Shennong Daojun

Chapter 123 Three Secret Books, the content of the required training is announced (the third update)

【Diyuan Zhuguo】

[Grade: Fourth-level mid-grade]

[Efficacy: Contains rich and easily absorbed vitality, which has a marrow-cleansing effect on the physical body. 】

[Arsenal price: 3000 points, recovery: 2400 points]

Zhao Xing compared the prices of the treasures in the arsenal and discovered that the Diyuan Zhuguo was actually a treasure originating from Shiyang Cave Heaven.

"There is also a fifth-level Tianyuan Zhuguo, which sells for 30,000 yuan. The price has increased tenfold, but only those who are at least eighth-level dare to take it. Normally, seventh-level people use it for cultivation."

"If you go to the ninth level to take the Tianyuan Zhuguo, I'm afraid I'll have to die."

Tian Yan gave a total of 10 Diyuan Zhuguo.

Obviously he had done his homework a long time ago and knew that Zhao Xing Juyuan was only at level 15, so he gave him what Zhao Xing needed.

"My understanding of Taoism is enough. As long as Ju Yuan comes up, I can break through the eighth level." Zhao Xing looked at the ten Earth Yuan Zhu Fruits and was overjoyed, "Tian Hou is really good at giving things away."

After the branching is over, it doesn’t matter what level you are at. At the beginning of this stage, many people who have reached a sufficient level will choose to upgrade their Juyuan level and break through to the eighth level.

Of course, those with poorer resource treatment will probably take some time to break through.

【Beast Throat Pill】

[Grade: fourth-order low-grade]

[Efficacy: Made from the vocal cords of hundreds of exotic animals, it can strengthen the throat after taking it. 】

[Arsenal price: 2000 points, recovery: 1600 points]

【Disha Lianfei Dan】

[Fourth level lower grade]

[Efficacy: Contains the power of earth evil spirits. Taking it can strengthen the lungs. 】

[Arsenal price: 2000 points, recovery: 1600 points]

"Huh? Why are these two things?" Zhao Xing looked a little strange.

He was no stranger to the Beast Throat Pill and the Disha Lung Pill, because during a certain period in Sinong's life, he took them quite frequently.

But does Tian Hou have any hidden intention in giving this meeting gift?

"Is it related to the subsequent training?"

"Could it be that the first set of required training courses in Shiyang Cave Heaven is [unable to train]?"

Zhao Xing thinks it is very possible.

But it was still early, so he put aside the 3 Beast Throat Pills and 2 Earth Demon Lung Pills for the time being.

"Take the Diyuan Zhuguo first."

Zhao Xing picked up a red, fist-sized fruit and started to eat it.

Hot, very hot.

After Zhao Xing swallowed the red fruit, he felt hot all over.

It's like having a high fever.

"In addition to the rich vitality, the Earth Origin Zhuguo seems to have a fire power that is burning my body."

"Yes, it has some marrow-cleansing effects."

Zhao Xing didn't resist, nor did he use magic to cool himself down, just letting himself sweat profusely.

As this scorching power spreads out.

His whole body began to sweat, and his muscles and skin became red.

But the effect is also significant.

As soon as he took it, Zhao Xing's Yuan Gathering progress jumped up.

[You have taken Diyuan Zhuguo, and after initial digestion, your Juyuan progress has increased by 501. 】

[Juyuan: Level 15 (7525/10000)]

"It's such a powerful effect. As soon as I took it, the progress improved by 1/20."

"This is just the beginning."

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and used the Yuan Gathering Technique to control the flow of energy throughout his body.

[You have taken the Diyuan Zhuguo, further digesting the effect of the Zhuguo, and your progress in gathering Yuan has been increased by 1521. 】

[You have taken the Diyuan Zhuguo and absorbed the Zhuguo vitality at a deep level. Your Yuan Gathering progress has increased by 1022. 】

[You have taken the Diyuan Zhuguo and absorbed the Zhuguo vitality at a deep level. Your Yuan Gathering progress has been increased by 852. 】

[Juyuan: Level 16 (881/10000)]


Zhao Xing exhaled a breath of turbid air. Seeing that the effect of Zhu Guo was completely absorbed, he cast a spell to clean up the stains on his body.

"Zhu Guo's effectiveness increased by 920 points after the breakthrough, but after switching to the 16th level of Juyuan, there was only 881 points of progress, a decrease of dozens of points, but the effect is still strong."

Although the upper limit of each level is 10,000, in fact this limit has become higher. Every time you break through, it becomes more difficult to obtain progress points.

The numerical value remains unchanged, but the gold content represented becomes higher.

"If you reach the 50th level, even if you take 10,000 Earth Yuan Zhu Fruits, it will probably be difficult to increase the progress by 1 point. However, I am only at the ninth level, and the effect will be very weak after taking it."

Zhao Xing took a rest and waited for the burning sensation to disappear.

"Write a letter to Lao Chen and the others and report the good news."

Zhao Xing found paper and pen to write a letter, then placed an order on the ground mirror and hired a messenger.

Not long after, an engineer riding a bamboo horse and carrying a package appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"Do you want to rush?" the mechanic asked lazily.

"How about expediting?"

"Normally it takes ten days to deliver to Xi'er County, and it takes three days for expedited delivery. However, the cost has changed from 1 point to 3 points."

"The letters I send to the military also cost so much?"

"What you are sending is a personal letter. If you want to transfer it to the military delivery channel, you can go to the temple and deliver it yourself."

"Forget it, I'll go by myself."

The mechanic didn't say much and rode away on his bamboo horse.

Zhao Xing happened to be going to the temple to receive the Dharma and learn the three secret scriptures.

The public resources don’t have to be used in vain, so it’s just a matter of going out for a few steps. After all, three points are money!

There is also a temple in Shiyang Cave, which is located in Yangcheng.

Compared with the temple in Gucheng.

The temple here is obviously different, larger and of a higher level.

When Zhao Xing entered the temple, he felt obviously different.

Most of the statues enshrined in the temple look like menacing gods.

"They are all wearing armor and fighting postures."

Zhao Xing silently scanned all the statues and finally selected Wu Cheng.

Wu Cheng was a great agriculture minister during the Taizu period, ranking first.

He was a Duke of the country before his death, and he was also a Yin God after his death.

The specifications of Wu Cheng Temple in Kyoto and Nanzheng are all duke level.

However, the clones enshrined here are only of the fourth grade, and the statues are relatively younger in appearance.

"Zhao Xing, the agricultural official, asked for the "Solar Terms Order".

After Zhao Xing finished offering incense, he knelt down on the futon and muttered something.


The twenty-four solar terms diagram appeared in his mind.

Different from the time in Gucheng, the twenty-four solar terms diagram that emerged this time was obviously clearer and did not have that vague feeling.

Twenty-four patterns, spinning in my mind.

If you master one of them, the visualization map will hover in the Dantian.

Transform the law into the Dantian and condense the solar terms.

At this point, the caster can use one of the solar terms to replace the surrounding environment.

Even if it can initially command the solar terms.

"The solar term order has a strong benefit on spells. You can also learn new methods from the solar terms, and even use it to break through the limits."

"The twenty-four solar terms diagrams are of infinite use and can be used for a lifetime."

"Thank you Zhenjun for giving me the law!"

After Zhao Xing obtained the complete version of the visualization picture, he got up and took incense again.

Ask for the second secret book.

"Zhao Xing, the agricultural official, asked for the law "Hou Tu Gui Yuan"."

Then he calmed down and kept his mind tight.

After a while, another gritty shadow appeared in my mind.

A grain of gravel is a miniature continent.

There are billions of ley lines flowing on the continent.

Everything is condensed into a shadow of gravel the size of a grain of rice.

"If you reach the fiftieth level of Juyuan cultivation and understand the operation of the forty-nine state-level earth veins, you can condense pure Yuan soil in your Dantian."

"Houtu Guiyuan and Ksitigarbha Guiyuan are two different secret scriptures. The former is to understand and master the earth's veins, while the latter is to use the earth's veins."

Returning to the original earth after the earth is the essence of the Tao, and returning to the original state of Ksitigarbha is the teaching method and the manifest application of the Tao.

"Thank you Zhenjun for giving me the law!"

Zhao Xing stood up again and burned the third incense.

"Zhao Xing, the agricultural official, seeks the Dharma from the Yin Yang Sutra."

The Self School also has two magic classics, one is "The Growth Chart of All Things" and the other is "Yin Yang Self Sutra".

The growth chart of all things is the growth trajectory of all things in appearance. By observing the essence of life, we can then break through the shackles of life.

Zhao Xing's mid-level spell [Savage Growth] and the primary level [Thriving Growth] are both included in the "Growth of All Things".

"Yin Yang Self Sutra" is about looking inside one's own body and cultivating the inner cycle of the five elements.

Use the power of the five elements to strengthen the five internal organs.

At this time, Zhao Xingcai was in the ninth level, so of course he chose the "Yin Yang Self Sutra" which was more effective for him. As for the "Chart of the Growth of All Things", he could go back a little further. The time to really make great efforts to understand it has not yet come.


The golden light of the statue is projected, covering the whole body.

At this time, Zhao Xing suddenly entered the state of [Inside View of Oneself].

He saw his heart beating and his spleen and stomach moving from a unique perspective.

Gradually these organs became empty and turned into five different 'Qi'.

With the guidance of the golden light, five different qi merge with each other, disperse from each other, and are related to the outside world.

Every breath and every breath is the rhythm of the breath of life.

"Yin and Yang are the true self, and the Five Elements cultivate the body."

"Always maintain the balance of the five elements within you, and while circulating the energy of the five elements, you can gradually discover the mysteries of the body."

Zhao Xing was immersed in looking at his own body.

When he was being evaluated for becoming a full-time official, he was still unable to look inside.

But now with the golden light guiding him, he could do it easily.


Zhao Xing let out a long breath, and there was a faint burning sensation in his breath.

"My Qi of the five elements is not balanced. I didn't feel it before, but now after looking inside, I have noticed it."

"That's the remaining fire power after taking the Earth Origin Vermillion Fruit."

"The inner five elements are cyclically adjusted to eliminate this trace of residue."

Zhao Xing looked at the panel.

[Juyuan: Level 16 (971/10000)]

After being discharged, the progress of Juyuan increased by another 90 points.

"It's three parts medicine and poison, let alone a treasure like this that has a huge improvement."

"But now that I have practiced the Yin-Yang Self Sutra and meditate all the time, I can expel the harmful qi from the body."

"After concentrating on inner meditation and inner circulation for several days, the inner heaven begins to take shape."

"There will no longer be a need for an almanac to tell the time."

Zhao Xing secretly said.

By cultivating the yin and yang self internally, the sense of time will become extremely precise.

Even in the Qiyun Dynasty era, the Yin and Yang Sutra has many miraculous features.

"Thank you Zhenjun for giving me the law!"

Zhao Xing bowed his hands and then walked out of the temple.

Seeking the Dharma is only the first step.

If you want to really get started, you still have to see it yourself.

"The one hundred and eight stone tablets in Tianshiyuan, the original Taoist temple in Taicangyuan, and the thirty-six water channels in Pinghuaiyuan can all help people understand."

"I can come in twice for free."

A-level treatment, the treasure of this hospital, three free meditations, and two free visits for other branches.

"But I'm not in a hurry to go now. I'll hit the bottleneck first. After all, this opportunity is rare."

The visualization diagram of the twenty-four solar terms in Zhao Xing's mind and the shadow of the back earth are still clearly visible.

If you feel like you are covered in dust when you meditate, it means you are stuck in a bottleneck.

"I almost forgot, the letter to Lao Chen hasn't been sent yet."

Zhao Xing just crossed the threshold and turned back.

But this time he did not go to Wu Chengguogong Palace, but to another hall.

"Marquis Shenxing, Dai Zong."

Zhao Xing looked at the statue standing in the hall.

The statue is in a stepping posture, with floating clouds carved under its feet, and a mailbox on its back.

"Please send a message from the True Lord."

After Zhao Xing burned a stick of incense, he put the letter into the incense burner.


The flames of the incense burner jumped and quickly engulfed the letter.

Zhao Xing took a look and saw that no ashes appeared or were ejected, so he knew that the letter had been sent.

"Thank you, Zhenjun, for sending the letter."

After posting the letter, he left.

A message from a Yin Shen of Dai Zong's level arrives in a blink of an eye.

However, it takes time for the letter to reach Lao Chen and the others, and it also takes time to read and reply to the letter.

Zhao Xing left the temple without waiting.

A quarter of an hour later, Xi'er County.

The marching hall of the Divine Power Army.


There is a row of fireplaces that burn all year round in the hall. The fireplaces are about one meter high and enshrine different statues of gods.

At the first statue of Dai Zong on the left, flames suddenly burst out.

Then he spat out a secret message.

"Huh? A secret message from Shiyang Cave Heaven."

Chen Shijie, who was deducing with Long Xiao in front of the sand table, immediately turned around and walked to the fireplace.

"Thank you, Zhenjun, for sending the letter."

After thanking him, Chen Shijie picked up the secret letter and read it.

I found that the signature was actually Zhao Xing.

"Which department does the secret message from Shiyang Cave belong to?" Long Xiao asked curiously.

"It's Zhao Xing." Chen Shijie scolded with a smile, "This kid is too stupid. He actually used the intelligence channel to send personal letters. Didn't you send him a thunder stone? How come he can't even send an urgent letter? Ask Dai Zong to deliver the letter."

"Next time, I have to remind him not to occupy military passages for personal letters."

Long Xiao argued: "He focuses on cultivating talents. How can his growth process not be considered a kind of intelligence?"


Chen Shijie actually felt that what Long Xiao said made sense.

When he opened the secret letter and looked at it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"How is it? What did you say?!" Long Xiao looked away from the sand table with curiosity, "Don't be too happy. What did you write?"

Chen Shijie floated the letter over: "Read it yourself."

"Huh! This is the first level of tip-off. This test is too insidious."

"Zhengyun fights, he taught Li Feng of the Tiger Dragon Army a lesson, and eliminated the guy who was ranked sixth in the internal selection? It's fun, hahaha!"

"Lefa Hunting, ranked ninth?"

"Yufaguan ranked third, and finally entered Diliyuan, and got top-notch training resources!"

Long Xiao looked at the letter and danced, as if he had witnessed Zhao Xing passing through the levels.

"He actually entered the fourth courtyard. Huh, luckily Han Bing is not the only one in Sinong." Long Xiao was quite happy after reading it, "What a success! Han Bing only got the resources of the first class."

"It's to live up to expectations." Chen Shijie also smiled, "I brought him to the Shenwei Army and skipped so many procedures. There were a lot of gossips outside. Now he has entered Diliyuan, worshiped Tianhou, and is a superior resource. , Humph, let’s see who dares to say anything.”

"Of course I dare to say it!"


"Then why don't you tell me that you, Old Chen, have great vision?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

April 7th, three days passed in the blink of an eye after being sorted into a hospital.

Although the dust of the branch has settled, Yangcheng seems to be even more lively.

Because the vast majority of people are not satisfied with their branch.

Why do others have one-on-one teachers to teach private classes, while I have to take public classes with a bunch of smelly men?

We have two shoulders to carry one head, don’t I deserve a place? !

roll! Roll hard!

For three days, the reserve team members worked hard and trained themselves crazily so that they could change their current situation in the required training.

"It's really crowded outside." Zhao Xing stood inside the underground palace, looking at the crowds of people outside, and couldn't help but smile.

Now he is meditating in the seventy-two underground palaces. This place is very spacious, and there are only twenty or thirty people in total.

Not only are there reservists, there are also some who are on active duty as farmers.

"I feel like people outside are looking at us with murderous intent." Zhao Xing looked at Han Bing next to him, "Do you think if I go out for a walk, will someone throw stones at me?"

"If you really do this, you might get pissed on." Han Bingbing said coldly.

"Didn't you say it's forbidden to pee?"

"But it's not forbidden to bring a urinal." Han Bing said calmly, "If I splash it on your face, it doesn't count as peeing."

"Hey, is this okay?"

"I don't know if it will work, why don't you try it."

"Forget it then."

In terms of magic, the underground palace method and the mysterious earth method are the focus of Zhao Xing's enlightenment.

Especially the divine protection, which is the combination of two methods, is the top priority for his breakthrough.

This spell has great potential. After Zhao Xing obtained the quota to enter the underground palace, he immediately called Han Bing and ran over to learn it.

"The Divine Underground Palace and the Mysterious Earth Guardian. The combination of the two can actually form an underground palace in the earth veins." Zhao Xing sat in a place in the underground palace, watching the internal structure of the [Divine Underground Palace].

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

The Divine Underground Palace method broke through the eighth turn on the fourth day after the end of the branch.

The Mysterious Earth Guardian method broke through the eighth turn on the fifth day.

On the sixth day, Zhao Xing completed the fusion of the two methods, allowing the Divine Guardian to break through the eighth turn.

The comprehension of the underground palace trip ended.

On the ninth day, the sixth Earth Yuan Zhu Fruit was taken.

Zhao Xing's Ju Yuan rank reached more than half of the progress of the eighteenth level.

On this day, he came to Tian Hou's Fuchun Garden and heard the news about the must-training.

"The first mandatory training is [Unable to Train]." Tian Yan introduced, "The content has been determined."

"The training will last for a month. During the process, no magic is allowed. It is purely physical confrontation."

"The purpose is to improve the melee ability of the Sinong officers who cannot use magic in extreme environments."

"The training results will be tested in a month."

"This time, for the [Unable to Train] for Sinong, warriors from various armies will be invited to serve as sparring partners. They will not show mercy. If you don't want to be beaten black and blue, you have to make more preparations in the next 20 days and break through the eighth level as soon as possible."

There is no fourth update. See you tomorrow!

Tomorrow I will try to be early, no later than 12 o'clock in the evening.

For the sake of my daily update of 15,000, everyone should just treat it as nothing happened [fn=12]

Thank you for your support.

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