"What's the situation between the Chu

family and the Jing family?" "Boss, not for the time being, but the situation of the Jing family seems to be very serious, 8 percent of their education company has been closed for several months, there is no income, and there are several large orders for e-commerce services that have been snatched away by the Xiao family, so the situation is not very good

!" "Okay, then let's do this first, if there is a situation, tell me at any time!" "It's

the boss!".

Hanging up the phone, Jing Xingchen came to the 45th floor and found Jing Xuanni.

"Xuanni, I'll give you 1000 billion, you take your team to find out the industries under the Xuanjia family in the domestic magic capital, and pick out the projects that are usually profitable, the project is developing well, and the projects supported above are the most important industries of the Xuanjia, give me to buy their shares, the more the better! At least more than 51%

" "It's the boss, I will deal with this matter with Qianbai

!" "Okay, the speed must be fast!"

Boss rest assured

!" Back in the office, Jing Xingchen took a deep breath, looked out the window, and called that person!

"Hello leader

!" "Hehe, Jing boy, what's the matter?" I'm busy

!" "Leader, my pharmaceutical company has developed a drug that should be able to treat the infectious skin disease that is currently outbreaking, I want to report to you, and then you can find someone to try it! It works, if there are no sequelae, it can be promoted!"

"What !!!!! Jing boy

, you didn't lie to me!" "How dare I lie

to you!" "You asked someone to send it to me quickly! I'll arrange it! I haven't rested for a long time because of this matter recently! "I'm going to arrange

for someone to send it to you, send it to?" "I'll send

someone to pick it up, I'll give you a contact person when I get back, and you let your people connect directly

!" "Yes!"

Hung up the phone, everything was arranged

! Jing Xingchen looked out the window, tomorrow's sunshine seemed

to be better! Sure enough, the super virus Qing launched by Xingchen Pharmaceutical, a subsidiary of Jing Xingchen, easily repelled the current global outbreak of skin and sexually transmitted diseases

! The news was once again broadcast in a big way, and the people who received treatment continued to be found and treated live broadcast!

During the live broadcast, after the infected patient was injected with the virus cleansing agent produced by Xingchen Pharmaceutical, in just over an hour, a large area of black and purple toxin was infected on the surface of the skin, and the effect was visible to the naked eye! Until there was no trace of the virus on the whole body

! After treatment, the infected person was tested again for blood tests to check various physical indicators, and finally found that the patient actually recovered in a very short time

! This research result shows that the technology mastered by Xingchen Pharmaceutical has reached the world's top!

Jing Xingchen was invited to participate in a program and told his deeds, and he also continued to sign large orders for pharmaceuticals with other countries

! Jing Xingchen still set the old price, 10,000 yuan a piece

! That person is very generous! Externally, it has been doubled fivefold! It is free internally

! Jing Xingchen saw this kind of policy, and decisively chose to be free internally! But externally, it has doubled! This is more profitable, after all, the number of those crooked nut patients is too much, and it has exceeded 400 million

! On the third day of Xingchen Medicine's explosion again!

Jing Shiran contacted Jing Xingchen.

"Boss, the factory made by the imperial capital Xingchen has been built, a series of machines such as car-making precision instruments have also been put into storage, and the employees have almost been recruited, and now the first maglev aircraft has been put into production, once successful, it will break the status quo of today's world's means of transportation, and its civilization will enter the next stage

!" "Okay! Shiran has worked hard!"

Don't work hard, boss, the address of the company in the magic capital has also been chosen, and it is already under construction, I estimate that it will be at least September, and all the equipment of the Xingchen manufacturing plant in the magic capital will be completed!"

"Don't worry!!

"The mood of the whole day is very beautiful! Suddenly I want to invite Yun Ge to my house as a guest at night!

It's not that Jing Xingchen hasn't been invited, the first few times she was invited, Xia Yunge would move the tutor out, saying that Xia's mother taught her to be subtle and introverted, after all, the two had just been dating for two or three months, and it was a little bad to go to his house!

Did my brother agree? The two of them chatted on WeChat.

"No, but when I open my mouth, he will definitely agree! Moreover, aren't you curious about my

house?" "What's so curious? It's nothing more than a house! Could it be that you live in a cave? Hahaha or do you

live in the palace?" "I live in the sky! We eat hot pot in the heavenly palace at night! I'll contact Xia now and ask him if he's coming!"

Big brother, invite you and your sister to my house for hot pot in the evening! Come on! It's convenient

!" After a long time, Xia replied: "Brother-in-law, shouldn't you be very busy?!! You still have time to invite me to eat hot pot?

?" "I'm not busy, will you come tonight?"

"I'll look at the arrangement, I've been very busy lately, I'm praying now that anti-poison medicine produced by your pharmaceutical company, and let the epidemic in the world pass quickly!"

In the summer, let me tell you, this medicine can only be cleared once, and there is a possibility of reinfection for people who have been treated! I have made this very clear in interviews and news

!"Hey, I know, but your special medicine has given us businessmen hope!

""Hope??What hope?"

". You know that 97 of the 116 companies in China have stopped operating, and now we have to lose 140 million yuan every day! And many small companies have no one to take over after selling! In addition to these, there are 78 foreign companies!

"It's been more than three months since the first one!!! This situation will continue in less than two months, whether

it is the Xia family, the Murong family, the Xuan family, the Jing family, and the Chu family in the Demon Capital, it will all be over! Of course, the Xiao family will not be better! It is estimated that the family foundation of the housekeeper will be able to survive!" "The Qianhua family is so rich??" "

Their family has existed for hundreds of years! This kind of family is not comparable to us for decades!"

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