Shennong Daojun

Chapter 146: Straw Man Method

Zhao Xing was puzzled and clicked to check the course description, and then he suddenly realized.

"It seems that this straw man method has become a key support project of the court."

The straw man method is the magic of the ego school.

Those who understand the current situation of the ego school know it.

The straw man method is also a more embarrassing existence in the ego school.

Why? Because the Si Nong who practice the ego school generally focuses on farming.

Cultivate crops with stronger reproductive capacity, grow materials suitable for craftsmen to build equipment, and study the medicinal value of plants...

But there are very few Si Nong who focus on the "ego school" to fight.

In the past, there was no option of "Taicangyuan" among the military Si Nong.

Because the military Si Nong was not in charge of supplies, the Si Nong who went to the ego school in the rear was responsible.

It was only later that the needs of the army became diversified that this was added.

But few of the spells of the ego school are used for fighting.

Si Nong who wants to learn attack spells generally go to the Tianshi School or Dili School.

The straw man method is one of them, but the Si Nong of the Benwo School rarely wastes energy to learn it because there is no need for it.

If you want to be a military Si Nong, you can go to the Dili School or Tianshi School.

So the status of the straw man method seems a bit awkward.

No one in the Benwo School learns it, and other schools, if they want to learn the straw man method, they have to study the magic of the Benwo School.

The straw man method is still a relatively delicate job, which takes a lot of time to produce results, and it is difficult to see results in a short period of time.

At the beginning, the straw man method in the temple was quite complete, and gradually there were only nine types left.

However, many prefectures and Taoist temples have regulations: Si Nong officials who learn the straw man method can receive five taels of silver per month, which increases according to the official rank and magic level.

So the court still does not want this kind of magic to be lost.

"If the court does not spend resources to support it, no one will be willing to study the Straw Man Method."

"The points reward is specially raised to prevent this kind of method from being lost."

"The Straw Man Method in later generations has shown its power with the rise of the Self School. I didn't expect that at this time, it still needs to rely on the official strategy to pass it on." Zhao Xing sighed.

He looked at this elective course carefully.

However, there is also a rule for the points reward of this course: For the Straw Man Method training course, all kinds of points must be obtained after the method has been learned. If the spell cannot meet the standard, even if it ranks first, it will not be able to get the points reward.

This is to discourage those who want to get points.

Only those who really study this method with their heart and achieve something will get the points reward.

Otherwise, the last 50,000 points will be awarded to the first place, and the first place will be a second-level Straw Man Method, and this official strategy will be meaningless.

"The Straw Man Method is troublesome and time-consuming to learn. If it is not given points, I am afraid that no one will sign up, but now there are more people." Zhao Xing looked at it and the number of applicants has exceeded 5,000.

There will always be courageous men under a big reward, and the incentive policy is still effective.

"First place, reward 50,000 points."

"Second place, reward 30,000 points."

"Third place, reward 10,000 points."

"Fourth to tenth place, reward 8,000 points."

"Eleventh to twentieth place, reward 5,000 points."

"Twenty-first to fiftyth place, reward 3,000 points."

"Fifty-first to hundredth place, reward 1,000 points."

"After the hundredth place, as long as the basic standards are met during the learning process, even if you are not in the top 100, you can get a minimum of 50 points and a maximum of 800 points."

Zhao Xing looked at the points reward rules of the straw man class. Due to the generous rewards, the number of applicants increased significantly.

The originally unpopular training course has become the first choice.

"The surname of the Si Nong who presided over this training course is Liu. Could it be from the Liu family of Taihe County?"

The founder of the "Liu Chuan Bian Fa" passed on to Zhao Xing by Xue Wenzhong is Liu Zonghai of Taihe County.

The Liu family of Taihe County is a thousand-year-old family. From the time of Taizu to now, there have always been people who have served as high officials in the court. Liu Zonghai has even been a second-rank official.

"There is no other way to obtain points now, and the straw man training course must be passed." Zhao Xing said secretly.

He looked at the other optional training courses again. The optional training courses that appeared now all have point rewards.

However, there are very few rewards that can be compared with the straw man training course, and most of them have not yet started.

"Sign up!"

Zhao Xing signed up quickly.

The introduction of the straw man course has caused many people to start cramming at the last minute, and they have flocked to Taicangyuan to learn the magic of the self school.

Standing on a high building, Lupin looked at the crowded crowd below and couldn't help but sighed, "Busy and bustling, profit and loss."

"Many people rarely came to Taicangyuan to meditate before. From March to now, the four months of training are the busiest time in Taicangyuan."

"The rewards are huge. Even geniuses like Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing, and Zhao Xing have come to sign up."

"Brother Liu, you will be busy this time."

Liu Tianning stood next to Lubang. He looked middle-aged, but he was actually 125 years old.

He was slightly fat, but his fingers were slender and white as jade. Even his skin was as white as jade.

When Lubang spoke, Liu Tianning said, "Although there are many people, I don't know how many of them are really learning."

"As for being busy, it's not difficult for me. Have you forgotten what I teach?"

"The one talking to you is not the real one."

Lubang tilted his head in surprise: "Brother Liu, this, this is not your real one? Awesome, I can't tell the real from the fake."

Liu Tianning smiled slightly.

"But you are not me, why are you drinking my wine? What a waste for a straw man." Lupine snatched the wine bottle from his hand.

"How can I deceive you, Lu Songting, without drinking? Your fire emerald wine contains rich power of the five elements. It will be of great benefit to my straw man. Don't be stingy. Get it quickly."

When Zhao Xing signed up for the straw man training course, Tian Yan also learned about it immediately and contacted Zhao Xing through the ground mirror.

"The straw man method is easy to learn but difficult to master. The first and second level straw men are easy to learn, but the third level straw man method is difficult."

"This method is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Just sign up for this course and get the required points. Don't waste too much energy."

Tian Yan said this, which shows the status of straw man's law, but Zhao Xing has his own plans and will not just listen to Tian Yan's arrangements.

Of course, you still have to deal with it: "Teacher, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. If I don't succeed in learning, I won't be obsessed with this."

"Well, it's good that you have an idea." Tian Yan nodded. After spending many days together, he saw that Zhao Xing was very independent and always on the right path. Tian Yan didn't need to worry about it at all.

It was just now that the straw man class was launched and Zhao Xing signed up, so he said one more thing.

Putting down the ground mirror, Zhao Xing stood in front of a closed door somewhere in Taicang Courtyard and looked around.

Thousands of people have signed up. How will this class be taught and how will the points be calculated?

Liu Tianning's approach is to teach and test at the same time.

"The straw man method training course, this is the first level and the first lesson."

"The south part of the square is where the materials are placed. You can choose first- and second-level materials."

"On the west side of the square, there are nine teaching methods promoted by the imperial court."

"To the east of the square, there is a complete straw man drill. You can watch it on your own."

"In the north of the square is the trial palace. Anyone who has learned the straw man method can recruit his own straw man to enter it. If he passes the test, he can fly to the next location to receive the next stage of training. Each level is completed. , you will get the corresponding points test.”

Liu Tianning's voice was played in a loop through the echo conch in all directions of the square.

Zhao Xing looked at the notice board and went directly to the south where the materials were placed.

Various materials are placed on the ground and some are floating in the open space.

There are all kinds of flowers, plants, trees, bamboo and rattan.

But all are first- and second-level materials.


Zhao Xing used Gang Feng to randomly roll over a pile of materials.

He looked at it, picked out a few, and put the rest back in their place.

"Every tree and grass is a soldier, rise!"

Zhao Xing pointed his finger and the golden light hit the bundle of curly grass and leaves in front of him.

Today is different from the past. Now he doesn't have to use his hands to knit at all.

A single thought can become a law.

"Chichi~" "呲呲~"

The vines, grass stems, branches and leaves seemed to come alive, moving and intertwining on the ground. In just an instant, the material disappeared and was replaced by a gray-black straw man standing on the spot.

A second-level divine walking straw man.

The people next to him were attracted by this scene and immediately looked over.

"How come it's so fast to achieve a law in one breath?"

"What a powerful control. Not much of his material was wasted."

"What kind of straw man is this? The weaving looks really nice."

"Of course it looks good. The Dharma is in line with the principles of heaven and earth. The shape and lines of the woven straw man have the mystery of the Tao. You are not looking at the straw man, you are observing the Tao."

"I didn't expect that Zhao Xing is also accomplished in the straw man method. I think his straw man has a vague sense of charm, as if he is alive."

"No wonder, the straw men next to me are as ugly as the people who cast spells."

"Brother, if you say I'm good at making mistakes, calling me ugly is too much."


Zhao Xing rolled up the magic walking mannequin, ignored the gazes around him, and quickly came to the north of the square.

Then he ordered the magic walking man to enter the palace.


As soon as he entered the palace, a golden light swept across the magic walking man.

Then the ground under the straw man's feet began to rotate.

As if it has become a treadmill with a huge range, the Scarecrow must run to avoid being thrown away.

"If you persist for a quarter of an hour or reach another wall of the palace, you will be considered successful."

"If it's a powerful straw man, the test is to drive a pile. If you punch it, the punch mark must be half a finger into the pile." Zhao Xing looked at the rules of the trial palace.

Different types of straw men correspond to different tests.

The first level is neither difficult nor easy.

If you have never learned the straw man method before, it will take a lot of time to learn it now. Zhao Xing can see that many beginners around him have made strange straw men.

Some lost their hands and feet after taking only a few steps, some had three heads and six arms, and some were just shapes and could not move at all, and the magic could not work in the straw man's body.

There are some that are even weirder, with triangular heads, arms attached to the neck, and lengths hanging down to the ground... they can't be considered 'human' shapes at all.

"In the first lesson, you have to learn. It's not that easy to get points."

The magic-walking straw man in the trial palace runs very fast. If the straw man cannot reach the standard, he will not be able to pass the next level.

Of course, if you can learn and pass the first level, you can get 50 points.

If you don't take it, you won't get it, so now there are seven or eight thousand people crowded in the first level.

"Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army, your magic walking straw man has passed the level, please go to the next location."

A voice reached Zhao Xing's ears.


Zhao Xing did not take back the magic walking man, and flew directly to the next place.

The second level is still the same layout.

But the number was much smaller.

The class just started today, and many people are stuck in the first level of learning. Less than a thousand people can reach the second level.

"There are more than 8,000 people who have signed up for the Si Nong, but less than a thousand people can pass the first level. It seems that few people have studied the Straw Man Method in the past."

"It means that only one person out of seven or eight people will learn it."

There are so few people who learn it, let alone those who study it carefully.

Zhao Xing passed the first level and also evaluated the difficulty of the first level. If any Straw Man Method reaches the fourth level, it can pass the level. Even so, many people are stuck.

"Being able to reach the second level proves that you have learned the Straw Man Method before and have spent a certain amount of effort."

"The second level is still the nine types of Straw Man Method promoted by the court."

"Pass the trial and you can get 400 points."

Liu Tianning's voice echoed in his ears.

There is no difference between the second level and the first level. There is still one place to put materials, one place to demonstrate, and one place to teach.

Zhao Xing still raised a Straw Man of Divine Speed, and then ordered the Straw Man to enter the trial palace.

The test of the walking grass man is the same as the first level, the ground rotates, but the treadmill is faster.

And the ground becomes uneven, in order to maintain the running speed, you have to maintain stability, the difficulty is more than a little bit higher.

It is very difficult for the fourth-level grass man to pass the level, and it takes the fifth level to be absolutely sure.

Zhao Xing's walking grass man still passed the test quickly.

"Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army, you have passed the second level and obtained 400 points, and you don't need to learn the content of the second level anymore. Please go to the next location."

Zhao Xing looked at the ground mirror and found that there were indeed 400 more points. The sender was the Minister of Agriculture's Supervisor 'Liu Tianning'. Adding the 50 points from the first level, it only took a short time to earn 450 points.

"It's great to learn the law and make money."

Zhao Xing learned the next location and immediately took off on the clouds.

The third level changed to a manor by the mountains and rivers.

This is also where Liu Tianning lives.


The clouds dissipated, and Zhao Xing landed at the gate outside the manor.

"Please come in."

As soon as he landed, a figure appeared at the door and invited Zhao Xing.

"Thank you, teacher." Zhao Xing thought Liu Tianning came out to greet him personally, and was a little surprised. But after a closer look, he found that this was not Liu Tianning himself, but just a straw man.

But this straw man was too realistic, with a nose and eyes, and even wearing clothes, and the skin exposed outside was flesh-colored. When Zhao Xing looked at it for the first time, he thought it was a real person, and felt a little weird, so he used the five elements to observe things to find out the clues.

"Follow me." Liu Tianning's straw man turned and jumped forward, and soon came to the foot of the mountain. Zhao Xing saw that he was agile in climbing the mountain, moving and flashing between the mountain roads, just like a warrior performing his body skills.

"Liu Tianning must be a big man who is good at straw man skills. He must have some unique secret skills. I must learn from him." Zhao Xing thought to himself and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

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