Shennong Daojun

Chapter 221: Nanqing Garden, bringing girls to bully

"You each take a step in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast." Zhao Xing said.

Xia Jing, Long Xiao, Chen Shijie, and Ji Ziyun did as he was told.

The four of them walked east together, and Zhao Xing watched the four people's luck pillars.

Chen Shijie's luck became worse, and there were signs of his luck being scattered.

Ji Ziyun was the same, but the degree was not as obvious as Lao Chen.

Long Xiao and Xia Jing were not affected at all, and even a little purple light fell in.

"The east is the Daofeng Mountains, which is where we went before. Now it is enclosed and there are more and more people. The eastern area has become dangerous."

"However, Xia Jing and Long Xiao's luck to the east still exists, but it is weakening." Zhao Xing thought.

As for Lao Chen and Ji Ziyun, if they continue to stay in the Daofeng Mountains, there will be bad omens.

Then Zhao Xing looked at the other directions of the four people.

"The north and the west are both good luck, while the south is a mixture of good and bad luck, and we need to turn danger into safety."

The south is the Crimson Lake, so we won't go there first.

Zhao Xing calculated that the west is the Tai Gua, which means good luck will come in turns.

The north is Jiu Er: Kan has dangers, and small gains are obtained.

Normal people should go to Pengli Lake in the west, because there is good luck there.

But Zhao Xing must take the treasure of the Polar Night Sea, and the sooner he takes it, the better while there are fewer people.

As for Pengli Lake, the value of the treasures there is too scattered, not as big as the Polar Night Sea.

"Kan has dangers, and if the request is not big, there will be no danger."

"I am asking for a lot, I am afraid it will be a bit troublesome, but the longer I delay, the bigger the trouble will be. It is better to go to the Polar Night Sea first."

"The luck of the five of us, plus my experience, should be able to withstand it." Zhao Xing thought about it and finally decided to go to the Polar Night Sea first.

The other four had no objection to this, so they immediately drove the flying boat to the north.

"It will take at least a day and a half to get to the Polar Night Sea. I'll take a rest first."

"Wow? It's rare to see you." Xia Jing said, "Don't you sleep?"

"There's no need to roll up if you pick up a treasure."

"Long Xiao, when you encounter the Forget Worry Monument, remember to go around it and follow the map given by the military."

"When you encounter a restricted area, show your authority."

"No problem." Long Xiao nodded.

Why not let Lao Chen drive the flying boat? This guy has bad luck, and I'm afraid he will drive to some dangerous place inexplicably.

After giving the order, Zhao Xing entered the cabin and closed his eyes to sleep.

In fact, he entered a dream, looking through his past life memories, and recalling the various benefits of the Polar Night Sea.

The original body drove the Qilin flying boat to the north, but the straw man clone was still at the Lingxiu Hot Spring.

When the original body broke through the Tianmen, Ji Zixuan had absorbed all the fire luck.

However, Murong Xue had not come out yet, so she could only wait.

When the master entered Tianmen to deduce.

Murong Xue came out of the hot spring, she looked at Zhao Xing's back on the hill, her eyes softened.

Lingxiu bathing, not everyone has this benefit.

If Zhao Xing hadn't led the way, she might not have found such a good place.

However, when her eyes fell on Ji Zixuan, Murong Xue's mouth curled unconsciously.

Coquettish bitch!

She actually screamed so loudly just now!

"She was dressed revealingly and unrestrained before, and now she pretends to be dignified... Humph, she is worthy of being her disciple." Murong Xue was quite disdainful, and stayed away from Ji Zixuan for a few miles, quietly waiting for Zhao Xing to "come online".

Zhao Xing never came online, so the two kept waiting, without any communication throughout the whole process.

Because Ji Zixuan knew Murong Xue's identity, she was not interested in dealing with her.

Murong Xue also knew that Ji Zixuan was Princess Youruo's disciple.

The relationship between the elders continued to the next generation, and they disliked each other.

It was not until Zhao Xing and his men blew up the strange peak and headed for the polar night sea.

Zhao Xing's straw man clone came back online and stood up from the hill.

"Brother." Ji Zixuan was meditating next to Zhao Xing.

The distance was neither far nor near, neither close nor distant, just right.

"Well. Are you all out?"

"You are out, thank you for your blessing, brother." Ji Zixuan bowed.

Zhao Xing couldn't help but look at Ji Zixuan more, because the other party's dress and temperament were quite different from before.

"Thank you, Lord Zhao." Seeing Zhao Xing online, Murong Xue also flew over at this time.

"Well." Zhao Xing nodded.

"Brother, where are we going next?" Ji Zixuan asked.

"Let's talk about it later." Zhao Xing didn't explain much.

He planned to take the two girls to visit the Inverted Peak Mountains. He didn't plan to take two people with him for a big opportunity.

For a second-rate opportunity, he could point the way.

Shiyang Cave Heaven has many benefits. If you leak a little, it will be enough for these two women.

However, many places in the Daofeng Mountains have been fenced off and set up with Forget Worry Monuments.

So Zhao Xing is now waiting for his other clones to come.

Wanfa Grass Man, after passing through the Tianmen Gate, although the breakthrough is not big, it has entered the sixth turn from the fourth turn!

Wanfa Grass Man, the more you go, the more clones you can control. After reaching the sixth turn, Zhao Xing can raise eighteen Wanfa Grass Man.

Eighteen Wanfa Grass Man, Zhao Xing divided half of them, which means there are still eight on the way.

Murong Xue is suspected to be the daughter of Lao Liu, and Ji Zixuan is the beloved disciple of Princess Youruo.

These two people have just entered the seventh level not long ago, so he has to pay attention to them and don't let them have any problems.

"Give me your earth mirror." While waiting, Zhao Xing was not idle. He asked Ji Zixuan for the earth mirror and began to check the real-time situation.

At this time, there is a special map list in the ground mirror.

There are many small maps on it.

[Yulian Mountain: Level 4 Rage]

[Area: 7,000 square kilometers]

[Minimum exploration conditions: Intermediate Patrol]

[Allowed entry level: Level 6 (top exploration team members are not included)]

[Warning: This area is subject to the "Crisis Exploration Regulations", explorers please assess the danger yourself. ]

[Whether to set up a Forget Worry Monument: No]

[Known information: Yulian Mountain is suspected to have produced 37 kinds of heaven and earth spirits]

[Number of people in this area: 35]

[This information was updated at 2:00 noon on the 16th. ]

"There are not many people, only 35 people in Yulian Mountain."

"The military world has gradually opened up regional information, so it's not in vain to collect tickets." Zhao Xing looked at the ground mirror.

The so-called level of rage refers to the degree of drastic changes in the world.

For example, the mountain that Zhao Xing saw earlier was exploded by thunder.

That is the drastic changes in the world caused by the process of the cave heaven upgrading.

According to the classification of levels, Zhao Xing estimated that there should be a sixth-level violent state.

This was indeed confirmed later. In the vicinity, they found the 'giant spirit tree' and obtained the sixth-level fruit and Ganoderma lucidum.

Of course, the violent level is not directly linked to the treasure level.

For example, the Lingxiu Hot Spring where Zhao Xing is now is only a third-level violent state, and the surrounding anomalies are just some strong winds, small earthquakes, etc.

But the Huoyun Lingxiu Hot Spring is enough to be classified as a sixth-level treasure land.

Because the place is large enough and the number is large enough, this is something that even the early military world has not explored clearly.

After Zhao Xing and his five people finished sucking, the two women continued to suck, and there was still a lot left.

At least 40 or 50 people can come to soak.

Different areas have different entry conditions.

For example, the lowest entry grade and the highest entry grade, the grade here does not refer to the official position.

Of course, Zhao Xing has no such worries. He is a member of the top exploration team and can go anywhere.

In the entire Shiyang Cave Heaven, there will be no more than 50 top exploration teams, and the total number of people will not exceed 1,000.

This is why Zhao Xing insisted on asking Lao Liu to create a top exploration team.

If the area is subject to the "Crisis Exploration Regulations", fighting is not prohibited. Generally, if this rule appears, the Forget Worry Monument will not be set up.

Setting up the Forget Worry Monument is very costly.

Especially the area of ​​the Cave World is too large. A small copy is tens of thousands of square kilometers. It is too expensive to enclose it all with Forget Worry Monuments.

The entire Gucheng is only more than 3,000 square kilometers, and this Yulian Mountain is more than 7,000 square kilometers.

Zhao Xing browsed the various "small copies" in the Daofeng Mountains.

Finally, a place was selected.

[Nanqing Garden: Level 3 Rage]

[Area: 3,000 square kilometers]

[Minimum exploration conditions: Junior Patrol Envoy]

[Allowed entry level: Seventh grade (top exploration team members are not included)]

[Warning: This area is subject to the "Crisis Exploration Regulations". Please assess the danger yourself. ]

[Whether to set up a Forget Worry Monument: No]

[Known information: Nanqing Garden is suspected to have produced seven kinds of heaven and earth spirits]

[Number of people in the area: 1523 people]

[This information was updated at 2:00 noon on the 16th. ]

"It's Nanqing Garden. There are many treasures. Although there are many people, they are all noobs."

More than 3,000 square kilometers is already the size of a superior county.

Only more than 1,000 people, not many.

After all, there are many "primary explorers" in Shiyang Cave Heaven itself, which is equivalent to the quota of middle and high-level explorers.

Primary qualifications are still relatively easy to get. Now that a week has passed since the opening of the cave heaven, a large number of primary explorers have begun to act.

As for middle and high-level explorers, there are still very few.

"Even if a conflict occurs, there is no pressure." Zhao Xing evaluated.

His nine straw men, each with their own magical powers, have integrated many kinds of magic.

The clones of the Wanfa straw man can also create other straw men, such as the brave flying straw man.

Nine Wanfa Strawmen can easily create a large team of Strawmen.

Playing this kind of small dungeon is like 'taking a girl to bully the weak'.

"Let's go to Nanqing Garden." Zhao Xing said. "We'll set off as soon as my clone arrives."

"Okay, senior brother." Ji Zixuan listened obediently.

Two quarters of an hour later, a swordfish flying boat arrived, and eight clones jumped down from it.

"So many?" Murong Xue couldn't help but be a little shocked. "He is only sixth-grade, but he can actually control nine Wanfa Strawmen?"

Murong Xue also understands the Strawman method, and her realm is not low. She can already combine two methods into one.

She knows very well how difficult Wanfa Strawmen is.

She may never be able to achieve the perfect combination of the five methods in her lifetime.

But Zhao Xing can already control nine Wanfa Strawmen!

And each Strawman seems to have a different aura and different spell effects.

"Nine straw men?" Ji Zixuan was well-informed, and she immediately understood that Zhao Xing's previous 'disconnection' was all fake.

How could he be 'disconnected' when he could control nine straw men?

He was obviously trying to fool her.

This further aroused Ji Zixuan's fighting spirit.

"You guys get on the flying boat first." Zhao Xing said lightly.

Then the nine Wanfa clones all came to the sky above Lingxiu Hot Spring.

Wanfa straw men only knew two advanced spells, 'Sky Eye' and 'Sleepy Bug', which were spells based on the soul.

Because the core control of the straw men was the power of the soul.

However, the other spells he had merged had also reached the middle level of perfection.

After soaking in the Lingxiu hot spring, he needed to destroy his own traces, because Zhao Xing didn't know whose opportunity he had taken.

Most of the powerful families had fortune tellers and astrologers, like Liang Ruohai, or asked someone to ask.

He would take a lot of opportunities in the future, and although he had [Heavenly Destiny Mysterious Hidden], he still needed to be careful.

Now that the cave has been upgraded, the world is in a drastic change, constantly destroying itself and reborn.

Even if he didn't destroy the Lingxiu location, this location might be reset, and other Lingxiu might be born, or it might disappear completely.

If someone with ill intentions targeted him or someone around him, keeping it would be aiding the enemy.

As for handing it in? Zhao Xing had obtained a batch of 'Millennium Cold Crystals' before, so he didn't need to complete the 'Exploration Mission' in a short period of time. In addition, handing in the location information would not help much in completing the Exploration Mission.

The military world does not need to explore and hand in information about the location. In the Pingman War, "intelligence" was the least reward for military merit. The reason is the same as now. Once the destiny is calculated, the birth and death of any place will be known.

In the current Shiyang Cave Heaven, land is being enclosed everywhere and fighting is not prohibited. Most people will become crazy.

Because it is related to whether they can inherit the rights and interests of their fathers. If they succeed, the thousand-year-old family will continue. If they fail, the family will have no successors and the rights and interests will be taken back by Emperor Jing!

"Five Elements Split the Earth!"

Nine Wanfa Strawmen, all performing the Five Elements Split the Earth method!

Although Wanfa Strawmen have no luck, the spell effects still inherit the luck of the original body.

Nine Strawmen performed the Five Elements Split the Earth method together, and the intermediate perfect gambling dog tactics immediately caused a huge movement.


The valley collapsed and the hot springs boiled.

The topography was completely changed, and a large amount of ground fire gushed out.

In less than a while, the Lingxiu Hot Spring here disappeared.

"What? This, this is the Five Elements Earth-Splitting Method?" Murong Xue couldn't help but exclaimed.

It was too explosive!

She had never thought that the Five Elements Earth-Splitting Method would be so powerful!

"His Wanfa Grass Man is so powerful, how powerful should I be?" Murong Xue is also a minister of agriculture.

An expert knows the doorway, Murong Xue suddenly felt that Zhao Xing was not simple.

No wonder he could become Liu Tianning's direct disciple!

Although Ji Zixuan was an outsider, she saw the movement of Lingxiu Hot Spring and Murong Xue's reaction, and knew that Zhao Xing was definitely very strong!

"Liu's straw man, he has received the true teachings!" Ji Zixuan looked at Zhao Xing's back, her eyes sparkling.

Zhao Xing returned to the flying boat, completely ignoring the shocked eyes of the two women.

In his opinion, this was just a little trick.

"Who of you can drive a flying boat?" Mr. Zhao was a bodyguard, it was impossible for him to be a driver.

You can't do all the work yourself, that would be too spoiled.

"Brother, I can do it." Ji Zixuan spoke immediately. She did not miss any opportunity to show off. "I won the first place in the flying boat competition in Bishui Daoyuan."

"Oh?" Zhao Xinggao glanced at Ji Zixuan. She was still an old driver.

"Okay, then you come."

"Murongxue, you are responsible for vigilance. If there is any situation or you arrive at the place, call me again." After saying this, Master Zhao did not care whether Murongxue agreed or not, and directly "went offline".

Controlling the clone also wastes energy. It is better to be relaxed.

"Yes." Murongxue did not have the problem of a young lady, otherwise she would not have chosen the path of Si Nong. Her feet have also stepped on the soil.

Immediately, she flew around with the wind and acted as a vigilant.

An hour later.

Ji Zixuan said to the back: "Brother, we are at the place."

In the flying boat cabin, nine Wanfa straw men suddenly "came to life" and walked out together.

After observing the direction and terrain, the original master, who was thousands of miles away, counted with his fingers, and then pointed out: "Southeast, four or five turns, one-third of the standard speed, one hundred meters altitude."

"Yes." Ji Zixuan immediately controlled the flying boat to draw an arc and acted according to Zhao Xing's request.

She looked back and saw that Zhao Xing was still again.

After flying for about a quarter of an hour, Murong Xue suddenly said: "There is a blood shadow boat coming towards us."

Ji Zixuan glanced behind her and asked Murong Xue: "How many people are there? If there are few people, we can solve it ourselves, so there is no need to trouble my senior brother."

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