Shenhao: Tianhu Started And Reached The Pinnacle Of Life!

Chapter 64: Precise Operation, The God In The Crude Oil Market!

On July 27, 2007, the global stock market plummeted for the first time due to the US subprime housing credit problem.

What followed was that the European and American stock markets plummeted across the board, and the international market was wailing and the market was bleak.

"Oh? Fall! Fall!"

On the top floor of the building in the western suburbs of London, there were exclamations one after another, but completely different from the bleakness of the stock market, every voice was full of excitement.

Because the plunge in the global stock market has caused turmoil in international oil futures, it has gradually fallen from 70 US dollars per barrel, and has fallen by at least 2 US dollars since the opening of the market, which means that the warehouse profit has reached billions of dollars.

"You already guessed it, didn't you?"

Alice stared straight at Tang Tian with a pair of beautiful eyes, and the expression on her delicate little face was very complicated.

Before that, she once thought that Tang Tian was just a person trying to catch fame.

But within a few days, the first wave of market prices came, and it came so quickly that people were caught off guard.

The decline of the global stock market has also affected England. The top ten families in the UK are busy cleaning up the mess, and no one has time to pay attention to this place, let alone Tang Tian. up!

"If the Cardiff family is smart enough, they should sell all their holdings except aerospace and medical stocks now."

"Financial stocks and real estate stocks are the main targets of this crisis, and energy stocks will continue to fall."

"Wait until the situation can't be stretched anymore, and then wave the banknotes to buy those who used to be high-quality stocks.

"what do you think?"

With his hands in his arms, Tang Tian looked at ease.

In fact.

The subprime mortgage crisis has a great impact on the world, but it has little impact on the high-tech industry.

Just like Apple in the original history, it once became the only stock that rose against the trend when the subprime mortgage crisis spread to the world and triggered an economic depression.

It can be said that everyone in the subprime mortgage crisis regards Apple as a life-saving straw, and Apple's closing price at the end of this year will even reach close to 200 US dollars.

Google's stock price in July was $541.63, and in less than four months, the stock price will reach more than $700.

In addition to high-tech industries, aerospace and medical stocks are the few stocks that can stabilize the market.


Hearing this, Alice's face changed suddenly, and she hurried to the elevator.

Watching her leaving back, secretary Lin Yu quietly approached Tang Tian's ear and reported, "Young Master Tang."

"Boss Feng and the investment team have arrived."


A trace of greed flashed across his eyes, and Tang Tian said meaningfully: "Tell Feng Tao to set up the British branch of Xingchen Investment immediately.

"The British branch is mainly based on the investment department, and recruits a large number of professionals who are proficient in acquisitions."

"Spare no effort to collect information on Dutch ASML, German SUSS, Hitachi and other international companies."

Self-produced chips are not a simple matter. Materials suppliers include silicon wafers, synthetic semiconductor wafers, photomasks, photoresists, pharmaceuticals, target materials, protective coatings, lead frames, ceramic plates, and plastic plates. , TAB, COF, bonding wire, packaging materials and other 14 important materials.

In terms of equipment, in addition to lithography machines, etching machines, ultra-high-precision instruments, and CNC machine tools are also required.

At present, no one at home and abroad has fully controlled this industrial chain, and no country has even been able to form a complete industrial chain.

Chips are the heart of a great country, no matter what, Xia Guo must take this step, even if it is many years in advance.

If the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the subprime mortgage crisis is missed, then Tang Tian and even Xingchen Investment, Huanyu Group, Xia Guo, if they want to pick up this piece of 'gold', they will pay hundreds of times the price, and they will not even be able to do it. arrive.

The chairman's secretary, Lin Yu, looked serious, stepped on high heels, and left the big top floor.

On the other hand, Tang Tian continued to focus on the trader team, and the falling oil price was the profit he reaped this time, which would be the beginning of the overall plan.

On the other side, Alice rushed back to Chatsworth Manor, the hereditary mansion of the Cadyvensh family in Devonshire.

"My little sweetheart, why are you back?"

Dean Cadvinsh, who was suffering from a headache due to the plummeting European and American stock markets, was stunned when he saw Alice.

London is not close to Devonshire, and now is the most critical time for Tang Tian to operate, how could his daughter appear here?


"I think you need to listen carefully to the next words."

"Crude oil is plummeting, and the drop is almost 8 percent."

"There is no doubt that the plunge in crude oil has something to do with the plunge in the U.S. stock market."

"We still underestimated Tang Tian. Tang Tian completely foresaw these situations and made the layout half a month in advance."

"As you guessed before, he has sufficient confidence in his operations."


Hearing this, Dean Cadvin Xu's expression froze, and he asked with some guesswork: "Alice."

"You mean he still has speculation about the current situation?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Alice stared at her father, and said solemnly: "He suggested that we should get rid of aerospace stocks and medical stocks.

"All stocks held are sold, especially financial stocks and real estate stocks."


Dean Cadivesh's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Could things really get this bad?


"And one more thing."

"Tang Tian recommends that we sell our energy stocks."

"He said sell it now, and you can wave the money and buy it later."

"I'm a little confused about that."

As she said that, Alice showed a puzzled look on her beautiful face.

"So it is."

Dean Cadiwen Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

He now knows how bad this situation will be. The continuous decline of financial stocks and real estate stocks has been unstoppable, and energy stocks should remain on a stable basis for a certain period of time.

The difference between the two is that financial stocks and real estate stocks are unstoppable abysses, while energy is a market that countries all over the world have to hold on to.

Regardless of whether it is AmeriCard, or Xiaguo, all countries in the world must support energy.

"My sweetheart."

"You have done the family a great favor this time."

"Daddy has to deal with things first, you will be back in London as soon as possible.

Before Alice could react, Dean Cadyvensh had already walked out of the living room, and began to arrange for the sale of the financial stocks, real estate stocks, and energy stocks held by the Cadyvensh family. The most important asset.

On the same day, the Cardiff family, one of the ten largest families in the UK, sold all of its stocks worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

This move shocked the whole of England. Of course, it is impossible for the Cadison family's actions to hide from the Rothschild family, which is also one of the top ten families.


"Immediately sell the financial stocks, real estate stocks, and energy stocks held by our family together."

James Rothschild made a decision immediately after receiving the following information about the Cadison family.

"Yes, father!"

Although Harry Rothschild had a lot of puzzles in his heart, he still went about it one by one.

The royal family also sold these three types of stocks at the same time. The three major families poured at least one trillion US dollars of stocks into the market at once.

Coincidentally, on the other side of the ocean, the top ten consortiums in the United States seemed to have seen some surprises, and kept buying these stocks. At one time, it attracted the attention of many consortia and financial institutions, and they also rushed to eat such a large number of stocks.

Many people are secretly laughing at the Cadison, the Rothschild family, and the British royal family.

But before these people were overjoyed, a more terrifying wave hit the international stock market, causing an unprecedented tragic scene.

On August 1, 2007, Australia's leading Macquarie Group announced that its two hedge funds lost more than 50% last month.

On August 2, the hedge fund of BNP Paribas also announced a loss.

On August 3, Bear Stearns, the fifth largest investment bank on Wall Street, stated that the U.S. credit market was in its worst state in 20 years, and European and American stock markets plummeted again [Bear Stearns President Warren Spector resigned.

On August 5, Xia Guo Bank announced that it would increase the amount of reserves for subprime housing loans in the United States, and the entire stock market experienced a third wave of sharp decline.

From August 6 to 10, 2007, American Home Mortgage, a real estate investment trust, filed for bankruptcy protection

France's largest bank, BNP Paribas, announced its involvement in US subprime debt. Most global stock indexes fell, and crude oil futures and spot gold prices plummeted.

The U.S. subprime debt crisis spread, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada and other national banks intervened, and the global stock market fell sharply for the fourth time

On August 11, 2007, central banks around the world injected more than US$326.2 billion to rescue the market within 48 hours, and the Federal Reserve injected US$38 billion into banks three times a day to stabilize the stock market. Oil prices temporarily maintained their downward trend.

The top floor of the building in the western suburbs of London.

"Tang Tian."

"Isn't it out now?"

Alice looked at the stagnant oil price and couldn't help but asked aloud.

In her opinion, since all countries in the world are intervening, this matter should come to an end.

"Do you think the subprime mortgage crisis is the only thing like this?"

With a slight smile, Tang Tian said lightly.


Alice had a bad feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, on August 14, dozens of companies such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot announced that they had suffered huge losses due to the subprime debt crisis, and US stocks plummeted to lows again.

On the same day, the three major central banks of the United States, Europe and Japan injected more than 72 billion U.S. dollars to rescue the market, and the central banks of the Asia-Pacific region injected capital into the banking system again.

But this is just a drop in the bucket. Only two days later, the stock price of the largest commercial mortgage loan company in the United States plummeted and faced bankruptcy. The US subprime debt crisis worsened.

Oil prices fell again, once falling to 61.8 US dollars / barrel, approaching the critical point of this year: 60.87 US dollars / barrel.

………………… Ask for flowers…

"Get out of the warehouse immediately!"

"Close positions in the fastest time!"

Watching the big screen, Tang Tian shouted in a deep voice.

"Tack-tack! Tack-tack!"

The whole top floor of the building kept ringing the sound of keyboard tapping, everyone was concentrating on the operation, and one after another, the sales orders were continuously posted.

What people didn't expect was that the market almost wiped out all the sell orders they threw out.

You know, under such a plunge in oil futures, many energy giants want to maintain stability. The best way is to continue to increase reserves. These orders in Tang Tian's hands are undoubtedly life-saving straws. Prices are trending upwards.



"aperfect ending!"

"aperfect ending!"

Within half an hour of tension and excitement, all sell orders were settled.

The faces of the 300 traders present all showed joyful expressions. The 1% profit was more than they had imagined before.

"What about finances? Calculate the amount immediately."

"Tell the bank to send the money as soon as possible."

With a serious face, Tang Tian continued to order.

"yes, boss!"

The financial team that had been waiting for a long time quickly calculated the profit of this operation. The brokers used by the Cardiff family are the top three British Royal Bank, Barclays Bank, and Standard Chartered Bank. one-third.

Such a large sum of money was quickly transferred from the three major banks into the public account, and what they need to calculate now is every sale order.

The three hundred traders stood quietly watching from the sidelines, everyone's eyes full of anticipation.



It was not until 5:40 in the afternoon that the financial team checked. The accountant in charge immediately took out the correct documents and reported: "Mr. Tang Tian! Miss Alice.

"The $4 billion in principal and leverage used has been retraced."

"Besides, there is 23.4262628570 yuan left in the account.


The voice fell.

The audience fell into a dead silence, and the money was not small.

At least for these traders present, they earned 23.4 billion US dollars with 4 billion US dollars, which is nearly six times the profit rate, how great!


A smile appeared on the originally serious Tang Tian face, and he ordered: "According to the previous agreement.

"One percent is two hundred and thirty-four million U.S. dollars."

"Each of you can get 780,000 US dollars, go down and get the check.

"Long live the boss!"

Immediately, the audience erupted.

The three hundred traders did not expect that they could really get so many rewards, which was 780,000 US dollars, equivalent to a huge sum of 300,000 pounds.

Without saying a word, the traders, under the guidance of the finance, took bearer checks from Standard Chartered Bank one after another. For their use, these checks were not written in US dollars, but in British pounds. They could be used directly without exchange.


"Come back to your senses, transfer 15.4 billion US dollars to the account of Star Investment.

"The account has been told to the finance team, and the fraction is my reward to the finance team, thank you!"

At this moment, Tang Tian waved his hand in front of Alice and said with a smile.


Alice recovered from the operation just now, and asked a little puzzled: "You..."

"You want to ask why you shot now?"

Facing her gaze, Tang Tian said indifferently: "Because this is the last wave before the great destruction.

"Everyone is doing everything they can to stop it and even get it back on track.

According to the memory in his mind, just tomorrow, August 17, the Federal Reserve lowered the window discount rate by 50 basis points to 5.75%, kicking off the bailout curtain.

On August 20, the Bank of Japan injected another 1 trillion yen into the banking system; on August 21, the central bank injected another 800 billion yen into the banking system, and the Reserve Bank of Australia injected 3.57 billion Australian dollars into the financial system; on August 22, The Federal Reserve injected another 3.75 billion US dollars into the financial system, and the European Central Bank added an additional 40 billion euros in refinancing operations.

Until August 23, the Bank of England lent 314 million pounds to commercial banks to deal with the crisis, and the Federal Reserve injected another 7 billion dollars into the financial system.

On August 28, the Federal Reserve injected another $9.5 billion into the financial system; on the 29th, the Federal Reserve injected another $5.25 billion into the financial system; on the 30th, the Federal Reserve injected another $10 billion into the financial system.

On August 31, Bernanke said that the Federal Reserve would try to prevent the credit crisis from damaging economic development, and Bush promised that the government would adopt a package plan to save the subprime mortgage crisis.

It is these three axes that have led countries all over the world to save the market at any cost, but what they don't know is that the temporary pause may not be hope, but to meet even more terrifying destruction.


Alice was confused.

However, Tang Tian had already left the mansion and returned to Buckinghamshire, Waddesdon Manor IV.

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