"In the hands of one's own people, it is better than in the hands of outsiders! Xingchen's approach this time, I agree!" Xia Yichen said.

"It's rare, Dad, standing on the side of the stars!".

"What are you talking about, this kid's ability, financial resources, and strength are not something we can imagine, maybe in the future, he can break through the barriers of our four major families and reach the peak of the richest man! Look at his chip companies and pharmaceutical companies, which is not a feat of subverting the world

!" "Hey, this stupid boy!" Xuan Xuerou sighed with a long sigh, relieved!

"Mom, Xingchen also asked me to ask you, do you want to go to the magic capital together after a while?"

"I.... Let's talk about it

!" After Xuan Xuerou heard the news, her first reaction was contradiction, but when she heard her son's words

, she admired Jing Xingchen even more! She was completely relieved of her daughter's future! It was not Jing Xingchen's financial resources that moved Xuan Xuerou and Xia Yichen, but that heart! The bearing of not letting her daughter be wronged and coerced!

"By the way, I gave Xingchen my private money, and let him help me operate and make money!"

"Xiaotian, we have an investment company in our own company, don't you know your third uncle's current ability to attract money?

"Tens of millions! Hehe, it's too little! Dad, Shangguan Qianhua gave Xingchen 500 million to operate, and earned 400000000 in two or three months, how can it be compared?"

"What!!!!!!! two or three months... 4000000!!!!0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

"I don't think it's bragging, and besides, Xingchen doesn't need to lie to me because of this, whether it's bragging, let's see how much money I can roll in a few months, and I'll know!"

"Oh my God! Mom also has 200 million private money! You help me.....Forget it! I'm looking for Xingchen myself!This kid is really.....husband!Why are you glaring at me

!"Wife!! why are you looking for Xingchen to invest! And 200 million! Where did you come from!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Rub it!" Xuan Xuerou exclaimed

, "That, eat! Eat!!! hahahaha, starve me to death!"

"Still eat a fart! The old subsidiary is in debt every day! I don't care! You help me find a way to !!!!!!

" "Hahahahaha"

The Xia family is in harmony...

The imperial capital in July was already very hot, and it rained lightly that night

, dripping, a little sticky, and a little refreshing! A man held an umbrella and stood outside the gate of Jingfu, and there was a weak woman under the umbrella

! "Zhaoxue, I promised to bring you here, but you must be strong, don't faint, don't cry! Whether this child is the child we lost back then! You must control yourself! Don't get sick again

!". "Brother Zhen, this child must be my son! There are two red moles on my child's back, the moment I saw him on TV, I knew that he must be my son! The feeling of blood connection can't be wrong!" Zhao Xue said excitedly.

"Wife, you see you haven't knocked on the door to see anyone, you're like this! You'll faint here in a while!What should I do!"

"I won't faint! I will definitely be !!!!strong

" "Okay, I'll knock on the door!" The two stepped forward!

Jing Xingchen had just transferred 50 million living expenses to Fan Shaoying.

"Sister Ying, this money is used for living and their salaries, as well as various expenses in ordinary times, you take it first, you tell me if it's not enough

!" "Young Master, how can you use so much! You don't need to transfer so much to me

!" "Sister Ying! Don't shirk it! Hurry up and accept it!"

Fan Shaoying had just decided to collect the money, and Fan Tingya on the side walked to Fan Shaoying's side:" Auntie, there were two people outside the door

, a man and a woman, saying that they were here to find the young master, and one of them looked very similar to the young master, you see?" "I know, I'll tell the young master!" Fan Shaoying instantly organized the language, and Jing Xingchen spoke: "Young master! Someone is looking for you, a man and a woman! It's the one I told you to look very similar to you!"

After Jing Xingchen heard this, he sat on the sofa in the front hall, obviously looking forward to it, but when he really came, he was scared again

!"Young Master?" "Please come in! I'll wait for them here

!" "It's Young Master!"

Jing Yuanzhen and Mu Zhaoxue

stood outside the gate of Jingfu for a while, Jing Yuanzhen held the umbrella on Mu Zhaoxue's head the whole time, causing a large area of his body to be wet, and after waiting for a long time, someone finally came out.

"Two of you, please come in! Our young master said he could see you!"

Mu Zhaoxue hurriedly followed! Jing Yuanzhen followed.

Entering the gate of Jingfu, the two of them did not look around to look

at the scenery, and rushed into the front hall where Jing Xingchen was located! In the hall, Jing Xingchen sat on the sofa and looked at the two people in front of him, Jing Yuanzhen used his arm to support Mu Zhaoxue's body strongly!

The three of them looked at each other...

Jing Xingchen saw self-blame, guilt, uneasiness, distress, and expectation in the eyes of a woman, but it was more of a relief...

After a long time, the woman spoke slowly.

"You.....your name is Jing Xingchen, right?" Mu Zhaoxue looked at the child who might have been lost for 23 years, and she had already burst into tears

! "Yes, I'm Jing Xingchen, you two are looking for me....what's the matter" Jing Xingchen didn't notice it, when he was talking, he began to choke, the man's face was similar to himself, and the woman's face and mouth were the same as herself

! How could there be such a coincidence in the world!

"I....Can I... Look at your back!" the woman asked.

"Back?" Jing Xingchen was puzzled.

"Zhaoxue, don't get excited, I'll come! I'll come!" Jing Yuanzhen took a deep breath and continued: "Young man, may I ask, are your parents here?

I have no parents, and I grew up in an orphanage!" Jing Xingchen's words made the hearts of the two people on the other side tighten! The two of

them were even more guilty

! "Xingchen! That's right, we lost a child 23 years ago! That was our first son, and he had two red moles on his back, could you please let me see it! I beg you, let me see it!" Jing Yuanzhen begged with tears in his eyes.

"How did you lose your child?"

"Child, my wife just gave birth in the Modu Hospital, and then launched the operating room, because the baby was born prematurely, so she stayed in the incubator in the hospital observation room to observe, who thought that in the early morning of the next day, the nurse of the hospital ran to the ward and said that the child in our incubator was missing!

We searched the magic capital and the surrounding cities for many years and couldn't find him! We all thought he was dead! Until I saw you in front of the TV! I thought....Are you my long-lost son!!!!" Jing Yuanzhen's words completely crushed Mu Zhaoxue beside him!"

Ah!!!!!!!! child, you let me see, I beg you!! please come with us to do an appraisal!!!! I beg you, I want to know where my child is!! is my son or not!!!!! I looked for him... I've been looking for him for so many years!!! I..." Twilight Zhaoxue still didn't hold on to her weakened body

and fainted! The moment Jing Xingchen saw Mu Zhaoxue fainting, she was inexplicably flustered, anxious, and even resentful

! It turned out that she had been stolen by someone back then

! "Sizheng!!!!!!!!! come and save people!!!! come and save her!!!!!!!!!! hurry up!!!!" Jing Xingchen shouted!

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