The swing sound is not urgent, but it is not calm either.

"Then you tell me in detail!" Lu

Feng said softly, hearing the sound of swing art!

"Speak slowly!"

Lu Feng instructed, getting up and walking towards the window.

Sensing Lu Feng's movements, the other three people at the dinner table also looked over.

"I'll take a call!"

nodded gently to the three of them, and the three


Lu Feng walked to the recliner by the window and took out his laptop.

With the explanation of Swing Art, Lu Feng gradually understood what happened to Wanxing Film and Television.

There is more than one veteran superstar in the film and television company, who wants to set up his own door, and has also driven many actors under him to swing!

Now, two of the superstars have reached the contract period.

If the contract cannot be renewed, it will be a huge loss to Wanxing Film and Television.

After listening to the report, Lu Feng thought carefully.

This seems to be really not a big deal, right!

"Qianyi, that's it?"

said Lu Feng softly.

Hearing Lu Feng's voice, Swing Yi was a little puzzled, this Lu Dong's voice seemed to be too calm.

This matter was not handled well, and it had a great impact on Wanxing Film and Television.

"Yes, that's it!" Swing

Yi's voice was also a little soothing, maybe because of Lu Feng!

Looking at the computer screen, the news kept coming, that is, the people of Wanxing Film and Television were reporting and asking her about the situation.

"Okay, terminate the contract, it's no big deal, Wanxing Film and Television leave them and don't turn around

!" "The foundation of Wanxing Film and Television is not on them! It's just that there will be one more procedure in the future, and you need to find someone!" "

There are not many in the entertainment industry, the actors grab a handful

!" "And since they want to terminate the contract, the liquidated damages cannot be less! Tell the company's legal department, commerce department and administration department, they understand!"

"Obedient, then let them roll! Disobedient, block!" Hearing

Lu Feng say this, Swing Yi reacted.

Indeed, the backbone of Wanxing Entertainment Group has always been Lufeng.

Lu Feng is the foundation and backbone of the towering tree, and Wanxing Entertainment is supported by Lu Feng (the background of the data in the system transmission is that Lu Feng will have a good script to the company from time to time).

It's just a few visual emperors, and some small actors who have not achieved much.


, don't doubt whether Wanxing Entertainment Group has this ability, unless the official comes forward

!" "Okay, Lu Dong, I understand!" Swing

Yi hung up the phone and smiled.

It is indeed her position that limits her.

However, since Lu Feng gave a solution, let her implement it.

Swing Art dialed Liu Kai, president of Wanxing Film and Television.

In the office at the top of the Wanxing Film and Television Building, looking at several TV emperors sitting in front of him.

Liu Kai was a little angry, today's events made him have to work overtime.

These people are now forced in front of him, the president.

However, thinking about the identities of several people, Liu Kai felt that it was still a little difficult.

"Mo Tianhe, the company has always treated you well, what is this doing now?"

Liu Kai looked at the person in the front and asked in a deep voice.

Sitting across the table, Shuangwang looked at Di Mo Tianhe, held up the mirrorless gold-framed glasses on his face, and said with a soft smile.

"Mr. Liu, where's the word

!" "I know that the company treats me well, so I didn't come to tell you about the termination

of the contract in advance!" "So say it a year in advance?" "

Wrong, there is no year, there are eleven months!" Hearing

Mo Tianhe's faint laughter, Liu Kai only felt that the person in front of him was so ugly and disgusting!

Over the years, Mo Tianhe came step by step, and the company became popular.

Even the Double King Trophy was saved by the company with a lot of effort.

Even the share has reached the top eighty-two kai in the entertainment industry

! As for higher, the company will post it backwards, that's unrealistic

! Now?

"What about you?"

Liu Kai turned his head and didn't say to Mo Tianhe, this guy is iron-hearted!

Mo Tian and the three Sight Emperors beside him, one simply spoke.

"I want to terminate the contract too!" the

other two hesitated!

They actually arrived at the contract, and they wanted to see whether to renew or terminate the contract

! I happened to meet today, and I didn't know that Mo Tianhe would do this!

The phone on the desk rang, attracting everyone's attention.

Liu Kai connected the phone, and he knew that this was the news from the headquarters.

The phone call was neither long nor short, but Liu Kai always said little during this process!

Looking at the gradually confident look on Liu Kai's face, somehow .

Mo Tianhe suddenly had a hint of foreboding.

"Okay, I will follow what the chairman said, thank you very much Director Qiu, and thank you to the chairman!" Liu

Kai said with a smile and hung up the phone.

"President Liu, what did the chairman say?" Without

scruples about Mo Tianhe, the two Emperors who had not spoken just now had an anxious inquiry.

"Hmm!" Looking

at this Sight Emperor's question, Liu Kai nodded a little thoughtfully.

It seems that this person still knows something

, but what is your dependence?"


Kai turned his head, looked at Mo Tianhe, and spoke gently.

"Just now, I received a call from the headquarters, and the results of the chairman's handling have also come! Mo Tianhe, your termination of the chairman is approved, go and pay the liquidated damages!" Mo

Tianhe was stunned and dumbfounded.

I never expected that the chairman would do this.

Liu Kai laughed maniacally in his heart.

The call of Swing Yi just now was to let him not be polite to these people, and at the same time, the chairman was equivalent to giving him power again.

Now, the opposite side is just a thought of him.

"As for you, Li Qun, your termination of the contract, the chairman has also approved!" Liu

Kai said equally mercilessly to the other Emperor who had just opened his mouth to terminate the contract.

When the words fell, Li Qun fell and shrunk into the seat.

"So, what about you two?" Looking

at the remaining two, Liu Kai spoke gently.

The two looked at each other, and they didn't know if this road was right.

"By the way, by the way, Mo Tianhe, Li Qun, you have been banned by Wanxing Entertainment!" Seeing

that the two did not answer, Liu Kai then threw a bombshell.

"You can see if you can withstand it, or the people behind you can withstand the ban of Wanxing Entertainment Group and hold you up!" Liu

Kai finished speaking, this is the most important thing!

Kill chickens and monkeys, of course, you must kill with one blow, simply decisive, and even the more ruthless the better

!" "Then we won't terminate the contract, President Liu!" The

two emperors hurriedly said.

This, chairman, is so ruthless.

Let them want to normal, do not renew the contract and dare not.

"You don't have to!" Liu

Kai turned his head and spoke gently.

"You are a normal situation, just deal with it normally, the chairman has clear grievances!" Liu

Kai hit a big stick, not forgetting to give a sweet date!

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