.

Jing Xingchen looked down at the thickness of the book, and there were probably more than seventy pages left to finish it, so he said, "There will be about seven or eight more minutes!"

"Seven or eight minutes? You can read the rest of the book in seven or eight minutes? It's really bragging, it seems to be flipping through it casually, right?

"Is there anything wrong with you?" It's okay, don't delay me from reading!

"You have this book in your hand, there is no more here, only you have this one, I want to buy it!" So can you let me?

"I'll finish it!"

"You !!!!" The girl was a little annoyed, but she still said very reservedly, "Then you hurry up and watch, I'm waiting for you here!"

"Whatever you want!"

The girl is a little strange, she is the school flower of Imperial Capital University, and her family is at the top of the entire food chain, and everyone else will be humble or very friendly when they see her, why doesn't this guy look at herself!

The girl lowered her head and looked at her dress, a whole set of Chanel, and even the small satchel on her back were limited editions of Hermes Carey, there was no problem, was she not attractive?

The girl turned around next to Jing Xingchen, and found that the brand of clothes Jing Xingchen was wearing seemed to be the same as her brother's, and she was wearing a million-level watch, and she couldn't see anything else.

The speed of flipping through the book shows that this person is just looking at ten lines!

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