Shennong Daojun

Chapter 193: Weaver Girl Weaves a Robe, Climbs the Flame Mountain at Night (5K)

Hearing the number of five hundred, Jin Ming was stunned.

He looked at Xia Jing in disbelief: "Are you kidding, my prince?"

Xia Jing said calmly: "I am the commander of the Dragon Cavalry Battalion, and I never joke in the army."

Jin Ming's breath was choked, and Dong He and Zhao Xing started to work at the same time.

Even the configuration of Zhao Xing's side was worse than this side.

But Zhao Xing has already cultivated five hundred plants!

It's simply unbelievable!

Could it be that the reason he didn't want those external aids was not to give up power, but because he was afraid that Mr. Dong would be slow?

So he was not afraid of the people of the Black Armor Army taking credit, but was afraid that his Black Armor Army would be slow and slow down the progress!

Thinking of this, Jin Ming's face was burning.

They were judging others by their own meanness!


"Call me General!" Xia Jing interrupted Jin Ming directly, his expression serious: "There is no prince in the army, don't do it again."

Jin Ming's heart trembled, and he immediately changed his address: "General, can you allow me to go and observe, maybe we can learn from it and improve the planting efficiency for the three armies."

Xia Jing knew that Jin Ming still had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't expose it. He nodded gently and said: "You can go, it's best to bring the leaders of the Sinong Camp to observe together."

"Take a good look at how they plant."

"Yes, General."

Jin Ming took people from the north of the volcano to the south of the volcano to observe.

Chen Shijie smiled and shook his head when he saw the friendly army coming.

Xia Jing's intention to use Zhao Xing to attack the arrogant soldiers and generals under his command was known to him.

Zhao Xing had just planted a batch, and he couldn't wait to go back to compare the situation.

From Jin Ming and others rushing over, Chen Shijie knew that the difference in the amount must be large.

I just don't know how effective Xia Jing's operation will be.

After Jin Ming brought people over, Zhao Xing also worked harder.

How could he embarrass his good brother who asked him to help him?

He immediately opened fire and pushed the magic circle to the limit, making Wang Ji almost unable to do anything.

But the effect was obvious.

Jin Ming watched Zhao Xing make one hundred fourth-order earth fire lotuses grow again in one hour, reaching the fifth-order level.

"What kind of method is this? Why is it so powerful?"

"Strengthening the foundation method? But how can a high-level strengthening foundation method be so easy to use?"

"No, if it is a high-level strengthening foundation method, this craftsman's formation can't bear it at all!"

"Ninghua method? Folding method? It doesn't look like that either."

"Analysis of the essence method is the most difficult high-level analysis of the essence method among the four methods of the self!"

"One hour, it's simply terrifying. How high is his realm?"

"High-level methods have reached the master level. Is Zhao Xing really a seventh-rank minister of agriculture? It's simply terrifying."

The minister of agriculture of the Xuanjia Army was completely stunned.

In order to show off to Xia Jing, Zhao Xing directly pulled up the spell effect.

Originally, his [Momentary Origin] was a high-level sixth-turn, but with the formation arranged by Wang Ji and others here, and the assistance of 500 ministers of agriculture, it was enough to rival the spells above the seventh turn.

Although it is only a small level difference, it is the difference between a small success in magic and a mastery of magic.

Therefore, Jin Ming and others were all shocked.

Compared with Zhao Xing, Dong He's efficiency is too slow.

He is not as casual as Zhao Xing, who just waved his hands in the sky, how elegant and handsome?

Old man Dong had to plunge into the magma to strengthen the foundation of the Earth Fire Lotus.

Jin Ming, who was unwilling to give up, circled around the periphery again.

He even checked the materials used in the magic circle.

He tried to find traces of Zhao Xing using powerful external objects to assist.

The result made him even more depressed.

No, all of them were medium-quality stuff, the magic circle, materials, manpower... were not as good as those of Dong He, and the overall situation was much worse.

Jin Ming took the Si Nong of the Xuanjia Army and left in disgrace.

Back to the north of the volcano, he met Xia Jing again.

Jin Ming and his men did not dare to be arrogant in front of Xia Jing.

They were transferred here to assist Xia Jing, and they were proud of their ability to cultivate treasures.

Now they were pulled here, but they were still not as good as the small Shenwei Army. How could they be arrogant again?

To be honest, if Zhao Xing was transferred to the Xuanjia Army, they could be directly replaced.

Given the relationship between Xia Jing and Zhao Xing, this is not impossible.

"How is it? What have you learned?" Xia Jing asked.

"There are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people." Jin Ming shook his head, "We dare not underestimate the heroes of the world anymore."

"Please encourage us from time to time in the future."

"You all have such a progressive mind, and your magic realm will sooner or later be able to reach a higher level." Xia Jing smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged by a temporary setback. Now, go and prepare to transplant the fifth-level earth fire lotus cultivated by Mr. Dong."

"Yes, sir." Jin Ming took people to work.

Originally, Xia Jing couldn't command them. From Jin Ming on, they all listened to Dong He's orders instead of Xia Jing's orders.

You should know that they used to call Xia Jing the prince directly instead of the general, because they were not convinced that Xia Jing, a young man, became the position of the camp commander so quickly.

They thought he relied on the title of Xiahou Prince.

Now, Xia Jing did not ridicule them, which showed that he was magnanimous.

On the contrary, he encouraged them.

A person's words, deeds, and mind and magnanimity determine his height.

Jin Ming and others put aside their prejudices and carefully examined Xia Jing's record since he joined the army. Whether it was personal ability, magnanimity, intelligence, background and connections, Xia Jing was very outstanding and fully qualified to be the commander of this camp.

It was also from this moment that they finally obeyed this young commander of the Dragon Cavalry Camp.

Seeing Jin Ming and others obeying orders obediently.

Xia Jing looked to the south and smiled with satisfaction.

"Brother, you helped me a lot."

Now it doesn't matter whether Dong He obeys him or not.

He has initially mastered the basic situation of the Jun Si Nong Camp. As long as he doesn't lead them to lose the battle, he will sooner or later establish prestige.

"Brother Zhao is really useful."

"Why didn't the Xuanjia Army dig him over at the beginning? He actually went to Ge Jinsong and Cheng Qingming to be a lobbyist. It was really a stupid move."

Xia Jing was extremely regretful. If Zhao Xing had been directly in his Xuanjia Army.

There would be so many things. Maybe they would have taken down the Fire Dragon Pass long ago.

Three days and three days, Zhao Xing and Dong He led people to cultivate around Dongsang Volcano for half a month.

It was already September 13th, and Dong He, who was cultivating the earth fire lotus on the north side of the volcano, was suddenly awakened from his spell.

"Master Dong, come up and rest."

Dong He opened his eyes and saw Xia Jing: "Thank you for your concern, I'm still okay."

Dong He is really a roll king. He worked without sleep when he started.

For half a month, he has not left the magma lake and has been working in the ground.

When he is tired, he takes a nap on the spot. When he is hungry, he rolls up his own food and does not let anyone send it to him. Whatever the eighth-rank Si Nong around him eats, he, a sixth-rank official, also eats.

Putting aside his temper, this person is still very dedicated.

Xia Jing spread his hands and said, "It's not that I have to care about Master Dong, but the first batch of earth fire lotus has begun to be made into robes."

"The first batch of quantities is almost there. If Master Dong is willing to continue working so hard, it's up to you."

"It's just that the people in the Sinong Camp should let a group of them rest to prepare for the next war."

Dong He looked at Xia Jing, puzzled: "Aren't there 10,000 copies of the first batch of materials? We have only cultivated 3,000 plants these days, and we have to keep some as seeds, and the rest will be used as finished products..."

As he spoke, Dong He couldn't continue.

He looked at Xia Jing, who seemed to be smiling, with a trembling look in his eyes: "You mean..." Xia Jing nodded: "The Shenwei Army has cultivated 15,000 fifth-level earth fire lotuses." "15,000..." Dong He muttered this number, his eyes were a little absent-minded, "The number of people in the Shenwei Army who can raise fifth-level supplies is not much more than ours, which means that Zhao Xing's speed is five times faster than mine." "Don't worry about it, Master Dong. Anyway, the mission has come to an end now, and you can rest. "

At this time, Jin Ming also flew over and landed next to Xia Jing: "General, Sinong Jiujie Camp, Shenzhu Camp, and Tianlei Camp have arrived at Zhiyou City. Tianci Camp has obeyed your order and is heading to Zhiyou City to wait for orders."

"Does Lord Dong want to come out and we can talk in detail? You have worked hard too." Xia Jing said, "Jin Ming, you also persuade Lord Dong."

Jin Ming looked at Dong He: "Sir, listen to the general's order and come out first."

Dong He was silent for a moment after hearing these two generals, and finally nodded and flew out of the magma lake.

Facing the facts, Dong He chose to accept it, and did not ask Zhao Xing how it was, that would be humiliating himself.

The stubborn uncle Dong finally lowered his proud head and shouted to Xia Jing: "Yes, General."

He knew that from now on, the actual power of Sinong Camp was in the hands of Xia Jing.

And all this was because he was defeated miserably in the invisible competition with Zhao Xing this time and lost his prestige.


In the northeast corner of Zhiyou City, a building ship is parked. The frost glass loom exudes a faint chill and keeps turning.

Pairs of clean hands are flying in the frost glass loom. The fiery red silk thread made from the earth fire lotus leaves quickly forms a piece of cloth.

Ice and fire, the two forces of heaven and earth, ripple back and forth in the loom.

The earth fire lotus is extremely fiery, and it takes the power of ice to deal with it.

Weaver Huang Canying walks in the weaving machine room, checking every process.

Huang Canying is already fifty-seven years old, but for a weaver of the sixth rank, this age is still very young, and she still maintains a face of about thirty years old.

In the frost glass loom room, there are hundreds of weavers busy.

She walked through the corridor, came to the end, and walked down the stairs.

Come to the underground floor of the "weaving building ship".


There are more than 900 tall cylinders in the shape of large vats, mixed with a lot of sticky substances, and there are many fiery red lotus leaves on the side, all of which are of fifth-grade quality.

After a glance, Huang Canying came to the upper three floors of the weaving building ship again when he saw that there was no problem.

At this floor, it was much quieter, without the sound of various mechanisms, and there were fewer people, only dozens of weavers threading needles.

This floor is the finished product room of the robes.

Huang Canying walked behind one of the seventh-grade weavers, and the hanger next to this weaver had the 89th robe hanging on it.

Huang Canying picked up one of them casually, touched it, and then put it to the tip of his nose to sniff it, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yaoyao, your skills are getting more and more proficient. Before today is over, you have already woven the 89th robe." Huang Canying praised softly.

"Teacher." When Tu Yao heard the voice, she quickly stopped what she was doing and was about to get up.

"You don't have to get up and you're busy with your work." Huang Canying patted Tu Yao's shoulder gently, "When Zhiyou City is in trouble, the teacher will report your merits and introduce you to several military generals. From now on, you will be alone." If you lead a weaving ship, you will have to deal with it sooner or later."

"Thank you, teacher." Tu Yao nodded slightly, and then immersed herself in her work.

Taking people to fly from Dongsang City to Zhiyou City, Zhao Xing also saw the Zhifa Tower Boat parked in the east of the city.

At this time, there were many beautiful figures flashing outside the building boat. Their bodies were shining with colorful brilliance, flying up and down the building boat.

It attracted cheers from a group of single soldiers in the distance.

Now is the rest time for the Weaver Girls. Some brave sergeants even ran over to give the Weaver Girls food.

Among them is Wang Ji, the machine master.

"Boss, when are we going to communicate with the Weaver Girls?" A Sinong next to Zhao Xing winked.

"I learned from Wang Gong, and took advantage of my job to take my brothers and sisters on the weaving boat twice in three days."

"Che Shihai, are you here to communicate?" Han Bingbing said with a smile, "The Shenwei Army recruited you here just to let you see the girl?"

Che Shihai was not originally a commander of the Shenwei Army. However, since the war started, there have been frequent exchanges and cooperation between the armies, and there have also been cases of secondments and even substitutions.

Che Shihai had achieved good results in the straw man class and was also a Grade A genius. He was from Taicang Academy and had participated in simulated breakout drills with Zhao Xing.

Among the Sinongs mobilized by the Shenwei Army this time, Che Shihai of the Lieyang Army was spotted and poached.

"Lao Che, do you want to marry a Weaver Girl?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Think about it," Che Shihai said, "Weaver Girl is capable, beautiful, and clever, so she is the perfect wife."

"That weaving ship is a special mission from the military world. The mobile battlefield weaving department, the weaver girls in it are at least seventh grade, or about to be seventh grade."

"Brother, you are only in the eighth rank. You have married a weaver girl and you have to give official courtesy to your wife on formal occasions. Can you bear it?"

Che Shihai didn't care: "Brother, I have a bad appetite and just like to eat soft food. What's the point of saluting my wife?"

Han Bingbing said nonchalantly: "Then if she gives you an order after Dunlun, and insists on you coming more times, you won't be able to bear it."

Che Shihai: "..."

Zhao Xing: "..."

Han Bing, you are such a talent, your angle is so strange.

Zhao Xing waved his hand and said: "If you want to go to Laoche, just find a reason to go there with your brothers. After so many days of work, you can take a rest."

"But remember, don't cause any trouble for me. There are sixth-grade machine beasts patrolling the ship. If you do anything and get castrated without any explanation, the thing will never grow back if it is gone."

"How can I? Is my old car this kind of person?" Che Shihai walked away in a hurry.

Zhao Xing saw that Han Bing was still stunned and asked, "Aren't you going?"

Han Bing shook his head: "It's not interesting."

Zhao Xing said in surprise: "It's not interesting?"

Han Bing said: "What's the point of just having fun and saying a few words? I'd rather fight grass with my brothers."

Zhao Xing looked strange: "Brother, your idea is very dangerous."

Han Bing said: "That's how it is. If it weren't for the continuation of the family line and the crotch thing, I would prefer to drink and have fun with the big men."

"Huh? I find that what you say makes sense." Zhao Xing said, "If you don't want to go, then go and rest by yourself."

"What about you?" Han Bing asked.

"Of course I am going to discuss matters." Zhao Xingyi said sternly: "If the Southern Barbarians are unjust, why should we call home? How can a good man who aspires to become a marquis and minister be burdened by the love of his children?"

Han Bing stared at Zhao Xing: "I always feel that you have other ideas, and I don't know why for a while."

"You bastard, you have mastered the Bright Eyes Technique to the point where you can see everything clearly, and you actually try to spy on my psychological activities. I really should give you a few military sticks." Zhao Xing laughed and cursed, "Hurry up and play."

On September 13, Zhao Xing returned to Zhiyou City. As soon as he came back, he was pulled by Liao Rulong to the marching hall to discuss matters.

Others can rest, but Zhao Xing doesn't have much time.

At this time, many senior military officers had gathered in the meeting hall.

"Everyone, the first batch of robes, a total of 3,000 pieces, was completed five days ago!"

"Five days ago, after repeated verification by the scout team we sent, the fire-proofing robes made from the Earth Fire Lotus are enough for our eighth-grade soldiers to safely pass through the Flame Mountain!"

As soon as Liao Rulong came up, he released a piece of good news.

"Now our Shenwei Army has found seven hidden routes to avoid the Fire Demon Clan's patrols along the east side of the mountain."

As soon as the news came out, everyone was excited.

The problem of Flame Mountain, a mountain that cannot be climbed on a large scale, has finally been solved!

Fire Dragon Pass is no longer the only pass that can enter and exit the Fire Demon Clan's territory!

Many days of preparation and planning have finally paid off!

"Tomorrow the generals of all armies will come to discuss matters and agree on a joint attack plan of all armies!" Liao Rulong said.

"However, the Earth Fire Lotus was obtained by our people, and the materials were also grown by us."

"So, today our Shenwei Army will send a team of 3,000 people to climb the Flame Mountain at night and sneak into the pass quietly to take the lead!" Liao Rulong looked around at everyone,

"Which commander is willing to join this vanguard force of 3,000 people?"

The last chapter was 5200 words, this chapter is 4800 words, and today is still a 10,000-word update!

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