Xuan Xuerou returned to the room and saw that Xia Yichen had finished taking a shower and was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, came to the bedside, stretched out her hand and grabbed Xia Yichen's ear!

"Oops! Wife, what are you doing!

"What are you doing, why do you say that you are so dignified, why are you targeting Yun Ge's friends, letting people check out and not letting people eat, you took Xiaotian and Yun Ge to have a big meal, what is this called!" Let the family know our identity, and spread it that the head of the Xia family took his children to do immortal jumping, and pit ordinary people for a meal, worth 6 million, I see where your old face is going!


a father with his own son and stalking his daughter, don't you think you're going too far?" Although you are Yun Ge's father, but Yun Ge has the right to make friends by himself, and he has personal freedom, it is already immoral for you to do this, let outsiders know, how will the newspaper report it? Even if Yun Ge didn't do anything, it would be hyped up by the news media because of your actions, saying that Yun Ge was indecent, and then Yun Ge would not be able to wash it even if he jumped into the Yellow River, do you know how much trouble you have caused your daughter? You dare to be angry with your daughter! I think you're itching!

"I didn't! I..."Xia Yichen, the head of the Xia family, who has always been not afraid of heaven and earth, was as gentle as a little sheep in front of his wife, and under the prompting of his wife, Xia Yichen also realized that his behavior was indeed a little excessive! No wonder his daughter is so angry! But that's a little padded jacket that I raised with hard work, I can't marry so early and run away with other men!

Xia Yunge was in his room, holding his mobile phone and flipping through WeChat to look at Jing Xingchen's avatar, wanting to say something, but he was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak, the impression left by his father and brother was simply terrible, and the words that Jing Xingchen said when he left seemed to be even more stingy in his own family, such a comparison, as if they were the children of the big family.

was entangled, Xia Yunge's mobile phone vibrate, it was Jing Xingchen's WeChat, Xia Yunge immediately became happy, clicked on WeChat and hurriedly checked!

"Are you okay, I've bothered you today!"

"What's the matter, it's obvious that I'm causing you trouble, I didn't expect that I would go out today, my dad and my brother followed behind, and it led to such an embarrassing thing, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't apologize to me, it's all trivial, how can there be parents who don't love their children, I think your father cares too much about you, don't quarrel with him!"

"yes, I see! Did you eat at night?

"Just finished eating, the hot pot eaten at home, very comfortable, you can come to my house as a guest when you have time, it is very convenient to eat hot pot barbecue, and the environment is not bad!"

"Okay, haha! Can I still ask you to learn Xi finance knowledge in the future?

"Of course you can, but next time you'll have to find a way to shake off the little tail behind you!"

"Hahaha, let's meet again next week!"


After contacting, both parties seem to be relieved!

Jing Xingchen watched the world news at night, the first thing was the data of a series of consequences and casualties caused by the earthquake in the island country, and the next day was at the same time as the earthquake in the island country, a mysterious person shorted the market of the island country and earned billions of island coins, which can be called a historic moment in financial securities, and this person disappeared silently!

Jing Xingchen looked at the news and wanted to laugh, what the news said was too exaggerated, what heaven and earth calculations, and what five elements escape techniques were all written, and he was simply described as omnipotent!

I was just about to turn off my mobile phone, when suddenly Shangguan Qianhua's call came in!

"Hey, Qianhua, what's the matter at this late hour?"

"Brother, you have seen the news of the earthquake in the island country, which has caused a great impact and property damage to our coastal cities, and the provinces close to the island country have also been harmed to varying degrees, so the one is going to hold a large-scale auction and charitable donations next week, will you go?"

"Gotta go! What time? "

Next Tuesday, the day after tomorrow, it will be held in the official boat under my Shangguan family!"


"Yes, it is a super five-star hotel on the water, in the coastal area, the time is next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock punctual start, until about 9 o'clock in the evening, live auctions and charitable donations, and some performances, the four major families and the entire imperial capital and all the leaders of large companies near the imperial capital will come, I will introduce you to some people that day!"

"Then I'm sorry for you!"

"What's polite to my brother, someone will send you an invitation letter tomorrow, my brother will give you three letters, and now the relationship between the two of us, all three are in the best position!"

"Haha, by the way, Shangguan, my securities investment under Xingchen Tiantou has been operating normally, you said before that I would help you take care of it, do you think you still need it?"

"Yes! Brother is so interesting, I plan to invest 500 million here, it is my own pocket money, I will call you tomorrow, you should charge it! "

Brother, you also know that there are profits and losses in stock trading, and if you lose..."

"I can trust you, I don't want to lose these 500 million brothers!"

"Hahaha, brother, that's it!"

The next day, Shangguan Qianhua transferred the money to Jing Xingchen's Xingchen Tiantou Company early in the morning, and Jing Xingchen arranged the money to Jing Xuanni, and told her that the 500 million was the young master of the Shangguan family, and let one person operate it alone!

At noon, Jing Xingchen received three more invitations to charity auctions made of gold cards, which were beautifully made, and after Jing Xingchen got his hands, he arranged for Fan Shaoying and Jing Qianbai to participate with him, after all, one is a personal housekeeper and manages money, and the other is a personal secretary and a housekeeper! And he, Jing Xingchen, is only responsible for opening his mouth.

On the afternoon of the next day, Jing Xingchen sat in Bentley business, set off with the housekeeper and secretary, followed by Wang Zhong, Wang Wu and Wang Wu were responsible for the security work, and not far away, there were three other cars not far behind Jing Xingchen silently protecting, which Jing Xingchen didn't know at all!

Guanzhou is a huge steamship-like building on the water, located in the dock of Binhai International Port, it is not a ship that can drive away, but a building nearly 50 meters high, the hall at the bow is like on the deck, there is a thick glass cover outside, the area of the hall is 30,000 square meters, and the rear is the hotel accommodation, play area, cinema, casino and so on

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