Xia Yunge was very angry, but he didn't show it

!Xia Yunge said softly: "Today, on behalf of the Xia family, we will finally donate 50 million, you can donate!" Xia Yunge

glanced at Xia and smiled: "Well, thank you, brother!".

Later, Jing Xingchen heard it clearly, and silently calculated in his heart how much he wanted to donate, after all, he knew that he was short of the stocks of the island country, and he seemed stingy if he donated less, not to mention that he was not the kind of person who had no love, but if he donated too much, he would become the target of public criticism.

"Ladies and gentlemen

, donate and ask for 1 yuan!" "What is enough for one dollar, I will donate 4 million to Rainbow Electrical

!" "Long-term science and technology

donation of 5 million" "Lvdu Garden

donation of 8 million" "Beichuan Travel donation of 10

million!" "Yuanbao Investment donation of 20

million!" "I Wenxun donate 30 million in my personal name!"

Qingcheng Paper 35

million!"Longhai Real Estate 38

million!" "Yunzhong Group 40 million!"

Jing Xingchen listened to these companies holding up signs and asking for prices!

turned to Secretary Zhang and asked: "Secretary Zhang, donations can be donated in the name of individuals, and at the same time, can they also be donated in the name of the company, right

?" "Yes, Mr. Jing, what are you going to do?"

Jing Xingchen smiled: "No hurry".

"The imperial capital Xia family is 50 million!" Xia Yunge raised his

card! Then he was ridiculed by Liang Wanran: "Your family is from the four major families, and you haven't even reached

100 million, are you embarrassed to raise your card!?" "I'm willing! I want you to take care of it

!" "Stingy ghost! Listen! The imperial capital Liang family raised a card of 100 million!" "The imperial capital Ouyang family raised a card of 150 million!" "The imperial capital Shangguan family raised a card

of 200 million!".

Jing Xingchen listened to the price of several top families, and was fascinated

!"Hmph, the Liang family in the imperial capital raised 250 million yuan!" "Okay! Now the Liang family in the four major families in the imperial capital has raised 250 million yuan in the donation project! It is already the highest price tonight, but I think we can continue to ......"

The host continued to set off the atmosphere of the scene with a mouth full of foam.

Xia Yunge asked Xia in a low voice: "Brother

, what should we do, we donate a little little!" "Hey, what can we do, we have had some problems with several big companies recently, and now is the time to use the money, I'll follow it again, no matter how much it is

!" After speaking, Xia raised his card!" The Xia family raised a card for 270 million!" "The Ouyang family raised a card for 350 million!"


echo of Summer's words has not passed, and the Ouyang family here will raise a card again!

"The Shangguan family raised 500

million!" "The Liang family raised 700 million!" Shangguan Qianhua looked at Liang Wanran and Liang Bowen with some anger, where did these two people get the money, could it be that the head of the Liang family has already been replaced! 700 million is enough for the cost of all their companies for a month!


scene was quiet, and even the interaction on the big screen stopped.

Jing Xingchen whispered to Xia Yunge: "Continue to ask for the price, how much is the difference, I will make it up to you, you will slap their brother and sister

in the face for me!" Xia Yunge turned to look at Jing Xingchen after hearing this, Jing Xingchen still looked at him with a harmless face, but the firm light in his eyes gave Xia Yunge confidence and confidence

!"The imperial capital Xia family raised 1 billion cards

!" "Sister!" Xia looked at Xia Yunge in disbelief!

Liang Wanran shouted after hearing Xia Yunge's words: "You dare to ask for a price! Where did your family get the money!Didn't several of your companies have broken products and..."

"Shut up!" Liang Bowen viciously blocked Liang Wanran's mouth, but it was too late

!"Liang Bowen! What do you mean by your sister's words!" Xia slammed his fist on the table!

"What do you mean?" What do you mean by nonsense, this is the scene of the donation meeting, your sister called 1 billion yuan, does she have the money to give? Hehe, maliciously disrupt the order of public donations, but she will be punished!

" Liang Bowen's words made Xia a little distressed, because what he said was right

!"Yun Ge has no money, I won't bother you!" Jing

Xingchen spoke! "Yo, who ran out without donating a penny to fight grievances, who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?" Liang Bowen sarcastically sarcastically Jing Xingchen!

Secretary Zhang on the side heard Liang Bowen's words, and burst out laughing

!"Say that Mr. Jing didn't donate because you are not enough for him to shout the price with you!" Secretary Zhang's words made everyone present quiet down!

"Bragging!" Liang Wanran skimmed Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang turned his face and nodded to the host on the stage.

"Okay, our donation

will continue! Just now, the Xia family donated 1 billion yuan, will anyone continue to call it?" "The Liang family is 1.1 billion!" Liang Wanran is not to be outdone! "The Xia family is 1.5

billion !!!!" After receiving the signal of Jing Xingchen's nod, Xia Yunge shouted out the price again! After hearing Xia Yunge's price increase, Xia Yunge's

brain buzzed! I couldn't look directly at my sister

! "You! You take out the money and talk about it!! You're making trouble

!" Liang Wanran shouted!"Then you can take it out and take a look

!" "I have!" Liang Wanran immediately took out 11 checks, each of which was 100 million

! "It's your turn! If you don't, I'll arrest you and send you in!" Liang Wanran said very confidently!

"I.." Xia Yunge turned to look at Jing Xingchen, and Jing Xingchen spoke calmly.

"I haven't opened my mouth to ask for a donation, it's not that I don't have money, it's just that your Liang family donated this money and ran out to show me, which made me a little unmotivated.

Jing Xingchen cleared his throat and continued to speak: "I donate 30 billion on behalf of my company Galaxy Chip, 30 billion on behalf of my company Xingchen Tiantou, 30 billion on behalf of my personal Jing Xingchen, and 10 billion on behalf of Miss Xia Yunge of the Xia family, this is a check!" Jing Xingchen handed the check to the staff on the stage after speaking!

Originally, the four young men of the imperial capital were the big guys, but when they donated, they also had a price of tens of millions and tens of millions, who was the young man in front of him! He actually gave away 100 billion yuan when he opened his mouth! How could this be !!!!!!!

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