Shenhao: Tianhu Started And Reached The Pinnacle Of Life!

Chapter 244: Sit In A Row, Share Fruit!

"First of all, Fujixun, Yuanhang, Baidu, and Jindong.

"Followed by Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Postal Bank, and Bank of Communications."

Facing everyone's eyes, Tang Tian replied without thinking.

The first four are Xiaguo Internet giants second only to the Stars companies, and they are the most important users of Yifutong.

Among other things, the transfers of Fujixun, Yuanhang, Baidu, and Jindong alone have accounted for at least two-thirds of Yifutong's capital flow.

It can be seen that the importance of these four companies to Yifutong Company.

As for the latter five, they are national banks second only to ICBC in China, and their global influence is equally huge.

Letting them participate is not only to share thin profits, but also to win over allies and increase the umbrella for Easypay through this behavior.

If Easypay had such a protective umbrella before, would ICBC and the China Banking Regulatory Commission dare to plunder them so wantonly?

"Master Tang!"

"057" "I think that although the valuation of Yifutong Company is not as good as that of International Yifutong Company, it can't be too far apart."

"The proceeds from the financing will be used for the expansion of Easypay Bank, Easypay Insurance, and Easypay Fund, forming a five-in-one system of Easypay Financial Services.

After listening to Tang Tian's words, Tuan Yuanyu immediately made a suggestion.


Nodding slightly, Tang Tian said lightly.

Immediately afterwards.

Gu Yuanyu continued: "International Epay is valued at US$500 billion, equivalent to RMB 3.5 trillion."

"I personally think that Yifutong's valuation cannot be lower than RMB 3 trillion."

"Easy Pay Financial Services can't hold less than 51% of the shares."

"For the remaining 49%, each of Fujixun, Yuanhang, Baidu, and Jindong will receive a 6% shareholding quota."

"Give each of Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, China Post Bank, and Bank of Communications a 5% shareholding quota."

"In this way, the 49% of the shares recovered a total of 1.47 trillion RMB, equivalent to 210 billion U.S. dollars."

"With this fund, Easypay Bank will be able to expand aggressively, and at the same time establish branches in Europe, the United States and other places to support the business development of Easypay Financial Services."


The other people present agreed after hearing this.

The valuation of RMB 3 trillion is not an exaggeration for Yifutong, and it can even be said to be a bit conservative.

If Yifutong is willing to list in the Hong Kong stock market, it will be able to catch up with Gold East in minutes, which is based on the financial nature of Yifutong.


"That's it."

"You come forward and make an appointment with the heads of the five major banks to determine the shareholding amount as soon as possible.

"As for Fujixun, I will make a phone call with Jiji in person later.

Waving his hand, Tang Tian motioned for Gu Yuanyu to leave.


Without saying a word, Gu Yuanyu left the office in a hurry, and went down to prepare to arrange for the negotiation of shares.

After he left, Fang Zhenyu, the general manager of Aegis Security, Ding Binghui, the deputy general manager, Sanderson, the CEO of Star Bank, Gao Qi, the executive president of Shiweitian Group, An Ruosu, the executive president of Chunfeng Group, and Zeng Quan, the CEO of Future Biotech, were left in the office.

"How about the expedition to the Far East?"

Glancing at several people, Tang Tian continued to ask.

"Master Tang!"

"We've sampled the Far East."

"Laomaozi has done a good job in environmental development, and most areas have maintained their original appearance."

"This environment is most suitable for planting medicinal materials, and the efficacy of the planted medicinal materials is no less than that of wild medicinal materials.

"Aside from other things, ginseng is completely capable of forming a large-scale ginseng garden, thereby replacing Lao Maozi and becoming the world's main ginseng supplier."

"And, a large number of wild medicinal materials grow in this area, and the effect is very good."

"You also know that the domestic demand for wild medicinal materials is actually increasing day by day."

"If we can get this one out, it's definitely 100 percent highly profitable."

Zeng Quan, the CEO of Future Biotech, said a little eagerly.

In the detection of future organisms, the Far East region has the advantages of original ecology that most regions in the world do not have, and is very suitable for them to engage in biotechnology.

Moreover, the Far East is sparsely populated, so they only need to take safety measures, and no one can interfere with their experiments.

"Master Tang!"

"We have recruited a large number of experienced herb collectors in China, and organized a team to collect herbs in the Far East.

"These medicine collection licenses are all issued by Lao Maozi and have legal effect."

"Also, regarding the artificial planting of medicinal materials, we have also reached an agreement with officials from the Amur Region."

"Chunfeng Group will contract the corresponding mountain and forest areas, and pay a certain amount of contracting fees every year, and are not allowed to do things other than agricultural development.

An Ruosu, executive president of Chunfeng Group, also added.

Slightly nodding his head, Tang Tian's eyes fell on Gao Qi, CEO of Food For Heaven Group: "With regard to the establishment of high-end food supply bases abroad, does Food For Heaven Group have any ideas?"

"Master Tang!"

Upon hearing this, Gao Qi's expression fluctuated greatly, and he quickly reported: "There must be an idea, we have already made a preliminary plan..."

"According to the report on the investigation of the Far East, the area suitable for large-scale agricultural cultivation is also in Amur Oblast."

"The main ones are the Zeya-Bureya Plain and the Amur-Zeya Plain. The total food crops produced by these two plains account for more than 50% of the food crops produced in the entire Polar Bear Far East. It is only because of the sparse population that the production capacity has not been fully utilized."1

"Of course, the Amur Oblast is also the largest grain-producing area in the Russian Far East, with 1.8 million hectares of arable land, accounting for about 60% of the Far East area, of which the soybean planting area accounts for about 50% of the total soybean planting area in Russia. In addition, it is also the main sugar beet producing area in the East."

"The region suitable for planting and cultivating high-end ingredients should be the Republic of Buryatia."

"Whether it is to transport products out of the local area, to Xiaguo, or to the planting environment, the Republic of Buryatia is the best choice.

"However, there is one embarrassing thing, that is, the local population is insufficient, and I am afraid that it cannot meet our recruitment needs.


The voice fell.

Tang Tian's expression changed slightly, and he asked, "Can't meet the recruitment needs? What are you going to do?"

The Republic of Buryatia is one of the autonomous republics of polar bears, belonging to the Far East Federal District, with an area of ​​351,300 square kilometers and a population of 980,000.

Of course, most people 3.0 are engaged in occupations related to wood processing.

Because the local forest resources are very rich, 4/5 of the area is covered by forests, and the reserve of trapped wood reaches 2 billion cubic meters.

"We plan to contract at least 300,000 hectares of arable land in Amur Oblast to build large-scale farms."

Looking excited, Gao Qi said eagerly.


Immediately, everyone present was stunned.

At least 300,000 hectares, one hectare is equal to 15 mu of land, 300,000 hectares, that is 4.5 million mu of land, how can this be called large?

According to calculations that the rice yield per mu in Northeast China is generally 1,200-1,400 jin, if the 4.5 million mu of land is fully planted with rice, it can produce at least 5.4 billion jin of rice a year, equivalent to 2.7 million tons of rice. .

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