Shennong Daojun

Chapter 112: Controlling the Wind Evil, Walking the Earth Veins, Entering the Ranking of the Sino-Ag

"The power of the heavy thunder is so terrifying." Zhao Xing stared ahead.

The power of thunder here cannot be said to be strong, but gives people a heavy feeling.

From the outside, you might not feel it, but when you actually enter a minefield, you feel like you are out of breath.

"Unless the vitality is absorbed from the earth's veins, all the vitality in the air will be squeezed out by the power of thunder, and not a single bit can be absorbed."

"Even in the earth veins, only a small part of the vitality exists, and it is also mixed with a lot of thunder attributes."

As soon as Zhao Xing took a few steps, he found that his hair was floating upward, like cotton wool.


The speed of his feet suddenly increased. Zhao Xing knew that this area was going to be struck by lightning and he had to leave quickly.


With a kick of his feet, Zhao Xing jumped like an ape in the valley.

As soon as he jumped away, a bolt of lightning appeared where he originally landed.

Quietly, the thunder penetrated into the stone, and then the huge stone turned into powder.

"It's terrifying. I don't know how many times more powerful than my thunder technique. The two types of thunder techniques I have learned are not worth mentioning at all in the face of this terrifying celestial phenomenon."

Zhao Xing's scalp was numb.

It's really numb, because lightning is going to strike again.


Zhao Xing pointed with golden light, and his magic shot straight into the sky, trying to support the moving clouds.

The clouds spread out, and the cloud swallowing method was trying to collect the clouds in the sky.

But a scene that surprised Zhao Xing happened.

The clouds he held up turned purple-black in an instant.

Thunder was gestating in it, flashing crazily as if it was about to explode.

"What's going on? I didn't even use thunder..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Xing immediately jumped away from under his own cloud layer.


The explosion sounded, thunderclouds exploded, lightning splashed like water, Zhao Xing let out a muffled groan, and the energy in his body dropped by one tenth.

"This is the first time I have lost control of Yunfa."

"No, forcing yourself in like this is not the way to go."

Zhao Xing originally thought that he could quickly pass through the minefield by relying on the cloud swallowing method. Now it seems that his idea is a bit naive.


Zhao Xing accelerated himself and looked for a place to hide in the valley.

Soon he found a partition rock.

The rock is inserted obliquely into the mountain, extending tens of meters long and seven to eight meters thick. It is a natural shelter.

"The rocks that can exist in minefields are not simple. This is the magnetic storm rock. It is a material used by engineers to build weapons and mechanisms."

Zhao Xing immediately flew over and hid under the magnetic storm rock during the baptism of thunder.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The thunder outside never stopped, and lightning fell from the sky like rain.

The Wan Lei Tian was properly cited.

Seeing the temporary safety, Zhao Xing began to recall the scene just now.

"After using my cloud-swallowing technique, I can't help but absorb the thunder clouds in the sky."

"In an instant, it was absorbed to the extreme threshold."

"This is the reason why it exploded uncontrollably."

Zhao Xing quickly found out the problem.

The cloud swallowing method can indeed cut and swallow the cloud energy, which is very domineering.

But in the face of such a terrifying thunder pool, even the swallowing cloud method cannot swallow it.

Because the thunderclouds were too heavy, Zhao Xing's clouds exploded just after they condensed, before they could transform.

It's like a balloon is inflated to the limit in one second, so it bursts.

"Try again."

Zhao Xing hid under the rock, and the golden light of the spell flew out, and began to condense the clouds at a level parallel to himself.

The second time I cast the spell, I was much more careful and used all my strength to control it, compressing the cloud spell to the extreme.

Only an eight-meter-wide cloud layer appeared.

Swallowing Clouds is the eighth level of the spell, which is the ultimate level of Zhao Xing's control. Although he can't move the clouds with his palms, Old Sinong has practiced hard for a while, staring at a thunder method and a cloud method.

How long has Zhao Xingcai been practicing? It only takes three or four months from the time the preaching painting is obtained to the eighth level of the spell.

"Even if it has been compressed to the extreme and controlled with full strength, it is still unstable." Zhao Xing looked at the swaying clouds in front of him.

It was crumbling, shaking constantly, and there were faint signs of falling apart.

"The eight-meter cloud layer can barely stabilize, but if lightning strikes down, it will still be defeated."

"Try and see how many you can carry."

Zhao Xing controlled the clouds and took the initiative to float toward the minefield.


A bolt of lightning struck Tunyun.

At this moment, Tunyun immediately expanded from a radius of eight meters to sixteen meters.


Feeling that the cloud method was about to collapse, Zhao Xing concentrated on making his clouds shrink.

The clouds shrank from sixteen meters to ten meters.

But then the second thunder struck down.

The clouds swelled to twenty meters again.

Zhao Xing controlled the contraction again.

The third thunder struck, and the clouds expanded from fifteen meters to thirty meters.


The fourth time, the clouds exploded.

"If that doesn't work, I'll use the cloud-swallowing method to hold up the clouds, and I'll hold on to three thunders at most."

"However, this is a case of relying solely on cloud law for protection."

"I know more than just Yunfa."

Zhao Xing used the cloud swallowing method again.

There are still eight meters of clouds.


Thunder struck and instantly expanded to seventeen meters.

But at this moment, Zhao Xing also moved.

"Attract thunder!"

In his own cloud, a thunderbolt poured down to the ground.


The swallowing cloud shrank to eight meters in size in an instant and returned to a stable state.

"Boom boom boom!"

Then many more thunderbolts hit the swallowing cloud.

However, they were still removed by Zhao Xing through [Attracting Thunder].

"Attracting thunder is perfect, it can remove the thunder power in the cloud, and I can control the direction."

Zhao Xing smiled, so that he could walk in the minefield.

This is the coordination of multiple spells!

If he only knew the eighth-turn swallowing cloud method, not only would he not be able to swallow the thundercloud above, but once he cast it, it would explode immediately, and it would be difficult to persist.

But with the addition of [Attracting Thunder], it is perfect.

The problem is solved.

This is the benefit of broadening the breadth of spells.

Attracting thunder is not good enough if it is slightly weak.

If it is lower than the seventh turn, it is difficult for him to remove the thunder power through attracting thunder.

"Keep on going."

Zhao Xing walked out from under the rock wall.

He began to walk forward along the direction of the valley.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thunder bombarded.

Dense thunder had a 100% chance of landing on Zhao Xing's head.

However, each bombardment was first absorbed by the Swallowing Cloud Method.

After absorbing it, Zhao Xing, who had sensed it, immediately attracted thunder and unloaded the thunder in the cloud to the ground next to him.


Thunder splashed everywhere, and gravel broke apart.

But it could not hurt Zhao Xing under the cloud.

"The clouds above my head are connected to the sky thunder, and sparks and lightning all the way, it's really awesome."

Zhao Xing looked around him and summoned another gust of wind to protect his body, repelling the splashing gravel outside his body.

"We have to move faster."

"If Sanri Lingkong completely deviates from the correct position, the power of Wanli Leichi will be slightly enhanced."

In such a place, Zhao Xing's luck is useless.

Because the probability of being struck by thunder is 100%!

For luck to work, there must be a probability. In such a place, if you are not strong enough, you will die. No matter how strong your luck is, if you are not strong enough, you will die.

After solving the problem of moving forward, Zhao Xing also had time to observe the Wanli Thunder Pool.

The Wanli Thunder Pool is also the best place to comprehend the thunder method.

Such a terrifying thunder power is naturally released, densely packed, and every flash is equivalent to demonstrating the thunder method in front of Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing attracted thunder while observing, and his understanding of the thunder method in his heart was unconsciously growing.

Earth Fire Plain.

"Cough, cough..."

Zhuo Li took off his hat with a dusty face and greedily breathed in the cool air around him.

As he coughed, the fire poison was also discharged quickly.

"Finally, I passed this third isolation zone. If I hadn't practiced the Yin-Yang Self Sutra, which enhanced the tolerance of my internal organs, I'm afraid that even if I passed the Earth Fire Plain, my mobility would have been greatly reduced."

Zhuo Li looked back.

Originally, the Earth Fire Plain would not have caused him so much trouble.

But the guy in front of him had made the Earth Fire Plain like this.

But when he saw that there were still so many people trapped in the third isolation zone.

He felt much more balanced in his heart.

At least he got through!

"The person who cast the spell must be very strong, but I don't know who it is. If there is a chance, I will fight him." Zhuo Li said secretly.

He didn't hate the person who cast the spell.

Because if there is a chance, he will do the same.

"Hmph, mediocre people only complain."

"If you can't even pass the Earth Fire Plain, just eliminate it directly."

"Fewer people can also share less training resources."

If you can't even pass the reporting stage when participating in training?

Then go back to where you came from!

"It's time to speed up. Don't let Helian Lie and the others down."

Zhuo Li immediately quickened his pace.

In front of the valley where the cloud layer is relatively thin in the Wanli Thunder Pond.

Li Feng patted the ice on the raincoat with some fatigue, and threw the burnt hat aside.


The hat fell heavily on the ground.

Yu Chunwu was lying not far from the bamboo hat. His raincoat had been completely burned, revealing large areas of burnt muscles.

He Yu and Peng Ran had their lower bodies frozen and could not move at all.

Yang Yang, on the other hand, sat cross-legged not far away, recovering from his injuries. He had become a bloody man, with blood oozing from his skin, which was extremely terrifying.

As for the other group of people, they had already been lying on the ground, losing their fighting power and falling into a coma.

"Li Feng." Yu Chunwu, He Yu, Peng Ran, and Yang Yang all stared at Li Feng.

"You are not as skilled as others, so there is nothing to say. You can kill or chop me up, whatever you want."

Li Feng glanced at them and said, "You are idiots. You don't even know that you have been used by others. I really don't know how you were the military minister in the original army."

Then he laughed at himself and said, "I am also an idiot. I was so impulsive and really did what he wanted."

Li Feng, who had calmed down, also realized that he was impulsive.

However, he did not regret his behavior.

He arrived early and became famous in the camp outside the cave, but he also attracted jealousy.

In the previous situation, only by winning or losing could one's words be heard.

Otherwise, it would be useless.

"What do you mean? We are being used?!" Yang Yang was stunned.

"Humph, think about it yourself, who benefits the most?" Li Feng no longer paid attention to them.

"Click, click, click~"

He crushed the ice under his feet and walked towards the valley step by step.

Yu Chunwu, He Yu, and Peng Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, after Zhao Xing got rid of Li Feng's blood cloud method and entered the valley, they also understood that they had misunderstood Li Feng.

But everyone was really angry, and there was no way to stop until the winner was determined.

Li Feng could not explain to them in a humble manner, and they could not beg Li Feng for forgiveness in a humble manner.

This is just like a war. Once it starts, only after a winner is determined will it reach the stage of peace talks.

"Damn it, I was used as a gun by someone. I remember the man's appearance. I will go to the Sinong Supervisor and teach him a lesson later!" He Yu said bitterly.

"Don't you think Li Feng is terribly strong?" Yu Chunwu's mentality is very peaceful. He doesn't pay attention to Zhao Xing. Using such a sinister trick proves that the man's strength is not very good. Instead, he thinks that Li Feng is worthy of attention.

"He fought against us all by himself, but he was not seriously injured. Such a competitor is worthy of attention."

"It's really scary." Peng Ran licked his lips, with a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes, "I have wanted to fight him for a long time. This time, I also borrowed the courage of the three of you to dare to fight him. I didn't expect that he is so strong."

They all have pride in their hearts. They were geniuses in their original places. Now that they have seen another stronger genius, they are naturally a little itchy.

As for who hurt them and who made them misunderstand Li Feng, does it matter?

For Peng Ran, it doesn't matter. Even if that person didn't exist, they would probably still fight Li Feng.

Of course, if they have a chance to meet later, they will also get back at that person.

"Three of you, I'm going first. See you at Sinongjian!" Yu Chunwu recovered first, stood up and bowed to the three people.

"Brother Yu, goodbye." The others joined forces to fight Li Feng, and they also felt a little sympathetic.

Yu Chunwu is also the strongest among the four, so he naturally got their recognition.

After he left, a flame suddenly appeared on Peng Ran's body, sweeping away the ice: "Brothers, I'll go first, see you later."

"See you later."

[Three days shifted to the right position, thunder roared! ]

The almanac in his arms trembled slightly, and after Zhao Xing noticed the changes in the three days, he immediately began to look for a place to hide.

Because at this time, the power of the Wanli Thunder Pool will increase. Of course, it was also because he had walked most of the way, constantly performing [Lightning Induction] to unload the force, and his vitality was also consumed by most of the energy, so he had to stop and recover.

"After passing the Earth Fire Plain and the Wanli Thunder Pool, the road will be flat. You only need to move forward another thirty miles to enter the more stable Yangcheng territory."

"After passing the boundary marker, there are only a dozen miles left to the Sinongjian."

After leaving the Earth Fire Plain and passing through the Gangfeng Mountains or the Wanli Thunder Pool, there is no harsh environment and terrain.

The shortcut is difficult, but the journey is much shorter. Compared with other routes, it saves several small checkpoints.

"The two thunder methods I created have improved somewhat in this short ten-mile journey." While resting, Zhao Xing also found that his proficiency in the two thunder methods had increased significantly.

Although he has not yet broken through, he is not far away.

"Not only can I train thunder methods, but I also vaguely sensed the existence of treasures during the journey I walked. That was the intuition brought by the luck of the third level... I don't know if it is those treasures. I have to come here often in the future." Zhao Xing said secretly.

The Wanli Thunder Pool is shrouded, and it has also created many natural treasures in this area.

Of course, Zhao Xing is not distracted to find treasures now. The current Wanli Thunder Pool is somewhat different from the terrain and landforms he saw in his previous life.

Even if he has a little sense, he doesn't have time to look for treasures at this time.

Reporting is the main business, and his strength is too weak now. He is now walking carefully. If he wants to explore treasures in the terrifying celestial area, he will die.

"Di Zang Gui Yuan!"

Zhao Xing half of his body is buried in the ground, absorbing vitality from the earth veins.

The humane version of Dizang Guiyuan can absorb power from the earth veins and recover quickly.

Although the vitality in the earth veins is mixed with a lot of thunder power, absorbing it makes your scalp numb, but now you can only endure this situation.


Zhao Xing recovered his vitality through Dizang Guiyuan, and suddenly through the fluctuations of the earth veins, he sensed something approaching rapidly.

In a purple earth vein like a river, Zhao Xing suddenly "saw" a human figure of the same purple color, moving quickly underground.

"What? Using the earth veins to sneak? This is... the earth escape in the Xuantu method?!"

The cracking method, the underground palace method, the Dizang method, and the Xuantu method are known as the four sacred methods of the Dili School.

Zhao Xing has dabbled in the first three, but he has not yet learned the Xuantu method.

Among the four sacred methods, the Xuantu method is the most advanced and the most difficult to practice.

He didn't expect to see someone performing the Xuantu method here!

"The reserve troops are all ninth-grade, and ninth-grade can actually cultivate Xuantu Fa to such a high level? Geniuses can be found everywhere." Zhao Xing had always shocked others before, but now he finally sighed.

How violent is the thunder power of this land vein? But it is still possible to sneak in such a place, only Xuantu Fa can do it.

It is not enough to have a low level of magic. At least two Xuantu Fas must be mastered, and both must be above the seventh level, in order to sneak in the extreme land veins.

When Zhao Xing discovered the other party, the sneaking figure also discovered the Dizang Guiyuan performed by Zhao Xing.

"Hmm? Someone actually performed Dizang Guiyuan in the Wanli Thunder Pool to restore his vitality?" Zhuang Ziqing was also a little surprised, "Interesting, isn't he afraid of the chaos of the vitality in his dantian?"

The two people's thoughts passed by each other in the violent earth veins, and they didn't waste time to say hello or test each other.

After resting enough, Zhao Xing rushed out of the Wanli Thunder Pool in one breath.

The vision in front of him widened, and the sky became warm and clear.

"Hu~" In the distant sky, there was a green whirlwind, spiraling forward, passing by quickly.

"Ride the wind demon forward? That's another master from the Gangfeng Mountains."

"I came to participate in the training right after I became a regular employee. I haven't systematically learned the many spells of the military minister of agriculture, so I'm still at a disadvantage... I don't know what my ranking will be?"

"Come in at the hour of You. Now it's the end of the hour of Hai. We have to hurry."

After taking a look at the almanac, Zhao Xing immediately cast a spell. He cast the cloud swallowing spell, then stepped on the clouds, borrowed the power of wind and clouds, and rushed towards Yangcheng.

Not long after, they crossed the boundary marker, and Yangcheng was already in sight.


After crossing the boundary marker, Zhao Xing found that there were more people around him.

There were people rushing around.

Everyone was using their own unique skills to rush to Yangcheng.

"The Minister of Agriculture is in that direction!"

Zhao Xing was wrapped in luck and stepped on the clouds.

The people behind were chasing him frantically, and he was also rushing forward frantically.


A gust of wind blew, and Zhao Xing and another figure entered the Minister of Agriculture at the same time.

At this time, there was a huge mirror in the square of Sino-Agricultural Bureau, which displayed the ranking of the reports.

The third update will be later.

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