Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 589: You are also nervous

This lucky tree is very common in Dwarf Bixing, but it is not common for the system to be sold to Lin Tianwen.

For a sapling, the system charges him 10 million.

Lin Tianwen felt a little bit slaughtered at that time.

If it hadn't been searched all over the system, only the lucky tree would bear fruit every 18 years, which could be linked to the child's coming-of-age day, or he wouldn't have spent 10 million to buy a tree without any special effects.

But looking at the photos provided by the system, Lin Tianwen just took a look, and he decided to buy it.

According to the calculation of the system, the lucky tree of Dwarf Bixing can grow two meters a year on earth, and after eighteen years, it will be thirty-six meters high.

This kind of tree has a large crown and strong branches. It grows naturally without any care.

Ten years after planting, the lucky tree's appearance can definitely beat any kind of tree on the earth.

Lin Tianwen is also a member of the Appearance Association.

He spent 10 million to buy the saplings of the lucky tree, but he will not take them out for the time being. When Xuan Xuan goes to give birth, he will teach Liu Wenqi and let her be responsible for planting them.

He has already thought about the location, so he will plant it by the lake in the northeast corner of the manor. When the time comes, a row will be planted along the lake, and one will be planted as soon as it grows. It is estimated that it will be very spectacular when it blooms every year in the future.

"Brother Tianwen." Ada found Lin Tianwen in the garden.

"What's the matter? Ada."

"Brother Tianwen, six game companies have sent the advertisement quotes." Ada opened the tablet in his hand and handed it to Lin Tianwen.

After Lin Tianwen took it, he looked at it carefully.

The advertising campaign involves nearly 300 cities in 60 countries and regions on six continents.

A month's advertising costs nearly 75RMB.

Basically, 60% of the world's people can know about the two games WorldWarâ…¢ and Starscape.

Lin Tianwen asked artificial intelligence to calculate, and the advertising fee of 75RMB is not too bad.

"It's reasonable. Send them the money." After speaking, he returned the tablet to Ada.

"Okay. However, after the 7.5 billion is remitted, there is not much money left in the game company's account."

"It's fine. I haven't used much money recently. When the pre-sale of game helmets starts, there will be a lot of money soon." Lin Tianwen said.

"Yeah." Ada nodded.

"You can relax, Xue Xue Xia, she is also the general manager, I didn't see her very nervous. It's almost lunch time, and I'm still sleeping." Lin Tianwen looked at the time and said with a smile.

After being reminded by him, Ada realized that it was true that Xia Xia was also the general manager, so why was she not nervous at all.

When I think of Lin Tianwen starting a company, it seems that most of them don't care whether they make money or not, but pay more attention to what kind of changes this company has brought to everyone's life.

"Let's go, get ready for lunch. In the afternoon, I have to take Xia Xia to inspect the three enclaves under the Magic Capital Hub."

"Speaking of which, I'm really hungry. However, I haven't gotten up yet in summer." Ada said.

"Go and see, and wake her up before she gets up."

"Okay, Brother Tianwen."

Ada trotted towards Summer's room.

Lin Tianwen walked slowly towards the restaurant.

When he got to the restaurant, everyone was there, but there was no summer.

"Is summer really still sleeping?" he asked.

"She saw Mr. Wei's report yesterday and saw it in the middle of the night. It's normal if she can't get up." Xuan Xuan said.

"How did you know?" Lin Tianwen sat next to her and asked.

"Butler Liu told me."

"This girl is cute and silly. You can't be in a hurry to read the report." Lin Tianwen said with a smile. "Don't look at her big heart, she's still a little stressed." Xuan Xuan said with a smile.

"I really didn't expect that." Lin Tianwen was telling Ada just now that Xia Xia had a big heart and was not nervous at all. He didn't expect Xia Xia to be nervous too.

After a meeting, Summer and Ada also went to the restaurant.

In summer, at first glance, he just woke up, dressed in home clothes, and turned his face to the sky.

"Brother Tianwen, you are a liar." Ada said to Lin Tianwen with a grudge!

"How did I become a liar? I just found out." Lin Tianwen spread his hands, expressing that he was also innocent.

"Hurry up and sit down and eat! Tianwen, I really just found out, I told him." Xuan Xuan said.

With her words, Ada also understood.

After lunch, I went back to my room to do my makeup in the summer.

Lin Tianwen took a key and went to the parking lot of the shuttle.

Entering the shuttle, he inserted the key into the small hole on the side of the door, and the image was displayed on it.

He clicked on it to unlock all the functions of the shuttle.

Previously, his two shuttles, like those of Bamboo Dragonfly, had fixed routes, and they could fly everywhere only after they were unlocked.

The take-off and landing of the shuttle has no requirements on the terrain, and it can take off anywhere.

After unlocking, the shuttle can fly wherever he wants according to Lin Tianwen's idea.

This time, he accompanied Xia Xia to inspect the three new districts in Modu, and he couldn't fly without unlocking them.

It only takes a few seconds to unlock.

Lin Tianwen took back the key, and then carefully looked at the internal environment of the shuttle.

After he bought it, he didn't have time to take a good look.

There is not a single seam in the inside of the shuttle, which is what Yanjian said. Except for the windows and seats, there are only a few lights.

The three-dimensional projection in the middle is already working. As soon as the shuttle opens the door, the projection will start working.

Lin Tianwen stood in front of the projection. The projection of the earth, which was originally only the size of a basketball, suddenly became larger, covering the entire interior of the cabin.

I saw a lot of red dots flickering on this enlarged three-dimensional earth projection, and they were concentrated in a few places.

It turned out that Lin Tianwen was controlling the projection, and those red dots were the shuttles of Bamboo Dragonfly.

This three-dimensional projection will be standard for aircraft in the future. It can view their respective positions in real time, which is equivalent to radar, but much more advanced than radar.

Lin Tianwen walked around the cabin, and finally found the brain of the shuttle, which was above his head.

On the ceiling of the cabin, there was something like a circular surveillance camera. Lin Tianwen thought it was surveillance. After a long time, it was the brain of the shuttle.

In the system mall, there are various types and levels of artificial intelligence, that is, intellectual brains.

The intellectual brain is divided into four levels in the system, the highest level is S-level, and the lowest is C-level.

The shuttle machine uses a C-level brain, and the Huaxin mobile phone uses a brain of this level.

The server group of Huayuan Network Company, a subsidiary of Tiandihui, uses B-level brains.

The intelligent control systems in the new districts in the eight enclaves use A-level intellectual brains, which are also used in Lin Tianwen's manor.

Some S-class brains are sold in the system, but Lin Tianwen is reluctant to buy them.

As long as there is only one S-class brain on earth, it can be in a state of invincibility. Unless it returns to the era of no network, the S-class brain can control any networked or disconnected machine. Even if it is physically isolated, it can also invade.

After Lin Tianwen took a turn, he sat on the seat and read Douyin, waiting for the summer.

Ten minutes later, Xia Xian walked into the cabin with a bag in one hand.

"Brother Tianwen, wait and be anxious."

"No. You're quite fast."

"It's just makeup. I've practiced it before on the flight." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"Sit down quickly. We're ready to go."


The three enclaves of Magic Capital are located in Xiapu, Fujian Province, next to Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, and at the junction of Hui Province, E Province, and Henan Province. They belong to LA City, Hui Province.

The Xiapu hub will not be inspected this time, because it is the headquarters of Bamboo Dragonfly Airlines, and Wei Fusheng is in charge, so I don't need to worry about it at all.

I only went to the other two new districts today.

The two sat in their seats, the seat belts were automatically locked, and Zhinao issued a takeoff command.

After three, two, and one, the shuttle took off quickly, and after reaching the predetermined altitude, it flew westward.

This enclave in Hui Province is located at the junction of the three provinces, Jinzhai County, LA City.

The new district is located in the valley between Gaoniu Mountain and Dalishupo Village.

Before choosing this place, I have researched the hydrological data and disaster situation here.

When the design drawings were drawn up, a lot of drains were buried under the entire new area, of course, just in case.

This is a small plain between two hills, there is a county road passing through it, and it only takes half an hour to the nearest railway station and expressway.

10 kilometers to the west is the Huangbaishan National Forest Park, a 4A-level National Forest Park in XY City.

This enclave should have the second most scenic view of all eight enclaves.

Of course, there will be a lack of business around the new district, which is suitable for those tenants who like quietness.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tianwen's shuttle landed at this hub airport called Jinzhai New District.

This hub airport is built on the west side of Jinzhai New Area, on the **** of Gaoniu Mountain.

It was noon now, and the sun was shining brightly.

Lin Tianwen and Xia Xia walked out of the airport and saw the Jinzhai New District at the foot of the mountain at a glance. It was very spectacular. The dense houses were built one after the other along the straight road, like a chessboard, with uniform distances.

"At this location, I think I can sell tickets. It costs 5 yuan to see it once and take a photo." Lin Tiantian said to Xia Tian with a smile while leaning on the guardrail.

"It's really beautiful." Xia Xia nodded in This is already your territory. President Xia, you go ahead and I will follow. "Lin Tianwen stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Brother Tianwen, you are so annoying." Xia Xian just wanted to act like a spoiled child, and his body was twisted halfway. After thinking that this place would be under her control, he couldn't lose his stability in front of his own employees, so he stopped his body.

However, in the end, Summer led the way, and Lin Tianwen followed.

Anyway, the two of them have never been here before, and whoever leads the way is the same. They are here to inspect the hub airport, just take a look around.

At present, there are eight enclave hub stations, Xiapu Station is the first to operate because it has to cooperate with Blue Star Island.

The other seven hubs are undergoing intense air-flight test operations these days.

Therefore, although the staff has not been recruited, the employees have also taken up their posts.

Only the Magic Capital Hub has not been opened yet.

Xia Tian and Lin Tianwen regarded themselves as ordinary passengers. They walked from the tourist plaza to the terminal building to the boarding gate, and found no major problems.

Because the place was not yet open, the two of them walked through and were stopped eight times.

If it wasn't for the badges displayed in the summer, the two of them probably wouldn't even be able to enter the terminal.

Unfortunately, after the badge was displayed, all the employees at the site knew that the general manager of the branch had come to inspect.

The site manager finally followed the two to inspect.

Seeing that there was no problem, the two of them left after instructing the site manager a few words.

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