Shennong Daojun

Chapter 214 The mystery of two lives, solved! Sixth-level Dragon Soul Jade! (6K)

Inside the Wanfa Palace, it was still much the same as before, with all kinds of straw men performing magic everywhere.

It's just that the level of the spell is much higher.

When I was invited to give the class, the demonstrations were all simple methods, but now I look back and find that there are many methods inside.

For example, the two teams of straw men patrolling at the foot of the mountain were initially thought to be random arrangements by Zhao Xing, but now he saw that these straw men were following the route of the "Eight Doors and Four Symbols Formation".

"Du Jing was injured to death and shocked to death. This eight-door array is a movable version of the array. Wherever the straw man goes, the array will go. It can also change the array according to the enemy's movement within the array."

Flying halfway up the mountain, Zhao Xing discovered nine straw men that he had not noticed before. They seemed to be wandering around aimlessly, but in fact they had a lot of skills.

"The soul-binding straw man woven from the time grass, the straw man hides the gods, Jiazi, Jiaxu, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, Jiayin... Is this the Liujia Yin God?"

"Using Liujia Yin Shen to arrange the mountain sealing method?" Zhao Xing still remembered the mountain sealing method of Donghu Mountain. One of the spells was: "Three orders of the True Lords from all directions to protect the road, the road can be passed, and the vegetation will not be harmed."

Liu Tianning's Wanfa Palace was built on a mountain. Naturally, there were no ghosts in this mountain.

But Liu Tianning himself used the soul-binding straw man to control the Liujia Yin Shen, replacing the 'Ba Fang Zhenjun' in the spell, so that the mountain sealing method also took effect.

Outside of the Great Zhou Dynasty, mountains and rivers did not enshrine the True Lord. Liu Tianning's Liujia Yin Shen method was equivalent to sealing the 'Yin Shen' himself, replacing the incantation.

"Lao Liu really mastered the straw man method." Zhao Xing looked at the straw man method on the mountain and secretly marveled.

Since he didn't learn Quancao Renfa in his previous life, Zhao Xing has never seen many things now.

Only a small part can be recognized, and it is still based on hearsay and speculation.

Liu Tianning's straw man method is said to be unparalleled in the world. He is really not bragging. Even a first-class agricultural practitioner may not be able to beat him in straw man method.

Flying straight to the gate of Wanfa Palace and landing, Zhao Xing walked towards the palace gate.

Liu Tianning's true form has returned from the Soul Sacrifice Pass. He went to help in the first place. He is not a member of the Divine Power Army, Xuanjia Army, or Zhen Haijun, so he has no obligation to confront them.

Why is it said that it was the real body at the beginning? Because Liu Tianning used the 'Pure Yuan Projection' at that time to release the seventh-level plant soldiers in the dantian.

There is no way for a straw man to form pure Yuan soil, nor can he truly cast Pure Yuan projection.

Therefore, if Sinong, a fifth-grade or above, wants to determine whether he is a real person, it depends on whether he can cast pure Yuan projection.

However, it is not easy to force pure Yuan projection.

In the Wanfa Palace, Zhao Xing met Liu Tianning.

"Teacher." Zhao Xing bowed and saluted.

"Draftsman." Liu Tianning didn't say anything. He came up to test Zhao Xing's cultivation results.

"Yes." Zhao Xing cast a spell before he could get down to business.

The drafter Liu Tianning mentioned was naturally not some middle-level straw man.

Zhao Xing walked outside the palace, took a deep breath, and then pointed with golden light: "The wind is coming!"

The strong wind was blowing, and two 'Dragon Bamboo' plants were cut from the east of the square. On the way, the bamboos were broken down into bamboo strips by the strong wind.

A bundle of five locust trees was rolled up from the west of the square and split into four parts when it flew over.

Later, materials such as resurrecting willow, mulberry elm, selaginella branches, and Tianxin grass were rolled out from the south and north of the square respectively.


When these materials were gathered in front of him, Zhao Xing shouted again.

The four straw men condensed and formed, and then transformed into Zhao Xing's appearance. This was due to the fusion of the 'transformed straw man'.

Then the four straw men and the deity re-entered the hall and raised their hands towards Liu Tianning: "Teacher, please give me some advice."

"Yes, your straw man method has achieved some success." Liu Tianning said: "At this time, you only need to continue to study along the five elements of the self, and we will talk about advice when you encounter a bottleneck at the seventh turn."

"Yes." Zhao Xing nodded.

The original straw man has just passed the fourth turn, and there is really nothing that needs guidance. Before the seventh turn, the path is very clear. Zhao Xing only needs to practice to make perfect, and he will not encounter any bottlenecks.

Liu Tianning's test was just to see if he was slacking off and whether he really took the straw man's method to heart.

Although Liu Tianning is strict, he will not be strict for the sake of being strict.

What you do well is good, and you will not deliberately belittle your disciples just to motivate them.

"What do you need me to do for you?" Liu Tianning asked, "If it's something illegal, there's no need to speak up."

Zhao Xing said quickly: "Disciple doesn't dare."

"It's just that the disciple has retreated from the battlefield and has nothing to do, so he wants to explore the various places in Shiyang Cave."

Zhao Xing considered his words: "According to the regulations of Shiyang Cave Heaven, exploring the strange and dangerous places in Shiyang Cave Heaven requires various 'explorer' qualifications."

Surveying the ground, surveying the sky, searching the mountains, inspecting the sea, each place requires corresponding qualifications.

It is equivalent to having a ‘qualification certificate’.

The cave is dangerous and some places are very fragile, such as the Earth Fire Plain.

Back then, Zhao Xing, who was a ninth-grade man, used the dog gambling technique, and suddenly he unleashed a level five earth fire rage.

That place is just convenient, and you can be violent as you go, but in some places, people are not allowed to wander around, and you need corresponding qualifications to enter.

Later, Shiyang Cave also used this regulation to block entry from outside.

By that time, it would be extremely difficult to get a spot as a ‘Junior Explorator’.

Liu Tianning said: "With your strength, it is not difficult to become an intermediate explorer. There is no need to discuss it with me."

It is not difficult, but it is already March 1st. If he takes the exam by himself and passes the intermediate level, it will be too late in terms of the process.

In early March, the Ten Sun Cave Heaven will burst into the spiritual beauty of heaven and earth. Yangcheng will react quickly, and the qualifications will be tightened at that time.

When it is confirmed as the phenomenon of "Cave Heaven Blessing Land Upgrade", it will be as difficult as ascending to heaven.

There is no time.

In addition, being just an intermediate explorer is not what Zhao Xing wants at all.

It must be a high-level explorer or a top-level explorer, and it must be of all categories.

I definitely can't get it, but Liu Tianning will definitely do it.

And as long as he is in Liu Tianning's group, he can do things conveniently.

Zhao Xing said: "There are many places that my disciple wants to go, and some places are not convenient to go. I want to ask the teacher to take over the top cave heaven exploration mission of the military world and set up a research group."

Liu Tianning frowned.

To be honest, Zhao Xing's request is not excessive. For example, Fan Zhaoli took a top cave heaven exploration mission and set up a research group. The final result was that he obtained 1 billion points.

But Liu Tianning had never done this before, and had no intention of studying the cave.

Zhao Xing felt a bit like "looking forward to his teacher's success", which was strange.

"Is it okay to be a senior explorer?" Liu Tianning asked. If it was a senior explorer, Liu Tianning would be able to obtain it immediately, and he didn't even have to take the exam.

The application was approved!


What is Lao Liu famous for? Strawman method!

If it comes to exploration, he is the most suitable.

Hearing Liu Tianning's answer, Zhao Xing showed hesitation.

Lao Liu is a senior explorer, and as a student, he is only an intermediate level, there is no difference, and there are regional restrictions.

Only the top explorer is a full-category explorer, and with this title, he can go anywhere.

Even if the policy is tightened later, this title is still useful.

Liu Tianning understood Zhao Xing's attitude at a glance.

"Okay, then I'll be a top explorer."

"Exploring the cave world is really good for you."

The Yin-Yang Self Sutra is about the inner five elements world.

The cave world is another small five elements world.

Liu Tianning is very good to his disciples. As long as it does not violate his principles, he will basically respond to any request.

"Thank you, teacher!" Zhao Xing was delighted. "Please add a few more places when you set up the team."

"Yes." Liu Tianning nodded, and agreed to it. A few more places is not a big deal.

"You..." Liu Tianning was about to say something, but suddenly frowned, "You go back first and go out the side door."

Zhao Xing was a little surprised and didn't know what happened, but he didn't ask much.

"Yes, disciple, take your leave."

After Zhao Xing left the Wanfa Palace, Liu Tianning sighed: "Here they are again. They have already run to Shiyang Cave Heaven, why are you still chasing..."

After Zhao Xing left the Wanfa Palace, he walked to the side door. Not far away, he found that a thick fog had risen in the Wanfa Palace.

The fog enveloped the entire mountain, and it was unknown what Liu Tianning was doing.

After walking out of the side door of the Wanfa Palace, Zhao Xing planned to fly down the mountain.

However, he had not flown far.



A colorful stream of light suddenly emerged from the clouds and then headed straight for Zhao Xing.

"Who is it!"

Zhao Xing was startled and immediately controlled the strong wind to avoid it.

He really didn't expect that someone would attack him here.

But who is Mr. Zhao? Jun Si Nong, who was alert.

The nine-day strong wind was like nine green dragons descending to the world, and immediately rushed towards the colorful stream of light.

The fog-hiding method was performed as if it was instinct, and the whole person disappeared in the fog.


Unexpectedly, the nine strong wind blue dragons were defeated by the colorful streamer!

The streamer emitted seven colors of light, and even broke his five elements fog, revealing his figure.

However, the colorful streamer was also blocked and its speed slowed down.

Zhao Xing could see clearly at this time that it was actually a colorful silk.

"Huh? As expected of his disciple, he has some skills." A woman's voice came from the sky in front.

"Seven-colored cloud brocade, embroidered with dragons and phoenixes, is this a sixth-level magic weapon?" Zhao Xing was also stunned when he saw this ribbon.

The seven-colored dragon and phoenix cloud brocade is made of dragon blood and phoenix blood. This is not something that ordinary people can use, but is only for the royal family!

"I don't know which lord is stopping me from going down the mountain? I am Zhao Xing, the sixth-rank guard captain of the Shenwei Army. I don't know how I offended you." Zhao Xing shouted to the surroundings.


The colorful dragon and phoenix brocade suddenly curved and swirled, revealing a gorgeous figure where it curved.

Zhao Xing was shocked after just one look, and the "Da Zhou·Yufuzhi" suddenly appeared in his mind

"The golden dragon head holds a jade bead, and the coiled dragon steps comb the tassels."

"The jewelry has nine flowers, and the number of small flowers is the same as the number of large flowers, and there are two bo temples."

"The clan clothing is made of blue weave, and the pattern is in the shape of a shaking pheasant. The middle single is made of plain gauze, with a fu collar, and a Luoluo hem and hem. The hem and hem are all made of red. The knee-covering is made of tassels according to the color of the skirt, and the shaking pheasant is the emblem."

"The floating colorful fairy belt is seven colors, either a princess or a concubine." Zhao Xing looked at the dress of this noble lady and couldn't help but be extremely shocked.

It's not that he was stunned by this person's dress, but that this person is also an acquaintance.

He immediately knelt on one knee on the cloud, bowed and said: "Your Highness, Zhao Xing, greets Princess Youruo."

"Oh? Get up quickly!" The noble lady immediately smiled with joy.

"Thank you, Princess." Zhao Xing stood up.

"Did Liu Tianning mention me to you?" Princess Youruo suddenly became gentle and soft.

"I have been your disciple for a short time." Zhao Xing paused, then added: "I was fortunate enough to see the princess's portrait."

These two sentences are true.

Zhao Xing did become your disciple for a short time, and he had seen Princess Youruo's portrait.

This can explain why he can judge the identity of princesses and princesses just by their dresses when there are so many of them in the world.

However, the two have nothing to do with each other, it is purely Mr. Zhao's quick thinking.

But in Princess Youruo's ears, it became that Zhao Xing saw her portrait in the Wanfa Palace not long after he became your disciple.

"He, he still has my portrait..." Princess Youruo's eyes lit up obviously.

But Zhao Xing couldn't help but glance at Princess Youruo's waist.

Princess Youruo has a famous magic weapon called 'Earth Soul Bell'.

This is an eighth-level soul-type magic weapon!

Soul-type magic weapon, the eighth level can match the ninth level, which is the second-tier weapon in the world!

Who is she?

She is the daughter of Emperor Jingdi born at the end of the Dingxin period, and now she is only in her seventies.

There are many daughters of the emperor, and whether they are favored or not depends on the power of their mother's family.

Princess Youruo's mother's family is the "Bishui Daoyuan", one of the seventy-two Daoyuans.

In other words, Princess Youruo's mother was once the leader of the Bishui Sect.

Going back further, her great-great-grandmother was the "Bixia Yuanjun".

Why did Zhao Xing recognize her at a glance?

Mainly because Princess Youruo was one of his employers in his previous life.

Princess Youruo was also the one who pursued Liu Tianning the most fiercely during the reign of Emperor Wu, and could be said to be the number one enemy!

Only the sister of Emperor Wu dared to assassinate a retired first-class Grand Minister of Agriculture again and again.

Zhao Xing took over her tasks several times, but he couldn't figure out why this old witch kept staring at Liu Tianning.

Now, it's considered a solved case... Well, looking at this, it's clear that it's a debt of love.

It's just that during this period, Princess Youruo was not as perverted as in the later period, and she looked like a little girl.

"Princess, it's nothing, I'll take my leave first." Zhao Xing didn't want to provoke this old witch.

"Wait, why are you panicking! This palace... am I so scary?" Princess Youruo glared and was about to explode, but when she thought that Zhao Xing was Liu Tianning's disciple, her tone softened: "Don't blame me, it was just a misunderstanding just now, your teacher and I are old acquaintances."

Zhao Xing was speechless, you came up and tied people with the seven-colored dragon and phoenix fairy belt, are you panicking?

"I dare not."

"Zhao Xing, since you are his disciple, I will give you a gift." Princess Youruo smiled.

Zhao Xing secretly groaned in his heart, should he accept it or not?

Old Liu was obviously avoiding her.

But Princess Youruo didn't give Zhao Xing a chance to refuse. With a flick of her finger, a stream of light flew towards Zhao Xing.

A jade pendant emitting purple air fell in front of Zhao Xing.

When Zhao Xing saw the jade pendant, he almost recognized his master's wife on the spot.

Because it was a sixth-grade low-grade dragon soul jade!

He didn't want to accept it, but Princess Youruo gave too much!

"Since it is a gift from the elder, the student thanks you for the reward." Zhao Xing took the jade pendant respectfully, no longer performing official etiquette, but disciple etiquette.

"Okay, okay." Princess Youruo was overjoyed, "Take me in to see him."

"Yes." Zhao Xing turned around and sold Old Liu. This cheap master's wife gave too much.

When the clouds reached the mountainside, they saw clouds rolling, blocking the two people's descent.

"Princess, please go back." Liu Tianning's voice came from the mountain.

"Liu Lang, why don't you want to see me?" Princess Youruo said, "As a man, don't you have the courage to see me?"

Liu Tianning said nothing.

When Zhao Xing saw that things were going to go wrong, he wanted to slip away immediately.

As a result, Princess Youruo stretched out her hand and grabbed, and the fairy belt flew out again, grabbing Zhao Xing back.

This damned thing is a fourth-grade warlock. Master Zhao had no power to fight back and was immediately captured by Youruo.

"Liu Lang, are you really unwilling to see me?!" Princess Youruo's voice gradually turned cold.

The air around Zhao Xing was sucked out, and a strong negative pressure squeezed Zhao Xing's body, and he suddenly became short of breath.

Damn, this old witch is a dog-faced woman, she turned over at any time! Master Zhao wanted to cry but had no tears. Liu Tianning, come out to see her! Damn!

"Stop!" Liu Tianning's figure quickly emerged from the clouds.

Zhao Xing is the successor he has been looking for for a long time. If he is destroyed by Youruo, I really don't know when I can meet the second one.

"It's a private matter between you and me, and has nothing to do with others." Liu Tianning said, "Let him go."

Youruo smiled and let Zhao Xing go: "Liu Lang, how could I bear to hurt your disciple? It was just a joke, Zhao Xing, don't you think so?"

"Yes. The princess didn't want to hurt me." Zhao Xing nodded. He just felt that Princess Youruo had no intention of killing me.

If she really had the moment to attack, Master Zhao would not have resisted at all.

"Youruo, come in." Liu Tianning then said to Zhao Xing: "You leave first."

"Yes, disciple, I'll leave." Zhao Xing bowed to Liu Tianning. He bowed to Princess Youruo again.

Then he left quickly.

Watching Liu Tianning and Princess Youruo both enter the mist.

Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and his gossipy heart burned.

"The mystery of the two lives has finally been solved today."

"If this was in the previous life, it would definitely be posted on the forum and would have thousands of floors."

"I thought Liu Tianning had touched the princess's interest group, but I didn't expect that the old witch was actually Liu Tianning's lover!"

"There is a story, no, there is an affair!"

Zhao Xing was itching in his heart, and he wanted to make a straw man to go over and eavesdrop.

But he just thought about it. Liu Tianning is a fifth-rank official with a fourth-rank combat power, and Princess Youruo is directly a fourth-rank official, and she also has many magic tools.

If you want to hear the gossip about these two people, you can only talk about it later.

"I didn't expect that Liu Tianning, such a cold-blooded lunatic, had a debt of love when he was young, and it was a princess, tut tut."

Liu Tianning promised him to start an exploration team, and today he heard gossip again. Zhao Xing felt that this trip was not in vain.

Zhao Xing was about to fly away from here, only to see a flying boat appear in the sky, blocking his way.

"Huh? Magnolia flying boat?" Zhao Xing looked at the flying boat, which was decorated with some beautiful flowers and plants, and even a green bamboo growing on the flying boat.

"Little brother, please stay." A gentle female voice came from the flying boat.

The breeze blew, and the voice spread. Zhao Xing stopped, because the wind was coming towards him, but it was not offensive, and he seemed very polite.

"What instructions do you have, distinguished guest?" Zhao Xing stopped, and the Magnolia flying boat was facing Zhao Xing sideways at this time.

A bead curtain rose from the window, but there was still a veil separating it, and only a woman's outline could be vaguely seen inside.

There were also many decorations on her head, but Zhao Xing couldn't figure out the other party's origins because of the layer of decoration.

Judging from this flying boat alone, it is obvious that the identity of the person coming is not simple.

"I dare not, I just want to ask my little brother, Master Liu Tianning, is it in the mountain ahead?" The female voice asked gently.

No way... are you here to find Old Liu again?

Zhao Xing replied, "I am Zhao Xing. You are looking for my master. May I know the name of the distinguished guest?"

"Murong Qing from Yuanhe County, Daoyuanzhou, is the disciple of Master Liu. May I inform him and say that an old friend is visiting?"

When Zhao Xing heard this name, he was stunned.

I didn't expect that Liu Tianning, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, had so many debts of love?

A princess just passed by, and here comes another one?

When he was stunned, a light voice came from the cabin: "Mother, the Wanfa Palace is in front, let's go directly..."

"Shut up, how can you be rude?"

When Zhao Xing heard this voice, he was stunned. He brought a daughter with him?

"My master is meeting guests, but I can inform him. Please wait here for a while."

"Thank you."

Zhao Xing took out the ground mirror and quickly sent a message to Liu Tianning.

But Old Liu didn't reply, and he didn't know if he had seen the message.

Zhao Xing had no choice but to say, "Madam, my master is meeting guests and is not convenient for the time being. Please go back."

We can't let Old Liu really fight, otherwise he might not have time to do things for himself.

Hearing this, the hostess of the Magnolia Flying Boat was a little disappointed.

But her manners are much better than Princess Youruo.

"Since it's not a coincidence, I'll come to visit you another day. Please tell me that I'll come again in three days."

"Madam, take care. I will definitely let you know." Zhao Xing bowed.

The Magnolia Flying Boat turned around and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Watching the flying boat leave, Zhao Xing didn't know what to say.

"With Princess Youruo's temperament, if we encounter her, I'm afraid it will really be a Shura field." Zhao Xing said, "Master's Shura field, what a strange setting."

Zhao Xing told Liu Tianning about Murong Qing's arrival and the appointment to visit him three days later.

Then he waited for a while and saw that no one came to the Wanfa Palace again, so he left.

Back at the Eighteen Locust Trees Courtyard, Zhao Xing suddenly realized something.

"The explosion of spiritual beauty in the Ten Sun Cave Heaven may have been predicted by many dignitaries."

"The sudden appearance of so many dignitaries from different places is a clear proof."

"Princess Youruo and Murong Qing may not have come here specifically to find Liu Tianning, otherwise why would they come at this time?"

Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Daoyuanzhou, how far away is it?

I can smell it!

"No, we must finalize this as soon as possible, and tell Xia Jing so that they can get a quota as soon as possible. We must be fully prepared! It will be too late if we are late!"

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