Shennong Daojun

Chapter 235 Returning Home in Glory (Combined Chapters)

After leaving the confinement cell, many people were waiting for Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, Long Xiao, and Liao Rulong.

There were Si Nong officials who had trained together, such as Zhuang Ziqing, Han Bing, Che Shihai... Zhao Xing even saw Shi Yong and Feng Qi.

The warriors included Xia Jing, Chen Fang, priest Zhang Yi, military doctor Yuan Yang, and mechanical engineer Wang Ji...

They were supposed to be on the battlefield, but they all took the time to rush back to Yangcheng.

Some others were met later, such as Ji Ziyun, Prince Xin Liu Cheng'an, Prince Lingshuang Pei Yuanchang, Prince Yuegang Wu Zhengting...

"Brother Zhao, we have all heard about your experience. That King Liang is such a piece of shit!" Zhuang Ziqing was the first to rush over, grabbing Zhao Xing's hand, indignant. "Brother, you are a genius, but you were forced to withdraw from the battlefield by the King Liang's party. It's really outrageous!"

"Brother Zhuang." Zhao Xing looked moved and patted the back of Zhuang Ziqing's hand.

"Boss, you are being humiliated." Wang Ji clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "I would rather die than build a nail for the Liang Wang Party!"

"I, actually, lived quite well in there..." Zhao Xing thought to himself whether he was being too pitiful.

"Boss, you don't have to comfort us. How can you say you lived well in this state?" Che Shihai gritted his teeth and held back tears.

At this time, Zhao Xing's hair was a little messy and his clothes were tattered.

But, this was purely messed up by Mr. Zhao before he was released from prison.

"I'm really fine." Zhao Xing comforted.

He recalled his experience of being detained.

It was locked up in early April, and now it's the end of May.

On the first day of coming to Yangcheng confinement prison, according to the rules, all equipment should be taken away, and prison uniforms should be put on to lock up the vitality.

But, this is Yangcheng confinement prison!

The guards are all our own people, either sent by King Luohou or Liu Tianning.

Who dares to do this?

Not to mention interrogation and torture.

Abuse of Mr. Zhao? Not happening!

Zhao Xing didn't lie, he actually lived a good life.

On the first day he came in, Zhao Xing's locks were unlocked, but his equipment was not returned to him.

In terms of food and drink, they were all in accordance with the dietary standards of a fifth-rank official at work, and even the accommodation was in a large courtyard!

Originally, Yangcheng Prison did not have a residence suitable for Zhao Xing's status. After all, he was imprisoned in Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion.

But in order to imprison Zhao Xing, the warden of Yangcheng built a set of houses in one day.

The next day he moved into the 500-square-meter courtyard.

If Mr. Zhao hadn't refused, the warden would have sent a few dancers and musicians to comfort him.

Because Zhao Xing was not really in prison, he was just detained.

It should be said that this month or so was the time when Mr. Zhao slept the most.

When he was about to be released from prison, he remembered that he couldn't pretend to be enjoying himself.

So he put on the locks again, put on the prison uniform, and messed up his hair.

"Warden of Yangcheng, did you treat me harshly?!" Xia Jing came over, raised his voice, and stared at the jailers behind Zhao Xing with unfriendly eyes.

The jailers were also very aggrieved. How dare we? It was Zhao Xing who insisted on dressing like this.

"No, no." Zhao Xing waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much. They treat me very well."

He then used water magic to restore his clothes and appearance. Such a short time was enough for the miserable appearance to spread.

Among the discerning people, they naturally knew that Zhao Xing could not have been abused, but for those who were unaware, if this impression spread, it would deepen others' disgust with the Liang Wang Party.

"Let's go, let's talk somewhere else."

Zhao Xing was surrounded by people and left the Yangcheng prison.

Afterwards, Xia Jing held a small party in Yangcheng to welcome Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, Long Xiao, and Liao Rulong. There were as many as a thousand people attending.

This time, Zhao Xing also drank freely, and got drunk with everyone until the evening of the next day.

When most people had left, Zhao Xing circulated his vitality to dispel the smell of alcohol, and his eyes became clear.

"Hu~" Zhao Xing exhaled a long breath of turbid air and pulled Xia Jing over. "Brother, how have you been these days?"

Xia Jing was still a little drunk at this time, but when he saw Zhao Xing return to normal, he knew that he was going to talk about business, and immediately circulated his blood and qi to regain sobriety.

"I was also attacked by the Liang Wang Party, but my father and uncle came forward to mediate, and finally did not punish me."

Zhao Xing nodded.

Xia Jing was not a member of the Shenwei Army, and his background power was also related to the royal family. He was not the mastermind, so it was not a big deal. With the mediation of Pingyang Wang and Xiahou, there was naturally no problem.

Xia Jing said: "You were stripped of your official position and withdrew from the battlefield. Your official position was not promoted that high, so the Liang Wang Party barely got by."

"It's just that Ji Chen lost power in Liang Wang's mansion for some reason and was sent to the battlefield."

"In the past two months, King Luohou, King Xin, and King An Ning have repeatedly vetoed the results of Ying Yuan Mansion's handling."

"Your teacher didn't make any moves. He is still working in the Supervision Department and the Transportation Department of the two mansions."

Xia Jing introduced what happened during this period.

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and reviewed it for a while, and nodded after a while.

"This matter has come to an end. Brother Xia, since you haven't withdrawn from the battlefield, you must take care of yourself."

Xia Jing said solemnly: "Brother Zhao, you have something to say."

Zhao Xing thought about it, and then drew a flag on the table: "If you see this flag on the battlefield in the future, don't hesitate, retreat immediately. This flag is the 'Nine Nether Army' in the Southern Wasteland Holy Mountain. It is supported by the Nine Nether Divine Sect and its methods are extremely strange."

"Nine Nether Army? Why have I never heard of it?" Xia Jing said.

"Nine Nether Army has only appeared twice in history. They have never fought against the Great Zhou. I also found the record in ancient books."

Zhao Xing said: "In addition, the insect witches and blood witches in the Southern Wilds are much stronger than before. We must guard against them. There are also the Seven Nights Holy Sons in the Southern Wilds. It is best to carry out a decapitation operation..."

Xia Jing listened quietly. He had heard of what Zhao Xing said. Perhaps it appeared in the battle report or was mentioned by the counselors.

There is a lot of information on the Pingman battlefield, and the amount is more than hundreds of millions. It is not easy to pick out useful information from it.

Zhao Xing is now picking out some events that have already shown signs but have not really shown their influence, and telling Xia Jing about them.

Maybe he can meet them, or maybe he can't meet them, but if Xia Jing can remember them and be more careful, there may be fewer twists and turns.

"Do you remember them?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Remember." Xia Jing nodded. After so much, he had no doubt about Zhao Xing's ability to analyze military intelligence and war reports.

"I will leave in a few days. I will not see guests next. I will go to visit the division commander." Zhao Xing said, "Brother, take care."

"Take care."


The next morning, Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, Long Xiao, and Liao Rulong each went to visit their superiors or division commanders who had helped them.

Zhao Xing's first stop was Fuchun Garden to visit Tian Yan.

"Teacher, I am leaving. Thank you for your hard work these days. Please take care of yourself."

Zhao Xing kowtowed to Tian Yan because Tian Yan was also running around during his imprisonment, and even used the resources that he had originally used to write him three letters.

"Get up." Tian Yan smiled and helped Zhao Xing up, "I didn't actually accomplish anything."

Tian Yan didn't know at first what King Luohou and Liu Tianning could do for Zhao Xing. When he found out, he realized that he had worked in vain.

But for Zhao Xing, no matter whether it was useful or not, they did it, and that was a favor, and he would remember it in his heart.

"Where are you going next?" Tian Yan asked.

"The rank has not been decided yet, but it should be to Donghai." Zhao Xing replied, "But I will go home to rest for half a year and visit my family."

"Donghai..." Tian Yan muttered, "Okay, if you encounter any problems in the future, you can write to me."

"Although my old bones are not as hard as Liu Tianning, I have a layer of gold on my bones."

"Liu Tianning is the Supervisory Commissioner. He must be fair and honest. Even if he is rich, I am afraid he can't help you much financially."

Tian Yan said proudly: "I am different. In terms of wealth, many kings are not as rich as me."

Zhao Xing was stunned, then bowed and smiled: "Teacher has a lot of family wealth, it seems that this is still modest."

"Hahaha, that's the ancestor Tian Taigong." Tian Yan said proudly, "Your teacher only has a little money left."

Tian Yan is really not bragging. Not long after Zhao Xing left Fuchun Garden.

He received a message in his ground mirror.

[Tian Yan transfers 10 million points to you]

[Your points account has changed, balance: 10021522]

There is also a note behind the points gift:

[Zhao Xing, you will go to the East China Sea, and you will need money a lot. In the future, you will break through the Pure Yuan Realm. The fifth rank is the key node of Si Nong. You must not make do with the breakthrough. If you don’t have enough, you can always find a teacher. ]

"I gave you 10 million directly, it’s really..." Zhao Xing couldn’t help but marvel at Tian Yan’s wealth.

What does 10 million points mean?

Zhao Xing’s original honor rank was the sixth rank, and his annual salary + honor rank bonus was about 350,000 points.

This time, although King Luohou and the Liang Wang party wrestled, although his official position was not promoted, his honor rank was raised again to the tenth rank.

But even so, he probably only had 800,000 points a year.

Tian Yan gave him 10 million points casually.

If Zhao Xing is not greedy, he will get salary + honors, which will take more than ten years, and the premise is that he has to save everything without eating or drinking.

"This is a big favor." Zhao Xing was a little helpless. He came to Tian Yan just to say goodbye, and never thought that Tian Hou would give him anything.

Even if there is a parting gift, it should be within the normal range.

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated Tian Yan's financial resources.

In other people's eyes, this 10 million is indeed a normal gift, nothing wrong.

"My master Liu Tianning, has tens of millions of clones, and now there is another one, my master Tian Yan, with billions of wealth."

Thinking of this, Zhao Xing sighed a little, "If I had known this, I would have gone to great lengths to be greedy in my previous life. I would have maxed out Tian Yan's character favorability and everything would have been mine..."


After paying respects to Tian Yan, Zhao Xing ran to Taicangyuan to see Lu Bang.

When the spirit of the cave exploded, Lu Bang sent two disciples, Cai Jin and Feng Qi, to the Ji Ye Sea to eat fish.

At that time, the relationship was relatively close.

Lubang, Liu Tianning and Tian Yan were also good friends.

However, when Zhao Xing came to see Lubang, he just bowed and saluted, without any big ceremony, and did not call him teacher, but called him Master Lu.

"Boy, you have withdrawn from the battlefield and lost the great future of promotion. How do you feel?" Lubang was free and unrestrained. As soon as he met Zhao Xing, he teased him.

"No feelings." Zhao Xing smiled, "No regrets, just do it."

"Hahaha, I like your character." Lubang laughed, "When you instigated Si Nong to fight the warriors during training, I liked your character."

"How can you return home without some presentable gifts? I am good at brewing wine, so I will give you a boat of fine wine."

"Feng Qi." Lu Bang waved his hand, and a young man immediately walked out from behind the screen.


"Go to my Dizi wine cellar and fill a boat of wine for Yuan Ranghou."


Zhao Xing deliberately said after hearing this: "Master Lu is so stingy. If you want to give gifts, why don't you give some Tianzi treasures."

"Hahaha, you are dreaming!" Lu Bang laughed and scolded, "You are not even a fifth-grade, and you still want to taste my Tianzi fine wine? Wait until you reach the fifth grade and condense the pure Yuan soil, then come and see it, and then you will know the wonderful use of my fine wine."

"Master Lu is straightforward, and I will definitely come to drink to my heart's content in the future!"


The third stop is Liu Tianning's Wanfa Palace.

At this time, the Wanfa Palace has 90% fewer clones than before, and it seems a bit deserted.

The main reason is that Liu Tianning became the transport envoy of the two prefectures and the "Ten Yang Inspector".

His workload has increased, so there will not be so many clones idle in the Wanfa Palace.

"Teacher, I plan to leave for my hometown tomorrow." When he came to Liu Tianning, Zhao Xing did not perform a big ceremony.

His way of getting along with Lao Liu is different from that of Tian Yan. Lao Liu does not like to play this set of master-disciple etiquette. Except for the big ceremony when he first became a disciple, he never performed a ceremony when he met and chatted afterwards. At most, he just bowed slightly.

Zhao Xing vaguely felt that Liu Tianning was somewhat disgusted with etiquette.

"I know." Liu Tianning pointed to a bamboo box next to him, "My original body is not here, you take this."

"What's in it?"

"Floating vine seedlings." Liu Tianning said, "I cut it from the main vine. I have cultivated it for two and a half years."

"Floating?" Zhao Xing was shocked.

Liu Tianning said that he had cultivated it for two and a half years, which means that he was doing this in November of the 17th year of Jingxinli.

That was also the time when Liu Tianning first came to the Soul Sacrifice Pass.

The floating seedling, once grown, is a seventh-level plant life!

And the floating vine seedling that Liu Tianning gave has a very high upper limit, because it also incorporates the characteristics of parasitic species.

In other words, Zhao Xing may also be able to grow a tenth-level floating vine like Liu Tianning in his previous life!

Rare vine parasitic species, if Master Zhao were to find it himself, he would not know when he would find it.

How precious is it? Assuming that Liu Tianning's gift is an opportunity, it is so precious that Zhao Xing feels that his luck of Yanwu is not worthy of this opportunity.

"Ordinary floating can only be planted in pure soil, but parasitic species are different." Liu Tianning said, "Open the box, cut your wrist, and let the floating seedling parasitize your body and grow."

"Yes." Zhao Xing suppressed his excitement and stepped forward to open the Wenzhu box.

At this time, bursts of golden light emerged from the Wenzhu box.

There was no soil in the three-meter square bamboo box, only the extremely rich golden light.

A two-foot-long, light golden vine as thick as a little finger was suspended in the box.

Zhao Xing quickly slashed at his wrist.

As a result, the force was too light and it didn't break the skin.

He forgot that he was now a golden bone man and was not the same as before.

"I'll help you."

Liu Tianning's right hand suddenly changed, like a liquid metal man, and turned into a sharp knife.

"Shua~" The knife light slashed, and Zhao Xing's wrist suddenly had a deep wound that could be seen to the bone, and blood flowed.

Zhao Xing: "..."

This method is indeed very Liu Tianning.

The blood dripped on the floating vine and reacted immediately.

The floating vine slowly swam towards the source of the blood.

Zhao Xing put his hand in, and the floating vine immediately drilled in through the wound.


Zhao Xing felt that the vitality in his body began to decline rapidly.

100%, 90%, 80%...

When the floating vine was completely absorbed, Zhao Xing's vitality was only 10% left!

"Hiss~ It almost sucked me dry."

Zhao Xing retracted his hand, feeling weak.

Liu Tianning handed over a fruit plate from the side: "You can quickly replenish it after eating."

"Okay." Zhao Xing took the fruit plate and planned to recover from the wound first.

As a result, when he looked down, the wound had healed!

There was a burst of coolness from the original wound, which was emitted by the floating vine.

"Plankton coexists with you, and your injury is equivalent to its injury." Liu Tianning said, "It will also slow down its growth progress. If you continue to stay on the battlefield, it is really difficult to give it to you to raise."

"You are not even a fifth-grade now, and its growth rate is relatively slow."

"How slow?" Zhao Xing asked.

"If you raise Fuyou in the sixth-grade realm, you can't get out of the seedling stage for fifty years." Liu Tianning said, "At most, it can reach a level close to the growth stage."

"In the fifth-grade realm, with a pure Yuan body, Fuyou can enter the growth stage."

"Cultivate pure Yuan soil, it can mature in thirty to fifty years, but it is still not very useful at this time."

"Cultivate the inner world to the point where you can use pure Yuan projection, so that Fuyou can fight with you."

Zhao Xing nodded.

That is to say, it can only stay in the sixth-grade realm for a maximum of fifty years. If it exceeds this age, the Fuyou vine seedling will die.

Because it is not something that the sixth-grade can raise, now Liu Tianning has lowered the threshold and let him raise it in advance.

The Fuyou plant is in the pure Yuan soil, which is the period of rapid growth.

It is also because Zhao Xing has no battles to fight and is relatively strong that Liu Tianning will give it to him in advance.

Otherwise, this gift will be given out only when it reaches the fifth grade.

"Thank you, teacher."

Zhao Xing was very satisfied with this gift.

"Go." After Liu Tianning finished speaking, this clone lost its charm and lowered its head while sitting on the chair.

Obviously, this clone was offline.

Zhao Xing bowed his hands and then quickly left the Wanfa Palace.


At the last stop, Zhao Xing came to the Shenwei Army’s garrison to meet Yang An and Jia Pu.

Yang An was still in a broken arm state at this time, and Jia Pu was still nominally the Shenwei General.

Zhao Xing clasped his fists and said: "I am very grateful to General Meng for taking me in and allowing me to participate in the training of Shiyang Dongtian. This time, I have dragged down the Shenwei Army. Please punish me, General and Lord."

The quota was originally asked by Chen Shijie to Yang An, so Yang An still had a favor with him.

Although Zhao Xing was directly transferred by the military transfer order, he had to come to see him for both public and private reasons.

Yang An winked at Jia Pu and stopped Zhao Xing before he finished kneeling on one knee.

"Zhao Xing, what's your fault?" Jia Pu said,

"If I really have to say it's my fault, I didn't save you, Chen Shijie and Long Xiao."

Yang An waved his left hand: "Okay, military advisor, you are all right, it's King Liang who is wrong."

"Zhao Xing, you have made many military achievements in the Shenwei Army. If it weren't for you, the generals of the Shenwei Army would never have been able to push north of Yangjiang River at this time."

"Although I gave you a quota, the credit is your own."

"You and I met once, now you want to leave, I will give you a gift." Yang An said: "Is your Wanfa clone on the boat?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "My Lord, it's here."

Yang An said: "Have you integrated the way of protecting the law?"

Zhao Xing vaguely guessed what Yang An was going to give him: "I have integrated this method."

The guardian straw man can store all the laws.

It is also the foundation of the clones of all laws. To expand the function of the clones, it is necessary to integrate the guardian grass man.

Now Zhao Xing's nine main clones all have this function.

Yang An stretched out his remaining left hand and suddenly shouted: "Guardian Zhao Xing, listen to the order!"

"I am here!" Zhao Xing bowed.

"Take the sword!"


Zhao Xing's eyebrows moved, and the nine clones immediately jumped down from the warships above the square.

"I will use 100% of the Qinglong sword energy. Zhao Xing, how much power you can retain depends on how capable you are."

After speaking, a green light flashed at Yang An's fingertips, and then quickly burst out from the marching hall, like a swimming green dragon, rushing towards the warship.

Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish~

The nine clones instantly appeared on the path of the sword energy.


In the sword energy, there was actually a dragon roar.

The first straw man hit the sword energy, and then the light was bright.

The dragon-shaped sword energy passed through the first straw man, and there was no reduction at all.

Zhao Xing's second Wanfa clone came up again and actively absorbed the sword energy.

But the second Wanfa clone was also full in an instant.

The sword energy was like a dragon, proudly walking in the world.

Nine clones took turns to play.

Until the ninth clone was full of Qinglong sword energy, there was still some left!

"Shenwei Hou is really extraordinary. Even if King Liang suppressed him once, he was revived the second time and was still famous all over the world."

Zhao Xing felt the power of the sword energy in the clone and admired it in his heart.

Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish~

The original body and the Wanfa clone landed outside the marching hall together.

Zhao Xing knelt on one knee and shouted: "Thank you, Lord, for the sword!"

This was the first and last time Yang An gave him an order. After that, Yang An changed his words.

After Zhao Xing received the sword, Yang An's voice came from the marching hall: "Treasure your passion, and it will turn into blue waves when you spill it."

"Marquis Yuan Rang, see you later."


Datong Prefecture, Wanfeng Mountains.

The calm lake suddenly rippled with circles of waves, and the texture became denser and denser until a certain moment, the central area suddenly arched up.


Four golden Qilin beasts jumped out of the water. When the golden light faded, they were four Qilin flying boats.

Three of the flying boats were lined up together, and the fourth was opposite to them.

Zhao Xing, Long Xiao, and Chen Shijie stood together, while Liao Rulong stood on his own flying boat.

"Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, Long Xiao." Liao Rulong bowed and said, "You must come to my hometown Boping County to sit down when you are free."

"Definitely." Zhao Xing clasped his fist and said, "Brother Liao, take care."

"Let's go!" Liao Rulong waved his hand and entered the cabin. The Qilin flying boat turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the horizon in a short while.

Watching Liao Rulong leave, Zhao Xing couldn't help but sigh.

The original plan did not include Liao Rulong in the impeachment, but at that time, he took the responsibility.

Zhao Xing's persuasion was fruitless, and in the end Liao Rulong was also detained.

The result of the treatment was the same. He failed to reach the fifth rank, transferred to the local official, and was deprived of the title of a scattered official, and converted to several ranks of honor according to his military merits.

Liao Rulong's hometown is in Boping County, Binjiang County, Guanghua Prefecture, and he and Yang An are fellow villagers.

Back then, he followed Yang An to join the army, but their achievements were different. Yang An was already a fourth-rank military general, but Liao Rulong was still a sixth-rank general.

Liao Rulong left the battlefield, and Zhao Xing didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but since things had come to this point, he didn't think about it anymore.

"Old Chen, Long Xiao, it's time for us to go." Zhao Xing said.


Long Xiao's hometown was flooded. He had nowhere to go during his half-year vacation, so he planned to hang out with Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie.

Chen Shijie also plans to return to Gucheng. His hometown is in Xishan County, but none of his relatives are here. He has an uncle and aunt who are close to him by blood, but they were very bad to him when he was young, and they broke off the relationship early.

Chen Shijie had no intention of going back to humiliate them, so he also planned to go to Gucheng. Guiniang was still waiting for him in Gucheng.

"Let's go." Long Xiao said, "Last time I went to Gucheng, I helped you fight and didn't even have a good time. This time I have to take a closer look."

"Zhao Xing, you, the master, have to treat us~"

"If you want to have fun, I'm afraid you've found the wrong person." Chen Shijie said with a smile, "Does Zhao Xing seem to be someone who knows how to have fun?"

"Hehe, you don't know this, right?" Long Xiao winked, "Back then, as his protector, I followed him to handle the Shao Wanjie case. Guess what?"

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, this kid pretended to be Shao Wanjie, got two cat-eared girls to serve him in the hot spring, and also called a bunch of dancers in silk clothes..."

"What? This is happening?!" Chen Shijie laughed and scolded, "You're such a good Zhao Xing, I didn't expect you to be a crooked one too."

"How can you taint someone's innocence!" Zhao Xing argued, "What I call a mission, do you understand a mission?"

"However, although I don't know how to have fun, I have a friend who understands it very well."

"Long Xiao, when you get to Nanyang County, you will not even have the strength to draw your sword!"

"Hahahaha, I'll just wait!"


Nanyang County is in Dayuan Prefecture, and it is a straight line distance from the Wanfeng Mountains in Datong Prefecture, which is more than 40,000 miles apart.

When I came here, I took advantage of the fire pond of [Lihuo Taoist Temple], but when I went back, I couldn't do this.

Because they now have a lot of things, such as unicorn flying boats, bronze chariots, blue-eyed dragons and lions, it is difficult to cross the fire pond, and the cost is too high.

If you travel alone, you have to travel 80,000 miles. If you buy so many things, the transportation capacity will increase, and the cost will become higher, and it will all be borne by the owner.

I don’t have to do anything else in the six months since I’ve been back, so I’ll just focus on running.

Zhao Xing also bought a lot of goods from the military world, and Lu Bang alone gave him a boatload of fine wine.

There were also gifts from Xia Jing, Ji Shizi, Wu Zhengting, various friends, and teachers. Zhao Xing's own things alone were packed into fourteen cargo ships.

In addition to some things purchased by Long Xiao and Chen Shijie, a total of twenty ships were installed.

Plus three Qilin flying boats.

Together, the three of them had twenty-three flying boats.

Zhao Xing's Qilin Flying Boat was an afterthought. He wanted to return home in fine clothes, but what could he do if he didn't have enough clothes?

This time they planned to fly back and the route was chosen.

First, he controlled twenty-three flying boats to fly to Datongfu City.

Then take a public inter-fu building boat to Dayuanfu.

When you get to Dayuanfu, you can fly directly to Nanyang County.

"The straight-line journey is 40,000 miles. To avoid the no-fly route, it takes more than 100,000 miles. We take a seventh-level ship, which will take about thirty hours."

"However, we have to include the time for the ship to take off and the time for the ship to report. It will take a total of five or six days," Chen Shijie said.

"It's so slow." Long Xiao said, "We should get a warship ourselves."

"Can you afford it?" Chen Shijie said with empty eyes, "You don't know how many mechanics and operators a warship requires. Just with your ninth-level honors, you will go bankrupt in half a year."

"Zhao Xing can afford it," Long Xiao said.

"I can afford it, but I won't buy it." Zhao Xing rolled his eyes, "Let's not talk about raising people and boats. The procedures are also troublesome."

"Warships can be used for military purposes. Unless you are a king, you can have a private warship as a vehicle."

"Inland areas can only operate commercial building ships. The procedures for commercial building ships are very cumbersome and cannot be approved within a year or two. If your family has a big business and often travels across states, you can consider it. Otherwise, it is better to take a public transport. The building is convenient. ”

The Great Zhou Dynasty controlled the airspace within the territory very strictly, especially the warships, which were too powerful.

A sixth- or seventh-level warship can really complete the massacre of a city in a very short time!

There is precedent for this.

During the Taizu period, warships were still common in the sky. At that time, there was a feud between two feudal lords at the border. They got angry with each other and even launched warships to attack each other.

In the end, it caused countless casualties and destroyed more than a dozen counties. Such actions shocked the world, and Taizu had to kill the two founding Wuhou to quell the public resentment.

The "Great Zhou Airspace Management Regulations" were also formulated, and only the king and the prince were allowed to travel by warship.

When Emperor Wen arrived, he took the lead in frugality, and the luxurious mode of travel by warships was greatly reduced.

During the reign of Emperor Jing, he simply revised this law and strengthened the control.

Even warships at the level of kings and princes must have 90% of their weapons and equipment removed.

Since then, most princes have switched to building ships without weapons.

Boats of all levels are widely used in business and public use.

Like Yi Zhiwen of the Leiyang Chamber of Commerce, they did not use the warships directly, but dismantled them. The warships used enough materials, and after being dismantled, one ship could be transformed into a commercial building ship with two or even four ships. Whether you resell it or use it for business, it's all a matter of making money.

After Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, and Long Xiao flew to Datong Mansion, they originally had to wait for the government-sponsored ship to take off.

But not long after he arrived, Li Yancheng, a fourth-rank official of Fuchenglou Shipbuilding Company, immediately ordered a seventh-level ship specially transferred to Zhao Xing.

"Sir, why?" Zhang Zheng, a fifth-rank official who received the order, was very confused. "They are just three small sixth-rank officials and idle marquises. Do you still need to personally deploy them?"

"Why?" Li Yancheng said, "Because his teacher Liu Tianning is the transport envoy of the two prefectures. Now it is wartime, and the building ship department of this prefecture must be managed by the transport department."

"If Liu Tianning makes things difficult for you and me, he can find a small mistake of ours and magnify it and press it to death on the ground."

"I seem to be on the same level as Liu Tianning, but in fact I have to be controlled by Liu Tianning."

There is another point that Li Yancheng did not say, that is, Liu Tianning will be promoted to the fourth rank this summer.

A higher rank can crush a person, not to mention the difference between the fourth rank and the regular.

He is a fourth rank official, more than 400 years old, and it is difficult for him to get promoted to the third rank in this life, but Liu Tianning is different, and has a great future.

Then isn't he, Li Yancheng, afraid that this kind of flattery will backfire?

It won't.

Because Li Yancheng is well-informed.

The three kings of Shiyang Dongtian set the tone for Zhao Xing and the other four to be "returning home in glory".

That is to say, Zhao Xing must return home in glory and with full pomp.

If Li Yancheng doesn't understand this, he doesn't need to do anything.

"How long have they been waiting?" Li Yancheng asked.

"They came from the Fudong Louchuan Division at 7:00 pm, and now it's 1:00 pm." Zhang Zheng said.

"When will the last seventh-level Louchuan take off to Dayuan Prefecture?"

"Lordship No. 773, it's estimated to be at the end of Chenshi." Zhang Zheng said. His Louchuan Division is equivalent to an air post station, which is to provide convenience for officials, but it also has to make full use of the value of the Louchuan.

Especially for the seventh-level Louchuan, it has to gather a certain number of people and goods before it can take off, otherwise it won't be a waste of transportation capacity.

"Quickly notify the other officials and merchants who want to take the No. 773 Louchuan, and let them board the ship at 3:00 pm." Li Yancheng said. "If it's not 3:30 a.m., let them wait for the next one."

"Yes." Zhang Zheng did it quickly.


At the East Mansion Ship Department, Zhao Xing and the other two who were waiting in the bamboo building were suddenly transferred to the more upscale 'VIP area' - Yunhai Building.

This was originally a place to entertain officials above the fifth rank, because the daily clothes and court clothes of the fifth rank officials were embroidered with two patterns of clouds and sea.

"Lord Zhao, please make some preparations. The 773rd Mansion Ship will take off at 3:30 a.m. a.m." Zhang Zheng brought people to Zhao Xing.

"3:30 a.m. a.m.?" Zhao Xing was stunned, "Didn't it say that it would be at 7:00 a.m.?"

"Because the weather has changed." Zhang Zheng smiled, "The departure time of the building ship will be advanced, this is a common thing."

There is no change in the weather. Zhang Zheng received Li Yancheng's instructions and made such arrangements to please Zhao Xing.

A seventh-level building ship, what is there to worry about?

Even if it is flying in the strong wind, it is not afraid at all.

In addition, the weather in the city will not change much.

But whether the weather changes or not is decided by the Louchuan Division?

Zhao Xing guessed the reason when he saw Zhang Zheng's fifth-grade crown and clothes.

Well, my master Liu Tianning didn't need to report this to me, and he took the initiative to arrange it.

The Louchuan Division is under the control of Old Liu, so it's normal to please him.

"May I know your name, sir?" Zhao Xing asked.

"My surname is Zhang, my name is Zheng, and my courtesy name is Yuanchun." Zhang Zheng smiled and said, "My superior is Li Yancheng."

Zhao Xing bowed and said, "Thank you, sir Li, thank you, sir Zhang."

"You are polite, Marquis Yuan Rang."


At the first quarter of the Mao hour, it took off at the third quarter of the Mao hour.

Twenty-three flying boats were all stuffed into the 773rd Louchuan.

At dawn, the Louchuan took off and headed towards Dayuan Prefecture.

I don't know if I was told that I was afraid that Mr. Zhao would miss his hometown, so I only flew for fifteen hours to reach the Louchuan Division of Dayuan Prefecture, which was supposed to take thirty hours.

When I asked before getting off the ship, I learned that the flight route was changed to the shortest one, and the speed of the seventh-level Louchuan was full, so the time was shortened by half.

"It's good to have a teacher." Long Xiao couldn't help but sighed, "You didn't tell him anything, but you enjoyed all the benefits."

"You can worship Zhao Xing as your teacher." Chen Shijie said, "In this way, you will be the disciple of Liu Tianning. When you make a Louchuan in the future, you can say 'my master Liu Tianning'."

"Hahahaha, that's right." Zhao Xing laughed, "Come on, good disciple, hurry up and worship me. There's no need for gifts, just kowtow three times."

"Go to your own way!" Long Xiao pushed the two of them.


When you arrive at Dayuan Prefecture, you are already back home.

However, the capital of Dayuan Prefecture is in the east, and Nanyang County is in the south.

The land of a prefecture is vast. If you control the Qilin flying boat and fly at full speed, you can reach Gucheng in more than two hours.

However, Zhao Xing still has 20 fully loaded cargo flying boats, so it can't be fast.

It takes about four or five hours for the straw man clone to control the flight.

Shi Dezheng, a fourth-rank official of the Louchuan Division of Dayuan Prefecture, also did the same thing as Li Yancheng.

He planned to dispatch a sixth-rank building ship to send Zhao Xing to Nanyang County.

Zhao Xing couldn't refuse because the other party was too enthusiastic, and Shi Dezheng came in person.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, you have returned in glory this time and have made great contributions to your hometown. Your hometown should also show some appreciation."

"How can I turn a blind eye?"

"Otherwise, if outsiders hear it, won't they say that Dayuan Prefecture treats meritorious soldiers unfairly?"

"This building ship has been idle for a long time. It's a good opportunity to test its function."

"Marquis Yuan Rang is not bothering us, but helping the Building Ship Division. Please don't refuse."

"In that case, I would like to thank Mr. Shi for his kindness."

"It should be." Shi Dezheng said with a smile, "Marquis Yuan Rang, please."

Shi Dezheng's words made Long Xiao dumbfounded.

Well, it was obviously Shi Dezheng who wanted to sell himself and solved Zhao Xing's problem of rushing on the road.

But when he said it, it sounded as if Zhao Xing helped their Building Ship Division.

You can even come up with a reason to test the function of the building ship. You deserve to be a fourth-rank official!

Long Xiao didn't know that Shi Dezheng was still holding back.

After all, this was transportation within the mansion, and the journey was not long, so it was not easy to make a big show, otherwise he would have to have a seventh-rank ship for Mr. Zhao to sit on.

But even if it was a lower grade, it was still the level of the sixth-rank top grade.

In addition, this ship named Xiaguang Tower has another very cool effect, that is, when it breaks through the clouds, it will dye the surrounding clouds with colorful clouds.

Let’s not talk about whether it is fast or not, it is full of cool colors.

Shi Dezheng also deeply understands the tone set by the three kings.

How can it be enough to return home in glory?

Even the clouds on the way home for Yuan Ranghou must be beautiful!

Zhao Xing and others boarded this sixth-level top-grade tower ship.

Looking at the cool scene around, Long Xiao couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

"Why are you looking at me?" Zhao Xing was also admiring the clouds, but unexpectedly Long Xiao kept staring at him. "Hey, you don’t really want to worship me as your master, do you?"

Long Xiao looked like he really wanted to kowtow to Zhao Xing.

"It’s like this in the prefecture city. I’m afraid there will be more officials to curry favor with you when you arrive in Nanyang County." Chen Shijie said.

It is conceivable that Shi Dezheng will definitely pass the news to the people below and let them entertain Yuan Ranghou well.

"Not necessarily." Long Xiao said, "Shi Dezheng and Li Yancheng know his teacher's ability, but the officials of Nanyang County may not know it."

"What do you, a warrior, know about civil officials?" Chen Shijie said contemptuously, "If the prefect of Nanyang County does not bring people to the county city tower ship office to greet you in person, I will twist my head off and use it as a chamber pot for you."

"Marquis Yuan Zhen is so powerful that people who don't know you would think you are Marquis Yuan Rang, hum." Long Xiao cursed and entered the cabin.

Chatting with these guys is boring, so he went to play with cats.

Nanyang County, county government.

"Marquis Yuan Rang Zhao Xing, is he going back home?"

The prefect of Nanyang County, Wang Shiyang, looked up at the clerk who came to report below.

"Yes, Lord Shi, Lord Liu, and Lord Li of the prefecture city sent the letter in person." The literary and historical official presented the letter.

Letters are informal official documents, which are private correspondence between officials. They will not form formal documents and do not need to be archived.

But the contents of the letters often contain important information.

Wang Shiyang opened the letters from several superiors in the city and took a look.

They all said the same thing: Zhao Xing, the Marquis of Yuan Rang, was a disciple of a big shot in the army, and even had a background of being crowned king. He returned home in glory, so he must not be careless.

The prefect of Nanyang County was a fifth-rank official, and occasionally there were fourth-rank officials, depending on the size of the county and the prosperity of the place.

Wang Shiyang, the prefect, was only a fifth-rank official, so he naturally wanted to improve. In this position, he had a chance to be promoted to the fourth-rank official.

However, Nanyang County has experienced thousands of years of development, and there is not much room for improvement in any aspect.

It is not easy to get promoted, so you have to rely on connections to move your butt.

Wang Shiyang has always been seeking to go further, and of course he will not miss any opportunity now.

"When did he leave the prefecture?"

"At 2:45 pm, he boarded the Xiaguang Tower ship, which departed from the Fudong Tower Ship Department. It is expected to arrive in one hour at the earliest, and at the end of noon at the latest." The clerk replied.

"Quick! Notify officials at all levels of the prefecture immediately. All officials of the sixth rank must arrive at the Jundong Tower Ship Department within one hour!"

"All officials of the eighth rank and above must be present in the Sili Hall."

"Dancers, musicians, and ceremonial guards should be prepared according to the corresponding specifications. As long as they do not exceed the rules, the higher the grade, the better!"

"In addition, quickly notify the magistrate of Gucheng County and let them prepare for the reception, especially the family of Yuan Ranghou. Be sure to notify them in advance and order a few sets of gorgeous robes for them."

"Send people to clean up the ancestral land of the Zhao family. When Yuan Ranghou returns to his hometown, he must go to worship his ancestors."

"Yes, I will go now." The clerk was also shocked. He had never seen Wang Shiyang so serious before, and he immediately got up and left.

"Come back!" Wang Shiyang thought for a moment and called the man back.

"Sir, do you have any other instructions?" the clerk asked.

"Go check and see who are the relatives and friends of Yuan Ranghou, and whether they have any grudges with others recently." Wang Shiyang whispered, "If there is anything wrong, report it as soon as possible. If it is related to the government, it must be dealt with quickly. Do you understand?"

"I understand." The clerk ran out immediately.


When Zhao Xing arrived at the Louchuan Division in the eastern suburbs of Nanyang County, auspicious clouds were colorful and the sky was full of rosy clouds.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the eastern suburbs, and the Donghu Army had cleared the area around, so now only officials were waiting underground.


As a gust of wind blew, the sixth-level Xiaguang Louchuan slowly landed on the open ground.

"Beat the drums and play music!" Wang Shiyang transmitted the voice.


The big drums beat, and the strings and strings of bamboo and silk all play together.

Wang Shiyang also took great pains, fearing that Zhao Xing would not like to listen to Mi Mi's music, so he specially selected some exciting military music.

The dancers also practiced sword dance, and all of them were heroic and uniform.

In the midst of the dance music, there was also a roll call by the etiquette officer, reciting Zhao Xing's military exploits:

"Yuan Ranghou Zhao Xing went on an expedition to the Southern Wilderness and fought vigorously for four years. In the summer of the 16th year of the Jingxin calendar, he defeated the Fire Dragon Pass. In the winter of the 17th year of the Jingxin calendar, he killed ten thousand enemies and defeated the Southern Barbarian Xiong Pass..."

At this time, Zhao Xing first drove out the Qilin Flying Boat from the building boat.

The Qilin flying boat made a circle, and then there were dragons roaring and lions roaring.

Two blue-eyed dragons and lions pulled a bronze chariot and carried Zhao Xing out.

Zhao Xing carries a sword at his waist, a three-color crown and sash on his head, wears a Yuzhu marquis uniform, hangs a silver ribbon and a copper seal, and holds a guard staff. He stands on the chariot and is set off by the glow, making him look majestic.

As for Long Xiao and Chen Shijie, they did not appear in this scene and still stayed on top of the building.

The officers and soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty returned to their hometowns with honor, and high officials had the etiquette of high officials, and small officials had the etiquette of small officials. This was to promote martial ethics.

The process at this moment can only be enjoyed by Zhao Xing, because both of them are foreigners.

"It makes me want to go back to my hometown and show off." Long Xiao's eyes were a little envious. He loved this kind of excitement, but it was a pity that the excitement at this time did not belong to him.

"Why go back to your hometown just for this vanity?" Chen Shijie said. "It's so troublesome."

"That's right. Look at Zhao Xing. He has to show off all the things His Majesty rewarded him, including things he wears, uses, and flies. In fact, it's quite tiring." Long Xiao said sourly.

Zhao Xing was not tired at all at this time. Although there were many red tapes in Da Zhou, normally speaking, such moments of pretentiousness would only occur rarely in his life.

After four years of fighting, of course you have to show off!

Until the end of the ritual officer's words: "...congratulations to the imperial court, and congratulations to Marquis Yuan Rang!"

Wang Shiyang immediately led the officials and shouted: "Congratulations to the imperial court, congratulations to Marquis Yuan Rang!"

At this time, Zhao Xingcai stepped down from the chariot step by step.

"My father from my hometown welcomes you from afar. I am so excited, but I feel ashamed."

"The young and talented Marquis Yuan Rang has made outstanding military exploits. He is the pride of Nanyang County and deserves this honor!"

"Everyone, join me in congratulating Yuan Ranghou!" Wang Shiyang took the lead again and congratulated him.

"Congratulations to Marquis Yuan Rang!" All the officials congratulated in unison.

It took more than half an hour, but this set of etiquette is just a period of rest, it has just begun.

After the ancestor worship and return to hometown, honor guards had to be sent to more than 100 counties in Nanyang County to parade through the streets and sing meritorious deeds while holding the plaque of Yuan Ranghou's military exploits.

Even though he is only a third-class marquis, he is only a sixth-rank official.

But Zhao Xing has made more than five million military exploits!

Calculating based on a ninth-level barbarian's 10 points of combat merit, he was equivalent to annihilating nearly half a million barbarians. If he was not a ninth-level barbarian, it would be five million!

Nanyang County is also considered a border prefecture and has been threatened by barbarians in history.

So this level of praise is not excessive at all.

That is to say, he is not dead yet. If he dies, he will have to build a temple and parade the statue of Mr. Zhao through the streets to sing.

And in the first ten years, he had to swim every other month to stabilize his Yinshen body.

Of course, if you are still alive now, there is no reason to build a living temple. Those who build living temples are evil heretics, such as the Blood Spirit Venerable.

Welcoming Zhao Xing back to the Nanyang County government office, there was banging, playing, playing and singing along the way.

In the county mansion, Wang Shiyang held a banquet and invited major officials at all levels to come and congratulate him again.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, congratulations, come on, take this glass to honor Marquis Yuan Rang!" Wang Shiyang served the wine.

"Respect Yuan Ranghou!"

Zhao Xing stood up and raised his glass.

"This official position is just a small achievement in battle. I am grateful to Mr. Wang and all your lords for their love."

"As a courtesy, I'll do my job first!"

Then he drank it all in one gulp.

After several rounds of walking like this, Zhao Xing returned to his seat. Wang Shiyang ordered someone to close the curtains to isolate himself from the banquet hall outside, and the surrounding area became quieter.

"Zhao Xing, how long will your rest period be when you return home this time?" Wang Shiyang and Zhao Xing got close, and now they spoke more casually.

"Half a year." Zhao Xing said, "This is the case for me, Marquis Yunxiao, and Marquis Yuanzhen."

"That's great. You have been away from home for four years. Now that you are back, you can get together with your relatives and friends and appreciate the changes in the landscape of your hometown." Wang Shiyang said.

Mentioning relatives and friends, Zhao Xing also took up the topic and said: "Master Wang, I have a good friend who is an official in Nanyang County, but I didn't seem to see him at the banquet just now."

Wang Shiyang's heart skipped a beat, Zhao Xing's friend? How could I miss it?

The clerk next to him immediately answered on his behalf: "In order to welcome Marquis Yuan Rang this time, Mr. Wang made the reception and banquet a little more solemn. In addition, there are some officials who are busy with official duties. Please invite Yuan Rang." Marquis Rang, please forgive me."

Zhao Xing nodded.

Wang Shiyang was relieved and asked with a smile: "Zhao Xing, I wonder who you are talking about?"

Zhao Xingdao: "Zong Shichang, he should be the eighth-rank Pinghuai order of Nanyang County now."

Zhao Xing had not received a letter from Zong Shichang for a long time, mainly because he had been busy on the battlefield and in the cave before and had no time to reply.

The most recent letter was from half a year ago, at the end of the 19th year, when Zhao Xing was impeaching King Liang. I only remembered that Zong Shichang said that he was already in the eighth rank.

"Zong Shichang? I have some impressions." Wang Shiyang thought for a moment, and he only had some impressions.

In fact, this impression was deepened today, because in Wang Shiyang's eyes, the Zong family was just a family of prestige. For him, he would not get involved with such a merchant family. As for Zong Shichang personally, an eighth-rank official was not worthy of his attention.

Before Zhao Xing came back, he didn't even know there was such a person as Zhao Xing, let alone his relationship with Zong Shichang.

Wang Shiyang turned to the clerk next to him, who immediately got up and went to look for someone.

He continued to accompany Zhao Xing.


Nanyang County is not big, nor is it small. It has more than a hundred counties and several sacred mountains.

Wang Shiyang was worried that Zhao Xing would encounter something bad when he returned home, so he immediately sent someone to investigate.

He thought it through enough, but not enough.

At this time, Zong Shichang, who had a close relationship with Zhao Xing, was sleeping soundly in the patrol inspection office in Nanyang County.

"Bang bang bang!" Just as he fell asleep, someone knocked on the gate.

"Asshole!" Zong Shichang sat up immediately and yelled at the outside, "Can't you let me sleep!"

"Master Zong, don't blame us." A patrolman whispered outside the detention room, "We are also following orders. Inspector Song said that you can't sleep."

"Song Ji, that bastard, go tell Song Ji that he can only keep me in prison for two more days at most!" Zong Shichang yelled. "When I get out, I will definitely shit and pee on his ancestral grave, day and night, rain and wind!"

There was no sound outside the door, as if no longer paying attention to Zong Shichang's yelling.

After yelling for a while, feeling tired, Zong Shichang lay back on the bed.

But as soon as he was about to go to sleep, someone knocked on the door outside.

This made Master Zong very annoyed.

"Damn, Song Ji, that old bastard!" Zong Shichang was so angry that his teeth itched.

Why was he locked up here?

This matter has to start with the previous flood discharge in Nanliu County.

Floods are frequent in summer, and there are many rivers and tributaries in Nanyang County.

Although the water conservancy project was well done, the Lanjiang and Cangjiang rivers also began to flood as soon as the court went to war with the Nanman, affecting the counties downstream of the Great Zhou.

Even after the layers of attenuation above, there was still some small impact in Nanyang County.

Although Zong Shichang was not very capable, he was well-informed.

He immediately realized that it was a good job to be the Pinghuai Order to control the water when he corresponded with Zhao Xingtong.

So three years ago, he was transferred to the Dushuijian.

As he expected, the rain and river water levels in various parts of Nanyang County were much higher than in previous years.

Zong Shichang practiced the ability of water control in advance, and with the family background, he worked in the Dushuijian, and in three years, he was promoted from the ninth rank to the eighth rank.

However, the higher he went, the more Zong Shichang felt the difficulty of promotion. To do things properly, he had to touch the interests of others.

The reason why he was imprisoned here was because he had offended another big family in Nanyang County, the Song family, many times when he was controlling the flood in Nanliu County a year ago.

When the flood was released in the summer a while ago, Young Master Zong had two choices, one was to release the flood to the Song family's farmland, and the other was to release the flood to the civilians in Nanliu County.

There was no way, there would always be some losses, and Zong Shichang chose to stand on the side of the civilians as before.

This completely angered the Song family.

You, Zong Shichang, are also from a big family in the county. Why do big families make things difficult for big families?

Why do you pity those poor civilians again and again and transfer the losses to our Song family?

The head of the Song family sent people to warn Zong Shichang many times.

But who is Zong Shichang? He is a donkey that follows the direction and does not listen to advice at all.

He also cursed at the head of the Song family: "Song Chengde, you are a damned fool, where is your virtue? Your Song family is big and powerful, and losing some land will not affect your life at all. If the people lose their land, their families may be broken up. Nanliu County is also your territory, why do you care about these petty gains?"

Zong Dashao's words made sense, and the head of the Song family listened very seriously.

He carefully analyzed Zong Shichang's working hours, locations, and whereabouts.

After a month, he found a small mistake made by Zong Shichang - drinking during official time.

Then he directly asked Song Ji, a sixth-rank official who worked in the inspection office, to arrest Zong Shichang and take him to the inspection office, intending to detain him for seven days.

Let Zong Shichang understand what the principles of the Song family are.

So, on the day when Zhao Xing returned, Zong Shichang sang tears behind bars in the inspection office.

"Alas, I have become so thin after three years of flood control." Zong Shichang touched his belly and rubbed his palms on it. "It's really not easy."

Zong Shichang thought of his previous life, a world of luxury and debauchery.

The reason why he had such a big change was that he wanted to do something to show Liu Muqin, so that she would know that Zong Shichang could change for her.

But as he did it, Zong Shichang also experienced the sufferings of the world. In the next two years, it was not purely for the opinion of his sweetheart.

"When I get out, I will definitely make a big fuss at the Song family's ancestral tomb." Zong Shichang said angrily.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was another knock on the door.

"Get out! I'm not asleep!"

Zong Shichang turned his back to the prison door and cursed angrily, "Liu Silang, are you blind?"

But this time, the knock on the door was accompanied by the opening of a magic circle and the sound of the door turning.

"Huh? My family came to rescue me?" Zong Shichang turned around immediately after hearing the noise.

The moonlight shone through the windowsill, and Zong Shichang saw a strange yet familiar figure.

There are more than one of these figures, and it seems that there are many people standing outside.

The one in the lead is handsome and seems to be wearing a marquis's robe. Huh? When did Nanyang County have another marquis?

The person on his left seems to be the county governor Wang Shiyang.

The person on the right is the county magistrate He Xian, right? Why is this old dog here too?

Wait, why does this man in a marquis's robe look familiar?

Zong Shichang's eyes returned to the face of the young man in the lead.

The next moment, Zong Shichang's eyes became dull.

"Zhao, Zhao Xing?"

Zhao Xing's face was livid, but when he saw Zong Shichang, it softened again. He bent his waist and entered the narrow detention room.

He personally helped Zong Shichang get up from the straw bed.

"You, you are really Zhao Xing?" Zong Shichang was overjoyed, "Why are you back? When did you come back?"

"Brother Zong, it's me." Zhao Xing smiled, "I'm back."

"Haha, it's great, you've become a marquis?" Zong Shichang pulled Zhao Xing's marquis's clothes, "Let me see if it's true... Oh, gold-threaded belt, silk, real stuff!"

Zong Shichang didn't seem to feel wronged, only happy.

Zhao Xing looked at Zong Shichang and couldn't help but be a little absent-minded.

After four years, the slightly fat Zong Shichang has become angular and thinner.

But he is also much more energetic and has a more solid foundation.

It seems that he has really worked hard to control the flood in recent years.

"Brother Zong, let's go out first."

Zhao Xing helped Zong Shichang and walked to the prison door.

"Lord Zhao, this matter..." The county magistrate next to him was about to say something.

"Huh~" The iron fence suddenly burned with a burst of flames.

Shocked everyone back away.


The steel burned into molten iron, and even the surrounding walls melted together.

He Xian and Wang Shiyang, who took a few steps back, had their eyelids twitched.

This is the prison cell of the County City Inspection Office!

Yuan Ranghou waved his hand and it melted?

He is a sixth-rank official?

A fifth-rank minister of agriculture doesn't have such profound magic, right? !

"Brother Zong." Zhao Xing pulled Zong Shichang's hand out, "Go wash up."

"Okay." Zong Shichang sniffed his sleeves, "It's a bit smelly. I've been locked up for a few days and didn't even have a bath."

Zong Shichang's unintentional words made Zhao Xing's brows twist even tighter.

He immediately summoned four clones of all methods to break open the door of the Inspection Office.

"Huh? How can your straw man method change into yourself?" Zong Shichang was quite curious. "Oh, by the way, gentlemen, can I go now?"

"Of course, of course." He Xian smiled, his scalp was a little numb now, because he was the recommender of Song Ji, and they had a good relationship.

"Why don't you send someone to take Master Zong to wash up?!"

"No need to bother." The four Wanfa clones said at the same time, "Go to my Qilin flying boat to wash up."

The officials present were scalped because they couldn't tell which one was the real Zhao Xing.

Especially Song Ji, the chief of the Inspection Department, felt as if his heart was being held.

After Zong Shichang left, Long Xiao, who was watching the show on the side, grinned: "Well, well, someone is going to be unlucky. I have never seen Zhao Xing so angry. This trip to Nanyang County is really worth it."

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