Shennong Daojun

Chapter 12 The Straw Man Shows His Power

Zhao Xing's actions on the grassland caught the attention of the three examiners on the flying boat.

Mainly because he was the clerk who reacted the fastest and started making straw figures, and his speed and production quality were quite good.

Other people's straw figures were shaky, but Zhao Xing's straw figures could run and jump, and were vivid.

"Hmm? Liu Chuan 81 methods, is this boy an official under the command of Lord Gao and Lord Tang?" Chen Shijie asked.

Gao Linong and Tang Wanchun looked at each other, because they didn't know all of them at all. At the beginning, they didn't recognize what the method was, let alone teach. How could they teach if they didn't know it themselves?

"He is not a clerk under my command."

"Not mine either."

"Oh? This boy's straw figure magic is quite exquisite, but I don't know whose official it is."

Tang Wanchun thought: "Except Lord Chen, I guess only old Minister of Agriculture Xue can know the complete Liu Chuan 81 methods."

Chen Shijie nodded slightly. Xue Wenzhong has been Minister of Agriculture for more than 60 years, so it is normal to know more.

After his reminder, Tang and Gao also began to observe Zhao Xing.

Unexpectedly, they soon saw Zhao Xing fighting with others for grass, throwing stones at others, and forcing his colleagues to retreat.

Gao Linong snorted: "Humph, this person is stubborn. He actually attacked his colleagues for a haystack. It's really unbearable."

Tang Wanchun glanced at him and said nothing. He was watching Chen Shijie's reaction. The top leader just praised this little official. It's a bit ignorant for you to sing the opposite tune at this time.

Chen Shijie said lightly: "The Minister of Agriculture competes with the world for food. It's normal to have some sharpness. For example, Li Chengfeng, an official under Lord Gao, I think he is usually very high-profile."

Gao Linong's eyelids jumped, and he realized that he had said the wrong thing just now. Even if he thought so in his heart, he shouldn't say it to his face.

"Chen Shijie comes from the northern barren mountains and has experienced many natural disasters. I'm afraid that this kid's behavior is just what he likes." Thinking in his heart, Gao Linong immediately changed his tone.

"Mr. Chen's opinion is brilliant, but I have a superficial understanding. Besides, he was the first to reach the haystack, so he was right."

What does it mean that a higher-ranking official can crush a person? This is it.

Chen Shijie gave Gao Linong a little push, and Gao Linong immediately agreed, because he was the subordinate, while Chen Shijie was the righteous.

Zhao Xing had no idea about the discussion of the three examiners on the flying boat. After using up the third haystack, he finally left the grassland.

At this time, he had made as many as seventy-six straw puppets!

Under pressure, he was more devoted, and when he made the sixtieth straw puppet.

The proficiency of [Fuxing Straw Man] has exceeded 1000, reaching the level of 'first-turn magic'.

Therefore, the sixteen straw puppets behind are faster, more agile, and more powerful.


At the edge of the responsible field, seventy-six straw puppets stepped into the field, holding bamboo poles and standing, like soldiers ready for battle.

Zhao Xing looked at the panel.

The vitality fell back to below 50.

"According to the current situation, the [Moving Cloud] and [Thunder] spells can't last long. The consumption of maintaining these two spells is much greater than that of the straw man."

After all, the straw man is supported by materials, and it doesn't need to provide vitality after it is made, while the moving clouds and thunder consume more energy.

However, Zhao Xing still decided to continue to hold on until he couldn't hold on any longer.

After all, the straw man is not as good as the moving clouds and thunder, and there will definitely be many mistakes.


In the first quarter of the day of the Lesser Heat Assessment, [Moving Cloud] and [Thunder] blocked almost all the 'grain-eating birds'.

In the second quarter of the day, the straw man came to the responsible field and waited.

In the third quarter of the day, the frequency of thunder weakened, and some grain-eating birds began to break through the clouds and eat the Yuan rice, but were stopped by the straw man.

In the fourth quarter of the day, Zhao Xing had completely given up on thunder, and only used the moving clouds to block the grain-eating birds. One-third of the number rushed down, and the straw man began to drive them away with all his strength.

In the fifth quarter of the day, many grain-eating birds were shot down by the straw man, but five straw men were also destroyed.

In the sixth quarter of an hour, one third of the grain-eating birds that had been unable to eat flew away, but the number of straw men destroyed also reached 25.

In the seventh quarter of an hour, the clouds shrank. In the hot weather, Zhao Xing's vitality gradually declined. He used straw men to attract the grain-eating birds, because the materials of the straw men were also made of Yuan rice stalks, which were the part that grain-eating birds loved to eat, but more than half of the straw men were lost.

In the eighth quarter of an hour, the clouds shrank by another half, and half of the fields were exposed. Zhao Xing asked all the straw men to be "sacrifices" and let the remaining grain-eating birds eat them. At the same time, the fields below began to be destroyed.

In the ninth quarter of an hour, a bell sounded in the sky, and all the grain-eating birds on the public fields flew away, sank into the white clouds, and disappeared.


Zhao Xing was dry-mouthed and sweating.

But he didn't care so much and hurried to check the situation of the responsibility fields.

"The half acre in the south suffered the most damage because it was exposed the earliest. I took it as a sacrifice and brought all of them here."

"The damage to the other acres was very minor."

Zhao Xing looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the straw men again, there were only eight left, and each was incomplete. If these eight straw men had not reached the strength of "turn one", they would have fallen down long ago.

"It's over, you can rest now." Zhao Xing waved his hand, and the remaining eight straw men lost their luster and fell to the edge of the field.

The heat was unbearable. After another hour of fighting, Zhao Xing felt exhausted physically and mentally, and wanted to fall asleep immediately.

The wailing of officials was everywhere around.

Because this assessment was much more difficult than before, many people suffered heavy losses in their responsibility fields.

Most people lost more than half of their land, and some even lost everything.

"After working hard for more than a month, it's gone just like that?"

"Damn you, you grain-eating bird, damn it!"

"Alas, who can you blame for not learning well? Just wait for the make-up exam."

"The make-up exam will only give you a C-level at best, which is just passing. It's a waste of energy. How should I deal with the next assessment?"

"It's not easy to be a ninth-rank official. The Minister of Agriculture is considered good, with only more than 500 people competing for three or five places. Little do you know that the ninth-rank lieutenant general of the East Lake Army has three to five thousand people competing for one place!"

"Don't even mention joining the army. There are nearly a thousand people competing for the craftsman officer of Tiangong Workshop."

"I wish I were a girl. I heard that the competition in the weaving workshop is not so fierce."

"Ugh~ You are too unambitious."


Just then, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds and rain fell.

"Drip drip drip~"

The raindrops were sparse and small at first, but soon became large and dense.

The temperature in the air also dropped sharply.

Zhao Xing sat down on the field, letting the rain wash over him.

The shower came quickly and went away quickly.

It was obviously controlled by humans.

The officials were given a quarter of an hour to rest and recover, and the sky suddenly cleared up, the dark clouds turned white, and the normal Xiaoshu solar term returned.

A flying boat landed on the grassland from the clouds, and three people stood at the bow of the boat. They were Chen Shijie, the chief officer of the Sinongjian, and two adjutants, Gao Linong and Tang Wanchun.

"Here they are, the results of the Xiaoshu assessment are to be announced." Zhao Xing cheered up and approached the grassland.

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