Shennong Daojun

Chapter 141 Weird Zhao Xing, Level 3 Promotion Battle

Li Feng noticed something was wrong as soon as he stepped on the ground, because when he first took off, there was no frost on the ground. After talking to Zhao Xing, there was a layer of frost on the ground.

It was obviously a spell cast by Zhao Xing while he was talking to him.

This guy is just talking to delay time!

"Despicable!" Li Feng stamped his foot, shaking away the frost on the ground, and quickly used the Earthly Technique, because he felt something was wrong.

"Xuantu divides gold, get up!"

I saw the ground bulge, and three meters in front of Li Feng, nine mounds of earth suddenly appeared. The earth gushed like spring water, and then nine rock giants broke out of the earth.

The giant is about three meters tall. Its main body is composed of piles of gold and stone, and the sand and soil on its body are still sliding off.

"Zhao Xing, if you have the ability, just accept my mysterious earth method. There's no point in hiding!"

After Li Feng finished speaking, he listened carefully.


The voice came from the mist.

Li Feng rotated his index finger in a circle, and the nine rock giants rushed into the fog to find Zhao Xing.

In the mist, a pair of eyes stared at the rock giant below and the intruding tiger beast.

"Why is Li Feng's training direction the same as that of a summoner? The methods he learns are all about using more to defeat less."

"Yunfa was like this last time too."

Zhao Xing has done this before to bully the minority with more, and that is a straw man method.

The straw man is classified into the general category of grass and trees being soldiers, but according to the five elements, it is a wooden method.

Zhao Xing is also good at wooden techniques. Xue Wenzhong originally taught Zhao Xing the Liu Chuan weaving method. Zhao Xing learned seven of the eighty-one types. He had already memorized the other seventy-four in his mind, but he just didn't practice them.

Because the Scarecrow Technique is a delicate job, and the seventy-four types that follow are very difficult and take up too much time. How can I have the time to practice the Scarecrow Technique after entering Shiyang Cave?

"Li Feng can't break my Heavenly and Time Dharma. No matter how strong the Earthly Dharma and Wooden Dharma are, they can only be beaten passively."

"I am already invincible by hiding in the mist." Zhao Xing looked at the incompetent and furious giants and tiger beasts below.

[Kirigakure] This Heavenly Time Technique is a specialized hidden spell.

Whether it is the five elements observation method or the bright eye method, they are all invalid and it is impossible to see through them.

This spell helps a lot during battles.

Advance can hinder the enemy's movement and disrupt the general's command.

Retreating can be used to prevent enemy pursuit. When retreating, a heavy fog is the best cover.

The current environment is not complicated. If it were more complicated, combined with the fog hidden spell, an army might even have a camp roar, and its own people would fight against their own people in the fog.

"The difference between the Hidden Mist Technique and the Cloud Swallowing Technique is that the Cloud Technique is used to control the air and assist other techniques. Li Feng does not dare to support the cloud, because he knows that doing so will be useless and will waste his energy, or even be backfired."

"But if he doesn't support the cloud, half of his laws of heaven and time will be useless."

"The Hidden Mist method traps and blocks enemies. It has no blessing effect on other spells, but it is very powerful in itself."

Zhao Xing could not be found for a long time, and Li Feng was a little anxious, so he used the Xuantu method again.

But the power is not as good as before.

Because the layer of frost on the ground penetrated into the ground.

It had a blocking effect, and the effect of the spell he cast with the power of the earth's veins was compromised. The second batch of gold and stone giants were shorter than before.

"Zhao Xing, are you fighting? You are just stalling for time! Your Gang Feng method can't do anything to me, do you want a draw?!" Li Feng felt very aggrieved.

But Zhao Xing turned a deaf ear and just looked at the giants and tiger beasts in the mist.

"Under the erosion of the fog, the power of the rock giants and tiger beasts is slowly weakening. The so-called timing is the accumulation of environmental trends. It seems to have little impact somewhere, but when my fog expands and accumulates little by little, it becomes A natural disaster occurred.”

"Stronger than any single spell, and no longer can be resisted by a single spell."

Zhao Xing felt the effect of Li Feng's spell and the changes in the mist, and he felt vaguely enlightened.

The mist also gradually turned a little dark red, which was after absorbing the pollen in the sea of ​​flowers and integrating it into the mist.

Accumulating the general trend of heaven and earth is the direction of understanding the order of solar terms.

"The erosion intensity has intensified." Zhao Xing returned to the spell itself and looked at the gradually weakening tiger beast and gold and stone giant.

Whether it is [Sky Frost] or [Mist], they are all understood from the Solar Terms Monument and contain certain solar term characteristics.

Once you understand it, it is the seventh turn.

Now Zhao Xing is using the reverse magic to understand the solar terms chart.

Li Feng's black earth spell can interfere with the two spells, and conversely [Mist] and [Sky Frost] are also corroding Li Feng's spell.

After confirming each other, Zhao Xing felt that the two solar terms in his Dantian made the shadow solidify by three points.

It was Li Fenglao who was yelling and screaming down there. He didn't know how wronged he had been.

"A draw? You're overthinking."

Zhao Xing's figure was revealed, staring at Li Feng.

"Do you have any more means? If not, it can be over."

"Go!" When Li Feng saw Zhao Xing coming out, he immediately cast a spell to control the giants and tiger beasts to rush towards Zhao Xing. This time he would not be fooled and mess with Zhao Xing again.

First there was frost on the ground, and then the fog suddenly turned pink. How could Li Feng dare to talk to Zhao Xingduo again.

"It seems that you are really out of stock. It will definitely take you a lot of time to comprehend the three methods in one. You also know two nine-turn spells."


Zhao Xing launched Kui Niu Thunder Roar without hesitation.

Faint ripples twisted in the air and spread rapidly.

Seeing this, Li Feng quickly cast a spell to circulate the air around him to reduce the power of the thunder roar.

But Zhao Xing was not rushing towards him at all.


"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The tiger beast and the gun shadow formed by the strong wind turning into earth were all shattered.

The golden rock giant was not affected, but it was enough.


Originally, Zhao Xing's strong wind method had been fighting with Li Feng's three-in-one method. Now that it lost its suppression, the eight strong winds turned into eight dragons and rushed towards Li Feng.

"Strong wind turning into earth, rise!"

The thunder roar of Kuiniu made his head a little dizzy. Li Feng endured the discomfort and cast the three-in-one method again.

But this time, the power of his spell was not half of the original one.

"Boom boom boom!"

The strong wind blue dragon hit the newly appeared native, knocked him down, and turned him into mud again.

Li Feng's face turned pale. Although he blocked this wave, he could no longer block the third wave.

He was affected too much, and accumulated advantages bit by bit. After just a quarter of an hour, the initiative was completely in Zhao Xing's hands.

"Huh!" The strong wind reorganized and continued to collide.

Li Feng was blown away, and a golden light flashed on his body, and he disappeared in the air.

The battle was over.

The first game of the promotion battle, victory!

On the preparation stage, Li Feng, whose injuries and vitality recovered quickly, stood there in a daze.

"Why, he didn't cast the cloud method, why did it have such a big impact on my spell."

"The whole process took more than a quarter of an hour, and the situation at the beginning and the end were completely different."

"Is it the solar term order? No, he didn't cast the solar term order."

The effect of the solar term order in the battle is relatively slow, and Li Feng knew that his cloud method could not beat Zhao Xing, so he didn't even think about affecting the weather, because Zhao Xing could completely support the cloud to cover the entire terrain, and he would lose before his solar term order took effect.

"He didn't use the solar term order, but it felt like he did." Li Feng was a little unwilling, "Is the gap so big?"

"I will definitely win back!"

After losing to Zhao Xing again, his confidence accumulated from 21 consecutive victories was also hit hard.

In order to regain some confidence, Li Feng quickly started the next game.

[Li Feng of the Tiger Dragon Army, you have matched your training opponent, the Black Armor Army's 'Hua Zhilin'. ]

As a result, his mentality was affected.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Feng lost again.

Failed to advance, and the seven stars also dropped to six stars.

On the other hand, after Zhao Xing matched Li Feng, he was only an ordinary B-level genius in the second game, and he didn't even have the qualifications to let Zhao Xing increase his strength. He was killed in less than thirty breaths.

[Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army, you have completed the battle for the seven-star promotion! 】

[Current points: 23.]

[Net wins: 23]

[Rating: First-class]

[Dojo points ranking: 912452 (Shiyang Dongtian)]

[Nine-section Dojo points ranking: 75214 (Shiyang Dongtian)]

[After obtaining the rating, you have more permissions and can freely choose designated training terrains, select training opponents, and watch others fight. 】

"910,000? There are so many people in Shiyang Dongtian."

The dojo points ranking includes all people regardless of their profession.

The first-class rating is probably the group of people at the bottom. Zhao Xing estimated that the number of people in the entire Shiyang Dongtian is more than two million!

Nine armies, including various logistics, and occasionally people from the secondary legions come in and out. Two million is normal.

"In the local army, one hundred soldiers are equipped with a military Si Nong. But here, it is estimated that ten people have to be equipped with a Si Nong." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Zhao Xing ranks over 70,000, so the total number of Si Nong is estimated to be over 100,000.

In the reserve force, he ranks over 3,000.

Because before coming in, more than 2,000 people have completed the C-level training, and the C-level training only requires a first-level rating.

"Continue matching." Zhao Xing knew that most of the people he matched with now were weak. If he wanted to find a strong one to verify what he had learned, he had to continue to move up.

From that day on, Zhao Xing challenged madly in the Jiujie Dojo.

In most cases, the opponent could hardly resist him.

Because some people also had a first-level rating, but their realm was only ninth grade.

Although there were many spells, the level was relatively low. There were relatively few people who had two nine-turn spells. Most of them practiced to the seventh level, and then learned another one, verified each other and broke through.

The grade was low, and the spells were not comparable, so they were naturally easily crushed by Zhao Xing.

Occasionally, there were those who were interested in Zhao Xing, who could force Zhao Xing to perform other spells, but 90% of them were one-move winning.

Under this efficient matchmaking, Zhao Xing's net wins also increased rapidly.

Level 1, 1 star, level 1, 2 stars, level 1, 3 stars...

On the fourth day of the Nine-Section Dojo.

Zhao Xing had already reached level 1, 7 stars.

In the promotion battle for level 2, he advanced with two wins in three games.

Zhao Xing still won two consecutive games easily.

However, starting from the fifth day, the strength of the opponents he matched with improved a lot.

Zhao Xing's speed also slowed down a bit.

Mainly, the opponents of level 2 were able to bring him "nutrients" in actual combat.

If the level below level 1 is chewed sugarcane residue, there is no nutrition in the battle.

Above level 1, it is not chewed thoroughly, and you can taste some sweetness occasionally.

Above level 2, it is juicy and full, and Zhao Xing can understand something in every battle.

As Zhao Xing won more and more games, coupled with his special playing style, Zhao Xing's name was soon mentioned again in this Agricultural Supervision Reserve.

"Have you heard that Zhao Xing of Chiriyuan has won sixty-one consecutive victories in the Jiujie Dojo! He has sixty-one games, and the net number of wins is also sixty-one, without a single defeat!"

"Defeat? Not even a draw! He is now a second-level five-star player, and no one can tie him."

"Tsk, tsk, that's an exaggeration. I haven't lost a single game so far. I've played more than a hundred games, and I'm still at level one and five stars."

"The previous Zhuang Ziqing and Shi Yong also reached the third level without losing a single match. This Zhao Xing is probably going to be invincible all the way to the third level."

"I don't know who is stronger between him, Zhuang Ziqing and Shi Yong in actual combat."

In the public area of ​​the square outside Cloud Gate, many people occasionally come out to get some air and listen to Cen Sanji's lectures.

At this time, Yu Chunwu, Peng Ran, Yang Yang, and He Yu gathered together to chat.

Ever since they teamed up to fight Li Feng in Wanli Leichi, the four of them have become good friends.

"I haven't encountered Shi Yong before. It's hard to say, but Zhuang Ziqing, I have encountered him once." Yu Chunwu said, "Zhuang Ziqing only used one spell to defeat me, and that was thunder. I feel that Zhuang Ziqing defeated me once." His strength is very strong, at least comparable to Shi Yong."

"No, I met Shi Yong, but not Zhuang Ziqing, and twice." Peng Ran said, "The first time Shi Yong hit me, I didn't know what was going on. The protective barrier judged I lost."

"The second time, as soon as I entered, I asked Shi Yong to give me a chance to take action first. Guess what?"

"No guessing." He Yu said deliberately.

"Stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly." Yang Yang urged.

"He just stood there and let me cast spells. I cast all the spells I know, but he didn't get hurt at all!" Peng Ran said.

"Hey, is that an exaggeration?" Yu Chunwu said.

"Could it be you..."

"He's really not a brother." Peng Ran sighed, "But he's too strong. Do you know how I lost in the end?"

"In that scene, I humbly asked him for advice and asked him to use the most powerful move against me. In the end, Shi Yong just waved his hand lightly. Scales suddenly grew on both my hands, and they were completely covered. I couldn't do anything at all. Cast a spell!"

"Then I also had scales growing on my heart. The protective barrier judged that I was fatally injured and immediately teleported me out."

"Scales? Shi Yong's solar term order, has he mastered the phenological method?" Yu Chunwu said in surprise, "This is not an ordinary phenological change. It involves the human body structure. How strong can the phenological method be?"

"So I say that Zhuang Ziqing is difficult to compete with Shi Yong. As for Zhao Xing, I have never met him, so I don't know what his situation is. From what I have seen, I think Shi Yong is stronger than Zhao Xing." Peng Ran said, "Have any of you met Zhao Xing?"

"Yes." Yang Yang and He Yu spoke at the same time, "I encountered one."

"How's it going?"

"It feels very strange." Yang Yang said.

He Yu looked at Yang Yang in surprise: "You think so too?"

Yu Chunwu and Peng Ran suddenly became interested: "How can I say, what's weird? Could it be that he only used one move to hit you?"

Yang Yang shook his head and said: "No, on the contrary, I fought with him for half an hour. At first, I thought I had a chance to win. I thought I was on par with him in terms of strength. But as we fought, I felt something was not right."

"No matter which spell I cast, he can beat me by a little bit in the battle. The winner will not be decided until the battle time is almost over."

He Yu also nodded: "Yes, I feel the same way. I still can't tell whether I lost by luck or if I was really played by him."

Peng Ran was happy when he heard this: "Don't doubt it, you two must have been teased. One of you was lucky, but you can't both lose by luck."

He Yu said, "I also asked him if he was kidding me, but he still said I was awesome."

Yang Yang said: "Me too, what do you think he is after?"

Yu Chunwu thought for a while and said: "Is it possible that Zhao Xing is practicing at the Jiujie Dojo? Maybe he is learning a powerful method."

Peng Ran said: "No matter what it is, he will soon reach the third level. I estimate that when he reaches the third level, he will soon meet Shi Yong and Zhuang Ziqing. Once they meet, I am afraid many people will go there." Watch the battle.”

Yu Chunwu nodded: "Yes, the observation function of the ground mirror can see their battle. There must be many people watching. When the fight comes, I'm afraid there will be news... Which of you is paying attention to Zhao Xing?"

"Me." He Yu said.

Yang Yang took out the ground mirror and said: "Zhao Xing has a battle now, a battle to advance to the third level."

"Oh?" The others looked over immediately, "Who did he match?"

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