Shennong Daojun

Chapter 199 Boss, Han Bing and Wang Ji were beaten! (6K)

Huolong Pass was captured, and the Shenwei Army, Zhenhai Army, and Xuanjia Army began to reorganize and expand their troops in Xiongguan.

In fact, the Xuanjia Army and the Zhenjun Army didn't have much to deal with.

Regarding the navy, Lan Hongming secured two naval forces ashore, one from Jiang Ming's department and the other from Li Que's department.

Transforming the navy into an army is not that easy. It took Lan Hongming a lot of effort to organize two partial armies to join the land war zone.

You can tell by looking at the previous situations of Jiang Ming and Li Que. In order to find an army unit to cooperate with, they both came to Tantai Ming.

The two armies have more than 50,000 men and more than 100 warships, which is the limit of what Lan Hou can dispatch.

No matter how much, it would be difficult for him to crowd in.

Therefore, the rest and reorganization of the Zhenhai Navy is only to repair the warships and replenish some warship-like equipment. There is no way to expand the army.

This Xuanjia army led by Xia Jing can actually expand.

The chief general of the Xuanjia Army, Xiang Kui, was the Ming Weihou, and he wished Xia Jing could recruit more people.

But Prince Xia is a picky eater, and he doesn't want an ordinary battalion.

He only wanted to add the Mysterious Armored Dragon Cavalry Camp, the Mysterious Arms Camp, and another Mysterious Warship Camp.

Good guy, when he opened his mouth, it was the three ace battalions, and Marquis Mingwei couldn't help but shake his head after hearing this.

According to the size of his battalion, Xia Jing's cards would exceed those of a sixth-grade captain.

No matter how big the Xuanjia Army is, it is impossible for them to agree to Xia Jing's request.

After some bargaining, Xia Jing's dragon cavalry camp was increased by 1,000, the Xuan barracks was increased by 800, and five Xuanji warships were added.

On this point, the prince complained to Zhao Xing in private: "Lao Xiang is too picky, and he only gives me three melons and two dates. It's the same as no supplement."

Zhao Xing wanted to hit him after hearing this: "If you dislike it, can you lend it to your brother?"

Xia Jing smiled and said: "How can I borrow this? The warship is my wife, and Longqi and Xuanbing are ordinary wives. How can I lend you my wife?"

"The prince is mighty, and his wife has more than 18,000 men in total. She is worthy of a warrior's physique."


Xia Jing actually wanted to come over and show off in front of his brothers. Zhao Xing also gave him enough emotional value. To say he was powerful was just to praise him.

The expansion of Zhen Haijun and Xuan Jia Army is just childish, and their numbers are not large.

But the Shenwei Army made a lot of noise.

Continuously winning battles, not to mention other partial armies, Wen Shaoyang and Liao Rulong's troops made a fortune, and the loot was transported back car by car.

Especially after entering the Fire Dragon Pass, flame crystals, earth fire lotus, and various fire treasures are all relatively valuable treasures in the military world today.

As soon as I have more money, I want to change my wife.

Liao Rulong immediately replaced all the original 'Wife of Chaos' - fifth-level low-grade warships.

The number of top-grade fifth-level keel warships has increased to five.

The number of fifth-level high-grade Dragon Head Tower ships has increased to fifteen.

Thirty fifth-level middle-grade Ruyi, Black Dragon, Soaring Snake, and Jiaoque warships were also purchased from the Tiger Dragon Army.

Liao Rulong's tribe originally numbered more than 70,000 people, but the actual combat battalion numbered only 25,000, and the rest were arranged in the supply city.

The number of Wen Shaoyang's troops was similar in size, but the actual combat battalion was even smaller, less than 20,000.

Yang An and Jia Pu originally wanted to make a big bet and double their army, combining Wen Shaoyang's and Liao Rulong's troops into one, with a total combat battalion of 100,000.

However, due to comprehensive reasons, the plan to explode the troops was postponed.

Only 3,000 and 5,000 additional combatants were assigned to Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang respectively.

As for the personnel in the supply city, it remains unchanged.

The main reason is that the original logistics supply corps of the Shenwei Army was already very strong, and its supply capacity was completely overflowing.

In addition, some of the Zhenhai navy's manpower is idle. In fact, there is no need to increase the supply personnel of the three armies.

"Liao Rulong's ability to command troops on the battlefield is around 30,000, and more than 50,000 is the limit."

"Wen Shaoyang is slightly taller than him, but it is only 70,000. His bravery is not as good as Liao Rulong."

In Xi'er County, Jia Pu and Broken Arm Yang An were looking at a map and information and discussing.

"If we expand our troops further, it will become a burden."

Yang An nodded slightly.

Jia Pu hesitated for a moment, then said: "Master Hou, actually there is another choice."

"No." Yang An shook his head, "I know what you want to say. But now that we have just conquered the Fire Dragon Pass, it would be chilling to divide Liao Rulong's power."

"What the Marquis said is true." Jia Pu originally suggested that Chen Shijie, Long Xiao, and Zhao Xing form a separate army and break away from Liao Rulong's organization.

In this way, Liao Rulong's command pressure will not be so great, and the Shenwei Army can complete its intention to increase its troops.

However, reason belongs to reason, but reality still requires considering people’s thoughts.

Liao Rulong's troops had just won the battle and were about to tear down half of his right-hand man and form an independent army. What do people think?

"Unless Liao Rulong himself proposes it, the current structure will not be changed for the time being. Let him adapt first. In other respects, try to meet the requirements put forward by the two departments." Yang And said, "Maybe he can grow."

"Yes." Jia Pu nodded. "Then how should Zhao Xing arrange it?"

Zhao Xing has millions of military exploits, and among the generals of Huolong Pass, his military exploits rank third.

Second only to Wen Shaoyang and Liao Rulong, but both of them are full-level sixth-grade captains.

And now Zhao Xing's regular official position is still the commander of the Nine Sections under the seventh rank.

Jia Pu knew the battle situation on the front line quite well. After learning about the process of lurking at the Fire Dragon Pass and climbing over the Flame Mountain, he discovered that Zhao Xing was giving orders many times.

Moreover, Zhao Xing also has a strong strategic vision. It was he who analyzed the situation in the fire demon war zone in front of Liao Rulong that strengthened Liao Rulong's determination to conquer the Fire Dragon Pass.

Combined with his training performance in Shiyang Cave Heaven, Jia Pu felt that Zhao Xing had the talent to lead and could be entrusted with important tasks.

"Promote Chen Shijie to the commander of the joint camp and let Zhao Xing be in charge of a single battalion. As for whether it is a Sinong camp or a mixed camp, let Liao Rulong decide. After all, he understands the situation better."

The appointments of Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie were all internal transfers of the Shenwei Army, which meant that they were still in the seventh rank, but their scope of authority had become larger.

In short, Liao Rulong is already a little out of control now, but there are indeed too few people to attack the hinterland of the Fire Demon Clan. This move can allow the people below to help Liao Rulong share the pressure.

It can also pave the way for the subsequent promotions of Chen and Zhao.

As for Long Xiao and Yu Ziqi, they were originally in charge of a battalion, but this has not changed yet.

"Yes." After Jia Pu responded, he left the room and went to give orders.

Huolong Pass, Marching Hall.


The stove under the statue of Dai Zong spit out an urgent marching order.

Pu Zhong picked up the letter and opened it to take a look.

"Whose letter?" Liao Rulong walked over.

"It belongs to the Marquis," Pu Zhong said.

"Oh?" Liao Rulong ran over immediately, "What did you say?"

"The Marquis did not agree to integrate Wen Shaoyang's troops with us, nor did he agree to a large-scale expansion of troops. He only added 3,000 people to Wen Shaoyang and 5,000 people to us." Pu Zhongdao.

"Ah?" Liao Rulong muttered, "It's only five thousand."

The expansion of the army was actually proposed by Liao Rulong on his own initiative. It was also Liao Rulong's idea to combine the two into one.

After defeating the Wolf God Tribe, we didn’t encounter any setbacks.

Now they have conquered the famous Nanman Pass.

Continuous victories have made Liao Rulong's confidence unprecedented.

I, Liao Rulong, must lead a hundred thousand people!

What else is Wen Shaoyang doing alone? Come over here and hang out with me, Lao Liao!

This time, follow me to fight the Fire Dragon Pass to eat meat. Next time, follow Master Liao to fight the Golden Feather Palace!

Liao Rulong's understanding of himself now is just one sentence: I am terrifyingly strong now!

However, on the surface, Liao Rulong was still very humble, and he also spoke very tactfully in his letter to Xi'er County.

He even said that Wen Shaoyang could be the commander-in-chief.

He may appear to be generous, but in reality he is very thief.

However, Yang An and Jia Pu did not agree with Liao Rulong's idea.

So he added five thousand people.

"Five thousand is not a lot." Pu Zhong said, "Including the original 25,000 combatants, this is 30,000."

Liao Rulong sighed: "The military advisor is still afraid that I won't be able to command. Didn't I command the three armies very well this time? I have made progress! Why can't the military advisor see that?"

Pu Zhong consoled him: "Take your time and prove it a few more times, and the military advisor and the Marquis will believe it."

Liao Rulong nodded: "Well, what else did the Marquis and the military advisor say?"

"The Marquis has made new arrangements for the commanders of each battalion."

"Promote Chen Shijie to be the commander of the joint battalion, and Zhao Xing will be in charge of the battalion alone. Let us decide on our own how to arrange the specific arrangements."

Liao Rulong didn't have any objections to this.

Chen Shijie is already at the sixth level. He was a bit incompetent when he only managed a battalion before. That is, he only had a good relationship with Liao Rulong before he was willing to help him.

In fact, what Lao Chen usually does is beyond the scope of him as the commander of the Nine Section Camp.

This time the increase in troops is due to promotion.

As for Zhao Xing, his military exploits have exceeded one million, so it is reasonable for him to command one battalion alone.

Liao Rulong even felt that Zhao Xing could take on greater responsibilities.

"What do you think?" Liao Rulong asked.

Pu Zhongdao: "Chen Shijie's scope of authority can be adjusted to Jiujie Ying, Huo Xing Ying, and Earth Xing Ying."

"As for Zhao Xing, let him choose his own people from each battalion. He can fight and cultivate, so it would be more appropriate to set up a mixed battalion."

"That's what I think too." Liao Rulong chuckled, "To be honest, I feel like he is undermining his talents under my command."

"If it weren't for this boy, how could I have lived as a general of the armed forces?"

"Let him choose as he pleases from each battalion. There is a limit of 3,000 people. There is no limit on the logistics supply personnel. He knows high-level magic, and the entire army's logistics can be mobilized with him."

With a wave of his hand, Liao Rulong directly promoted Zhao Xing to the commander of the reinforced mixed battalion and concurrently as the 'Army Logistics Manager'.

Is this too much? Not too much at all.

Si Nong is the only one here who knows the advanced methods of the ego sect.

Looking at the entire Shenwei Army, among the sixth and seventh grade Sinongs, there are only two people who know the high-level magic of the Self sect, excluding Zhao Xing, which is even rarer than sword cultivators.

From another perspective, Liao Rulong is also a child of luck.

Under his command were Yu Ziqi, Long Xiao, Chen Shijie and Zhao Xing.

Now he is the superficial talker of the three armies. He can command Xia Jing of the Xuanjia Army, and he can also command Jiang Ming and Li Que of the Zhen Navy (Li Que also joined the cooperation after defeating the Fire Dragon Pass)

Although the size of the army commanded by him, the captain, is not large, as far as the support of senior officers is concerned, he is a first-class configuration.

Liao Rulong's success is precisely because he has such a team under his command.

If the situation had remained the same, he would not have dared to think of expanding his army by 100,000.

"Okay, let's do that." Pu Zhong asked, "Now go and call them over?"

"Let's go together." Liao Rulong said with a smile, "I have to take good care of this old man. If he runs away, I'm afraid the entire alliance will be disbanded."

Last time, that boy Xia Jing didn't get angry because of Zhao Xing's sake. Otherwise, Liao Rulong's stingy move of sending someone across the mountain in advance would have forced the prince to part ways with him.

Liao Rulong and Pu Zhong went out and went to Jiujie Camp to look for Zhao Xing. When they arrived at Jiujie Camp, they could not find Zhao Xing.

"Where are the others?" Liao Rulong asked the guard on duty.

"Back to Captain, Mr. Zhao suddenly left angrily half an hour ago. I don't know what happened." The patrolling guard replied.

"Huh?" Liao Rulong frowned, "What's going on?"

"My subordinates don't know this," the guard said, "Master Zhao didn't tell me."

Liao Rulong said: "It's broken. Wasn't he kidnapped by Xia Jing?"

Pu Zhong shook his head: "No, Xia Jing's dragon riding camp is still stationed in the north of the city pass."

"Then what's going on?"

"I don't know. Let's ask Chen Shijie."

As soon as they reached Chen Shijie's tent, Chen Shijie grabbed a letter and walked out in a hurry.

"Old Chen, what's going on? Even you look in a hurry?"

When Chen Shijie saw that it was Liao Rulong who was arriving, he said seriously: "Captain, please gather your troops immediately and head to City No. 98!"

"What's going on? An enemy is attacking?"

Chen Shijie said in a deep voice: "He said that City No. 98 in the rear was forcibly conquered by an army, and some people were injured. He asked me to take people there immediately."

"Captain, hurry up and gather your troops! I saw that the boy was very harsh in his words. I'm afraid it will cause trouble if it's too late!"

Chen Shijie didn't know much about the specific matter, but he knew that whether Zhao Xing killed someone or he was beaten, it was not a good thing.

"What?" Liao Rulong suddenly became furious and roared: "There is such a thing?! All the troops must assemble!"

Time goes back an hour to City No. 98.

Wang Ji, Han Bing, and Che Shihai were busy doing things in the city.

Since the army has already fought through the Fire Dragon Pass, the new supply city will naturally have to move forward.

Earth Fire Lotus is still on the advanced mission list in the military world.

If you plant it, you will still get a lot of military exploits.

The supply capacity of the Divine Power Army is overflowing, so it can naturally free up its hands to cultivate the Fire Lotus.

Why not plant it in the lava cave inside the Fire Dragon Pass?

Because the defensive formation of Huolongguan was broken, the entire fire vein rioted, and the lava cave was also destroyed.

It is true that Earth Fire Lotus needs a harsh environment. But the lava burrow has exceeded the limit of what it can withstand.

What's more, the humans of Dazhou don't have as high fire resistance as the fire demons.

Even if the cave is not destroyed, it is not suitable for farmers and craftsmen of the Zhou Dynasty to go down.

It is difficult to do things if you wear the fire-proofing robe, and you will be easily injured if you don't wear it.

In addition, the location of City No. 98 is in the north direction of the Flame Mountains, and one of its branches extends to the vicinity of the ‘Beixian Ling’.

Setting up a stronghold here can also facilitate subsequent army operations.

The proposal for building No. 98 City near Beixianling was finalized by Zhao Xing.

This place seems to be a casual move, but Zhao Xing has ulterior motives.

So he specially sent Wang Ji, Han Bing, and Che Shihai to work.

The three of them worked very hard. After finishing the Fire Dragon Pass, everyone else was resting. But they didn't even have time to breathe. They immediately brought people over to work overtime to build the city and farm the land.

But today, a group of uninvited guests suddenly arrived.

A black dragon warship landed outside City No. 98.

"What's going on? Where did the army come from?" Wang Ji and Han Bing ran out and looked at the sky outside the city.

"I don't know." Han Bing looked solemn, "I raised several flags to ask the other party to reveal their identity, but the other party only said that they were marching to the south of the Pingbarbarian Legion, which was vague."

"They also put on airs and asked me to greet them, saying that the army was going to eat at this supply city. I'm afraid that the person coming was from a high background and was not good-natured."

"Can't you just refuse?" Wang Jidao.

"What's the use of my refusal? Your barrier has not been completed!" Han Bing said, "Besides, it is a black dragon warship, can it be blocked?"

"Then what should we do? Send them a batch of supplies and send them away." Che Shihai said as he came over.

"No, they landed directly." Han Bing's expression changed, "Wang Gong and I will deal with it. Che Shihai, please report this matter to Huolong Pass as soon as possible."

"Okay." Che Shihai nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

More than a thousand people flew down from the warship.

Because the boundary of City No. 98 has not yet been completed.

The leader, a general wearing a blue armor, led his people directly to the city.

"Who is the defender of this city?" the green armored general asked calmly. "Come out quickly and answer."

"Han Bing, the lower official, lost orders to the Shenwei Army. I wonder what happened to the superior official when he suddenly came?" Han Bing stalled for time.

"My official Qian Shougang is a Colonel Huben of the sixth rank of the Black Dragon Army, and a third-level inspector of the southeastern war zone."

"This city's supplies have been mobilized by my officer. You should hurry up and prepare." The cyan general said.

"Black Dragon Army?" Han Bing's pupils shrank, "I wonder how much supplies you need, what they will be used for, whether they have been reported, and whether there is a recruitment certificate..."

Han Bing still wanted to waste time, but Qian Shougang was not happy anymore and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, I am talking about recruiting this city, can't you understand?"

"Since you don't understand, I'll send someone to do it myself. Please step back!"

Qian Shougang waved his hand, and a group of people immediately headed towards the ground fire lotus planting area with a clear goal.

Wang Ji lost his temper and became anxious when he saw it: "You bastard, you don't even have a process, and you don't even understand what I'm saying, so you just take it? What's the difference between this and robbery? Stop it!"

"Hmph!" Qian Shougang waved his hand, and a green bolt hit Wang Ji.

"Bang!" Wang Ji fell down immediately and fell unconscious.

"Yelling and rude words." Qian Shougang said coldly, "Stand still for me!"

Time goes back half an hour.

Zhao Xing is practicing in the camp.

Suddenly, there was a tremor in the ground mirror.

Then the shadow of Che Shihai appeared in front of him.

"Lao Che, what's wrong with you? You look like you can't poop." Zhao Xing asked with a smile.

Che Shihai said aggrievedly: "Boss, City No. 98 was forcibly conquered. Han Bing and Wang Ji were both injured!"

"What?!" Zhao Xing's expression suddenly changed, "Who did it?!"

Che Shihai said: "Yes, yes..."

Before he finished speaking, Che Shihai's shadow disappeared, looking as if someone had interrupted the communication.

"Depend on!"

How could Zhao Xing not know that the situation was urgent when he saw it?

He immediately took Shan Mao and grabbed Long Xiao, who was close to him, and set off.

As soon as Long Xiao heard this, without saying a word, he immediately ordered five hundred soldiers of the heroic cavalry battalion and quickly took off in the swordfish flying boat.

As for Chen Shijie, Zhao Xing failed to contact him for a while, so he left two 'paper cranes' to send messages, one to find Chen Shijie and the other to find Xia Jing in the north of the city.

In the clouds, Zhao Xing controlled the flying boat, maximizing its speed.

Long Xiao then asked: "What's going on, do you know?"

Zhao Xing said gloomily: "I don't know either."

In fact, he had some vague guesses that Che Shihai was talking about forced conscription.

Then this must be the army of Zhou Dynasty.

And the opponent must be a sixth-grade general.

A sixth-grade military general can temporarily recruit a logistics army lower than his own grade, even if it is not the same army.

However, this kind of regulations generally only applies to emergency situations, such as losing a battle and gathering the remaining troops on the road.

Or if you need supplies, you can also have a meal when passing by another army's supply city.

In this current situation, it is rare for foreign troops to come to recruit other troops.

Normally, there would be no conflict.

But when Cha Shihai mentioned 'forced conquest', it meant that the other party made very unreasonable demands.

Is there anything in City No. 98 that a sixth-grade military general would like?

The answer immediately emerged in Zhao Xing's mind: Earth Fire Lotus!

After the Shenwei Army captured the Fire Dragon Pass, the news that the army had a large number of Earth Fire Lotus naturally spread.

In the past ten days, other troops have been coming to borrow seeds from Liao Rulong. Because of the fire demon tribe, the robes made of earth fire lotus can be used by other armies.

It was normal for the two armies to exchange supplies, but Liao Rulong did not lend much because he was not short of loot to buy things.

Could it be that someone came to rob me?

"Maybe they are here to grab the Earth Fire Lotus." Zhao Xing expressed his guess.

"What?!" Long Xiao was angry, "What blind bastard! We only brought this back after a narrow escape!"

Zhao Xing did not say a word, but opened the map to check the recent military deployments and changes in the surrounding defense zones.

The Divine Power Army has now become famous, and those who dare to bully the Divine Power Army must also be a strong army.

Little Karami would definitely not dare to do this.

That way, the scope can be narrowed down easily.

But Zhao Xing looked around on the map and couldn't find a suitable partner.

"It should be that the war zone map of the military world has not been updated yet." Zhao Xing thought in his mind.

However, no matter what, he had no intention of doing anything wrong.

Wang Gong and Han Bing were his close friends and right-hand assistants at the same time.

Yes, anyone who dares to hit Mr. Zhao?

"Long Xiao, if you make a move later, there is no need to show mercy!"

"You and I have two million military exploits combined, so don't be afraid of deductions!" Zhao Xing said.

"I know!" Long Xiao snorted, "This is not the first time that I have been deprived of military merit. If I lose my military merit, I can earn it again, but I can never bear this anger. Sword repairmen can never allow me to swallow my anger. !”

There is one more chapter, it’s very late, don’t wait

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