Shennong Daojun

Chapter 116: Dual magic combined into one, divine protection, express delivery from Xi'er Count

Taicang courtyard.

At this time, the report has long ended, but Lu Bang and Zuo Zizhi are still busy, and they still have to preside over the next branch test.

Both Lu Bang and Lu Bang were engaged in military affairs and took their missions very seriously, so they would occasionally observe various treasures to see how the new recruits were comprehending.

We will even modify and adjust the subsequent branch levels based on these situations.

"The Ten Thousand Shapes Underground Palace has appeared again." Zuo Zizhi looked helplessly at the situation of the seventy-two underground palace treasures, "Gong Wuhou is old but still has a childish heart, and he is here to tease these new soldiers again."

Lu Bang looked at the elusive underground palace and couldn't help but smile: "It would be great for him to come to Shiyang Cave. If the generals of other armies knew about it, they would really like him to go and play."

Zuo Zizhi said: "Yes, he is the honorary vice-president of Dihu Taoist Academy, a veteran Wuhou, who became famous three hundred years ago, and is a third-grade strong man who cannot be asked for by others... that is, Ying Junbu Invitation, the chief generals of these nine garrisons went to ask for it again, and then they were willing to sit in Shiyang Cave. "

"I've been here for three years, and this Ten Thousand Forms Underground Palace has only appeared a few times in the early stages of recruit training." Lu Bang said, "Don't tell me, I want to learn about it, but I'm not allowed."

"That's right. If you go to the Wanxing Underground Palace if you are above the eighth level, you won't even show up." Zuo Zizhi was helpless, "You said he has been living in Wanxing Yuan for so long, but no one has been able to open it. There were too many people disturbing him, and he directly ordered not to come near, which is really weird. "

"The older you get, the more you look like a child." Lu Bang said, "Old and young, when you and I are seven or eight hundred years old, maybe we will be surprised."

"Seven or eight hundred years old?" Zuo Zizhi shook his head, "I don't expect that long. If I live to be five hundred years old, I will be very satisfied."

While the two were chatting, they didn't take the scene that appeared in the Ten Thousand Forms Underground Palace seriously.

However, a few days later, this thousand-shaped underground palace still existed, and appeared more and more frequently, which surprised Lu Bang and Zuo Zizhi.

"Huh? Are they the two little guys from the Shenwei Army, Zhao Xing and Han Bing?"

"The Ten Thousand Forms Underground Palace is stopping for the two of them?"

"Look, when Zhao Xing closes his eyes, does he smile?"

"Have you figured out the secret?"

[You meditated in front of the Ten Thousand Forms Underground Palace for several days, and realized the intermediate spell ‘divine protection’ (special). 】

[Divine Guardian: Intermediate Spell]

[Progress: Four turns (4253/18000)]

[Efficacy: The divine movement underground palace method is combined with the mysterious earth guardianship method. After casting the spell, an octagonal palace will be formed immediately with the caster as the center. It can also sink the underground palace into the ground and sneak through the earth veins. Four turns of divine movement guardianship can be performed in Sneaking among the four earth veins of earth, metal, wind and thunder. 】

"It's actually a thousand-shaped underground palace. No wonder it's so difficult." Zhao Xing opened his eyes.

After realizing the method, he understood it immediately.

The Ten Thousand Shapes Underground Palace is somewhat similar to the Ten Thousand Dharma Spiritual Show and the Ten Thousand Dharma Cloud Map.

However, this method is more clever than Ten Thousand Methods Cloud Atlas.

Of course, it cannot be called the real Ten Thousand Dharmas. In fact, it only includes the underground palace method and the mysterious earth method.

If it is a true Wanfa Underground Palace, it combines the four major categories of Ksitigarbha, Underground Palace, Split Earth, and Xuantu, and is all-encompassing.

This one obviously hasn't reached that level yet.

"The Ten Thousand Forms Underground Palace is already very powerful. The two methods are combined into one, the Divine Movement and the Underground Palace Method are combined. This was at least created by a third-level powerhouse." Zhao Xing secretly said.

Having learned the Divine Movement Guardian method, Zhao Xing is equivalent to learning the Divine Movement Underground Palace Method and the Black Earth Guardian Method.

Because the combination of two methods is more difficult, this type of spell is very special.

The upper limit is much higher than ordinary mid-level spells.

"The spell has eighteen turns. It can be said that I have learned a method that is comparable to a high-level one."

"Spells like this are even rarer than high-level spells."

Why is it so rare?

If you put the divine protection together with another high-level method, you can take the honorary title of Lihuo Dao Academy.

The Divine Guardian must have been chosen.

Because the learning threshold of the two is lower, Divine Guardian is lower, but the power is the same.

Divine protection can be understood step by step from a lower threshold, from one to ten.

But for high-level spells, the difficulty of comprehending them is directly ten.

"Sneaking in the earth's veins, with this octagonal underground palace, the safety factor of my stealth has been greatly enhanced." Zhao Xing said secretly.

He thought of the man who was sneaking underground in the Wanli minefield before.

If that person is walking on a tightrope, then he is riding a cable car.

Suppose two people are fighting and chasing while sneaking underground.

He is faster, and in a fight, if the divine line of defense collides, the opponent will fall.

"This trip is worthwhile."

Zhao Xing smiled, and the anxiety he had felt for many days turned into joy.

Although eight days were wasted, from the Ten Thousand Forms Underground Palace, I understood the divine protection of two methods in one, and once I understood it, it was at the fourth level. It was definitely worth it.

“I don’t know who the owner of this Thousand Forms Underground Palace is.”

Such a strong person will definitely not be without fame.

But he didn't think too much about it.

"Han Bing is still comprehending." Zhao Xing looked at Han Bing's back, still immersed in the chase. "I hope he can realize what he wants."

Zhao Xing left quietly without disturbing him.

The Xiaojiutiangang Wind is rotated three times, the rolling mine is rotated four, and the Divine Walking Guard is rotated four.

Zhao Xing's basic training has reached the expected plan.

After he went back and had a big meal, he rushed to another place to meditate and start advanced training.

"There are still fifteen days left."

"For the three new spells, try to have one break through to the seventh turn."

"If one breaks through the seventh turn, the advanced training will be completed."

"If two of them break through, it will be a pleasant surprise."

"It is unlikely that all three spells will be above the seventh turn."

Comprehension also requires a gradual process, Zhao Xing did not set too many limits on himself.

Sometimes being too impatient may not achieve the desired effect.

"If you want to increase the power of spells, comprehending a single spell is one aspect, and on the other hand, you need to practice the solar terms order, Hou Tu Gui Yuan, and Yin Yang Ben I Jing."

Solar terms order, Hou Tu Gui Yuan, are also comprehension methods.

The solar terms map can create a more favorable time for spells, and Hou Tu Gui Yuan also changes the geographical advantages, which is equivalent to giving the spells an extra layer of amplification.

As for Yin Yang Ben I Jing, it is to cultivate oneself and the 'internal five elements'. Zhao Xing plans to comprehend it after the end of the branch.

On the sixteenth day, at midnight.

Zhao Xing came to the Xuantu Prison of the Dili Academy.

In this prison, many underground beasts are imprisoned.

The strength of each one is extremely terrifying, making people feel a little scared.

The innate methods of these beasts living underground are similar to the geomantic magic.

Even many human magics were created by observing these beasts.

At this time, Zhao Xing was standing outside a huge cell more than ten meters high, watching a beast with many arthropods going crazy inside.

"The five-colored centipede likes damp and dark swamps. It is very poisonous and good at hiding. Its tentacles wave like the wind and are extremely powerful."

"It is a relatively ferocious beast underground. It can live up to a thousand years and grow to the fifth grade."

"Its innate method can affect and twist the earth veins. No matter how hard the rock is, it becomes soft in front of it. Its innate method uses the power of earth, water, and gold in the earth veins invisibly."

Zhao Xing watched quietly, confirming with the divine guardian he learned.

The five-colored centipede and the green water centipede are a male and a female.

The five-colored centipede went crazy at this time because there was a mirage bead next to it, which preserved the scene of the green water centipede being killed.

[You watched the five-colored centipede perform the method of talent, and you have some understanding in your heart. The progress of the magic protection spell is +25]

[You watched the five-colored centipede perform the method of talent, and you have some understanding in your heart. The progress of the magic protection spell is +55]

[You watched the five-colored centipede perform the method of talent, and you have some understanding in your heart. The progress of the magic protection spell is +35]

Half an hour later, the five-colored centipede calmed down.

We can't let it go crazy all the time, we have to reuse it.

After half an hour of tossing, it's almost done.

Zhao Xing walked to the next prison.

The twentieth day.

Zhao Xing left the Xuantu prison.

[Divine Movement Guardian: Intermediate Spell]

[Progress: Sixth Turn (6005/18000)]

"In four days, I have gained a lot. Although I have only improved by two turns, this spell is a combination of two spells."

"It seems that I have only improved by two turns, but in fact, my Divine Movement Underground Palace and Mysterious Earth Guardian have both improved by two turns, and the Infinite Underground Palace is almost reaching the ninth turn."

The power of the two spells is naturally different, and the mystery of the spell is also understood more thoroughly.

"Go to the Earth Vein Hall."

Zhao Xing flew to the east.

"In the Earth Vein Hall, there are 19 earth vein maps, which draw tens of thousands of earth veins in the 19 states."

"To comprehend it is equivalent to observing an unlimited number of preaching paintings."

"Whether I can break through the seventh turn depends on it."

If you want to choose a spell to break through to the seventh turn, then naturally Divine Movement Guardian is more cost-effective.

It can attack, defend, and rush, and the spell power is greater than that of normal mid-level spells.

Just when Zhao Xing was rushing to the Earth Vein Hall.


The Earth Mirror trembled.


Zhao Xing took out the Earth Mirror in confusion.

[The Dian Nong Duwei 'Fan Zhaoli', who determined the weather, changed the weather, and turned waste into treasure, has transformed the Shiyang Cave Heaven 'Daofeng Mountain', a 300-li area, into a treasure land after two years. ]

[From now on, Daofeng Mountain can stably produce eight kinds of fourth-level fruits and a fifth-level native treasure 'Heavenly Snake Fruit', so Fan Zhaoli will be given 1 billion points! To reward his work! This notice is specially issued to congratulate Duwei 'Fan Zhaoli'! ]

[The fifth-level treasure 'Heavenly Snake Fruit' has been added to the armory, priced at 400,000 points per piece. ]

"What? Someone transformed the treasure land and was rewarded with 1 billion points?" Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Can we stably produce the fifth-level native treasure, the Heavenly Snake Fruit?"

"The weather and the earth veins within a radius of 300 miles have been transformed. It's really amazing."

Zhao Xing knew how difficult it was to turn a wasteland into a treasure land.

Destruction is easy, but transformation is difficult.

There is no doubt that this is a protracted war.

"Two years, 1 billion points. I guess these 1 billion points are not from Fan Zhaoli alone, but from a team." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

Every time a treasure is upgraded to a higher level, its value will increase by one level.

The fourth-level treasure, which can be mass-produced, usually does not exceed 10,000.

If it cannot be mass-produced, the price will definitely exceed 10,000, and even tens of thousands.

The fifth-level treasure, which can be mass-produced, is basically over 10,000. If it cannot be mass-produced, the upper limit may reach hundreds of thousands.

The Heavenly Snake Fruit is a treasure of the place of origin, which means that it can only be produced in Shiyang Cave Heaven.

At the beginning, it was not fully mass-produced, so it was normal to price 400,000 or 500,000 per piece.

When it is mass-produced, the price will be reduced.

Energy production, this contribution is huge, and the reward of 1 billion points is really not that much.

"With so many points, if Fan Zhaoli belonged to him alone, I'm afraid the military department would have to give him a promotion. At the very least, he would have to be promoted to a casual rank."

Zhao Xing put away the Earth Mirror and continued walking to the Earth Meridian Hall.

It was still early for him to get away from these things. The most important thing right now is to prepare for the one-month branch test.

Day twenty-four.

In the Dimai Palace.

Zhao Xing sat cross-legged in front of a mural.

At this time, many people were sitting and meditating in the wide mural corridor.

Anyone who practices the Earthly Sect's magic and understands the flow of various earth veins in these nineteen states can gain some understanding.

[Divine Guardian: Intermediate Spell]

[Progress: Sixth Turn (6995/18000)]

"I have really made a lot of progress in understanding the earth vein murals. In four days, the progress has increased by 990 points."

"But I've been meditating here for four days."

"But the divine line guardian still hasn't broken through to level seven."

"The progress bar is only five points away. The last five points are so difficult?"

Although coming to Dimai Palace to study the murals, it is not without gain.

The progress has also increased from 6005 to 6995.

But that was the takeaway from the first three days.

The whole day today, I was stunned and gained nothing at all.

"Free stuff is really not a good thing."

Zhao Xing shook his head.

It's like a fourth-order missionary painting, and the effect is amazing.

The free resources on display are indeed helpful to the recruits, but there is an upper limit to these free treasures.

It is quite difficult to break through a dual-method spell to level seven in a short period of time.

"I only have a little over a thousand points, and I can't buy a fourth-level painting in the arsenal."

Zhao Xing was browsing the floor mirror.

Only the preaching paintings of at least the fourth level can have an effect on him now.

But each of the fourth-level high-grade preaching paintings costs 3,000 points!

This is still a slight discount, after all, it is cheaper in the military than outside.

What Lu Qian and Zong Shichang bought at the beginning was more than three thousand taels, and Lu Qian's Ten Thousand Dharma Cloud Picture was even more than six thousand taels.

"If I want to make a breakthrough in Divine Movement Guardian, I need at least two corresponding missionary paintings of Divine Movement Underground Palace and Black Earth Guardian. In other words, I need at least 6,000 points."

"I can't get any tasks now. Where will the points come from? How about finding someone to bet on?"

Gambling means finding someone to compete with and taking points as bets.

Now in the past twenty days, many people have taken this opportunity to gain points from others.

But after thinking about it, Zhao Xing got rid of this idea.

"We are all very poor. The recruits only have 100 points. I'm afraid they have all been used up in the past twenty days. There is no point in gambling on more than ten or twenty points."

"Those with thousands of points may not be able to win the bet."

"Long Xiao and Lao Chen, why haven't you come to deliver the goods to me? It's been so long."

The Blood Spirit Needle and Blood Evil Pearl that Zhao Xing obtained were both fourth-level treasures and were given to Long Xiao and Lao Chen.

Ten days ago, he received a letter from Lao Chen, saying that he would send something over.

I don’t know why, but it has never been delivered.

"Maybe there was something delayed."

"Forget it, it's only five points short of progress. I may not need points to break through."

Zhao Xing continued to look in front of the mural.

Time passed, and Zhao Xing stayed in the Dimai Palace for another four days.

His eyes never left the mural.

What he saw in front of him at this time were the seven main earth veins of Pinghai Prefecture. These seven main earth veins corresponded to metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

Each earth vein is very stable and flows very slowly. If you don't look closely, you won't be able to detect it at all.

"How difficult it is to shake the ground of a state."

"The Boundless Underground Palace and the Divine Walking Underground Palace can collapse some small earth veins in some places, but the nineteen state earth veins are difficult to shake, not to mention the ninth level, even the fifth level."

"Strong, extremely stable, tolerant of all, nourishing all vitality."

Zhao Xing watched quietly.

Unconsciously, he exerted his clairvoyance to see more clearly.

And at a certain moment, a meteor suddenly streaked across the field of vision in front of him.

The flow rate of the huge and stable earth veins suddenly became faster, and Zhao Xing also saw the second layer.

"I see."

Zhao Xing smiled, stood up and walked out of the Earth Meridian Palace.

[Divine Guardian: Intermediate Spell]

[Progress: Seventh Turn (7001/18000)]

On the twenty-eighth day, his divine protection successfully broke through to the seventh level.

"There are only two days left before the branch. If you can successfully train the Divine Guardian to the seventh level, you have completed the advanced training plan."

Zhao Xing is still very satisfied with this result.

Although Rolling Mine and Xiao Jiutian Gangfeng are only three or four turns, they are not too bad after three or four turns.

Want to become proficient in all kinds of magic? Genius becomes all-rounder? That would require a lot of time and resources.


At this moment, the mirror in his arms trembled.

Zhao Xing turned over and took out the ground mirror and found that Long Xiao was contacting him.

"Has he arrived at Shiyang Cave?"

The Earth Mirror can only be contacted within Shiyang Cave. Long Xiao and Lao Chen had written letters before.

Now that we are connected through the ground mirror, it is natural for people to arrive in person.

"Zhao Xing, where are you? I've delivered something to you!"

Finally finished writing, actually I finished one chapter in the afternoon, but I wanted everyone to enjoy it all at once, so I posted it all at once, and ended up writing it until 11 o'clock... I'll try to update earlier tomorrow! I'll try not to write so late! Thank you for your understanding, brothers!

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