Shenhao: Tianhu Started And Reached The Pinnacle Of Life!

Chapter 47: Sit In A Row, Divide The Fruit, Adjust The Layout!

Three days later, at 8:50 am on May 10.

"Shipping complete!"

"Shipping complete!"

"Shipping complete!"

The operation room on the 22nd floor of the Star Building.

One by one, traders closed their sell orders one after another, and made reports out loud.

As soon as the market opened at 8 o'clock, 2,858,550 short-selling orders in the hands of Star Investment were placed at a price of 655 US dollars.

The local London gold price of Xiangjiang Futures Exchange was smashed to US$654 in an instant, and many retail investors and institutions rushed to buy these short orders.

If it weren't for the consideration that putting in so many orders at once would attract the attention of many people, I'm afraid it wouldn't take so long.

"How much money are we settling now?"

With eyes like torches, Tang Tian looked around the crowd and asked.

"Go back to Young Master Tang."

Deputy General Manager Yan Yan immediately reported: "The brokerage has completed the delivery, and all the funds have entered the country through the ICBC account."

"Deducting transaction costs and loan interest, we now have 98 million US dollars in funds, equivalent to 686 million yuan in RMB."


Slightly nodding his head, Tang Tian ordered: "I am a man who keeps his word."

"If you say that you will give 1% of the profit to everyone as a reward, you will never break your promise."

"This operation made a profit of 98 million U.S. dollars. It stands to reason that one percent is 980,000 U.S. dollars, or 6.86 million yuan."

"I don't think it's better than this. There are 30 people present, and each of them will give out 250,000 yuan as a reward."

"In addition, after so many days of tossing around, everyone must be tired. I will give you three days off and return to work in the company after three days."

As soon as the words fell, the audience cheered.

"Long live Young Master Tang!"

"Young Master Tang is so awesome!"

Thirty traders couldn't stop their inner joy and cheered.

According to the ninety-eight dollars, each of them can share a little more than 220,000 yuan at most. Now everyone has 250,000 yuan, and there are three days off. Who can be unhappy?

At this time, Shen Nanpeng gave Tang Tian a precise look, Tang Tian raised his hand and added: "The finance department has put the bonus into your card."

"Nothing else, let's leave first."


The many employees who were prompted by the bank put on their bags one by one and left the operating room.

Soon, apart from the mess in the huge operating room, there were only three Tang Tians left. Tang Tian said indifferently: "I'll wait for you in the office."

With that said, he took the elevator directly and returned to the chairman's office on the top floor.

As for Shen Nanpeng and Yan Yan, they are still arranging the finishing work, the sanitation of the operating room, the details of funds, and so on.


At nine o'clock in the morning, the chairman's office.

In addition to Shen Nanpeng, the two deputy general managers Yan Yan and Feng Tao also arrived.

"Let's talk about the Finance Department first."

Looking at the three of them, Tang Tian said: "There are currently ninety traders in total, and besides the thirty, there are still sixty."

"In addition, there are many financial auditors and accountants in your finance department, with a total of 320 people."

"There are not many domestic stocks in my hands. They are 30 million shares of ST Renhe, 50 million shares of Guangji Pharmaceutical, 50 million shares of Tin Industry, and 60 million shares of Zhongfu Industrial. If there is no accident, Tin Industry Both the shares and Zhongfu Industrial will not be fully released until the end of the year for settlement."

"Guangji Pharmaceutical will exit the warehouse at the end of August for settlement."

"In addition, the stocks waiting for operation are: ST Jintai, ST Prism, and Northeast Securities."

"Among them, ST Prism resumed trading on July 9 this year, Northeast Securities completed its reorganization and resumed trading at the end of August; ST Jintai implemented share reform on October 26."

"For these three stocks alone, Star Investment may need to invest at least 1.5 billion."

In Tang Tian's memory, ST Prism opened higher by 10.89 yuan, which was not a small handicap, and 50 million shares was 540 million yuan.

The opening price of Northeast Securities is 16.34 yuan, the largest market opening, and 50 million shares is at least 800 million yuan.

ST Jintai has a small market, the issue price is 3.18 yuan per share, the opening price is basically around 3 yuan, and 30 million shares equals 90 million yuan.

Moreover, these stocks are all domestic A-shares. Once Star Investment uses leverage, it will be seen through by the brokerage. This is obviously not possible. Only by using your own funds can the privacy of Star Investment be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Therefore, the 1.5 billion is the funds that Xingchen Investment will actually use.


Both Shen Nanpeng and Yan Yan couldn't help but gasped.

Feng Tao, the deputy general manager in charge of the investment department, didn't feel much. After all, before this, the investment department led the case of wholly-owned acquisition of Aston Martin for 850 million U.S. dollars, which was 5.6 billion yuan (RMB ).

"Master Tang."

"After ST Renhe exits the warehouse, the maximum profit is no more than 1.4 billion."

"I'm afraid that the funds we have withdrawn this time..."

Shen Nanpeng hesitated to speak.

But what he meant, everyone understood that Star Investment's return of funds in ST Renhe could barely buy these three stocks.

In this way, the cash flow of the entire Xingchen Investment may be exhausted again, and this life is too uncomfortable.

"No problem."

Waving his hands, Tang Tian said indifferently: "Star Investment has invested one billion in Huanyu Technology."

"After that, Huanyu Technology will be responsible for its own profits and losses."

"The initial one billion capital was used to purchase ST Prism, which is sufficient to maintain daily operations."

"Before the end of July, our first wave of short-term operations will return at least 4 billion yuan."


Hearing this, Shen Nanpeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yan Yan."

"The Financial Department of Star Investment will separate out the stock operation team, the futures operation team and the fund management team."

"Both the bonus and basic salary must be recalculated, and strict distribution rules must be formulated."

"Before this, 30 of the 90 people who stayed in China have already received a bonus of 250,000 yuan."

"Then, the remaining 60 people will distribute the profits in the operation of ST Renhe."

"The remaining stocks will be reassigned to the person in charge, and whichever stock is out of the warehouse first will be rewarded and distributed to the team immediately."

"This is also the basis for the future bonus system of the Star Investment Finance Department."

Watching Yan Yan, Tang Tian ordered word by word.

Star Investment is rooted in the financial world, and its tentacles extend into the investment industry, which is a two-footed advance.

Only when the financial sector makes profits can the investment sector have a large amount of funds for investment operations, and a virtuous circle can be formed.

This bonus mechanism comes from the common rules and regulations of Wall Street in later generations, which can maximize the enthusiasm of financial practitioners.


Of course Yan Yan knew the gold content of these words, so he quickly remembered them in his heart.

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