Shennong Daojun

Chapter 170 Xia Jing is here, everyone is here! (Additional update 2)

Chapter 170 Xia Jing is here, everyone... is here! (Additional update 2)

"Shi Yong and Zhuang Ziqing also completed the third ring task of Shiyang Dongtian's Si Nong Reserve."

"They have the support of the Tiger Dragon Army, and their situation is better than that of Zhao Xing. However, these two people have failed to get the best evaluation once each." The third phantom commented.

"In the third ring, let's allocate some human resources to Zhao Xing. Xia Jing from the Qinglong Military Division will be transferred to serve as a county captain, and some reserve forces from the Shenwei Army will also be sent there."

"Half of the people he was familiar with during the actual breakout battle were also transferred."

The third phantom exudes golden light, and the golden light vaguely takes on the shape of a dragon, wandering on the body surface. Obviously the third shadow has a higher status.

"Well, this Zhao Xing is indeed worthy of training." The other two phantoms also nodded in agreement, "Just follow what King Tianyan wants."

Yuncheng, Shao Wanjie's residence.

Zhao Xing lay on the chair, leisurely enjoying the massage service from the cat-eared alien girl, while the morphing straw man 'Shao Wanjie' and the 'housekeeper' looked on.

"Master, when will the banquet be held?" A minotaur came to report.

"According to the highest standards, the wine and delicacies are all of the best!" The morphing straw man imitated Shao Wanjie's voice and expression.

It was too realistic, and the water mist next to the hot spring was lingering. Zhao Xing used fog and shadow to conceal it, so he easily deceived these subordinates.

"I want to chat and have fun with Mr. Zhao for three days and three nights. After you have a banquet by Wen Yuchi, don't come over and disturb me. Go and have fun yourself."

"Yes, sir." The Minotaur didn't notice anything was wrong.

Because Shao Wanjie has always been like this.

Sometimes he and his subordinates can play together for several days and nights, regardless of political affairs.

What's more, a seventh-grade official has been recruited?

The twin alien girls were all used to entertain Mr. Zhao. It can be imagined that Mr. Zhao was really valued.

Next, as expected, no one came near the hot springs, a pleasure zone. Even if the servants brought wine and food, they all kept their heads down and did not dare to raise their heads.

Zhao Xing took a casual look and couldn't help but sigh, Shao Wanjie was really doing a damn good life.

Basically, he is looking for young women, and he is fond of foreign races. Cat women, leopard women... most of them exude exotic auras.

Moreover, Shao Wanjie only asked them to wear a thick layer of tulle, with their exquisite and graceful figures looming, and the delicious food and beauty created a double sensory impact.

"Luxury, too luxurious!" Zhao Xing was enjoying the beauty feeding him wine and tasting the delicious food. He casually slapped a foreign girl on the butt: "Go and dance for me. I want to give you a hard dance." Criticize it!”

"Yes, yes." The alien girl shyly stepped away, and then danced on the lawn.

On both sides of the lawn, there are musicians playing drums, and the melodious sound can be heard.

Zhao Xing crossed his legs, looking very leisurely.

Not long after the dinner started, Long Xiao left and returned.

After seeing the scene below, my jaw dropped.

"Are you Zhao Xing? Or Shao Wanjie?"

Zhao Xing hugged a dancer and said with a smile: "Why, you went to the temple and you don't recognize me anymore. Sit down quickly and have something to eat."

Long Xiao sat down suspiciously, and immediately two maids came over to him. He stretched out his hand to block the maids and said, "It's not good for you to be like this..."

Zhao Xing said nonchalantly: "I have been training in Shiyang Cave for so long, can't I still enjoy it?"

"Besides, we still have to stay here until someone comes from above, and we have to pretend to be a little more decent."

Long Xiao said: "How come you are so skilled? I throw you into this situation without any sense of violation."

Zhao Xingyi said sternly: "I am looking at it with a critical eye, studying how these corrupt officials are corrupt, understanding their depraved psychology, so that I can always alert myself."

"Really..." Long Xiao muttered, "What you said makes sense, but I always feel weird."

"Stop talking about this." Zhao Xing said, "Has everything been done?"

Long Xiao sent a message and said: "Well, among the five divisions of Yuncheng, the temple is the only place where Shao Wanjie dare not reach out. As soon as I led the people there, the temple priest Shen Mingyu immediately led the people to interrogate in front of the judicial statue, and the charges were quickly confirmed. , was imprisoned.”

"And Shen Mingyu told me that as long as you send a signal, he can take action immediately and arrest all the remaining parties. He has sent Yin spirits in all directions in Yuncheng to blockade."

Zhao Xing nodded: "It seems that Shen Mingyu also knew that this time was different, and his reaction was quite quick."

The temple has a supervisory role. Doesn't Shen Mingyu know about Shao Wanjie's bad deeds? Of course he knows and has even impeached him, but the higher-ups refuse to respond, so what can be done?

But this time Long Xiao passed by, and the superiors responded quickly. Shen Mingyu immediately knew that the opportunity had come, so he quickly made action arrangements.

Long Xiao said: "What should we do next?"

Zhao Xingdao: "It has nothing to do with us. We are just helping. Shao Wanjie, a seventh-level official, will send someone to interrogate him. We are not needed to arrest the remaining party members."

"So? Do nothing?" Long Xiao asked.

"It's not like doing nothing." Zhao Xing slapped the maid on the butt: "Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

Long Xiao: "..."

Zhao Xing and Long Xiao's enjoyment lasted for two days and two nights.

Early on the third day, a large number of officials arrived in Yuncheng.

Shao Wanjie's residence was completely surrounded.

In addition, Fengmingshan Ming Mine, Sino-Agricultural Supervisor, Tiangong Division, Temple, Military Division, and Medical Division all have personnel to conduct an investigation.

Anyone who has any connection with Shao Wanjie will be taken away.

Zhao Xing and Long Xiao immediately revealed their identities after the arrival of the above, and then were released.

As for how to deal with Shao Wanjie and his remnants, Zhao Xing didn't care about him and didn't even ask a single question, as if he was staying out of the matter.

"We have to add more people quickly." Zhao Xing looked at the list of officials from various departments in Yuncheng, and saw that a group of people were missing, and he was suddenly a little worried.

Without people coming, he couldn't complete the governance alone. When he was training in Shiyang Dongtian, there were enough people, and each department at least had no shortage of people and tools.

However, the actual situation was completely different. Up to now, his preparations have only started.

Ling Yuan led people to shift the focus of work and cooperate with Sino-Agricultural Supervisor Zhang Zhong, Bao Wenshan, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian to carry out the construction of embankments and dams inside Yuncheng County.

But this is far from enough.

"Why do you frown, sir? Now that Shao Wanjie, the cancer, is gone, the government agencies have gradually recovered their efficiency." Ling Yuan looked at the young man in front of him with respect.

It's so powerful that Shao Wanjie can fall.

You don't understand... Zhao Xing didn't want to explain to Ling Yuan at all.

His current third-ring mission is related to the future plan.

Zhao Xing didn't really come to Yuncheng to take root, so he must see results as soon as possible.

How did the natural disaster come? It must be man-made by the southern barbarians.

Because they occupy the upper reaches of the Canglan River, the water witches above will be busy sweating as long as they move the water veins slightly.

Zhao Xing didn't need to think about it to know that at this time, the southern barbarians have also sent a large number of people to approach the front line of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion.

There is no way. If the Great Zhou moves, the southern barbarians will move.

Whether the Great Zhou is practicing martial arts or really wants to fight, as long as one side moves, the other side must make preparations of the corresponding level.

Is the Great Zhou an exercise or does it really want to fight? The Nanman are not sure. After all, the Great Zhou has been doing some small moves from time to time for more than two hundred years, and the Nanman tribes are the same.

Zhao Xing estimated that many military fortresses have appeared in the Fengming Mountains and the upper reaches of the Canglan River to the south, and there is even a team of water witches who have begun to target Yuncheng and regard it as a target for natural disasters.

Zhao Xing has never been a passive person who only defends.

He must quickly complete the prevention work of Yuncheng and lead a team to fight back.

Only in this way can he get enough military merit.

Zhao Xing memorized the Nanman topographic map and power distribution map during the Jing Emperor period, because this battle during the Jing Xinli years had been repeated several times by players in the previous life.

The military exercises during the Wu Emperor period in the later generations were all based on this battle. It was difficult for the military minister to forget it.

"Come on! I need people! People!" Zhao Xing shouted in his heart.

For his level, the window period for gaining merit in the Pingman War is not very long.

Because the war escalated not long after it started.

At a certain level, Zhao Xing would not participate again because the danger outweighed the opportunity, and he would even try to get out.

While Emperor Jing was opening champagne and awarding lavishly at halftime, he quickly took advantage of it and ran away, otherwise the merits he had gained in the past would be lost later because of the defeat.

"For the last large-scale exercise in Shiyang Cave Heaven, I only need to equip 70% of the new recruits according to the specifications of the recruit camp at that time, and it can be used to snowball."

"I don't expect top talents like Xia Jing, and a few dozen talents of the next level of various professions will be enough." Zhao Xing thought silently in his heart. "I hope Yan San's luck can be brought into play this time."

On the fifth day after the Shao Wanjie case, at the hour of Mao, Zhao Xing finally waited for the reinforcement from above.

He immediately received a notice from the official seal that the list of officials in Yuncheng had been updated.

Zhao Xing immediately took out the ground mirror to take a look.

The first batch of reinforcements was the three divisions of warriors, a total of 513 people, including the seventh-grade position of Yuncheng County Lieutenant, which was also restored!

What Zhao Xing didn't expect was that he saw the names of Xia Jing, Zhang Jie, Chen Fang, and Hu Bing among the first group of people!

"Hahaha, my luck exploded, Xia Jing was assigned here! Seventy-five people from the four major military divisions came, awesome!"

Zhao Xing jumped up from the bed excitedly.

"Meow?" Aotian Miao woke up from a deep sleep, yawned, and looked at Zhao Xing jumping up and down on the bed in confusion. What was he so excited about so early in the morning?

He really couldn't understand humans.

Zhao Xing quickly got dressed.

He took the three eighth-rank officials on duty at Sinongjian, Zhang Zhong, Jiang Xi, and He Fengnian, on the Swordfish Flying Boat.

He immediately flew outside Yuncheng.

In order to show his respect, he went out of the city three miles to meet them.

After parking, the signal tower on the Swordfish Flying Boat kept lighting up.

Zhao Xing also cleared the haze in the sky, making the weather warm like spring.

If there were no conditions, he would have called a group of musicians and dancers to serve as a guard of honor to welcome them!


Soon after, a medium-sized Tiger Dragon Flying Boat descended from the sky.

Xia Jing jumped down from it soon.

As soon as he entered the territory of Yuncheng, he immediately looked at the list of officials in Yuncheng.

After discovering Zhao Xing's name, Xia Jing was also quite happy.

The Du Shui Ling turned out to be Zhao Xing, which was simply a great explosion of character!

If Zhao Xing was the military minister of agriculture, what could stop Xia Jing from making achievements in this internship test?

"Brother Zhao!" Xia Jing trotted over. After seeing that it was really Zhao Xing, and not someone with the same name, the prince of the Marquisate was also a little excited, "I didn't expect it was really you!"

"Brother Xia!" Zhao Xing also ran over and held Xia Jing's arm, "It feels like a long time since we last met!"

The words were a bit corny, but this was the style during this period. Many people hugged and called him brother when they were happy.

"With you as the Du Shui Ling, I don't have to worry about natural disasters at all!" Xia Jing said with a smile.

"With you as the county lieutenant, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Zhao Xing said with a smile.

At this moment, a slightly teasing voice appeared:

"Brother Zhao only has Brother Xia in his eyes, and he doesn't need us at all. Brothers, let's go."

"Brother Chen!" Zhao Xing immediately let go of Xia Jing's hand, "How could it be? It was me, Zhao, who neglected me. I apologize, I apologize."

"How do I apologize?" Zhang Jie laughed, "You can't treat us with Ma Yu fruit? The young marquis can't stand it."

"Ugh~" Xia Jing seemed to have triggered some kind of memory, and his body reacted and immediately pinched Zhang Jie's neck: "Asshole, who told you to bring it up!"

"Brother Zhang, you still have the nerve to say this?" Chen Fang laughed, "You were hugging Commander Liu's thigh at the time, crying and shouting grandma!"

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed immediately.

"How can you eat the same food as during training when you come here? Of course you have to eat something good!" Zhao Xing said proudly, "It just so happens that I got a batch of good things a few days ago. You all follow me into the city, and I will not let you down!"

"Let's go into the city!"

"Hahaha, don't let there be fish again."

"Ugh~ you bastard!"

The arrival of Xia Jing and his group undoubtedly gave Zhao Xing a shot of confidence. This group of people not only have outstanding abilities, but also have their own background. For example, Xia Jing, the Tiger Dragon Flying Boat he sat on is more advanced than his Swordfish Flying Boat. In addition, this group of people have connections and can obtain advanced intelligence, which is what Zhao Xing wants most.

However, the surprise is not over yet.

On the second day, the second group of people came, mainly mechanical divisions and Si Nong.

Zhao Xing saw familiar people such as Wang Ji, Han Bing, Che Shihai, and Cao Shuang.

On the third day, the third group of people arrived, mainly doctors and priests.

Zhao Xing looked at the list, and Yuan Yang and Zhang Yi also arrived!

"Back, I feel, everyone is back!"

"Yan San Qiyun, the reputation is well-deserved!"

Zhao Xing grinned like a fool, what could be more gratifying than meeting the old team?

Tan Taiming said: Yes.

Since Yuncheng is a county-level county, but has not received sufficient supplies for many years, the prefecture decided to make up for the materials that should have been transferred but not transferred in the past ten years to all departments of Yuncheng at one time.

The accounts of the past do not need to be handled by officials in this term, everything is based on the end of March of the seventeenth year of Jingxinli!

I still owe 2 more, please vote.

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