"So, sir, please come with me" After listening to Jing Xingchen's words, Gucci's cabinet brother saw the Porsche car key in Jing Xingchen's hand, and he was sure, maybe this customer was a star who was not in the stream, so he took Jing Xingchen to the men's clothing area to sweep the goods.

Outside the door, the foolish god and the big smart man saw people go in to buy something, so they pointed their mobile phone cameras at the door of Gucci and waited.

A group of people eating melons in the live broadcast room continue to discuss...

"Maybe people are really car owners, they should be shopping after being in for a long time! This is Gucci, one of the six blue-blooded brands! Who buys this brand if you don't have money

!" "I can't see it, maybe some people are penniless and like to look at luxury goods

!" "Are you talking about yourself upstairs?"

"It's your business!"

This is simple, after a while, this person will come out, you take your mobile phone, and at the same time turn on the live broadcast to go in and ask, little foolish god, you continue to follow this person behind

!""How does it feel like a detective game, isn't this good?" "Aren't

you curious about the above?" Dressed in tatters, driving a car with tens of millions?



After about twenty minutes, Jing Xingchen was wearing the Gucci he had just bought, and his whole person looked brand new and radiant, making the girls passing by around him drool.

"Sure enough, people rely on clothes, Lao Tzu wants to wear this, more handsome than him!"

"Da Ming

, he's out, you go and ask!" Jing Xingchen saw Da Cong and the two outside the Gucci store, and suddenly felt like he was being followed, and then turned around and left with his clothes, and Da Cong then flashed and walked in

! "Hello sir, may I ask you?'s mobile phone?" The cabinet brother who had just received Jing Xingchen suddenly became alert!

We're doing a show, and that person is the research star of our platform just now, how much money did he just spend on

you!?" "That customer bought more than a dozen clothes and accessories before and after, a total of 685,000 yuan! What a big customer! Do you still have such a star in your program team? You can let him come to my shop !!! our store is very welcome! And..."

Da Smart didn't wait for the cabinet brother to finish speaking and turned around and left!

Because at this time, the live broadcast room has already cleared the situation of Jing Xingchen

!"Look, people are rich! It's six or seven hundred thousand yuan to buy clothes casually! Fill in some more, it's enough for us to buy a house

!" "Hey, the gap between people and people is really big, I only earn 4,000 yuan a month now!" "You're 4,000 yuan a month

! I'm only 2,800

" "Great! Where is Shenhao? Keep up!!" At the request of everyone, Da Cong continued to follow Jing Xingchen secretly.

Jing Xingchen turned around and bought some daily necessities, skin care products and other things, because in the past, he would always try his best to please Liu Jingjing, so for skin care products, he also had special research, of course, the research was not about cosmetic ingredients or anything, but the price, in the past, Liu Jingjing always said which classmate in the class bought what La Mer cosmetics, what Helena's cosmetics, Jing Xingchen turned around and bought all the prices he had known, and he didn't care whether it was for boys or girls, in his opinion, girls can use it, and men can use it better

"Sir, this set of La Mer 21-day rejuvenating essence and the price of these are a total of 24211 yuan!

" "No problem

!" "Sir! This set of Helena is a total of 9728

yuan" "WeChat scan the code is okay!"

"Sir! This set of La Prani's essence and rejuvenating cream are a total of 49885 yuan

" "You can sweep me!"


A set of operations is as fierce as a tiger, Jing Xingchen has been shopping for a long time, tired enough, and looked at the time on his mobile phone, only 20 minutes have passed! He suddenly admired those who could walk around all day

shopping! "Hello sir, do you know the house? The best house in Los Angeles! The best house in the world!" A salesperson looked at Jing Xingchen, who was wearing Gucci and carrying countless high-end cosmetics in his hands, and asked! "

Look!!!!! I have a need!" Jing Xingchen has been thinking about buying a better house to live in since he received the Double Color Ball Award, no matter whether he continues to develop in Los Angeles in the future, it is necessary to change the house

!"Sir, please take a seat! I am the world's first product salesperson, you can call me Xiao Zheng! Let me briefly introduce our world's first house for you!"

"Okay, you say, what is the price and how large is the area?"

We are located on the financial street of Los Angeles Economic Zone, surrounded by three national 3A-level hospitals and 2 national key primary schools, 3..."

"Stop! I don't care about those! I only care about what I buy now, when can I move in? Is there a sand table, a model room or something to show me

!""Yes, yes! Sir, the world's first product is a well-decorated existing house! All the furniture is the world's top! Our refrigerator uses Casati BCD-659WISSU1 model! Our washing machine is..." "

You are off topic again! Those things are available, if I am not Xi to it, I can change it myself, what price? How large area, what floor?".

"Ah! cough cough, sorry sir! The world's first product is a large flat floor, one ladder and one household, the highest floor is 28 floors, that is to say, there are only 28 owners in a building! The best floor is 21-23 floors! The area of each floor is 1108 square meters, because we are doing booth sales in the Universal Shopping Center, so now we are engaged in activities, and the best floor can be purchased for 120,000 yuan per square meter!"

"That suite is about 130 million or 40 million, right?"

Yes sir, if we buy it today, we can give away two years of property fees!It will also give

away a series of other services!"What other floors?""Sir, because we are doing activities here today, this building, that is, the building of the world's first product building, has not been sold yet

!" "

That's good, I'm lucky that the number is 23, I'll buy 23 floors, you go to open a contract, let's go through the formalities!" It's best to move in tomorrow!"Yes

sir! 23 floors are the best! If you think the price is too high, sir! What !!!!!! open a contract!" Xiao Zheng was stunned, can you still buy a house like this?

"Yes, you go quickly, I have limited time!!By the way, if there is a garage, help me take a look! It's best to be closer to the house I bought

!"Okay big guy! I'll go !!! right away" Xiao Zheng swore that he had sold houses in Los Angeles for five or six years, and he had never met such a big man, and he bought a house for more than 100 million yuan, as if he didn't spend any money!

On the other side, the two smart people saw that Jing Xingchen had been unable to come out of the sales booth, and faintly guessed whether they were looking at the house inside.

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