Shennong Daojun

Chapter 174 The third round of missions is completed, promotion to the seventh rank?

Zhao Xing unleashed the largest cloud spell in history.

Since the moment Xia Jing and others took their positions, his swallowing cloud spell has never been interrupted, and he has continuously swallowed the clouds and mist in the sky.

After covering Yuncheng, it expanded to the surroundings, mainly covering the south of Canglan River.

Theoretically, there is no limit to the expansion of the swallowing cloud spell, only the caster has a limit.

In recent days, Zhao Xing has used the swallowing cloud spell and has spread it to the depths of Nanman for 500 miles.

Thanks to the existence of Canglan River, there is no shortage of clouds, and Zhao Xing can easily maintain the spell.

Why is Yuncheng called Yuncheng? That is because there are clouds hanging in the sky all year round.

The swallowing cloud spell cast by Zhao Xing is not a dense one.

Except for Yuncheng, he has absolute coverage, and in other directions, he just extends his tentacles.

The swallowing cloud spell constructs a series of ‘cloud roads’ in the clouds in nature.

The flying boat shuttles through the ‘cloud road’, and the safety and concealment are greatly guaranteed.

"You've prepared really early." Xia Jing looked at the cloud-like mountains, and there were 'cloud roads' connecting these cloud mountains.

Even a witch who could control the cloud method would find it difficult to detect, because Zhao Xing's cloud control method was very advanced, and it was no different from the clouds in nature.

"There are 500-mile cloud roads in each direction."

"The cloud roads in the sky form a strategic transportation network."

"The military department can take a flying boat from Yuncheng and quickly reach 500 miles outside Yuncheng, and in any direction."

Xia Jing couldn't help but sigh that he was really lucky.

Being assigned to Yuncheng and meeting Zhao Xing, isn't that lucky?

If it were a different Si Nong, he would probably be chasing insects by now.

From the end of Zishi, I sent messages to friends I knew, and now it's the beginning of Yinshi.

Some people have already gotten up and replied to Xia Jing after seeing the message.

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it.

There are already hundreds of counties and prefectures along the Canglan River south of Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture that have been affected by the disaster.

There are different types of natural disasters. Some are floods, some are earthquakes, and some are ice and snow weather... But the worst-hit places are all caused by insect witches.

In one county, 70% of its officials and civilians have died!

Xia Jing still heard from others that the warrior friend he sent a letter to had died in the disaster.

"Finally found it."

Zhao Xing suddenly opened his eyes, quickly stood up, grabbed the rudder of the flying boat, turned the direction, and dived down.

"Get ready for battle!" Xia Jing shouted loudly, and the others were also ready to fight.

The search started at 5:00 p.m., and it has been almost an hour and a half now.

The witch's casting distance is not that far, but they have not found it.

Now, there is finally news.

"Engineer Wang!"

"Got it." Wang Ji immediately understood and quickly activated the invisible magic circle on the Tiger Dragon Flying Boat, and then shouted in the magic circle cabin: "Prepare the God-breaking Crossbow!"

"Crossbow No. 1 is in place!"


"Crossbow No. 3 is in place!"


"Crossbow No. 10 is in place!"

Immediately, many voices responded.

"Prepare to throw the net!"

"Net No. 1 is in place!"

"Net No. 3 is in place!"


"Net No. 10 is in place!"

Hearing Wang Ji's order, Zhao Xing opened the window and stuck his head out of the operating cabin: "Engineer Wang, there are only ten enemies, you don't need to use the God-breaking Crossbow, right?"

The window of the cabin at the back was opened, and a half-bald head stuck out: "Hehe, this is just a deterrent."

Zhao Xing said helplessly: "I know the brothers are holding back, but don't get too excited, we don't have many God-breaking Crossbow arrows in Yuncheng."

Wang Ji waved his finger between his eyebrows: "Don't worry, the God-breaking Crossbow is recyclable. Besides, I will make you a new one no matter how many you use up. I want you to have fun today!"

After speaking, Wang Ji's head shrank back with a whoosh.

Xia Jing was arranging the queue on the other side of the cabin.

"Brothers, did you hear what Engineer Wang said?"

"Their mechanical engineer wants to do our job, can you agree?"


Xia Jing smiled and said, "Okay, Zhao Sinong will lower the flying boat to 300 meters and then jump, so that we can save the crossbow arrows for Tiangongfang."

Crazy, all of them are going crazy.

The first two rounds of the task mainly test the mind and courage. It was not easy to make it to the third round, but when analyzing the content of the task, it was all passive.

Now that Zhao Xing has created an opportunity, everyone can't help it.

They all want to let go and rush in.

"Zhao Xing, our Sinong Supervisor..." Cao Shuang rubbed his hands.

Zhao Xing looked back and saw that Cao Shuang, Che Shihai and other military Sinong were all ready to fight. Even Han Bing, who was always cold, couldn't hold back.

"Go and send wind to the warriors."

"Don't let them fall to death."


The military Sinong quickly stood on the deck.

Zhao Xing smiled.

It doesn't really matter whether Jun Si Nong takes action or not, because the third ring is only to prevent natural disasters from destroying Yuncheng.

They want to take action mainly to show their performance and leave an impression on the big guys in the military who are monitoring here.

There are only ten people... not enough points.

Zhao Xing himself didn't plan to take action at all, because there are more than 500 people on the Tiger Dragon Flying Boat!

"What is a saturation attack..."

Zhao Xing rubbed the rudder and made the Tiger Dragon Flying Boat hover in the low-altitude clouds.

At this time, it was only 300 meters away from the ground.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

Xia Jing, Chen Fang, Hu Bing, Zhang Jie and other warriors immediately jumped from the deck.


A gust of wind surrounded them, canceling out the wind resistance, and they descended quietly and rapidly.

But they were not as fast as the mechanics.

Before Xia Jing took off.

The snare was shot out from the bottom of the flying boat.


A large net as thin as silk fell from the sky and enveloped Zhao Cong.

Zhao Wei only reacted when the net dropped to a height of fifty meters.

Because the flying locusts he released to monitor in the sky, although they were monitoring at a height of two hundred meters, the speed of the snare was too fast.

When his flying locust was cut to death and he received feedback again, the snare had already dropped to a height of fifty meters.

Although the Flying Locust is not good at defense, its carapace is comparable to the best third-level defensive armor.

It was cut into a dozen thin slices silently, and Zhao Cong immediately realized what kind of attack he had suffered.

"It's a dragnet!"

"At least a fourth-level dragnet!"

Zhaobo didn't even have time to shout a reminder, so he immediately made the move that was most beneficial to him - bending down.

Because the hardest treasure on his body is the insect box on his back.

The rectangular insect box unfolded instantly, forming a shield.

Zhao Cuo curled up on the ground and frantically activated the mechanism on the fourth-order insect box.

At the same time, he placed twelve changeling bugs around.


With Zhao Cong as the center, twelve green smokes were ejected in all directions, and the appearance of Zhao Cong was condensed in the smoke.

But the skin is covered with scales and downy hair.

The Great Zhou's Heavenly Snare is often accompanied by the tracking and striking of the Spirit-Broken Crossbow.

Targeting the five elements of life, the changeling bugs summoned can confuse the attack of the spirit-breaking crossbow.


The dragnet rubbed against the insect box, steaming up and bursting with flames.

Only three of the remaining ten insect witches reacted and made the same move as Zhao Cang.

The other seven people were stunned on the spot. In the next moment, their bodies were scattered and turned into pieces of flesh.

"Run separately!!!"

Only then did Zhaobo shout out.

In the current life-and-death crisis, there is no room for Zhao Chu to have other thoughts. At this moment, his only thought is to run!

When the insect witch encounters the patrolling soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they have no choice but to run and don't even think about fighting.

Their melee abilities are too fragile.

What's more, when it comes to sharp weapons, Dazhou has always crushed Nanman.

Zhao Cong is the young patriarch of the Hana tribe, but his insect box is only a fourth-level top-grade insect box, and the other elders only have a fourth-level low-grade insect box.

But as long as the Zhou Dynasty soldiers dare to cross the border and patrol, their flying boats must be equipped with a variety of fourth-level weapons, and they are large-scale fourth-level magic weapons!

Maybe the equipment worn by the soldiers is more luxurious than that of the young patriarch!


The next moment Zhao Cang shouted, crossbow arrows fell from the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

The crossbow arrow is three meters long, and its arrowhead is a special gold drill bit with a hollow interior. It is operated by a wind array. The arrowhead will rotate after being launched to increase the armor-breaking ability.

The crossbow arrow is a three-stage arrow. In addition to providing power, the middle and rear stages can also explode and change the direction of the arrow to track and hit the enemy.

The Spirit-Breaking Crossbow is the pinnacle of the craftsmanship of the Great Zhou Engineering Department. Even a small third-level crossbow arrow cannot be imitated by other Southern Barbarian tribes.

"Young Master!"



The other three witches were directly nailed to the ground by crossbow arrows, and their entire bodies were sunk three feet into the ground.

Only Zhao Cong, who was the first to react, activated the insect box and used the changeling insects, causing the crossbow arrows to shoot around him and not hit him directly.

But after landing, an air explosion occurred, and the aftermath directly overturned Zhao Cong.

"What! How can the Soul-breaking Crossbow be so powerful!"

Zhao Cong's heart was shocked.

The soft armor on his body was directly cut open by the fragments, and blood marks deep enough to see the bones were exposed under the skin.

However, bugs soon emerged from his muscles and glued together to repair the wounds.

"It's not a third-level spirit-breaking crossbow, it's a fourth-level god-breaking crossbow! Hiss!"

Zhao Yu looked at the fragments on the ground and fell into despair.

He couldn't help but look up.

All around him, he saw five hundred figures descending from the sky, and dozens more figures brewing strong winds and thunder in the sky.

Tianluo opened the way, Po Shen gathered shooting, and there were so many warriors and mages.

What does it mean to have no way to heaven and no way to earth?

"I summon you, how can I be so virtuous and capable..."

Any warrior's aura is not inferior to his.

Zhaobo was desperate for a moment.

"No, all these barbarians were shot to death by Wang Gong's men. Is this the only thing left?"

"I'm convinced, tell Mr. Wang not to waste money next time."

"Five hundred brothers, your whole life has been in vain!"


Zhao Yu listened to the noisy sounds around him and realized what he should do.

Immediately commit suicide.

No one can stop a bug witch from committing suicide.



Eighteen silver needles sank into Zhao Cang's body.

In an instant, all the native insects in Zhao's body were sealed, especially the heartworm, which had opened its mouthparts and wanted to pierce the owner's heart, but was accurately nailed to death by the silver needle.

"You...thirteen stitches in the ghost gate!"

Zhao Ke was lying on the ground, his body twitching, this was because the magic bug in his body had lost control.

"Huh? You are quite knowledgeable." Yuan Yang came over in surprise, "This southern barbarian actually knows the Thirteen Ghost Gate Needles, it seems he is a big fish."

Zhao Xing also followed at this time and looked at Zhao Ke's whole body: "Although this person's realm is average, his identity must be high. Search him first."

Xia Jing waved his hand, and three big men who practiced the Xuanwu secret method rushed over and stripped Zhao Ke naked.

"What is his background?"

"He should be the leader of a small tribe, or the son of the leader."

The others took out the ground mirror to find relevant clues.

Zhao Xing looked at the patterns on Zhao Ke's face and chest, and compared them with his skin and clothes.

He immediately said: "The feather symbol proves that he should accept the rule of the Golden Feather King's Court. People chasing three silver moons indicate that their tribe is directly governed by a 'Silver Moon Lord'. The three silver moons represent the level of the leader and are also a symbol of power. Silver Moon Lords are usually earth witches."

"As for his own tribe, it should be called Hana Tribe."

Xia Jing knew Zhao Xing was right as soon as he saw Zhao Qi's reaction.

But he was a little puzzled: "Why didn't I find it? Where did you read it from?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "The history of this tribe is not long, probably only three or four hundred years. The Great Zhou military is too lazy to update the situation of such a small tribe. The county annals of fifteen counties in Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture record the Hana Tribe. It's normal that you don't know."

"You really only sleep for one hour a day?" Wang Ji looked at Zhao Xing's head, "No wonder you have time to read so many things, but why don't you lose your hair?"

Zhao Xing smiled and turned to look for someone.

"Chen Fang, where is Chen Fang?"

"Here." Chen Fang ran over happily.

"You are the best at learning the common language of the Southern Barbarians, so I'll leave him to you." Zhao Xing pointed at Zhao Qi, "Don't kill him, the Hana tribe is not a big fish, but it is also medium... Hey? Sorry, Brother Xia, I said the wrong thing."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xia Jing covered his mouth and nose, his throat moving, "I'm a little used to it..."

"I understand." Chen Fang said, "We have to find out the location of this kid's tribe, right?"

"Yes." Zhao Xing nodded.

There is one thing wrong with fighting the Southern Barbarians. Except for a few foreign tribes that have established their own countries, the rest of the tribes have no fixed territory and run around in the Southern Wilderness.

Because the weather is unpredictable, most of the barbarians do not have a "witch" who can control the weather, so they can only keep changing places.

As a result, the military community cannot provide them with accurate maps at all, and they can only rely on themselves to find people to kill.

"Leave it to me." Chen Fang patted his chest.

"No, I'll just give it to you to translate." Zhao Xing said, "Interrogation is something that should be taught to Zhang Yi and the military doctor."

"Don't let him die before all the truth is revealed. The brothers' next mission depends on him."

"Understood!" Chen Fang picked up Zhao Qi and carried him to the flying boat.

On the way back, Zhao Xing also received a message from the military world.

"The third ring mission is completed, huh? Temporarily changed from seventh rank to official seventh rank, can I be promoted?" Zhao Xing looked at the message in the ground mirror with some surprise.

Guaranteed second update.

I won't update today, adjust my work and rest.

In addition, this chapter is said to be not displayed on Qidian, it will be fine in two days.

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