Shenhao: Tianhu Started And Reached The Pinnacle Of Life!

Chapter 26: Differentiated Competition, Twitter Must Overthrow Facebook!

Just after Williams and Stone left Twitter together, although Jack Dorsey was very reluctant, he packed his things and prepared to leave.

In this huge sum of 3 million US dollars, except for the salaries that need to be paid to Twitter employees, the rest is the income of the two shareholders, Williams and Stone, and he is just a poor guy, an abandoned the poor guy.

"Mr. Jack, wait a moment."

At this moment, Feng Tao blocked the way of Jack Dorsey.

"Mr. Feng?"

Jack Dorsey had a puzzled expression on his face.

A middle-aged white man in a suit and leather shoes walked in from the door and patted Jack Dorsey on the shoulder, making him a little unbelievable.


"Jack, my good brother, long time no see."

Noah Glass gave Jack Dorsey a hug, and invited with a smile: "The shameless speculators have been driven away."

"Next is a brand new future, my brother, come with me to meet the BOSS."

Jack Dorsey was in a daze, and was dragged to the meeting room by Noah Glass.

In the conference room at this time, Tang Tian still sat upright, waiting for the two to arrive with a calm expression.


Noah Glass shouted excitedly.

Jack Dorsey looked suspiciously at the 'acquaintance' next to him, and then at Tang Tian above him, becoming more and more puzzled.


"People can change the world with 140 characters, and are you willing to be the pioneer?"

Looking at the white man in front of him, Tang Tian asked with a smile.

"Mr. Tang, I..."

Jack Dorsey was a little surprised by this.

Didn’t the conversation just now make a decision to buy out Twitter and the team for three million dollars, but not including him, Williams, and Stone.

"Hey, my brother."

"William and Stone are shameless thieves. They took away our achievements, but claimed that they were their own creations."

"Look at just now, three million dollars, except for that poor one-month salary, what did you get?"

"You are responsible for the creation and hosting of the entire project, and I am responsible for building the framework of Twitter, including the experience."

"And William and Stone took some money and just let our efforts go down the drain."

Noah Glass persuaded: "The reason why BOSS made such a request is to drive them away."

"Stay, stay, and together we will work together for the future of Twitter."


Hearing this, Jack Dorsey couldn't help turning his eyes to Tang Tian who was looking up.


Facing his gaze, Tang Tian said seriously: "I've always supported a saying that professional people do professional things."

"Although Twitter was acquired by Star Investment, Star Investment will not intervene in daily operations, and will only send financial personnel to be responsible for auditing."

"You will be the CEO, Noah Glass will be the COO, and each will own 3% of the shares."

"I can promise you that until the listing, this part of the shares you own will never be diluted."

"I am very optimistic about Twitter. The future social software hegemony will inevitably emerge before Twitter and Face."

The voice fell.

Jack Dorsey's breathing immediately became constricted.

Three percent of the shares that cannot be diluted is an irresistible temptation.


In the end, Jack Dorsey chose to join the new Twitter company as CEO.

Watching him sign his name on the new employment contract, the corners of Tang Tian's mouth couldn't help but rise. In this way, the two carriages of Twitter are ready, and the next step is to develop step by step, surpassing Face is no problem.

"Jack, Noah."

"Now is the time when social software is just emerging, and everyone is staking the land."

"Facebook received US$25 million in April last year, and received a total of US$37.7 million in investment."

"As of now, Facebook has at least 30 million active users, and this number will continue to increase dramatically."

"I think you should know why."

"Yes, boss!"

Jack Dorsey and Noah Glass looked at each other and nodded.

Since September 11 last year, Facebook has been open to all Internet users, and anyone with a valid email address can register. This move opened up the situation at once.

Previously, the website with the most active users in the United States and even in the world was MySpace, with more than 20 million active users.

The characteristic of MySpace is that it is a social networking service website focusing on music. Secondly, in July 2005, it was acquired by News Corporation for US$580 million, and it is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

But it is also doomed that it cannot expand as crazy as Facebook.

"In the process of Twitter's development, it is necessary to learn from Facebook, and it must be done as soon as possible."

"We also open registration, but we add a function, real person authentication."

"An account that has passed real-person authentication is not allowed to change users, and the website will give a special icon for real-person authentication."

With his hands behind his back, Tang Tian spit out a business plan.

"The idea of ​​BOSS is great!"

Jack Dorsey and Noah Glass couldn't help admiring.

As pioneers in the field of social software, they naturally understand the importance of real person authentication.

In this way, the most difficult to curb illegal accounts on social software have nowhere to hide, giving real users an indescribable sense of security.

"If you want to beat Facebook, you must first understand yourself and your opponent."

"Twitter has a 140-character limit and focuses on brevity, while Facebook doesn't, it's enriching itself."

"I heard that Facebook is only planning to add free classifieds, but also plans to introduce an application programming interface (API)."

"Through this API, third-party software developers can develop applications that run on the Facebook site."

"Also, the partnership with iTunes allows Facebook to continue to provide users with free music single downloads."

In later generations, Facebook has always been able to secure its position as the overlord in the social field, which has a lot to do with the rich diversity of its sections.


"You're saying let's continue to downsize ourselves, in contrast to Facebook."

Jack Dorsey immediately saw the key point and asked.

"To be precise, this is called differentiated competition."

Giving Jack Dorsey a look of approval, Tang Tian continued: "The core of social networking sites and social software is social networking."

"Twitter pays attention to timeliness, and realizes the instant sharing, dissemination and interaction of information through the most concise method."

"Only in this way can social attributes be maximized, and even fission spread."

"I have already mentioned to Noah about how to do this, and he will tell you later."

"What you have to do now is to optimize Twitter's website design, and at the same time, increase Twitter's APP research."

"Ensure that Twitter can firmly seize the entrance when the mobile Internet comes."

"There is no rush to make a profit. I have asked Star Investment to inject 47 million U.S. dollars for Twitter's daily operations."

"In addition to the office location, Twitter needs to speed up the recruitment of personnel. I hope that within three months, a new version of the Twitter website will be launched."

"At the same time, before the end of the year, Twitter's active users surpassed Facebook and became the leader in the international social field."


Jack Dorsey and Noah Glass lifted their expressions and responded loudly.

Forty-seven million U.S. dollars, this is a monstrous amount of money. With this money, if they can't beat Facebook, they are really useless.

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