Xia Yunge grabbed Xia Yunge and shook his head, Xia Yichen went back to the room!

Summer understands her father's thoughts very well, she is afraid that her daughter will marry too soon, and she is reluctant, and she is even more afraid that her daughter will simply be deceived! After all, Xia Yunge is a daughter from a serious big family, and she can't be too close to a strange man casually.......

Jing Xingchen returned home and opened the system, and the recent expenses made the system only a few hundred experience points away from level 6!

And the five-level prediction key is useless, this big benefit, I can't waste it!

"System, use the prediction key!"

"Ding! The host has successfully used the prediction key, and the system is predicting, please wait! "

Ding! The system predicts that on May 18, the island country is about to usher in a 9.4-magnitude earthquake! Directly cut off its stock market index, falling from 18,994 points to 7,144 points! Please take advantage of the opportunity! "

A big earthquake? System! Does it affect us?

"Back to the host, it has no effect on Shenzhou, just a slight shaking!"

"Good!" Jing Xingchen was very excited, before Da Niu Technology was a single stock, the daily trading volume was so much, and the leverage base amount of Hong Kong City was too small, this time I went to the island country, and I had to press all the assets up!

It's getting closer and closer to the 18th, Jing Xingchen suffers from not knowing the institution of the island country, so he can only contact the one, who heard that Jing Xingchen wants to make an index of the empty island country, he is very much in favor, but he also hopes that Jing Xingchen will not lose money, the person who helped Jing Xingchen contact the island country, the people of the island country heard Jing Xingchen's thoughts, laughed Jing Xingchen was ignorant, and now the index of the island country is skyrocketing every day, and it is the stability of the real economy, not a bubble.

Jing Xingchen asked for 20 times leverage, and bet 100 billion at one time, the people of the island country saw Jing Xingchen like a fool, and hurriedly agreed, and the one also called to dissuade him for a few minutes, but helplessly, Jing Xingchen had made up his mind!

On May 16th, Jing Xingchen got on the plane to the island country, this time Jing Xingchen didn't bring anyone, including his personal bodyguard, after all, it may be very dangerous for him to go this time, and he himself has martial arts skills, once it is opened, the world is invincible, and he can naturally come back with confidence!

Before getting on the plane, he temporarily postponed the agreed meeting with Xia Yunge this week, delayed it for two days, and then upgraded the system, with the help of system cheating, opened the skill key of the level 6 system, and obtained the skill of global language communication, which means that no matter which country Jing Xingchen is in, communication will become easy, and the language of any country is the basic language!

Then fly to the island nation!

Coming to the island country, Jing Xingchen was alone, came to the exchange to open an account, signed an agreement under the leadership of the docking person, transferred the funds, etc., in a series of operations, Jing Xingchen's calmness, extremely authentic island language, so that the scene of the people were surprised, how can a person who looks so good and normal will short our index with 20 times leverage? Could it be that the brain was kicked by a donkey?

In the ridicule and ridicule and belittlement of everyone, the 18th was ushered in, and it was also the end of the island country as the people of the island country themselves called later!

Early in the morning, at the request of Jing Xingchen! Everyone operates in the outdoor square, and in Jing Xingchen's words, he believes that the theory of heaven and earth will bring good luck! Everyone was speechless, but they also complied, they were guests from afar, and they were big customers who came to send money!

After the opening, 2 trillion money was converted into island country coins, nearly 40 trillion! Directly smashed into the short option! Then the market rose a little bit, but it did not reach the state where Jing Xingchen's funds could be liquidated!

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, in Jing Xingchen's prediction, a major earthquake came, and this earthquake made Jing Xingchen see that the earth was powerful, and no one could run!

A magnitude 9.4 earthquake occurred in a sea area 220 kilometers north of Jing Xingchen, and the earthquake caused the entire island country to fall into panic! The high-rise buildings trembled in front and back, left and right!

Jing Xingchen held on to the railing on the side and worked hard to maintain his center of gravity!

"Yaga! Yaga! Such a big earthquake! Where is the epicenter dropping!

"I don't know! Probably not with us! "

It's terrible, Yaga!"

The ground shook for about 2 minutes and calmed down, because there was still a long distance from the epicenter, so the local communication equipment was normal, but the island country index jumped off the cliff in an instant at this moment! Everyone watched the index fall from 18,994 points to 16,230 points, then to 15,221 points, and then to 12,011 points!

Everyone looked at the computer screen in disbelief! I forgot that the person in front of me was shorting their index!

Suddenly, a message popped up! Five minutes later, the index was stopped and returned to circuit breaker processing!

And these five minutes are Jing Xingchen's last chance, Jing Xingchen took out his mobile phone and started the timer!

The index in front of me is still plummeting at 10701 in this second, 9487 in the next second, then 8211, and finally when the market is stopped for 2 minutes, the index has fallen to 7356

"That's it, do it now! Trade Now! Jing Xingchen's words made everyone come back to their senses, and then did it, in just 10 seconds of operation time, Jing Xingchen seemed to have waited for a century!

"Mr. Jing, the operation is complete, it has been redeemed, the money is already being exchanged for Huaxia coins, and it will be credited to your account immediately!" A woman is reporting weakly!

Jing Xingchen hurriedly glanced at the moment he received the money, 1246 billion, and there was a bunch of messy fractions behind him!

Jing Xingchen found the person in charge and transferred 30 million directly!

"It's for everyone!"

"Oh my God! So much! Mr. Jing, you are so arrogant, but now you can't seem to go back! It looks like it's going to take a long time for the plane to fly properly, and you really want to go this way with so much money? "

Hehe, I'll go to the toilet first, and we'll talk when I get back!"

Jing Xingchen turned around and walked in the direction of the toilet, and he didn't take the backpack he was carrying, because it was empty, and Jing Xingchen didn't plan to ask for it!

When he came to the toilet, Jing Xingchen instantly turned on the martial god mode and disappeared directly into the local area! The next second, it appeared at the airport!

After looking at the ticket, there was a plane that was about to take off, so I decisively bought the first class cabin and closed my eyes to recuperate!

At the scene of securities shorting, some people around gradually found out that something was wrong, and hurriedly broke into the toilet.

"Yaga! Check me out at the airport now! So much money! Can't let him take it! "

And at this time, the plane has been taking off for more than ten minutes!

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