Shenhao: Tianhu Started And Reached The Pinnacle Of Life!

Chapter 24: Twitter And Bib, Mobile Internet Entrance!

"I see."

Shaking his head slightly, Tang Tian drank the soy milk in the cup in one gulp, and ordered: "I want to see Noah Glass."

"Arrange this meeting as soon as possible."


Feng Tao straightened his expression, turned around and led the people out of the suite.

After he left, Tang Tian took a shower, put on his pajamas, looked into the distance, and had an unobstructed view of the entire San Francisco city.

As a port city on the Pacific coast of America, San Francisco is adjacent to Silicon Valley, which has one of the highest Chinese population densities in the Western Hemisphere.

It has a subtropical Mediterranean climate and is home to the world-renowned San Francisco Bay Area, Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf.

Warm in winter and cool in summer, with plenty of sunshine, and close to many national parks across the United States and Napa Valley, the wine-producing region of California, it is known as the most popular city.

But Tang Tian is most concerned about the San Francisco Bay Area.

The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the most important scientific, educational and cultural centers in the world. It has world-renowned institutions of higher learning, including the public University of California, Berkeley and the private Stanford University, as well as the world's top medical center, University of California, San Francisco. More than 100 Nobel Prize winners, Fields Medal winners and Turing Award winners work or study here.

More than 200 Olympic champions) came out of the San Francisco Bay Area, and there is also the San Francisco Art University, the largest art school in the United States.

Before the 21st century, the emerging technology companies born in America were almost in Silicon Valley, but after the 21st century, this is heaven.

Star Investment's US branch is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, screening high-quality Internet companies at close range to make investment bets.

"Master Tang."

"People are coming!"

At this time, Feng Tao led a slightly decadent middle-aged man in.

The middle-aged man stared at the young oriental face in pajamas, and was stunned, at a loss.

"Noah Glass."

"In October 2004, partnered with Williams to start the podcast company Odeo."

"Twitter is born in your hands, and you once thought it was social software that could change the world."

"It's not just you who think so, Williams and Stone also think so, otherwise, how could they rack their brains to drive you away."

Glancing at the decadent middle-aged man, Tang Tian showed a mocking look: "Don't you want to take back Twitter?"


Noah Glass looked shocked, and his pupils dilated instantly.

"I have to say, Williams is a great businessman."

"In 1999, I founded PyraLabs with my friends, specializing in the development of project management software. This project was acquired by Google."

"Because of this, he has a lot of money in his hand, so he invested in your joint company and took what belongs to you."

"Now he wants to realize Twitter, but he has been unable to find a profit point. According to his thinking, it is impossible to find a profit point."

Tang Tian did not hide his contempt for Williams at all, and said with a sneer: "The outlet for micro-blog sites is not here, but in the future."

"The Internet portal on the PC side is a portal website and a search engine, but the real role of Twitter is to serve as the portal to the mobile Internet."


One word stirred up thousands of waves.

What is the Internet entrance, it is equivalent to the outlet.

As Tang Tian said, the entrance of the PC side is in the portal website, and in the search engine, its representatives are Google and Yahoo.

You know, the market value of Google and Yahoo has already exceeded 100 billion US dollars, and they are the world's Internet giants. Does Twitter have such potential?

"140 characters, including space for punctuation marks."

"You guys knew from the very beginning that Twitter was all about messaging."

"Then why don't you firmly believe in Twitter completely as a mobile app?"

Immediately afterwards.

Tang Tian dropped a 'bomb' again.

"Is this okay?"

Noah Glass couldn't believe it.

"Why not?"

With a slight smile, Tang Tian continued: "On the mobile phone, use text, pictures, videos and other multimedia forms to realize instant sharing and dissemination of information. For example, inviting stars and celebrities to join and verifying their real names. Users are marked with special."

"In addition to private messages, users can also comment and repost other people's information. Isn't this more convenient than other social media."

"If you're worried about not being able to do it technically, then don't worry at all."

"Hasn't Apple already come up with a product?"


Noah Glass swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He also thought of the new generation iPhone? 2G mobile phone announced by Apple at the beginning of the year.

Although the 2G network is not as smooth as the 3G network, pictures can be refreshed, and text messages can be delivered in a timely manner.

In this way, everything Tang Tian said is no longer a possibility, but is about to become a reality.

"Xia Guo has a saying that free is the most expensive thing."

"Williams is an idiot who wants to charge Twitter to create a profit point."

Curling his lips, Tang Tian sneered: "Twitter currently has only a few million active users."

"Facebook has 34 million active users. On September 11 last year, Facebook was opened to all Internet users."

"At this time, Twitter wants to charge, isn't it driving away the original users?"


heard the words.

Noah Glass fell into silence.

In fact, it was also his idea to obtain profit points by charging users.

In foreign countries, with the rise of social software, users of instant messaging software are further scrambled. The real opponent Twitter faces is not ICQ, MSN, Skype and other instant messaging software, but Facebook, which is also a social software.

The future international social software overlord must be among Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook has tens of millions of active users relying on the university alliance, while Twitter has less than 5 million active users. This gap is almost desperate.

If Twitter makes a major mistake in its corporate strategy, then it is certain that Facebook will become the overlord of social software.

"I called you over today to ask if you still have thoughts on Twitter?"

Looking at Noah Glass, Tang Tian said lightly.

'Shua! ! ! '

Noah Glass raised his head impressively, staring at the young oriental man in front of him with scorching eyes.

"I'll buy Twitter, Jack Dorsey will stay as CEO, and you'll be COO."

"As senior officials, you and Jack can get 3% of the shares, and this part of the shares will not be diluted until the listing."

"Oh, by the way, what I want is not a Twitter, but a giant whose market capitalization surpasses that of Yahoo and Google."

With his back to Noah Glass, Tang Tian's figure looked extraordinarily tall under the rising sun.

"I do!"

Noah Glass responded without thinking.

As a result, a brand new employment contract appeared in front of him, and this pleasant conversation came to an end.

Tang Tian, ​​who had been sitting for more than ten hours, was exhausted and did not go directly to the Twitter headquarters, but spent the day on a hotel bed.

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