Shennong Daojun

Chapter 130: Analyzing the essence and condensing it, bending the joints and strengthening the roots

There are three main treasures in Taicangyuan.

The first is the Hall of All Things, which is the same as the Hall of the Ground Veins in the Diliyuan. It is also open to the public in the form of a mural gallery, engraved with the [Growth Chart of All Things].

This treasure is divided into inner and outer corridors. Everyone can comprehend the outer corridor for free, while the inner corridor requires points to purchase the number of times to enter, or become a Class A genius, and have one to three free comprehending opportunities.

The second is the original dojo, which contains countless native species, which bloom and die at a very fast speed, and fully demonstrate the process of plants from seeds to growth, maturity, and death. There are also areas that are constant and keep the plants in a certain period. Such as [Novum Area] [Growth Area] [Maturity Area] [Desolation Area].

The dojo also has a grading system. The low-level areas are free to watch, and the middle and high-level areas require points to purchase the number of times, or become a Class A genius, and have free comprehending opportunities.

The third is the derivative dojo. The derivative dojo has the same function as the original dojo, but the difference is that it is full of new species cultivated by humans.

"I am treated as a Class A superior. Although I am not from Taicangyuan, I can enter these areas of the treasure land for free twice."

Class A superior geniuses in this courtyard can enter for free three times, while those from other courtyards can only enter for free twice.

Zhao Xing came to Taicangyuan.

Decided to go to the Hall of All Things first.

"My foundation is relatively weak. It's not just me, most of the Si Nong are the same."

Most Si Nong have only a superficial understanding of the spells of the ego school before the fifth grade.

No Si Nong dares to say that he has made some achievements in the spells of the ego school before the fifth grade.

For the ego school, before the fifth grade, it is all the stage of "laying the foundation".

"Although Taicangyuan has also divided 50 people, there are very few Si Nong who really join Taicangyuan and follow the path of the ego school."

"They all go for the treatment, but in fact they all secretly use their minds on other paths."

Being in Taicang, the heart is elsewhere. Taking the benefits of Taicangyuan and practicing the methods of other sects, this is the current situation of the ego school.

But there is no other way. If Taicangyuan stipulates that you must major in the self-school magic after entering, then the A-level genius would rather go to Tianshiyuan or Diliyuan to get a B-level than go to Taicangyuan.

It is too difficult to major in the self-school to reach the fifth level! Even if you die, you don’t know whether you can touch the threshold of the self-school.

Therefore, Taicangyuan does not interfere with the forced learning of the Si Nong, and attracts those who are really interested and have the perseverance to practice through the resources support of the court.

"Don't waste the precious opportunity to comprehend first, go to a free place to visit." Zhao Xing walked towards the direction of the Hall of All Things.

At this time, there are very few people in Taicangyuan.

The number of people who come to the Hall of All Things to comprehend is far less than that of other treasures.

The corridor is empty, and dozens of people stand in front of the corridor to observe the murals, but many people leave after watching for a while.

"Like the four methods of heaven and earth, the ego school also has four classic magic spells."

"Analysis of the origin, condensation of the essence, folding of the joints, and strengthening of the roots are known as the 'four small methods of the ego'."

Why add the word 'small'?

It's not because of 'spell discrimination' or 'school discrimination' that the word 'small' is added.

It's because it's difficult to practice.

Most people can't learn it, and only a small number of people can take this path, then you are not the great way.

In addition to the theory of the five elements and four seasons, the concept of the heavenly school occupies the mainstream, known as the 'big five elements', and the ego school calls it the 'inner five elements' and the 'small five elements'. This naming habit is also extended to magic spells, and the ego school can only pinch its nose and acquiesce.

However, when it came to the revival period, the ego school, which had been 'shivering and cold' for thousands of years, finally stood up.

After standing up, the ego school said: Everyone here is a loser, I want to kill you all!

"Analysis of the Origin, Condensation, Folding, and Strengthening the Roots, four methods of the original self, I have already learned one of them." Zhao Xing strolled in the corridor.

The intermediate level nine-turn [Wild Growth] belongs to the "Strengthening Root Method", and it has other names, such as Strengthening Stems and Strengthening Foundations.

"The strange method I want is called "Xuanhuang Analysis of the Origin". It should have existed during the reign of Emperor Jing, but it is not well-known, and I don't know if it has been collected."

Zhao Xing looked at the mural "Growth of All Things". The "methods" and "skills" contained in each mural were selected by the court.

"The court passed on all methods. Does this method include "Xuanhuang Analysis of the Origin"? "

Zhao Xing was unsure, because he did not remember the specific time when this method appeared, but only remembered that the person who created this method was named "Mi Fu".

"Mi Fu was promoted to the third-rank minister of agriculture in the early years of Emperor Wu, but he died of old age not long after he took the post."

"There were six reign titles during the reign of Emperor Jing. Cheng'an, Yong'an, Dingxin, Jingxin, Dazhi, and Yongzhi."

"The two An periods were the longest, and the two Zhi periods were the shortest. Of the two Xin periods, Jingxin only lasted for 37 years."

"Mi Fu died of old age, so he should have been in his prime at that time. I just don't know what rank he was. If he was fifth rank or above, it would be easier to find. If he was below fifth rank, it would be difficult to find. There are countless people with the same name and surname below the fifth rank."

Mi Fu was only sixth rank when he created the "Xuanhuang Xiyuan Method". Why is it called a strange method?

Because Mi Fu himself didn't know how awesome the method he created was.

When the Xuanhuang Xiyuan Method is applied to plants, the effect can only be called a medium-to-high method.

But when applied to humans, it can help people extract the "pure Yuan soil" in advance, which is simply a magical method!

It was not until the later revival era with the help of some external conditions that this "Xuanhuang Xiyuan Method" came into its own and became a compulsory method for Si Nong.

Since it is a compulsory method, the conditions for practice must not be harsh.

If he could get this method early, Zhao Xing would know how to use external forces to practice this method.

Even in the period of Qiyun Dynasty, Zhao Xing felt that it was not particularly difficult to meet the conditions for practicing "Xuanhuang Xiyuan Method".

"I'll ask Lao Chen and others to ask about it some other day, and comprehend it first."

It would be best if he could get this method directly from the growth diagram of all things. Zhao Xing is not in a hurry if he doesn't have it. As long as Mi Fu becomes a fifth-rank official, he will sooner or later enter his field of vision.


Zhao Xing walked to a certain place in the corridor and was suddenly touched. It seemed as if it was raining in front of him.

So he stopped walking, sat cross-legged on the ground, and looked at the mural quietly.

The mural depicts a gray-yellow wasteland from a bird's-eye view, but when Zhao Xing looked over, his perspective was quickly magnified.

It seemed to fall from the sky and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The view was fixed on a seedling in the wasteland.

"Wind Leaf Grass."

Zhao Xing instantly recognized that this was a second-level Wind Leaf Grass.

"Wind Leaf Grass can be used as medicine, usually used to make Fengxing Pills. After taking it, people can become more flexible and agile in a short period of time."

The seedling was very tender, with only five leaves at this time, less than half a meter high.

As soon as Zhao Xing saw that the Wind Leaf Grass seedling had only five leaves, the seedling began to grow wildly.

A little bit of light came from the ground, as if rainwater was flowing back, gathering from the rhizome upwards.

Soon the Wind Leaf Grass grew to one meter high.

At the same time, the five leaves withered instantly, and new buds sprouted at the top.

The new buds sprouted, and five more green leaves appeared.

At the same time, the Wind Leaf Grass also began to fall over.

Every time a new bud was sprouted, the rest of the part completely died and withered, and a little light condensed on the new branches.

Repeatedly alternating, the Wind Leaf Grass grew longer and longer, and soon exceeded ten meters.

Under the acceleration, the wind leaf grass twisted and swam around like a snake.


When it grew to ten meters, a ball of light larger than before turned back to the main stem, and at the same time, the ten-meter-long branch, including the leaves, completely withered.

Two new buds and ten leaves appeared.

"Every time a branch grows, it grows to a certain extent but withers again, and all the vitality is supplied to the main root to grow more branches and more leaves to absorb more heaven and earth vitality."

"Repeatedly, the wind leaf grass can grow infinitely, with no limit at all."

Obviously, what I saw at the beginning was a wasteland, but when the wind leaf grass spread around, the wasteland slowly changed from gray and yellow to green.

The green gradually expanded, and soon the green on the wasteland turned into a green ocean!


When the vision was fixed on that green ocean, Zhao Xing also broke away from the comprehension.

He closed his eyes, and the scene of the wind leaf grass growing repeatedly appeared in his mind, swallowing up the entire wasteland step by step and turning it into his own territory...

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Xing opened his eyes.

[You comprehend the ‘Growth Chart of All Things’, observe the mystery of life growth, and comprehend the ‘Wasteland Condensation Technique’. ]

[Wasteland Condensation Technique: Intermediate]

[Progress: 235/9999]

[Effect: Condensing the essence of heaven and earth, allowing plant life to grow in the best path. ]

Because he has learned the cultivation technique, thriving growth, and wild growth spells, Zhao Xing has some basics in the Condensation Technique.

“Wasteland Condensation Technique.” Zhao Xing nodded with satisfaction. This is a more profound type of Condensation Technique.

It is very different from the Root Strengthening Technique.

Comparing it with [Wild Growth], you will find that Wild Growth is a destructive grabbing of the earth’s vitality.

It is mainly to strengthen the roots and stems and absorb nutrients from the ground.

The Condensation Technique absorbs both the heaven and earth’s vitality, and it is not a destructive grab, but it will adjust itself according to the environment to obtain the best growth path.

"Wild growth means grabbing the nutrients from the land first, and whether it can be eaten or not, and whether it is wasted or not is another matter."

"The Wasteland Condensation Technique absorbs the vitality of heaven and earth, and reasonably distributes the absorbed nutrients. Every link is perfect and there is no waste." Zhao Xing said secretly.

The Wasteland Condensation Technique is generally used in a relatively cruel environment, so every bit of vitality is extremely important. It also involves regulating the mechanism of the plant itself for better growth.

The Wild Growth Spell cannot withstand the delicate plants. When Zhao Xing used this spell, he specially chose the tough species such as 'Vajra Bamboo'.

And at the beginning, [Thriving Growth] was used to transition the fragile seedling stage.

The Wasteland Condensation Technique does not need to consider these factors, and it can be used immediately after planting.

"The Wasteland Condensation Technique is used with the Root Strengthening Method. As long as you practice to the intermediate ninth level, it will not be a problem to get the armor in Lupin's elective course."

Zhao Xing did not continue to comprehend the murals elsewhere, and just sat here.

Being touched means that this mural is more suitable for one's comprehension.

Continuing to comprehend other places may not necessarily find a better method of condensation, and it is also a waste of time.

Secondly, the spells of the self-school are difficult to practice.

You should know that [Wild Growth] learned very early, and he spent a lot of time and energy on it, but he did not reach the level of "Nine Turns" until he came to Shiyang Cave Heaven, and he has not yet reached the intermediate level.

I still continue to distract myself from the [Wasteland Condensation Technique], I don’t know when it will be able to turn nine.

Rather than being proficient in anything, it is better to master one Condensation Law first and then take the [Selective Training] of Lu Bang.

The interval between [unable to train] is two days.

For two days, Zhao Xing stayed in the Hall of All Things in Taicang Yuan, motionless in front of the murals in the wasteland.

On May 20th, at Xu Shi, I left the Hall of All Things.

"Two days, two spells, the speed is already very fast."

The Condensation Technique and the Strong Root Technique have some similarities. Coupled with Zhao Xing's understanding, this mid-level spell from the Self Sect can advance very quickly.

"If the cultivation speed can be maintained, there is no need to waste the number of enlightenment times before the sixth revolution." When Zhao Xing left the corridor, he saw many Sinong scratching their heads and ears in front of the murals.

Some people had a lot of hair pulled out.

If the study of the magic circle of the mechanical master is the most hair-dropping part, then the self-sect spell is the most difficult for Sinong.

How difficult is it to study the principles of life?

How many kinds of celestial phenomena are there? But spring, summer, autumn and winter.

How many ley lines are there? It’s just the Five Elements Wind and Thunder.

And life is so prosperous and diverse, and you don’t even know what strange life templates you will find when you study it.

"It's so difficult! I really can't understand it~"

Someone in the Palace of All Things lamented.

May 21st, the day of beating at Southwest Campus.

Because under the leadership of Zhao Xing last time, it gave the warriors a small shock.

This group of warriors also put away their arrogance and no longer were as casual as before and regarded Sinong as a plaything.

Xia Jing and Fu Ying quickly jumped from the back of the square formation to the front at the beginning of the training.

A total of ten people from the Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu divisions stepped forward to withstand the first wave of attacks on behalf of the warrior phalanx.

Zhao Xing's Kui Niu Thunder Roar still brought a lot of trouble to the warrior phalanx. But this time the effect was compromised.

The final result was still that Si Nongjian's side lost, and the warrior phalanx left more people than last time.

Zhao Xing, Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing and others were also eliminated in the mid-term because they were too eye-catching last time.

But when it came to training on May 24, the situation was different.

There are fewer people in the charge of Si Nongjian, and the fighting formation and organizational strength of the warrior phalanx have also been greatly reduced.

Sinong's side failed continuously. When Zhao Xing organized it for the first time, it was the time when he was the most angry and the time when he had the strongest counterattack. However, he still failed that time and did not achieve good results the second time, so his heart was broken. Dispersed.

Most people just want to protect themselves in the chaos.

The warriors had the same mentality. Although they fought back last time, many people from the four major martial arts divisions were eliminated, which was completely inconsistent with their rankings.

The battle of spirits can only be temporary and cannot last forever. It is not in one's own interests, so the warriors are not united.

Zhao Xing still gathered a lot of people here and charged at the weak points of the warrior phalanx. Fu Ying, Xia Jing and other organizers also led people to charge at the weak points of the Sinong people.

In this game on May 24th, the geniuses on both sides will fight. You fight yours, and I fight mine.

Xia Jing, Fu Ying and others did not choose to forcefully challenge Zhao Xing, Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing and other agricultural supervision geniuses from the beginning. Because of the hard fight, they also ran the risk of falling down the grade. Like last time, Fu Ying was advanced. Eliminated.

The level of Zhao Xing's Kui Niu Thunder Roar is here, and the martial arts level of Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing and others are also not low. This small group of geniuses come together to kill them at the beginning, but they are also very disappointed.

Therefore, the geniuses on both sides worked in perfect agreement to eliminate the weak ones.

In the end, the rankings of Si Nongjian and Wu Si returned to almost the same situation as the first time.

On May 27th, Zhao Xing's [Wasteland Condensation Technique] broke through to the fourth turn.

During the [unable to train] break, he came to the training ground set up by Lupine every day.

Use [Savage Growth] and [Wasteland Condensation Technique] to try different types of plant seedlings.

Now, he has been able to make the third-level seeds bloom and bear fruit within two hours and enter the maturity stage.

But there is still a big gap from the Class A standard set by Lubang.

On May 30th, I was beaten at Southwest Campus.

On June 3, he was beaten at the Southwest Campus.

On June 6, Zhao Xing's [Savage Growth] reached the intermediate level of perfection, his [Wasteland Condensation Technique] reached the fifth level, and he also received his last beating at the southwest school field.

Because the [unable to train] that lasted for a month has ended.

All the farmers let out a long breath.

"Yeah, it's finally over!"

"It's been a month, it's been a month! Do you know how I got through this month!"

"It's a bit miserable, but I feel like I'm getting stronger. In the first melee, I was knocked down quickly and I couldn't even hold on for a quarter of an hour. But the last time, I held on for a full hour!"

"Yes, this beating is not for nothing. Speaking of which, I feel a little unhappy if I don't get beaten once a day."

"Hey, brother, something is wrong with you..."

The moment the training at the Southwest Campus was announced, Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief. He had dropped his ranking twice in a row, but in the end he stabilized his evaluation as 'A Superior' and was not demoted.

In fact, among the top-level talents, none were demoted. The twenty-one people who were able to go to Shiyang Cave Heaven for training and go through many selections were not easy people.

"The first compulsory training course of the Sinong Supervisor has ended. In half a month, the second compulsory training course will start." On the Yunyu Tower ship, Fan Zhaoli announced to the Sinongs.

"The second compulsory training course is [Supply Training], and the rules are as follows:"

"First, each Sinong will be responsible for the food supply of a group of warriors, but at the beginning, the Sinong can only get seeds or seedlings."

"Second, the environment will change, the weather, the location, and even the seeds and seedlings are random. The Sinong must grow these seeds or seedlings, get food, and provide them to the warriors to eat."

"Third, if there is no food for three consecutive days, points will be deducted. If there is no food for half a month, you will be eliminated directly..."

"Four, scoring criteria..."

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