Of course, the drama I just mentioned does not include some professional actors who really love acting and perform with their lives!".

"I don't think there are any other good actors except Qingqing, the best actors are in our own house, I still worship my sister in the future, and the others won't watch it!Let's go, let's eat, I'm starving! What time is it! We arrived at 11 o'clock in the morning! It's almost six o'clock now! I thought it would be over in more than three hours at most! I'm still looking forward to this afternoon's French dinner, but I didn't expect to be in the mood until now!" Xia Yunge complained! "

Not in the mood? Then let's stop eating French food

, let's eat something else!" "Ah!! that's not good! I'll go to that house after I book it!Can't let other pigeons

go!""Hmph, little gluttonous cat!Let's go, driver, let's go straight

to the restaurant!""It's the boss!" "Dinner

" finally made Xia Yunge quite appetizing, but just returned to the hotel, Xia Yunge had morning sickness again, and vomited everything he had eaten!

Jing Xingchen felt that this was not the way, and immediately arranged the time of the plane home, and at the same time arranged to go to the Imperial Capital Hospital for a B-ultrasound prenatal examination after getting off

the plane! For Xia Yunge's pregnancy this time, Jing Xingchen and Xia Yunge both kept it quiet and confidential, after all, they didn't go to the hospital for an examination, so they didn't dare to say so

! The next day, the plane departed, and this time the plane returned, Jing Xingchen was looking forward to it, he missed his son very much, and he was full of hope for the second child!~

Back in Shenhua, it happened to be 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Yuan drove to the Imperial Capital Hospital at a high speed under the premise of safety

! Fortunately, the imperial capital in the afternoon was not so congested, otherwise it is estimated that he would not be able to arrive at four o'clock

! At 3:22, Jing Xingchen took Xia Yunge into the gynecology department again and did a color ultrasound

! "Well, the lady is indeed pregnant, and now she is more than 1 month old, and the child is still young! You don't seem to have enough nutrition!"

Doctor, my wife vomits all the time, what do you eat, she vomits after a few minutes, what

should I do?""Keep eating! Just because I vomit this time doesn't mean I'll vomit next time

!" "Huh??Can this stomach stand it?"

No problem, and ma'am, you should have just given birth not long ago, your uterine lining is still in a state of opening and closing!"It's

a doctor, my eldest son is only more than 2 months old!"

Well, you are a good child, usually pay attention to rest

, eat more and sleep more, it's okay!" "Okay!" The two of them got out of the hospital, Jing Xingchen took Xia Yunge and went to a restaurant near the hospital

!"Wife! The doctor said, you have to eat! Eat more! You give me food! Eat whatever you want! I, the richest man in the world, if I let my wife and son starve, it won't work!~Boss! Have a copy of all the dishes in your store!"


Ah!!! No, no, I'll just order it myself!Jing Xingchen! Are you going to kill me?

""No! You're stunted

!""It's fetal dysplasia! Don't talk nonsense! That child is still young, I'll just raise it

!" "It's a la carte!"

The two came home after dinner and rested for a night, Jing Xingchen and Xia Yunge slept very sweetly, and their home was the most comfortable!

The next morning, Jing Xingchen took Xia Yunge back to Jingfu to visit Jing Yuanzhen and Mu Zhaoxue

!"Parents, you sit, Yun Ge and I have something to say

!" "What's the matter, son, can make you two sit across from us so seriously! If your employees see it, don't be scared to death!" Jing Yuanzhen said with a smile on the side.

"Mom and Dad

, Yun Ge is pregnant again, just a month!" "What??really fake?Oh Yun Ge, you are really a good daughter-in-law of my family! Xingchen, Yun Ge has to make up for it! Do you know that Yun Ge has just given birth and her body is still in deficit, and she is pregnant immediately afterward, can Yun Ge's body eat it?"

Mom, I'm fine, but this pregnancy, I'm just uncomfortable, I've been vomiting, just after eating and vomiting, yesterday and Xingchen flew back to Shenhua directly to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor said that if you vomit, then eat again, I haven't heard of such a thing, and I want to ask my mother for advice!"

"Hehe, if you vomit and are hungry, then you have to eat! For the sake of your body, you have to eat, but you can't eat big fish and meat, and you can eat more nutritious and light things! Otherwise, during this time, you can live here with me, and continue to put Hongcheng here

!" "Don't use this! Let's go home, you two elders don't have to worry about us, we can take care of ourselves!" Jing Xingchen hurriedly refused, joking, he and Yun Ge can usually be romantic, under the noses of their parents, it is inconvenient to do anything

! Jing Yuanzhen also knew Jing Xingchen's careful thoughts, and said: "You two decide for yourself! But Yun Ge is pregnant this time, you must be careful about your body!" This distance is too close

!" "I know my parents, don't worry!We both want to take Cheng Cheng back today

!" "Okay, by the way, Yunge, have you told Xue Rou and your father about your pregnancy?"

"No, I'll call

later!" "It's not good! You and Xingchen have a look, tell us face to face, you two have come to our house, it's not bad to kick the accelerator, this kind of happy event has to be told in person!"

"Okay Mom, we know, then

let's take Cheng Cheng away!" "Okay, Shuangshuang, let the nurse bring Cheng Cheng!" "Okay Auntie!"

Jing Xingchen looked at Cao Shuangshuang's back and dress, and estimated that this girl should be very sweet now, I haven't seen braids before, and now I have kept it, it seems that Da Lei is good!

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