Shennong Daojun

Chapter 196: Taking Fire Dragon Pass, Military Merit Evaluation (6K)

As a formation base city, Yuanyue City did not consider the defense of the city itself when it was first established.

Its defense standards are not as good as Wang Ji's methods in City No. 92.

At least Wang Gong knew how to arrange a few anti-escape formations under the city wall!

But there is no such thing as Yuanyue City.

Due to the confidence in the Fire Dragon Pass, Yuanyue City and other cities in the pass do not have anti-escape formations.

There are some mechanisms, but these mechanisms are not for anti-escape at all, but for extracting the power of the earth's veins.

Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie had prepared the firecracker arrangements yesterday.

The only difficulty is to be careful when escaping.

Because the fifth-level firecrackers are really flammable and explosive, and the Full Moon City is built on fire veins, if something goes wrong while sneaking, your own people will be in trouble.

"Set off!"

Chen Shijie gave the order.

A hundred warlocks and farmers who were able to escape magic all headed towards Yuanyue City with a large number of firecrackers.

"Divine protection!"

Zhao Xing reached out and pointed, and a large piece of firecrackers was enveloped in golden light and sank into the ground.

Then he shuttled underground carrying firecrackers.

Yuanyue City is as big as 25 football fields.

But there aren’t actually that many parts to fry.

It is enough for the city lord's palace in Basda and the four judicial formations of Yuanyue City to be blown up.

The most important one is the city lord's palace in Batha.

Because this is the core of Yuanyue City.

The formations distributed at the four corners of Yuan Yue City were blown up. These four nodes were destroyed. The defense formations in the southern section of Yuan Yue City and Huolong Pass were only cut off and could still be repaired.

But if the City Lord's Mansion is blown up, it will have to be completely rebuilt. As Pang Guangyao said, it will take three or four months to rebuild it.

This part can only be done by Chen Shijie and Zhao Xing.


Because no one else can fully utilize the power of firecrackers, and the magic circle under the city lord's mansion is relatively complicated.

When a hundred people were sneaking underground to the outside of the city, Chen Shijie sent an order to everyone through the earth's veins.

"The four groups of personnel retreated in unison after half an hour, and detonated after five quarters of an hour!"

"After half an hour, no matter whether the arrangements are in place or not, we have to retreat! Do you understand?"


Chen Shijie said: "The action starts from now on!"


After that, a hundred people dispersed in multiple directions at the bottom of the city.

Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie continued to sneak towards the city lord's mansion in the center.

They carry the largest amount.

The road to go through is also more complicated.

As the core of the formation, the City Lord's Mansion is pressed against the fire veins, and it is really difficult to sneak through if it is weak.

Two quarters of an hour later, Chen Shijie and Zhao Xing stopped.

"We're here, ahead is the Fiery Dragon Formation."

In the earth vein in front, there was a dragon-shaped flame beating. The dragon's head was huge, its mouth opened, and it faced downwards.

Countless amounts of earth fire power were pumped into the dragon's head, and then transformed through the magic circle and transported to the small fortresses around Yuanyue City.

The small fortresses around Yuanyue City are equivalent to formation base transfer stations.

Finally, they gathered at Huolongguan City.

The Guancheng section is the most vulnerable part of the Flame Mountain Range, but after many complex formations are superimposed, it has become the strongest pass.

"Split up, I'll start from the earthquake position, you start from... uh, I'll start from the southeast, you start from the southwest." Zhao Xing was halfway through speaking, and then he remembered that Lao Chen didn't know the knowledge about Gongjia's magic circle. He immediately changed his mind.

"Don't look down on people." Chen Shijie said, "Since I came back last time, I have improved my basic knowledge of magic circles."

"The Li position is fire, and the Dui position is water. You asked me to start the layout from the southwest. Isn't the principle that the two positions of Li and Dui can maximize the power of the firecrackers?"

"When you set off firecrackers from the seismic position, didn't you just want to use the power of the firecrackers to destroy the outlet of the Fire Dragon Formation, causing the ground fire to condense and eventually self-destruct?"

"Awesome!" Zhao Xing gave a thumbs up.

"What's so great? Who doesn't know how to learn? It's just a trivial matter." Chen Shijie said calmly: "While you were farming in Dongsang City, I was not idle either."

Although he said this, looking at Zhao Xing's stunned expression, Chen Shijie felt secretly happy.

After reading at night for more than half a month, I finally quietly amazed this guy. My efforts were not in vain!

Now that Lao Chen knows it, it will be more convenient.

Zhao Xing carefully rolled up the firecrackers and controlled the Octagonal Underground Palace to approach.

He and Chen Shijie each brought one hundred fifth-level firecrackers, a total of one thousand four hundred firecrackers.

The power of fifth-level firecrackers is calculated based on each section.

The power of the explosion of a fifth-level top-quality firecracker is enough to penetrate the defense of a fifth-level armor.

If we were to blow up the city lord's palace elsewhere, just relying on these fourteen hundred firecrackers would still be slightly insufficient.

Because they are currently sneaking in a relatively deep position, two hundred meters below.

Moreover, the foundation of the City Lord's Mansion was so solid that it was simply not enough to blow it up.

But this is the Full Moon City, itself built on a powder keg.

The fifth-level firecracker only needs to light this powder keg.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Xing called and asked:


"It's still a little short." Chen Shijie was not so quick, "Please check it for me to see if there are any errors or omissions."

"Okay." Zhao Xing finished his work and immediately came to review the firecrackers placed by Chen Shijie.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and the agreed retreat time was approaching. Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie cross-checked twice.

After confirming that there was no problem, he immediately began to retreat.

After the two left, only firecrackers were left buried in the ground, wrapped in golden light.

Action personnel know how to do this.

Because this is not a spell at all, it just attaches vitality to the firecracker and wraps it.

As long as it reaches the eighth level, its ability to control vitality can do this, and it will automatically dissipate after three quarters of an hour.

Without the vitality package, the firecrackers would soon explode in the hot underground.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie took the lead in arriving underground outside the city.

The remaining personnel returned to their positions one after another.

Another quarter of an hour later, one hundred operatives were completely present, and no one had any accidents.


Chen Shijie immediately ordered.

It would detonate in just a quarter of an hour, and they had to stay away, otherwise they would be affected.

In the city lord's mansion, Batha woke up from her dream.

The two fire demon beauties next to him also woke up.

"What's wrong, sir?"

Basda covered her head and said, "I had a nightmare just now. I dreamed that I was dead."

Tiangang Earthsha's physical training, Basda, a sixth-grade warrior, has already become very powerful with his seven souls.

The seven souls feed back the life soul, and the life soul can often interact with the heaven soul and the earth soul, and can get some precognitive responses.

These reactions are generally related to 'rebirth' and 'karma'.

Therefore, the more advanced warriors are, the harder it is for them to be attacked by surprise, because their vigilance will be very high.

"How could it be? We are in the Fire Dragon Pass..."

"Shut up!" Bathida pushed the beauty away irritably, quickly put on her clothes and opened the door, "Here comes someone!"

"City Lord!" Two guards immediately ran out of the door.

"Go find the Hope mechanic. I want to go underground to check." Basda thought about it and decided to patrol the underground.

"In addition, send someone to Guanqiang to see if there are any enemy troops attacking the city."


Soon, a fire demon tribesman with a unique appearance came over. He was carrying a machine box and was lame in one corner.

"Dear Lord Batha, are you looking for me?"

"Hope, follow me to inspect the underground magic circle." Basda said: "See if there are any problems."

"This..." Hope was stunned, why would Bathida think of such a thing?

Did he discover something?

"What's wrong?"

"Lord City Lord, it's just a few small things." Hope looked stiff.

Bathda noticed that Hope was hesitating and immediately shouted, "What's wrong? Tell me!"

Under Basil's questioning, Hope had no choice but to tell the truth.

During his routine maintenance last month, he removed several protective formations, including the anti-escape formation.

He also cut corners and replaced the base materials of the sixteen magic arrays with inferior ones.

In short, this guy is corrupt.

He thought he was discovered by Basilda, so he immediately took the initiative to recruit him.

"You, you bastard!" The uneasiness in Basda's heart became more and more intense. He grabbed Hope's neck and said viciously: "Take someone down quickly to check and make up what needs to be made up!"

"You bastards, the Earth Fire Lotus was stolen last month, how dare you be so careless!"

Hope said so, but in his heart he didn't care.

The Earth Fire Lotus was stolen, what does that have to do with me?

Aren’t you also having fun all day long?

But he still quickly called for someone, took Batha with him, and took a special passage to dive underground.

Not long after the dive, Basil's uneasiness became more intense.

But when we got there, this feeling of uneasiness reached its peak!

"Huh? What is that?"

Arriving underground, Basda immediately saw the faint golden light floating next to the underground magic circle.

The people around Hope also looked over.

At this sight, Hope suddenly felt like she was dead.

"That, that's..." Hope was too frightened to speak, and her hands and feet were weak.

Bastard grabbed Hope, "You bastard, tell me clearly!"

The others screamed:

"Oh my God, that's a fifth-level firecracker!"

"So many, and they're about to explode!"

"Run away!"


Basil turned to look over.

I saw the first golden light group extinguished.


The strong explosion suddenly exploded the surrounding rocks.

"Huh~" A corner of the faucet that was sucking in the earth fire was suddenly blown open.

Then came the second, third, fourth... Thousands of golden lights went out.

"Boom boom boom!"

A blazing light appeared in front of Basda's eyes.

Afterwards, his consciousness completely fell into darkness.

Pang Guangyao stood in the mountain forest, looking at the Yuanyue City in the distance.

He knew very little about Sinong, and he had no idea what this specialty and Dazhou's firecrackers were.

He only knew that 'Xia Jing' took a hundred people to Yuanyue City, but the army stayed here.

"Isn't it a bit overwhelming?"

"Just a hundred people want to take over Yuanyue City?"

"In order to prevent the news from leaking, shouldn't all three thousand people be killed together to minimize the leakage of the news?"

"Is he Xia Jing?"

Pang Guangyao was full of doubts.

But at this moment, ‘Xia Jing’ ran back with someone else.

"Prince..." Pang Guangyao couldn't help but ask.

"The whole army is ordered to retreat! Retreat!"

Chen Shijie roared angrily!

But at this time, the ground shook.


"Boom, boom, boom~"

"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle~" The trees in the forest also kept shaking.

The earth began to shake violently, and Pang Guangyao watched the soil in the distance arch up into a small hill.

"Crack, crack, crack~" Not far away, a crack of several kilometers suddenly appeared.

"What's going on?" Pang Guangyao's heart jumped.

He flew up quickly.

Then, he saw a scene he would never forget.


The whole Yuanyue City in the distance flew up!

Yes, it flew up.

It suddenly rose hundreds of meters!

Like a city burning in fire!

The whole city flew hundreds of meters in an instant, and then Pang Guangyao watched it disintegrate in an instant and disappear completely.

It disappeared completely, without any residue!

Until then, a dazzling light burst out from the original location of Yuanyue City.

The scorching light even made Pang Guangyao subconsciously raise his hand to block his eyes.

The shock wave swept around in a visible way.

A mushroom cloud rose up, and the earth seemed to be boiling. The soil on the ground swept around like waves.

"What?!" Pang Guangyao was shocked and immediately retreated, while raising his body.


Until a shock wave swept through the forest.

Pang Guangyao heard a loud noise.




At this time, Pang Guangyao saw that the forest below was swept away by the shock wave.

The shock wave was with flames, and the forest was ignited in an instant.

The sound of burning, explosion, command, and many other sounds were mixed together.

Pang Guangyao followed 'Xia Jing' to retreat.

There were three assembled simple flying boats in the vanguard camp, and each flying boat could accommodate a thousand people.

At this time, the three flying boats were like candles in the wind, shaking in the wind.

Before they flew far, they fell heavily to the ground again.

Fortunately, the distance was far enough, and the power of the shock wave was also weakened.

The flying boat did not disintegrate.

Pang Guangyao flew to the side of ‘Xia Jing’ and shouted loudly: “Prince, what happened!”

“Yuanyue City, how, how come it disappeared?”

Zhao Xing looked at the Yuanyue City disappearing in the distance. He was also panicking just now, but at this time he still said lightly: “As you can see, it is naturally us who blew it up.”

“Blown up?” Pang Guangyao could not understand Zhao Xing’s words at all.

How could a mechanical city covering an area of ​​100,000 acres be blown up?

Chen Shijie looked ahead with lingering fear.

“Damn, I still have to test the use of firecrackers in different regions in the future. The amount this time is too large.”

The effect of the firecrackers this time is extraordinary!

First, Zhao Xing cultivated five-level firecrackers, and the overall grade is also better than what Chen Shijie used before. Most of them are five-level upper-grade and top-grade firecrackers, and a small number are middle and lower-grade.

Second, the Full Moon City is located on the fire vein and is absorbing the power of the earth fire.

Third, because of the shoddy work of Hope and others, the power of the firecrackers was not blocked by its own defensive array and was fully exerted.

When Chen Shijie and Zhao Xing made the plan at that time, they thought that the Full Moon City was too strong.

So they made a lot of firecrackers.

Many factors combined to create the current effect.

The Full Moon City and dozens of surrounding fortresses all disappeared in this wave of explosions.

Not to mention people, even the stones melted.

If they hadn't run fast and noticed something was wrong, I'm afraid some of their own people would have to explain some of the explosions.

"Yes, we have to do less in the future." Zhao Xing also responded.

This time, the two people's fear of insufficient firepower was directly cured.

In the future, it will still have to be rationed.

"Prince, who are you, who are you?" Pang Guangyao couldn't help but say, and he looked at Zhao Xing at this moment, as if he was looking at a devil.

In the blink of an eye, a round moon city disappeared, which made Pang Guangyao feel terrified.

What kind of person did he follow?

"At this point, there is no need for me to hide it from you anymore." Zhao Xing clapped his hands and stood up. "The one standing in front of you is Zhao Xing, the ninth lieutenant of the Great Zhou Shenwei Army, who belongs to the ninth battalion under the command of Liao Rulong, the ninth lieutenant of the Shenwei Army."

"Shenwei Army?" Pang Guangyao was dumbfounded. He really got on the wrong bus!

"But there is one thing I didn't lie to you about. Xia Jing and I do have a connection. He is my life and death friend. We trained together in Shiyang Cave Heaven, and this time the two armies fought side by side."

"What I promised you is equivalent to what Xia Jing promised you. Is the minotaur who sent you the letter called Ye Chongxian?"

Pang Guangyao nodded.

He did know Ye Chongxian's real name.

"That's it." Zhao Xing looked at the lightning in the sky and smiled. He walked over and patted Pang Guangyao on the shoulder. "General Pang, the army will soon break through the pass. Whether you can live up to the title of the general of the Great Zhou depends on you."

On September 16, the Shenwei Army, the Xuanjia Army, and the Zhenhai Army approached the Fire Dragon Pass.

I thought these Great Zhou troops were here to die, but at this moment, a world-shaking explosion suddenly came from the southern part of the Fire Dragon Pass.

The magic array suddenly failed for four hours!

Liao Rulong's troops drove the dragon-headed ship directly through the pass, and 5,000 people boarded the thousand-meter-high Fire Dragon Pass.

The main defender of the city, Yue Haisheng, hurried to the city to supervise the battle. He led 10,000 barbarians to try to exterminate the enemy troops, and ordered people to rush to repair the magic formations inside and outside the pass.

The two sides fought fiercely for less than two quarters of an hour.

Immediately afterwards, the formations in Guanshan North and Guankou sections failed one after another.

The effectiveness of the entire defensive formation has been reduced to its lowest effectiveness in the past two hundred years.

Hundreds of warships from the Zhenhai Navy sailed to the top of the Fire Dragon Pass without any hindrance.

Dark flame warship, three-leaf warship, dragon head tower ship...

The God-Destroying Crossbow, the Soul-Breaking Crossbow Cart, the Soul-Returning Cart, the Heavy Water Catapult, the Tianluo Throwing Formation... the pinnacle craftsmanship of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the intensive bombing defense formation.

The barrier became dim, and in just a short moment, the defensive formation of Huolong Pass was completely defeated.

The Euphorbia battalion of Wen Shaoyang's tribe and the Longqi battalion of Xuanjia army followed Liao Rulong's tribe and boarded the pass one after another.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yue Haisheng led the remaining troops to escape from the Huolong Pass. The banner of the Great Zhou was erected in the Huolong Pass that stretched for nearly 40 miles.

Due to the disparity in numbers and force, this majestic pass that had stood for thousands of years was destroyed in just one afternoon.

September 16th and 17th, these two days were completely the time for the three armies of the Great Zhou Dynasty to reap their military exploits.

After the pass was broken, the defenders of the Fire Demon Tribe turned into walking warriors.

Whether in terms of numbers or strength, they were simply not comparable to Zhou's army.


Purple fingers penetrated the head of a seventh-level barbarian general, and the lightning burned his entire body.

"Plop~" The seventh-level barbarian general and the spear he was holding suddenly fell to the ground.

"Drink! Ho!"

On the ground, a phalanx holding a three-meter-long halberd was moving quickly below.

When the corpse fell from a height of 200 meters and reached 100 meters, it was suddenly torn apart by a thousand-meter-long bloody spurge in the air and turned into powder.

"It's Lin Ze, the captain under Wen Shaoyang."

"The Euphorbia Soldiers' Camp is composed of all eighth-grade warriors. They are fighting in a battle formation with qi and blood, and the Euphorbias are like a forest." Zhao Xing had just finished chasing down a barbarian soldier and saw the Euphorbia Soldiers' camp below.

One hundred meters above the phalanx of the Euphorbias, in addition to a bloody spurge, there was also a shadow of a military flag two hundred meters above.

"The battle spirit flag of the Divine Power Army." Zhao Xing looked at the flag. "This battle spirit flag is similar to my solar terms order."

"However, my solar terms order replaces the solar terms of heaven and earth, but this war spirit flag forms the realm of war spirits."

"Under the cover of this military flag, the willpower and soul of all warriors have been greatly improved."

"As the will and life soul increase, its combat effectiveness will also increase, and it will always be at its peak."

"However, the real bonus is the battle formation below."

Zhao Xing took a closer look at the Euphorbia phalanx led by Lin Ze.

This bloody spurge is completely made of condensed energy and blood.

There seemed to be invisible pillars of light connecting the thousand eighth-grade Euphorbia warriors below.

The largest bloody light beam enveloped Lin Ze.

"When the Euphorbia Warriors' Qi and Blood Battle Formation is formed, Lin Ze, a captain of the seventh rank, will have the combat power of the sixth rank."

"In addition, Lin Ze does not need to pass orders through other means. Its fighting thoughts will be instantly transmitted to the minds of a thousand Euphorbia warriors."

"One thousand and one hundred people, just like one body!"

"Any soldier who is injured can recover from the injuries through the Bloody Euphorbia, because the injuries are evenly distributed."

"The same goes for the recovery of vitality. The bloody spurge will continue to seize the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, and even the vitality of life." Zhao Xing felt the surge of energy and blood, and a pulling force came from below, and he couldn't help but straighten up a bit. .

"Lin Ze's Euphorbia Soldier Battalion has reached the fifth level of battle formation. The bloody Euphorbia can break through all kinds of magic."

"Suppose I encounter this kind of battle formation. Except for the high-level magic of Soaring Snake Transformation, which can reach level 6, it is impossible for the other high-level magic to seriously injure him, and he has to be defeated by a thousand people like him. His martial arts will impacted his mind."

"If you practice this kind of battle formation to level five, it will be very effective against the Master's team." Zhao Xing secretly said.

At this time, what the Euphorbia battalion phalanx was chasing was a group of fire demon warlocks.

Occasionally a group of warlocks will try to fight back with spells.

However, any spell that comes within the range of the war spirit flag will be weakened by 30% first.

Immediately afterwards, it was about to be weakened by 70% by the 'bloody spurge' in the sky.

Falling into the Euphorbia phalanx was almost painless.

Because this is the most elite Euphorbia soldier battalion in Wen Shaoyang's department, the fifth-level blood energy battle formation needs to be honed over a long period of time. The soldiers and soldiers must be one, and the exercises and martial arts must be exactly the same to achieve this effect.

Zhao Xing has not seen such an elite Euphorbia battalion for a long time.

"Zhao Xing, what are you doing?" A familiar voice came. Zhao Xing turned around and saw that it was Xia Jing who was riding a flying dragon.

His black armored dragon cavalry battalion was also chasing and killing the deserters.

"If you don't get military exploits at this time, what are you waiting for?" Xia Jing said, "Hurry up and chop off your head. Now the three armies have launched judicial Yin Shen patrols and mirage bead records."

"No one of the heads cut off at this time will be missed."

"Got it!" Zhao Xing smiled, and immediately Tengyun chased him in one direction.

On September 19, after the Huolong Pass was destroyed, the pursuit of the barbarians came to an end.

There were only tens of thousands of people in the first place, which was not enough to kill everyone in Dazhou.

Zhao Xing also participated in this kind of merit hunting, but there are unwritten rules in the army. At this time, senior generals will not compete with low-level soldiers for merit.

A free pursuit battle like this is a pure merit-making period. Zhao Xing is a seventh-rank general, so he has to kill seventh-rank enemies, unless he is surrounded by a group of eighth-rank generals and has no choice.

Otherwise, the merits of war are all for senior generals, and it would be too unfair for the subordinates to have no merits at all.

On the evening of September 20th.

The battle of Huolong Pass came to an end, and the news spread, which shocked the entire Pingman war zone.

No one thought that the eastern front, which has always been considered the least likely to make a breakthrough, has achieved such a great result.

Huolong Pass, which has stood for a thousand years, was actually killed by the Shenwei Army.

The news swept the entire war zone like the wind.

The impact it caused began to ferment in different places, not only in the Great Zhou but also in the Jinyu Royal Court...

At this time, Zhao Xing, Xia Jing, Wen Shaoyang, Liao Rulong, Chen Shijie, Long Xiao and others gathered in a castle in Huolong Pass.

Because the military merit judgment has arrived.

This one is 6.6K, and I will basically update more than 10,000 words for the rest of this month.

I will see how many words I owe at the end of the month!

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