With a foot on the brakes, Lu Feng got out of the car and looked at the environment of the scene.

Just now, Su Xiuyuan's timely reminder, plus his quick reaction.

He himself successfully avoided Ling Xiangyu's collision.

But now, it was Ling Xiangyu's own car, looking at the failure to hit Lu Feng, and suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Then Su Xiu avoided it and directly gave him a 360-degree full rotation!

There was no Mars, no gasoline pyrotechnic smell, only more parts scattered all over the place.

Lu Feng walked to Su Xiuyuan's car.

At a glance, his Lamborghini front had collapsed, and the lid was curved and tattered, but fortunately the problem was not serious.

When Lu Feng walked to the front of the car, Su Xiuyuan and Xu Wenxuan had already got out of the car.

"It's okay!" Looking

at the two people in front of him, Lu Feng spoke gently.

"It's okay!"

Su Xiuyuan shook his head unconcernedly.

Then he crouched down and glanced at his Lamborghini, where the impact marks still made his heart ache slightly!

"Brother Feng, is your car okay!" glanced

at Hennessy Venom parked in the distance, Xu Wenxuan asked a little surprised.

"My car is fine!"

said Lu Feng softly.

Lu Feng shook his head lightly, glanced at the impact of Su Xiuyuan, and hit McLaren on the guardrail on the edge of the cliff.

Before and after the car, there is a certain degree of damage.

This is the first time Lu Feng has met someone who really doesn't put other people's lives in his eyes.

Competition is competition, skill is not as good as people, and there is nothing to be ashamed of admitting yourself.

Let's take two words full of fighting spirit to encourage yourself, maybe Lu Feng can still look up at you twice!

Even at the last Four Seasons Spring Bar, Lu Feng had never been so angry.

The breeze of the peaks at night still has a cool feeling.

But the two people next to Lu Feng did not have that feeling

, Lu Feng's expression could not be seen clearly in the night, but Lu Feng's cold temperament escaped.

But to their great surprise.

This sense of oppression is not available to the elders in their families.

Lu Feng's identity, I am afraid that in addition to the last one, there should be something more surprising.

"Let's go, go over and take a look!"

said Lu Feng gently to Su Xu Xiuyuan and Xu Wenxuan.

At this moment, the large troops in the rear have already been chased up.

I saw the situation here at a glance, and it was obvious that there was a car accident.

They also stopped, and the lights of the sports car illuminated the night and the three people.

"Su Shao, what's wrong here?"

someone came up and asked.

They saw that it was Su Xiuyuan's car that collided with Ling Xiangyu's car, but wasn't Ling Xiangyu competing with the newcomer?


Chen Mingjie also appeared, his eyes slightly glanced at Lu Feng who was walking towards McLaren, and softly opened his mouth to ask.

"You'll know in a moment!" Su

Xiu didn't say much, and also walked towards Ling Xiangyu's McLaren.

There, Lu Feng was already walking to McLaren's car.

Lu Feng stood by McLaren's car.

Even after Su Xiuyuan's Lamborghini crashed and hit the guardrail.

The damage to this McLaren is huge, but the cockpit is clearly not deformed at all.

Knocked lightly on the car window, and the people inside did not move in the slightest.

"Brother Feng, this is Ling Xiangyu's car!"

Xu Wenxuan walked up and said softly.

Lu Feng shook his head, he didn't know anything about Ling Xiangyu!

"It's the little son of Ling's Real Estate Group!"

Xu Wenxuan just hinted, he knew that this name was nothing to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng nodded and tapped his finger on the glass again, and the people inside opened their eyes in confusion.

The window was opened.

A pungent smell of alcohol came over my face.

Lu Feng was slightly stunned!

Ling Xiangyu drank a lot when he saw it, this kind of person can actually drive on the road, and even come to drag racing.

Who hit my car!" Ling

Xiangyu's voice was staccato and full of dissatisfaction and confusion.

The whole person looked at Lu Feng, his fingers were crazy

and messy! and he was lying on the window of the car, looking at his McLaren's appearance, crying and howling!

Lu Feng directly stopped hesitating, and had to sober up this second son of the Ling family.

The handle reached in through the window and grabbed Ling Xiangyu's chest collar.

Before everyone could react.

Lifting Ling Xiangyu's body and flicking it gently, Ling Xiangyu's body flew high, smashed heavily on the ground in front of the vehicle, and slid out for a distance.

The body touched the ground, it was different from the warm embrace of a woman, and Ling Xiangyu instantly felt the hot pain on his back.

The alcohol also woke up for a long time.

"Brother Feng!" It

was really Xu Wenxuan who walked up, and exclaimed slightly when he saw Lu Feng's movements.

Ling Xiangyu shook his head and completely sobered up.

Gently touch your fingers towards your back.


couldn't help but exclaim in pain.

At the same time, there was a moist feeling in the fingertips.

When I withdrew my finger, the red blood stains on my fingertips were so obvious.

That was he was directly thrown to the ground by Lu Feng, his back was in close contact with the ground, and the skin on his back was scratched.

At the

same time, others who came up were shocked.

They also didn't expect Lu Feng to be so ruthless.

"Who are you!" Ling

Xiangyu half-knelt on the ground and spoke gently.

He has never suffered such a big loss.

"Just tried with me, now you forgot?" Lu

Feng also bent down slightly, looked at Ling Xiangyu, and said softly.

Ling Xiangyu's pupils shrank, and then he remembered that when he saw Lu Feng's car tonight, he was happy to hunt.

After going up and provoking, Lu Feng competed with him.

However, Hennessy, who looked at a corner and threw him almost out of sight of the taillights.

He himself became angry, and was ashamed that he was the one in this group who praised himself as a man with good car skills.

How can you tolerate this evil breath?

The moment he chased after him and saw Lu Feng's car.

I can't compare to you, I shouldn't, you don't win, that's okay!

"Remembered!" Lu

Feng smiled softly.

Looking at Ling Xiangyu, who was very handsome on the ground and half-kneeling.

A foot gently stepped towards the hand on the ground.

Ling Xiangyu only felt that his eyes were dark, and then, one foot was like iron, and it was heavily pressed on his hand.

"Bastard!" no

more alcohol.

"Let me go, don't you want to live!" A

huge angry shout came from Ling Xiangyu's mouth, and when everyone looked at it, they found that the situation had changed drastically now.

Ling Xiangyu's other hand stretched out and smashed into a fist towards Lu Feng's leg.

Lu Feng gently turned sideways, and his feet twisted slightly on the back of Ling Xiangyu's hand.

Looking at Ling Xiangyu Xiangyu's face changed drastically, his green tendons were revealed, and the whole person trembled with pain.

Then, a direct kick came out and hit Ling Xiangyu's chest hard.

The flying figure was directly bound by the hand, and the sound of gently twisting was particularly stunning!

Ling Xiangyu's body flew up, and then smashed heavily in front of Lu Feng.

The hand is broken, the face is knocked, the face is not broken, Lu Feng doesn't care!"

"Ling Xiangyu, right!" Lu

Feng grabbed Ling Xiangyu's collar and lifted Ling Kong in front of him with one hand.

"How do you say our affairs should be resolved

!" said with a gentle smile, looking at Ling Xiangyu who was covered in blood in front of him, Lu Feng's smile was like a devil's smile, and his voice was like a devil's whisper!

"This friend, spare people and spare people!" A

voice next to him came softly.

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