Shennong Daojun

Chapter 157 Meeting in Huailiu Courtyard, Future Changes

The army's agricultural reserves have always been the hardest-hit areas for poaching other armies.

In local operations, the role of the army's agriculture department is not that obvious. After all, each state, government, county, and military headquarters has set up a transshipment department to be responsible for the supply of grain and grass. There are also Changping warehouses in various places for the officials to use food for the people. .

But after leaving the borders of the Great Zhou Dynasty and going to fight in foreign lands, the role of Army Sinong was infinitely magnified.

Soldiers can fight without weapons, with bare hands, or with inferior weapons, and they can still win.

You can even fight in harsh environments with poor housing, warm clothing, and harsh environments, and there are countless examples of winning.

But never go hungry.

Having enough food is the first priority, otherwise there is no need to talk about it.

"For an ordinary local army, at the same level, one military commander needs to support five people in wartime supplies. This is the minimum standard."

"Although the nine garrisons in Shiyang Cave are ranked high or low, in terms of training standards, one military commander needs to support the wartime supplies of thirty people to be qualified."

"Only in terms of supply, the ability of military commanders and farmers, Zhao Xing, Shi Yong, and Zhuang Ziqing, a group of Grade A geniuses, can supply 500 people."

"Grade A geniuses are slightly weaker and can supply hundreds of people of the same grade."

"But this is just training, a real battlefield. If Army Sinong wants to obtain supplies, the situation is much more complicated."

"Judging from this year's training, Zhao Xing's performance in actual combat is the best. He is one level higher than other top-level geniuses."

"If we can dig him into the Tiger Dragon Army, it will be worth paying a certain price." A Sinong wearing a cloud-patterned uniform, standing on the clouds, introduced to the people next to him. "General Wei, Zhao Xing, it is definitely worth your visit in person."

Next to the clouds, there is a person standing. He is wearing a battle armor and holding an emerald-green scepter. The scepter is tattooed with mysterious symbols, thick at the top and thin at the bottom. There is also a tiger dragon head carved on the top.

Wei Yuan is one of the ten captains of the Tiger Army, and he is also the military commander with the highest status in the Tiger Army. Among the ten generals under Marquis Wu of the Ming Dynasty, Wei Yuan ranks first because he can fight and plant. During battles, Wei Yuan was often the first to change the celestial phenomena and create the most favorable combat environment for the Tiger Jiao Army.

There is a big difference in the combat effectiveness of the Tiger Dragon Army between Wei Yuan and Wei Yuan.

It is often said by the outside world: If there had not been no big battles to fight, Wei Yuan would have been made a marquis by now.

Wei Yuan is a tall man with a simple and honest appearance. Hearing the introduction from the resident commander, Wei Yuan immediately smiled and said, "I have also seen his paper results. It is indeed as you said, so I will come."

Wei Yuan was originally on the front line of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion, but after receiving news from Dongtian, he hurried back.

In addition to the military affairs in Dongtian, his most important thing is to poach the Shenwei Army.

Zhao Xing's single spell is not amazing, at least in Wei Yuan's eyes. There are people who can rival or even surpass Zhao Xing in the Jiujie Dojo.

But once it came to large-scale actual combat, especially the more complex actual combat training, Zhao Xing's performance was far away from other geniuses, including Shi Yong and Zhuang Ziqing.

You can even take Zhao Xingdan out and count it as a level.

Of course, Hu Jiaojun would not miss such a talent.

Was he selected by the Shenwei Army? What does that matter?

The tiger dragon army was much stronger than the Shenwei army. Shiyang Cave was defeated. In this process, it was clear that Wuhou's tiger dragon army took the main credit.

The Shenwei Army and other armies were all benefited from the influence of Marquis Mingwu in order to benefit from Shiyang Cave Heaven.

Therefore, Wei Yuan is quite confident about recruiting people this time.

Except for the Tiger Dragon Army, no one else can afford better treatment.

Zhao Xing of the Eighteen Locust Trees Courtyard opened the door and invited the people from the Tiger and Dragon Army to come in.

I have no choice but to invite you in.

He is a small recruit who has not officially joined the Divine Power Army yet, so he has no right to refuse these big guys.

What if he dared to give up the big boss? Then don't plan to mess around here.

"Zhao Xing, the Divine Power Army, pays homage to General Wei! General, please take a seat."

Zhao Xing saluted the fifth-rank military commander, and he had no mental burden. He respectfully invited the boss to take a seat in the main hall, while he stood.

He knows very well what people are here for. This is a kind of appreciation. Even if he intends to refuse, he should not offend others.

"Zhao Xing, you don't have to be so polite. You can sit down and talk." After Wei Yuan took his seat, he waved his hand.

"Yes." Zhao Xing immediately sat upright.

"You don't need to say that you are Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army." Wei Yuan smiled, "You can't really join the Divine Power Army yet, but the Divine Power Army selected you and transferred you here. Strictly speaking, you are currently affiliated with Shiyang Cave Tianyang. The Agricultural Supervisor of the City Army Military Department and the Preparatory Agricultural Officer of Dili Yuan."

"That's what the general said."

Zhao Xing did not refute, because from a institutional perspective, the military department is the largest, so these reserve army sergeants are all trained by the military department and have nothing to do with the other armies for the time being.

After entering each army, the military department will issue documents, and the military department will decide to transfer a certain agricultural officer to a certain army. The official process is as follows.

"It was not Marquis Boping who gave you an official position in the army, but the imperial court. You must understand the difference."

"Yes, I will obey the general's instructions." Zhao Xing stood up and handed over his hand.

Even though the princes have the right to choose people, the legal principles and paper documents have to go through the central government.

Of course, having said that, whoever pulls the money will basically get it.

It has to be said that although Wei Yuan is a military commander, his negotiation skills are no less than those of a counselor.

After he noticed that Zhao Xing claimed to be "Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army", he used the court system to correct Zhao Xing and reduce his resentment.

It is also telling Zhao Xing: Look, even if you have the idea of ​​switching to another family, you don't need to be condemned at all in your heart, because you are serving the court, not serving him, Marquis Boping.

"Sit down, I told you not to be so restrained." Wei Yuan smiled kindly, and when Zhao Xing sat down again, he continued: "Your teacher Tian Yan at Diliyuan and I have been friends for hundreds of years. A long time ago, the two of us were friends. We even drank cow urine together, hahaha.”

"The general has experienced hundreds of battles and endured hardships. He is indeed a role model for the younger generation." Zhao Xing handed over. This is indeed worthy of admiration. Even when he was beaten, the army commander had to drink urine to replenish water. It was how tragic the battle was and how difficult the life was. ?

Zhao Xing has never been so miserable. He usually just dies and waits for resurrection. Those who can survive are all heroes!

"The situation is much better now. The military's food, clothing, housing, transportation, treasures and weapons are stronger than before. The country is strong and the people are prosperous, and talents are emerging in large numbers. Seeing that your generation has grown better than ours, this is the meaning of our struggle. "Wei Yuan looked like an elder, chatting with Zhao Xing.

"The general's ambition is admirable."

Seeing that Zhao Xing's words were silent, Wei Yuan immediately changed his strategy:

"Zhao Xing, you are Tian Yan's student. Your teacher and I both want to see you make further progress."

"The Divine Power Army is not suitable for your development. Come to the Tiger Dragon Army. I will treat you like a nephew and a descendant. This time the military department assigns you a series of military affairs. I will try my best to help you until you get through this inspection period. , you can come directly to my command and serve as the Nine Section Captain."

"If you have the ambition to reach the top, the Tiger Dragon Army is the best choice!"

Zhao Xing felt helpless. He first played the emotional card and talked about his ideals. Seeing that he was unmoved, now he talked about practical interests. Is this Wei Yuan a military commander or a strategist? The conversation was too smooth.

Tian Yan indeed expressed that Zhao Xing had a better choice. The Shenwei Army was at the bottom of the nine garrisons. Boping Hou Yang An was resurrected. In terms of strength and family background, it was not as good as the other garrisons.

But Zhao Xing knew that this car would take off and then eventually fall, but he would not jump out of the car now.

You, Wei Yuan, haven't even made a marquis yourself. If I go to the Hujiao Army, there are so many talented people. How big is the competition? To gain credit, it would be better to stay in the Divine Power Army.

"The general invites me sincerely, and I dare not resign as a subordinate. It's just that in the season when the mighty army is here, I have the grace of saving my life, the grace of preaching, and the grace of knowing people. If I become enlightened, I will turn my back and refuse to recognize him. It is really against the law." I hope the general will be considerate," Zhao Xing said sincerely.

In fact, how could Lao Chen have so much kindness? But now Zhao Xing has no choice but to hand over the pressure, hoping that Lao Chen can withstand it.

Wei Yuan nodded after hearing this, as if he had expected it. He asked, "If I can return this favor for you, can you change your mind?"

Zhao Xing cupped his hands and said, "If Mr. Chen orders me to leave, it will be up to the general to decide whether to stay or leave as a subordinate."

"Okay." Wei Yuan smiled. This kid was also very naughty and refused to touch anything. Now he finally spoke the truth.

"In that case, you will wait here for my good news." Wei Yuan stood up.

"Congratulations, General."

Zhao Xing respectfully sent Wei Yuan out of the hospital.

In the next few days, no one came to bother Zhao Xing again. I don't know if Wei Yuan used his strength.

Cheng Qingming and Ge Jinsong of Tianshiyuan were also dismissed by the Xuanjia Army.

Because I can’t fight, Shiyang Dongtian only stays here because of other people’s face, so how can I fight?

Zhao Xing was also rarely clean for a few days.

Stay in the courtyard to sort out what you have learned.

[Name: Zhao Xing]

[Realm: Upper Eighth Grade (cannot be upgraded)]

[Occupation: Farmer]

[Luck: Yan San]

[Juyuan: Level 29 (9999/10000)]

[Fate Soul: Late Stage Eighth Stage]

[Extra life: 80 years]

Before entering Shiyang Cave Heaven, you were in the ninth level. Not long after entering, you broke through the eighth level.

During this period, he participated in various trainings in Shiyang Cave Heaven. In ten months, Zhao Xing also went from eighth level to eighth level perfection.

"The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Bridge is stable, and I can already vaguely feel the presence of the earthly evil spirit. The extra life span has also been increased by 5 years. This is all due to the additional addition of some treasures during the cultivation process."

[Intermediate Spell: Identity Sect]

[Craft method: flying (perfect), dying (perfect), bravery (ninth revolution), giant shield (ninth revolution), invisibility (ninth revolution), metamorphosis (ninth revolution), protector (seventh revolution), soul-binding (Three turns)]

[Five Elements Observation: Intermediate Perfection], [Savage Growth: Intermediate Perfection], [Wasteland Condensation Technique: Intermediate Nine Turns], [Hundred Miles Element Analysis Technique: Seventh Turn] [Nine-Dragon Joint Breaking Technique: Five Turns]

Zhao Xing has completed the "Four Small Methods" of the ego-sect spells. However, the ego-sect spells are too difficult to practice. Zhao Xing can only practice the Baili Yuan Analysis Technique to the seventh level, and the Nine-Dragon Joint Breaking Technique can only be practiced to the fifth level. change.

The straw man method, invisibility, transformation, and guardianship have all been improved. The main direction of attack is the integration of multiple methods. My energy is limited, and I have not learned more.

[Geographical faction:]

[Ksitigarbha’s Return to Origin (Humanity) (Plants) Double Perfection]

[Divine Guardian: Eleventh Turn]

[Five Elements Split the Earth: Intermediate Level Perfection]

[The Endless Underground Palace: Intermediate Level Perfection]

[Xuan Shui Retreats: Advanced Level 1]

There is an additional high-level method in the Dili Sect's magic. This was a breakthrough in the test of Pinghuai Academy. It is a pulse-guiding method among the mysterious earth methods, and is specialized in regulating the water of the earth's veins.

The spells of the Heavenly Sect, which can induce thunder, dark wind, swallowing clouds, icy rain, and drizzle, are all perfect at the intermediate level.

Sky frost, sky fire, fog hidden, rolling mine, Xiaojiutiangangfeng, all nine turns.

[Drip Rain: Advanced Level Three]

[Thunderbolt Breaking Finger: Advanced Level 1]

[Soaring Snake Transformation: Advanced Transformation]

After the breakthrough of the solar term order, two more high-level methods were added.

[Lixia] Solar Terms Order, reaching the fourth level of knowledge, combining the self-created thunder method into one, and realizing a thunderbolt to break the false fingers.

[Autumn Equinox] solar term order, reaching the fourth level of knowledge, realizing the method of waiting for transformation, and the leaping snake transformation, this is also Zhao Xing's strongest move.

Because taking advantage of the power of heaven and earth already involves the changes in the climate of life, and the first two are just 'meteorological and phenological'.

However, the Soaring Snake Transformation consumes a lot of energy. To perform this method, almost half of the vitality must be drawn. It is a magic that can determine life and death.

As for the purchase of treasures, due to the training that Zhao Xing participated in, only standard equipment was always allowed.

So the only treasures I have now are the golden coir raincoat, the hundred-flower hat, the cloud-stepping boots, and the cloud and rain beads. Among them, the Yunyu Pearl is a fourth-level treasure.

The soul armor is placed in the Dream Academy, in the small world of Cave Heaven. The Dameng Academy cannot enter, and Zhao Xing has never taken it out.

As for the Dream Spring and Autumn Period, this is a top-level method, and it still only stays at the 'Dream Preservation Method', and is still far away from the 'Dream Walk'.

On the contrary, the realm of Life Soul has reached the late eighth stage. This is mainly because Zhao Xing often does not sleep and uses sleepiness to adjust. This is also a kind of training for Life Soul.

Normally, his life soul should be at the early stage of the eighth level now, but because of the sleepy bug spell, the insect body in the life soul was continuously drawn out and the soul was condensed, so the life soul reached the late stage of the eighth level. Therefore, Zhao Xing was able to withstand Li Xiu's mental attack and achieve outstanding results in this type of course.

Another seven days passed, but there was still no movement from the outside world. Zhao Xing even took the initiative to write to Lao Chen, but received no response.

"Old Chen can't really stand the pressure." Zhao Xing stood at the door and looked outside: "If this is the case, I will really join the Tiger Army."

It is not impossible to defeat the Tiger Dragon Army. The starting point for the benefits of a strong army is also higher.

He didn't have to stay in the Divine Power Army. Even if Lao Chen really saved his life, if the Divine Power Army was really a mess and without the Tiger Jiao Army, he would still have to leave.

How could Mr. Zhao have such noble integrity and moral character?

There is no place for him to stay here, he has his own place to stay. He was mentally prepared at the beginning. If he was caught by the Xuantian Sect and got on the pirate ship, he would do well on the pirate ship.

"Military affairs have to be allocated in early March. If Lao Chen doesn't come, it will be the end of it. Even if I get a glimpse of the future changes, I will not take action again in the future. I hope you can really sell me at a good price."

Zhao Xing chuckled, shook his sleeves, and planned to go in.

But at this moment——

"Zhao Xing." A familiar voice came from not far away.

Chen Shijie and Long Xiao landed outside the courtyard gate.

This kind of panel basically only appears once in many chapters. The spells have been kept as simple as possible, and I will not mention the basic ones. In addition, there are no long strings of numbers, which is convenient for readers who are listening to the book and avoids having to talk about the word count.

I don’t know if there are any omissions. Readers who find any omissions can tell me.

There is a third update today! It should be after twelve o'clock but before one o'clock. That's right. This melon won't stay cooked. If you can't wait any longer, you can go to bed first.

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