Shennong Daojun

Chapter 152 Level 6, the final battle! (Two chapters in one)

"You are the first?" Zhuang Ziqing gritted his teeth at this moment: "Didn't you say that there are only two seven-turn straw men!"

"Yes." Zhao Xing shrugged: "You asked about the seven-turn straw men, so there are indeed only two."

"I want to fight with you!" Zhuang Ziqing pretended to strangle Zhao Xing's neck.

"Brother Zhuang, forget it." Cao Shuang hurriedly smiled and pulled him.

Cai Jin also said: "Yes, I, a Taicangyuan, didn't say anything, why are you so excited."

Han Bing said coldly: "Brother Zhuang, why don't you ask him how many turns of the rest of his straw man skills are."

Zhuang Ziqing paused and asked: "Yes, what about the others?"

"There are two nine-turn ones."


"Damn, brothers, beat him!" Cao Shuang, Zhuang Ziqing, and Cai Jin rushed over immediately.

Zhao Xing's rapid progress shocked these A-level geniuses.

"In the next seven days, I will also go to the original dojo to practice!" Zhuang Ziqing said, "I still have two chances to use. This time, the 50,000 points cannot be given to Zhao Xing for nothing!"

"I originally thought that Zhao Xing's sleeping for an hour a day was just a rumor, but now I believe it." Cai Jin said, "Brother Zhuang, let's go together!"

"Han Bing, you stay and keep an eye on Zhao Xing, don't let him practice secretly." Cao Shuang said.

"No need to be so troublesome, the four of us will join forces to beat him half to death first." Han Bing had no expression on his face.

"Hiss, you Shenwei Army's people are still ruthless, I just want to say that I will use the underground palace method to lock him up."


After the ranking of the fourth level was announced, all the geniuses flew there to comprehend the straw man method.

The top-ranked geniuses, including Shi Yong, were stimulated by Zhao Xing.

The Taicang Academy's own academy was even more screaming!

The spring breeze blows, the drums of war beat! I swear not to return until I get first place!

If Zhao Xing, a genius from the Dili Academy, gets first place in the selection of our academy, where will I put my face in the future? !

Brothers, one word: practice!

In the main hall of Wanfa Palace.

Lu Bang looked at the ranking of the fourth level and shook his head: "It's too outrageous. No one from Taicangyuan can occupy the first place. Did they take the resources and go to practice other methods?!"

Liu Tianning smiled and said: "The performance of Si Nong in Taicangyuan is not bad. The top ten occupy half of the country, and most of the top 20 are from Taicangyuan. Your students Cai Jin and Feng Qi are very good."

Lu Bang said: "How can it be just good? I really regretted introducing it to Tian Hou at the beginning. It would be great if it stayed in Taicangyuan."

Liu Tianning said: "If you force them to stay, they may not be willing to practice the magic of their own sect. It's better to think of a way to attract them."

Lu Bang smiled and said: "Of course I know this truth, but I don't have your skills, Brother Liu. Your straw man method is unique in the 19 states."

After the straw man method was improved by Liu Zonghai of Taihe County, Liu Chuan's method was recognized as the best straw man method in the world.

During the reign of Emperor Taizu, the method was widely promoted, but it was too difficult. In addition, there were no wars during the reign of Emperor Wen, so the straw man method gradually became useless. Later, it had to be replaced with a simpler version, and Liu Chuan's method was retained in the army.

With the decline of the straw man method, only the relatively simple nine types were fully promoted during the reign of Emperor Jing.

The Liu family has always wanted to restore the glory of the straw man method, and Liu Tianning is the most outstanding one among them.

Lu Bang also admires Liu Tianning very much.

"After Brother Liu's straw man training class this time, it will surely attract a large number of military ministers to practice the straw man method."

"So many people have gone to the treasure land of Taicangyuan to comprehend."

"Huh? Even Shi Yong went to the most precious treasure land of Taicangyuan, the 'Original Dojo' to comprehend?"

As one of the Si Zheng of Taicangyuan, Lu Bang naturally knew the movements of various treasure lands at the first time. When he learned that Shi Yong also went to the original dojo of Taicangyuan to comprehend, he grinned.

"Shi Yong has always been the first in various trainings. After being in the branch for so long, his training in his spare time is not considered diligent. Compared with others, he can even be said to be a bit lazy."

"Even the free times that the A-level genius has, the original dojo and the thirty-six waterways, he has never used them once."

"Now there are actually four people who have surpassed him, especially the first place Zhao Xing, who is not from Taicangyuan. It seems that Shi Yong has also been stimulated."

Liu Tianning nodded: "Zhao Xing's talent for the straw man method is indeed extraordinary. If he can continue to practice, he will definitely achieve something in this way in the future."

Lu Bang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Liu Tianning to have such a high evaluation of Zhao Xing: "That's good. Let Zhao Xing stimulate these geniuses and don't ignore the spell practice of the self-school."

In the fourth level, half of the people were eliminated.

Of course, this is just an elimination in the test of points reward, not that they are not allowed to learn.

The remaining people can still enter the Wanfa Palace to study. Those who are in the first and second levels can also come to the third level to comprehend and get the basic points of the third level.

Some of the Si Nong felt that the Straw Man Method had great potential, and even if there were no points to be gained later, they still chose to spend more time practicing it.

Most of them left after gaining points.

After all, the Tian Shi School and Di Li School were the mainstream, and there were also points to be gained in the other training courses, so naturally they were unwilling to waste more time on the Straw Man Training Course.

As for the fifty people who passed the fourth test, they all seized the time to practice the Straw Man Method.

They strived to perform well in the fifth level of "Multiple Methods in One".

"The combination of magic and spells should be a field that should be touched upon after reaching the seventh rank, but the Si Nong in Shiyang Dongtian are all selected from the best, and many people have already started to carry out the step of combining magic and spells." Zhao Xing came to a square behind the main hall.

Unlike the single-item performances in the square of the front hall, the straw men that appeared here are all manifestations of multiple magics.

"Flying straw man who died in the sky."

Zhao Xing's eyes fell on the front of the firecracker forest. A breeze blew, and the firecracker materials quickly formed a straw man. Unlike the normal straw man who died in the sky, this straw man who died in the sky had a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings on his back.

Then the straw man turned into a residual image and jumped up suddenly.

In an instant, it crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and after two jumps, it appeared a hundred meters away.


In the deep pit, the straw man exploded.

The pit had obviously been blown up countless times. Under such a huge power, only a charred black appeared, and even dust was not stirred up.

"Although a single Sacrifice Straw Man is powerful, it is quite difficult to get close to the opponent because of its slow speed. Even a mid-level perfect Sacrifice Straw Man can hardly get close to the eighth-grade quickly."

"Generally, Sacrifice Straw Man is used in large numbers to encircle and annihilate."

"In this way, the cost-effectiveness is not high." Zhao Xing thought secretly.

If you want to kill an eighth-grade, you need to use dozens of Sacrifice Straw Man. Even if the Minister of Agriculture can produce firecrackers by himself, the cost is too high.

Many military Ministers do not want to learn the Straw Man Method, but this fighting method is too expensive.

Instead of spending so much time studying the Sacrifice Straw Man, I might as well go to Tiangong Workshop and buy a fourth-level Poyuan Crossbow.

If a warrior approaches, two arrows will be fired. Tiangong Workshop has many such equal weapons for all beings.

Of course, some people don't think so.

After all, the weapons of Tiangong Workshop are external objects, and they also need to carry consumables to replenish them.

The materials for the Straw Man Method are my own specialty, and I don't need to seek them from outside.

"If you can combine two spells into one, and use the flying and exploding spell, the cost-effectiveness will be much higher."

"Rush over and hug him. If an eighth-grade perfect warrior does not have a particularly strong body-protecting treasure, he will be crippled if he is naked and exploded."

The flying grass man spell is an advanced spell of the walking grass man.

The walking grass man can only walk on the ground, but the flying grass man can not only run fast, but also fly low.

The eighth-grade warrior can also fly in the air for a short time. The flying grass man is combined with the exploding grass man. The warrior cannot escape underground, so he can only be bombed if caught up.

Of course, the flying and exploding grass man is less effective against the wizard.

"Unless it is a combination of three spells, the flying and guarding magician exploding three-in-one, and the guarding grass man is used to store the escape spell."

"Three spells in one, then there is really no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth."

Many tactical combinations suddenly appeared in Zhao Xing's mind.

The straw man with multiple spells in one also lasts longer.

It can be stacked and powerful, and it can be really useful even in this era.

"When the fifty-level pure Yuan soil is formed, a group of straw men will be hidden in the Dantian, and it will be easy for the fifth-grade to kill the fourth-grade."

"There are very few Si Nong like Liu Tianning who are proficient in the straw man method, but when he becomes powerful, the king will have to bow his head and call him Lord Liu when he sees him."

Liu Tianning was not feared by so many people during the Emperor Wu period because of the emperor's favor. He himself is super good at fighting!

The key point is that his 'self straw man' is still very powerful. Only he can beat you. It's not painful for you to beat off one of his self clones.

Why is Zhao Xing afraid of this person? Liu Tianning did a lot of inhuman things later. Countless dignitaries wished he would die. There were even many assassination attempts, and he participated in several of them.

But although Liu Tianning was half crazy, he was still alive. Zhao Xing followed him to assassinate him, but he didn't kill him. He died several times and was tortured to death.

Later, the vengeful Mr. Zhao became arrogant after two versions and wanted to kill Liu Tianning, but he didn't do it until the court announced Liu Tianning's funeral. Only then did they know that this guy died of old age in the paradise.

He offended so many people, but he died of old age in the end. It was a miracle.

"I won't follow you, and I will stay away from you in the future, but I will definitely learn your straw man method!" Zhao Xing thought to himself and started to go to another place to observe his flying straw man practice.

If you want to combine the two methods, you must first learn the flying straw man.

Time flies, and it's three days later in a blink of an eye.

In Tianshi Academy, Ge Jinsong is explaining to the students who come to Pinghuai Academy for advice in his own Xuesong Qishan Academy.

These students are all second-class students of Pinghuai Academy. They only need to spend 50 points to come to him for advice.

"The method of time is used to control floods, usually from the [Beginning of Winter] to [Qingming]."

"If you choose other solar terms, they are all in the flood season, which will help the water flow between heaven and earth."

"However, you must also apply the method according to local conditions. If the flood has already occurred, the power of the natural disaster will be unstoppable. At this time, it is no longer appropriate to use the method of time. You should first use the method of geographical advantage to take drastic measures, either dredging or blocking, to solve the problem of whether people can survive first, and then talk about other things."

"The 36 waterways of Pinghuai Academy will evolve the essence of the formation of various floods. If you have enough points, you can go in to comprehend. If you don't have enough points, you can also go to the Dili Hall of the Dili Academy to find the [Nine Provinces Water Veins Map] to comprehend."

"The Tianshi Academy will also offer [Natural Disaster] training courses later. Well, today's lecture has been two hours, you can go back and digest what you have learned." Ge Jinsong waved his hand.

"Yes, thank you teacher for your guidance." Several students of Pinghuai Academy said goodbye.

Afterwards, Ge Jinsong met several students who came to ask for advice.

Soon the sky darkened.

"Strange, Shi Yong appears after not seeing him for three days. What did he do?"

As the number one genius of Tianshiyuan, Shi Yong's courtyard is all together with the farmers, and the vitality of heaven and earth here is even stronger.

Ge Jinsong used to often see Shi Yong sleeping in the yard, but now he has not seen him for several days.

He stopped a passerby and asked, "Do you know what Shi Yong has been doing recently?"

"Go back to Ge Wu, hiccup~" The passerby almost let it slip, but fortunately he reacted quickly, pretended to hiccup, and apologized again, and then replied again: "Master Ge, Shi Yong went to Taicang Courtyard to report the popular grass. People training sessions.”

"He has passed several levels, and now he has gone to the original dojo to gain enlightenment."

"Oh, go ahead." Ge Jinsong said expressionlessly and let the passerby leave.

He took out his ground mirror and began to check the situation of the drafters training session.

After seeing the ranking results of the fourth level, his eyes couldn't help but condense.



Ge Jinsong was speechless for a long time.

He finally understood why Shi Yong had been missing for three days!

With Shi Yong's temperament, he has always been number one. From the moment he entered Shiyang Cave, he never lost no matter what.

Now that he has been surpassed by four people, he is naturally stimulated, especially among the top four, Zhao Xing, who is number one, is not a genius from Taicangyuan.

"That's fine. Shi Yong has never been diligent. Now that someone is catching up, it may not be an incentive for him."

"It's the reputation of me and Lao Cheng..."

Ge Jinsong couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of the passers-by's appearance just now.

Who would have thought that when he missed it, Zhao Xing would skyrocket, going higher and higher, literally slapping him and Cheng Qingming in the face.

I expect that this matter will be brought up from time to time during the training of this army's agriculture ministers, hey...

"I more or less gave him a top grade, but Lao Cheng gave me a top grade." Ge Jinsong put away his mirror and started walking towards Cheng Qingming's yard.

I can't be the only one who is heartbroken, I also have to let Lao Cheng know about it.

In the Wanfa Palace, there is a pavilion.


The flying man rushed over and slapped Zhao Xing on the shoulder while he was resting on the table.

Zhao Xing seemed to notice it and jumped to the side.


A palm print was immediately pressed on the balcony.

When the Flying Grass Man saw Zhao Xing waking up, he immediately stood on the spot and stopped moving.

Zhao Xing rubbed his cheek.

He set an alarm clock for himself, but it was the 'Flying Grass Man' version.

Before going to bed, instruct the straw man to wake him up after an hour and exercise his alertness at the same time.

"It's only been an hour, it's really fast."

Zhao Xing jumped to a high place, summoned a 'washbasin cloud', buried his head in it, and rinsed his cheeks.

Seeing that it didn't seem satisfying, I simply stretched out my finger again and turned the 'washbasin cloud' into a 'pool cloud'.

"Boom~" There was lightning and thunder in the clouds, and the cold water turned into hot water.

Then he jumped into the clouds and took a bath.


After taking a good shower, Zhao Xing fell from the clouds.

During the landing process, the strong wind blew. After landing, the clothes on my body became dry, and my whole body was in the most comfortable state.

"Keep up the good work!"

Zhao Xing recruited two straw men.

They are the Sacrificial Exploding Grass Man and the Flying Grass Man.

Among them, the Sacrificial Exploding Grass Man is at the middle level of perfection, while the Flying Sky Man is at the eighth level.


The two kinds of straw men quickly disintegrated and turned into materials and floated, but a human-shaped frame could still be seen, and they were not dismantled into a pile of loose sand.

"Flying to the sky to die and explode, together!"

Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and pointed, and the frames of the two straw men slowly overlapped. Firecrackers, wind spirit branches, golden leaves and other plant materials began to peel off cocoons, interweaving and interweaving. Under the golden light of the magic, they rebuilt the structure. A new straw man.

The body is larger than a single straw man, and the wings on its back are greenish-gold, with only some lines and textures emerging, and the rest of the wings become transparent because they are too thin.


Zhao Xing stretched out his hand, and the flying man's wings suddenly fluttered, and his whole body turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards the training target designated by Zhao Xing.

The target is made of a fourth-level wooden pile called Jinyanmu, with a defensive array carved on it. It is an instrument used by craftsmen to test its power.


The flying dead man crossed a hundred meters and appeared in front of the target, arms folded.

The whole body instantly turned dark red.


Debris flies.


The power of the fragments even penetrated a hundred meters and hit Zhao Xing.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

Zhao Xing retreated behind the giant shield straw man, and all the fragments hit the giant shield straw man's broad chest.

There is a crystal ball next to the golden rock pile, with a line of words displayed on it:

[The screening test type is ‘killing a straw man’]

[The comprehensive lethality of the martyrdom explosion reaches 'the eighth level and above', and the maximum lethality is one point from the seventh level and below. 】

[The comprehensive lethality covers a radius of twenty meters, and after fifty meters it decays to the ninth level. 】

Zhao Xing read the test results next to the wooden pile in front, and then looked at the crystal ball on the left side of the runway.

The crystal ball on the left is relatively simple.

Only four words are displayed: [0.35]

This is a speed test based on the speed of one blast, which is the speed of sound.

It usually takes reaching the sixth level to break the sound barrier.

For an eighth-grade warrior, a short burst is about 30% to 40% of the speed of sound.

The magic profession is also about the same standard.

Of course, geniuses are different, especially for some spells, which can be done faster in a short time.

For example, Zhao Xing's Divine Guardian is now at the tenth level, comparable to high-level spells.

A short burst is close to the standard of [speed of a roar].

Because high-level spells are also generally mastered by the sixth grade.

"The eighth turn of the flying grass man, combined with the perfect martyred grass man, its speed specialty is not fully displayed. This is because the overall weight has increased, and the flying method is suppressed by the martyred method."

"After the two methods are combined into one, the speed of the flying martyred grass man is stronger than the martyred grass man with a single method, and weaker than the flying grass man with a single method, and the speed is only at the seventh turn." Zhao Xing said secretly.

"The power of the sympathetic explosion is also affected, and it is not as good as the performance of a single method, and it is only at the level of nine revolutions."

"But in general, the effect of combining two methods is still stronger than that of a single method, but to truly combine them perfectly, both spells must be perfect."

"If you want to perfectly combine the third method, the difficulty will increase dramatically." Zhao Xing said secretly.

To truly achieve the perfect combination of three methods, no one in the reserve army can do it.

After all, the perfect combination of two methods is already comparable to high-level methods.

The difficulty of perfecting three methods is no less than practicing a high-level method to the ninth revolution!

As for the perfect combination of four methods and five methods, it is already close to the Tao!

You have to reach the level of Liu Tianning, and you must also be proficient in the self-grass man method to achieve it.

But if you can combine five methods, it will become easier to combine them further.

If you can achieve the combination of five methods, your understanding of the Tao of the Five Elements must be quite terrifying. The straw man method is also inseparable from the scope of the Five Elements, so going forward, using straw men to combine all methods is not as difficult as it is now.

Of course, there are only two or three people who can truly be called the straw man who can combine all methods in the era of Qiyun Dynasty.

"The two straw man methods of flying and exploding are essentially the combination of yang fire and yang wind. If I want to achieve perfect combination, I have to practice the flying straw man to the ninth turn."

Zhao Xing summoned a bunch of materials for the flying straw man and concentrated on studying the flying straw man.

At noon on the fourth day, the flying straw man broke through the ninth turn.

At the hour of Xu, the flying straw man reached perfection.

Then Zhao Xing began to concentrate on studying the combination of the two methods.

On the fifth day, at the hour of Wei.

The two methods were perfectly combined.

Liu Tianning, who was in the main hall of the Wanfa Palace, couldn't help but look in the direction of Zhao Xing.

"Shua shua shua shua~"

As soon as the original body moved, countless original self straw men around him looked over.

Zhao Xing was very sensitive. Based on his stereotype of Liu Tianning as the "Si Nong killer", his heart skipped a beat.

"What instructions does Lord Liu have?"

"It's okay, don't be nervous." Liu Tianning smiled, "Just to see you by the way."

"You are very good. After this training session, you can often come to the Wanfa Palace to find me, no need to report. If someone in the army makes things difficult for you in the future, you can also come to the Wanfa Palace to find me."

Let me come often?

Zhao Xing looked around, dozens of ego straw men smiled at him, and said with a stiff face: "Thank you Lord Liu for your attention, I will visit you more often in the future."

"Well, you continue to practice." Liu Tianning said, "The straw man method is profound and profound, and it is not a bad way."

"Yes." Zhao Xing arched his hands, and saw that Liu Tianning just had a heart of love for talent, so he was relieved.

On the evening of the fifth day, Zhao Xing began the combination of the third method.

But he gave up after just a little try, because his flying martyr was already perfect with two spells. If he combined it with a third spell, it would destroy the perfect balance and reduce the effect.

So Zhao Xing turned to study the combination of flying, bravery, giant shield, invisibility, and phantom.

After repeated attempts, he finally came up with a direction that suits him.

"Martyrdom and flying are perfectly matched, but the others are not perfectly matched. The effect will be better if combined with a third spell."

"For example, bravery, flying, and invisibility, although after combining, any one of them is not as good as the level of a single spell, but after combining, the actual combat effect becomes better."

The level is lowered, but the actual combat effect is better, because some straw man spells are inherently auxiliary.

For example, the invisible straw man, combined with any spell, can play an excellent effect in actual combat.

So Zhao Xing no longer entangled in the level of spells, but combined the straw man spells he learned with the pursuit of "actual combat effect".

Immersed in comprehension, time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the fifth test.

The fifth test was the same as the first one.

Fifty people competed for materials and drafted human spells in the magic square, and then entered the palace for judging.

In the fifth test.

Zhao Xing only raised a straw man and stopped.

Because he could see from Liu Tianning's attitude that his two spells were perfectly matched and would definitely rank at the top.

In this case, there was no need to waste more time on the fifth test, and he could directly prepare for the final test of the sixth test.

The rankings were announced, Zhao Xing still ranked first, and Cai Jin was still second.

But Shi Yong rose to third, and Feng Qi, who was originally third, dropped to fourth.

Zhuang Ziqing rose to fifth, Guan Junyang sixth, Li Feng seventh and no change from last time, Cao Shuang rose to eighth.

The rest of the rankings had relatively small changes, and the top twenty were still mostly geniuses from Taicangyuan.

Only Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing, Cao Shuang, and Guan Junyang, the four geniuses who have understood the advanced method, have improved their rankings.

If they were strong enough in their understanding of the Tao and devoted themselves to studying the straw man method, only these four geniuses had made great progress in a short period of time.

The rest of the people's understanding of the Tao is not much different from each other, and when they work hard at the same time, it is difficult to widen the gap with others.

After the fifth level, only twenty people were left.

Twenty-one to fifty people are determined, and each person will receive 3,000 points.

In the next seven days, everyone prepared for the final actual battle.

"First place will be awarded 50,000 points."

"Second place will be awarded 30,000 points."

"Third place will be awarded 10,000 points."

"Fourth to tenth place will be rewarded with eight thousand points."

"The eleventh to twentyth place will be awarded five thousand points."

"As long as you work harder and reach the top ten, you will get 8,000 points. If you can reach third place, you will get 10,000 points!"

"Spells are spells, and actual combat is actual combat. If you match them properly, you may not be unable to defeat the person in front of you."

"I have been studying straw men with strong combat effectiveness, and the final test is combat effectiveness!"

Some of the remaining twenty people were full of confidence.

Because the fifth level test combines two methods into one, some of the top ones combine invisibility, transformation, giant shield, flying, and other strawman methods with little offensive power.

Really want to see a fight? They also have to be martyrdom, bravery, mysterious weapons, protectors and so on.

However, these geniuses couldn't help but sigh when they saw Zhao Xing and the straw man beside him. They could only look up at Zhao Xing's back during the straw man training class.

"Two methods are combined into one, and it is a perfect combination of two methods. With just one body, it is firmly ranked first." Guan Junyang sighed, "Before, I had to look up to Shi Yong, and now in this class, I have to look up to Zhao Xing. When will I be able to take the first place?"

Since there were not many people left, everyone had the energy to observe other people's spellcasting during the fifth level test.

Zhao Xing has only one weapon, and he firmly takes the first place. Naturally, it is not difficult for people to guess that this is a perfect combination of two methods.

Otherwise, Liu Tianning would not be ranked first.

"The perfect combination of two methods, the combination of wind and fire. No, it's not that simple." After looking at the ranking of the earth mirror, Shi Yong couldn't help but focus on the straw man next to Zhao Xing.

Whoa~ Shi Yong flew away again, and this time he began to look for breakthrough opportunities everywhere in the Wanfa Palace.

"I have never seen Shi Yong so busy."

"He seems to have always been more relaxed."

"It seems that this time, Zhao Xing is really regarded as his opponent."

In the main hall of Wanfa Palace, Lu Bang looked at the scene in the square with a smile.

"Shi Yong's talent is very good." Liu Tianning commented, "But in terms of straw man technique, he is still a little behind Zhao Xing."

"I think his work will be in vain this time, unless the final assessment is made, Zhao Xing's actual combat ability is too poor."

"Zhao Xing has no experience in military affairs, but Shi Yong has experienced hundreds of battles before."

"In the straw man method, this is the only point where he can win."

"The rest are not comparable to Zhao Xing."

Lu Bang couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "My student is still in second place. Brother Liu doesn't give me any face."

"But in terms of actual combat, Zhao Xing may not be weak."

"Brother Liu, you don't know. This kid was praised by Wu Si's 'Fang Wu' during the first mandatory training. He once said that if he led troops to fight, he would choose Zhao Xing first and Shi Yong second."

"Although it was martial arts training, it also shows that Zhao Xing's actual combat experience is not too weak."

"Oh?" A hint of curiosity appeared on Liu Tianning's face, "Then I'd like to take a closer look."

Seven days go by in a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, the final test of the straw man training session came.

"The sixth level is also the final test."

"The rules of the test are one-on-one decisive battles, and victory or defeat is determined by one round."

"You will draw lots randomly and match your opponent."

"The winner of the first round will be among the top ten, and the loser will receive a reward of 5,000 points for the 11th to 20th place."

"The decisive battle will take place in the Performing Arts Square."

After Liu Tianning finished speaking, twenty tokens flew towards the square.

The order sign was wrapped in golden light, and the specific content on it could not be seen.

"Swish swish swish~"

Everyone immediately used their wind skills and took a decree into their hands.

Until they hold it in their hands, the people who draw the same numbers will immediately feel connected.

"Damn it, are you so unlucky? I actually got Zhuang Ziqing!"

"Are you unlucky? I got Cai Jin!"

"Hey, Fang Yi, I'm sorry, brother, I'll give you a ride!"

"Humph, it's not certain who will lose and who will win!"

At the end of the draw, some people were happy and some were sad.

Zhao Xing looked at his sign and saw that the number was one. When he got the sign, he immediately sensed another person holding the number one.

"Isn't this the road where enemies meet?" Zhao Xing couldn't help but laugh when he saw his opponent. "This boy's destiny has a cause and effect with me."

Because his opponent was none other than Li Feng.

"Zhao Xing?" Li Feng also saw Zhao Xing and his expression changed. At the fourth level, he still had hope and thought he could surpass Zhao Xing.

After the fifth level, he knew that it would be difficult to defeat Zhao Xing.

"If my Mysterious Soldier has a combat power of 5,000, then his Heroic Grass Man has a combat power of at least 10,000!"

"Don't draw this disaster star."

Li Feng prayed silently when drawing lots. Whatever was terrible would happen, he was drawn, and he was the first to play.

"Those who drew number one, please stand on the east and west sides of the square, and the rest of you leave."

Swish, swish, swish, only Zhao Xing and Li Feng were left on the square, and the protective array was opened immediately.

"Damn, this person is really my disaster!" Li Feng cried in his heart, and he decided to stay away from Zhao Xing in the future. "Fight!"

The duel began, and Zhao Xing and Li Feng cast a spell together.

At the tenth breath, Li Feng secretly took a look and found that Zhao Xing had not yet raised the straw man, so he felt relieved.

But then his face changed, and his whole body flew up.

"It's the invisible and brave straw man! He is really insidious!"

The straw man in front of Li Feng had just taken shape, but he had no time to give orders, because the brave and invisible straw man condensed by Zhao Xing directly knocked Li Feng unconscious.

"The battle is over, Zhao Xing wins."


Today is equivalent to four chapters, one more chapter!

It seems that there are still 8 chapters to go?

Now go to sleep, continue tomorrow!

Good night, brothers!

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