Shennong Daojun

Chapter 247: Opening up a pure elemental space, the effect of Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique! (14,000)

"Have you heard my story?"

Facing the sudden 'admiration', Mi Fu looked at Zhao Xing suspiciously.

He had no impression of Zhao Xing's face, and the name was not familiar to him either.

"Of course!" Zhao Xing looked like a little fanboy. "Your glorious deeds can't be told even in three days and three nights."

Zhao Xing began to talk about Mi Fu's deeds.

He had been prepared not to talk too far away, lest Mi Fu himself would not be able to remember it.

Don't say anything too close, lest Mi Fu feel that she is staring at him and become suspicious.

What you want to say should not be too detailed, nor too brief. It needs to be slightly exaggerated when speaking, so as to fit the perspective of a fan.

"In the 259th year of the Dingxin calendar, you served as an official in Longjing County, Guangling Prefecture. You served for three years. You dug forty-six channels, moved seven mountains, and reclaimed five million acres of fertile land for the people of Longjing County. Later, because of He was at odds with the local magistrate, was impeached by him, found fault with him, and resigned from his post to return home. Such behavior makes the magistrate of Longjing extremely unconscionable! "

Mi Fu raised his chin unconsciously, but then waved his hand and said: "It's not as big as five million acres. I'm going to resign and go back to my hometown. It's not going to be easy for the shitty guy. He's also been demoted two levels."

Zhao Xing cupped his hands and said: "In the 263rd year of the Dingxin calendar, you returned to Guangyuan County, Yuanzhou, and served as the land magistrate of Minghu County. You checked out the two million acres of farmland hidden by large households. You also returned farmland to forest and sealed it. It took four years to adjust the water veins and restore Minghu's water storage and flood control functions. It only took three years for Minghu County's field tax and Taicang's grain storage to return to the level of the early Reform Period."

"This is a move that benefits all people. You are an honest official. The local powerful are extremely hateful, but you can't do anything. They have to buy an official position and transfer you away. It is said that when you left office, all the people sent you more than ten miles away. They wished they could witness the grand scene at that time. "

Mi Fu puffed up his chest unconsciously. Although Zhao Xing's words were still a bit exaggerated and the figures were not accurate, these words really spoke to his heart.

"...In the first year of Jingxinli, I heard that on your way to join the army, you encountered the Xuantian Sect causing chaos..."

"I didn't go to join the army, not in the first year, but in the third year of Jingxinli. At that time, I went to assist the Liangshan Army." Mi Fu recalled, "Humph, the demon Xuantian actually dared to rob my subordinates. How could I Let them go?"

"It stands to reason that you should have merit, so why were you demoted?"

Zhao Xing poured wine for Mi Fu. At this time, the two of them had changed places to chat and came to the government office in the city.

"The general of the Liangshan Army is really useless. He didn't catch the leader of the thief. Instead, he blamed me and said that I was incompetent and let the thief escape."

Mi Fu drank it all in one gulp and wiped his mouth casually: "How can I tolerate such a villain? Zuo Zuo had already been ostracized by his colleagues at that time. He would either be transferred away or demoted. I would just hang him up and beat him. Had a meal.”

"Hehe, at that time I had already learned the transformation method and gave him a dog nose."

"Hahaha, you are really a dog official, so happy, I respect Master Mi!"

"Hahaha, drink!"

Mi Fu put down the bowl, and the two of them had been drinking for less than half an hour.

The atmosphere became more and more relaxed, but Mi Fu was still wary. He looked at Zhao Xing and asked:

"Chen An, where are you from?"

"To be honest, Lord Mi, I am from Nanyang County, Pinghai Prefecture."

"Oh?" Mi Fu was stunned, "That's a bit far."

He had never been to Pinghai Prefecture. How did Zhao Xing know about him?

Zhao Xing was well prepared. He cupped his hands and said, "I have a good friend who lives in Hongxia County, Guangling Prefecture. His name is Wei Wuji. He is a direct descendant of Wei Guogong."

"Some of my elders also serve in Shangluo Academy. After I heard about Mr. Mi's deeds, I felt admiration and asked around. The more I learned about you, the more I felt that you are a genius in this world. You should never Exiled in a place like Guixu City.”

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter where I am." Mi Fu didn't care about his situation at all.

After chatting for a while, he completely let down his guard against Zhao Xing.

The main reason is that Mi Fu thinks that there is nothing that can be exploited.

If the previous enemy had sent an assassin, they would not have hired a marquis to harm him in such an upright manner.

In fact, Mi Fu is quite famous in several major counties of Guangling Prefecture and Yuanmu Prefecture.

It couldn't be found before. The main reason is that the land of Nineteen States is too big. Pinghai State alone exceeds the area of ​​the earth.

In addition, Mi Fu's reputation was limited to the county, and he kept changing places. Once people left, his reputation would fade after a few years or more.

Of course, it was also related to the fact that Zhao Xing didn't have many connections at the time. Xia Jing was only in the seventh or eighth grade at the time, and suddenly he was looking for someone across the state. Zhao Xing didn't say what he wanted to do, he just asked around casually, so it was naturally slow to find someone.

"Master Mi, let me propose another toast to you." Zhao Xing raised his glass.

"Hahaha, okay." Mi Fu picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, and then asked, "What is this glass for?"

Zhao Xing said: "With this cup, Lord Mi is not afraid of the powerful."

"I heard that Mr. Mi's paintings are outstanding. He was invited by Prince Surin's Mansion of Yuanmuzhou to paint, and he was offered a million silver reward, but you refused. Is this true?"

Mi Fu shook his head: "King Surin didn't offer a million-dollar reward at all, but it doesn't matter whether he has money or not."

"Oh? Why did you refuse? This can also promote your reputation." Zhao Xing asked.

Mi Fu picked up the wine glass and sneered: "Famous? Do you know why Prince Surin's Palace called me over?"

"Want to hear the details."

Mi Fu finished the drink in one gulp and put the wine glass on the table: "At that time, that bastard King Surin wanted me to celebrate his grandson's birthday."

"Hmph, his grandson was only fifteen years old at the time, but he ordered various officials to come to wish his grandson a happy birthday. It's simply ridiculous!"

"This move is just a way for King Surin to demonstrate his authority and eliminate dissidents."

Zhao Xing nodded. According to the traditional custom of the Zhou Dynasty, blessings on longevity are usually given by juniors to elders.

Mi Fu was already a hundred years old at the time. How could it not be ridiculous to write a message of congratulations to a fifteen-year-old child and also ask him to paint and give gifts?

This is similar to calling a deer a horse. It is purely insulting and shows one's authority through this matter.

After a long time, Mi Fu was still not happy.

So he took Zhao Xing to another place and said, "It's very dark here. Come on, let's drink somewhere else."


The two of them soared into the clouds together, flying from the government office to somewhere else.

Zhao Xing thought Mi Fu was going to take him to his mansion, but unexpectedly he flew to Fan Mansion in the south of the city.

Mi Fu entered Fan's house and immediately ordered his servants to come over and deliver wine and food.

The head of the Fan Mansion seemed to have been used to this kind of thing for a long time, and he was obediently preparing a banquet in the hall.

Zhao Xing didn't ask much why Mi Fu brought him here.

Because Mi Fu has a rather strange personality.

"Don't look at how well-behaved these guys are. They are all ruthless characters." Mi Fu pointed at the head of the Fan family who retreated.

"In Guixu City, all the criminal officials and prisoners were exiled here. Before I came, the officials here were not as good as they were in speaking."

"The temple is not set up in the Star Ruins Realm to avoid losing divine power after closing."

"I often send clones to stay in these guys' mansions."

Zhao Xing nodded. The Xingxu Realm is equivalent to a prison. Many officials and nobles were exiled, so they thrived here, and many descendants of criminals appeared.

They can no longer be regarded as people of the Zhou Dynasty. If they have no criminal records in a few generations, they will have a chance to become people of the Zhou Dynasty again.

Mi Fu's method is to use his own straw man to act as a ghost supervisor. Normally, the straw man stays in the house, but if you dare to do bad things, you have to consider whether you can hide it from Mi Fu. Eye.

Zhao Xing also understood why Uncle Mi brought him here. He just wanted to see if he was really a 'fellow-minded person'.

If he didn't agree with Mi Fu's approach, then the previous communication would be greatly compromised, and he might even be turned away by Mi Fu.

"Master Mi, this method is really wonderful. It only takes a few people to make these criminals behave honestly."

"Hahaha, Chen'an understands me." Mi Fu laughed happily.

In the next half month, Zhao Xing stayed in Guixu City.

He did nothing but treat Mi Fu to something nice to eat and drink, and then chatted with him.

Mi Fu also felt that the more we chatted, the happier she became.

It really made him feel strange that there was such a junior in Pinghai Prefecture who admired him so much.

In addition, Zhao Xing is very fond of him.

Whether it is talking about the way of agriculture, painting, music, or Zhao Xing, they can all pick it up and have quite a lot of insights.

Zhao Xing was not praising him randomly, but he really meant what he said.

After eating and drinking for half a month, Mi Fu actually felt like he had not met for a long time.

And Zhao Xing was not just flattering him with false intentions.

In fact, he knew more about Mi Fu than Liu Tianning.

In the original plan, Zhao Xing wanted to take Mi Fu as his teacher, not Liu Tianning.

Mi Fu has a very high status in the hearts of players.

How high is it?

Mi Fu is known as the "Founder of the Common People" among Sinong players.

Because Mi Fu's Xuanhuang Yuan Analysis Technique allows Sinong players to open pure Yuan soil in advance.

In the Age of Vitality, the spiritual energy items needed to practice the Xuanhuang Yuan Analysis Technique were very precious, but after the spiritual energy was revived, these items were easy to find.

This secret method alone pulled the Sinong player out of the sewer profession at that time.

Although it is easy for Zhao Xing to obtain secret skills now, in later generations, there will be few ways to learn spells and they will cost huge amounts of money.

The combat effectiveness of Sinong players was relatively weak at the time. Pure Yuan soil could not appear until the fiftieth level of Juyuan, and it was extremely expensive to open up.

Even if it is opened up, the pure space of many civilian players is not large enough to accommodate a few plant soldiers.

Even now, the combat skills of Sinong are generally lower than those of other professions.

Zhao Xing, a military agriculture minister, is an extreme case. How could an ordinary agriculture minister, even an army agriculture minister, have such an opportunity?

Ordinary army farmers cannot learn all kinds of magic tricks at this time, and at most they can only practice one school of magic.

At the same time, other professions have become popular in seconds. Farmers are still saving money in the fields and asking for help, and they don't dare to go to the wild to fight monsters.

But the development of Xuanhuang Yuan Analysis changed this phenomenon.

In addition, plants that can be grown in pure space are rare and expensive.

The "Chunyuan Derivatives" written by Mi Fu in his later years listed more than 800 plant species that can be planted in Chunyuan soil!

These troops were cultivated through derivative crossbreeding. In layman's terms, Mi Fu developed many low-cost plant-based troops with good combat effectiveness.

What he passed down to later generations, as well as the book "Techniques of the Plant Arms Corps", both flourished in the era of spiritual revival.

Liu Tianning's Ten Thousand Magic Grass Man is too high-end, and Liu Banfeng's plot mission in the later stage has many tasks, high rewards, and a lot of mystery.

But his popularity is still not as high as Mi Fu, because that is a task that only high-level players can take. In the hearts of most Si Nong players, Mi Fu is the living father!

"If I am the Grand Si Nong, I must save military expenses, prohibit extravagance and waste, and the extravagance of the nobles. In addition, I want all Si Nong to have plant soldiers to reduce their cultivation costs..."

After three rounds of wine, Mi Fu began to brag to Zhao Xing.

"Mr. Mi's ambition is really admirable." Zhao Xing looked at Mi Fu, also a little drunk.

In fact, Mi Fu really served as the Grand Si Nong for a few months.

Why was it so short?

Because Mi Fu had a strange temper. He couldn't get along with the powerful at all, and he liked to tease them, like an old naughty boy. He was also very rude and often called himself Laozi, your grandfather.

When he encountered something he didn't agree with, no matter who it was, he would spray a few words, even the emperor was no exception.

Mi Fu was born in a poor family and knew how hard life was for the common people, so he was very opposed to extravagance and war.

Emperor Wu sent him to the throne to find military expenses for him.

As a result, Mi Fu's first thing after taking office as the Minister of Agriculture was to reduce military and royal expenses.

How could Emperor Wu tolerate this?

He saw that Mi Fu did a good job in controlling costs in the position of Shao Nong Ling, so he promoted him, but he didn't expect that the cost control would fall on his head.

So Mi Fu was demoted to Shao Nong Ling again within a few months of taking over Liu Tianning's position.

"Chen An, come, let me show you my paintings." Mi Fu was a little drunk and took Zhao Xing away.

These days, he was also very comfortable with Zhao Xing's hospitality.

The materials Zhao Xing brought were all not available in Guixu City.

After dinner, Mi Fu took Zhao Xing to his studio.


Mi Fu kicked the door open.

Zhao Xing couldn't help but laugh and cry when he saw this. This guy set the door magic circle so that it can only be opened by kicking hard. He really doesn't follow the ordinary way.


After the door was opened, bursts of light appeared inside.

Zhao Xing took a look and found that they were all "preaching paintings" above the fifth level.

Then Mi Fu, under the influence of alcohol, casually drew a picture of "Wind-blown Masts and Horses".

It actually reached the fifth level, which can make people comprehend a kind of popular magic.

When Mi Fu was painting, he became very focused, and the bandit spirit on his body disappeared. The light reflected on his face, and he actually felt out of this world.

Zhao Xing originally thought that he knew Mi Fu well enough, but at this time he couldn't understand it. Mi Fu was really a man who could be appreciated by both the refined and the popular.

"Chen An, how is it?" After Mi Fu finished painting, he looked up with a smile.

Zhao Xing leaned over to take a look and immediately exclaimed: "The power of the wind condenses into a group of war horses. When the strong wind blows, it is like thousands of horses galloping."

"Master Mi's painting skills are really amazing. Every painting he makes is a fifth-level painting." Zhao Xing praised.

"Hahaha, do you like it?"

"I like it!"

Mi Fu put down his brush, put his arm around Zhao Xing's shoulders, and pointed at the paintings hanging on the wall: "Since you like it, you can choose from these paintings and take whichever one you like."

Zhao Xing was about to ask something, but when he turned around, he found Mi Fu lying on the chair and fell asleep.

Zhao Xing smiled, then put his hands behind his back and searched in Mi Fu's studio.

There are tens of thousands of paintings in Mi Fu's studio. He has only been in Guixu City for three years and has only been studying painting for ten years. He actually has so many fine paintings. He is as productive as a sow.

"The highest preaching painting has reached the sixth level." Zhao Xing stared at a framed painting in the center.

The painting is called "Sunlight on Golden Mountain".

It contains a "mountain method", including the method of opening and closing the mountain.

But Zhao Xing looked closely and found that it also contained the method of time and the spell of the self school.

Mi Fu had a wide range of interests. He was also a Si Nong who was proficient in three schools. Zhao Xing was not surprised.

However, he only stopped in front of the painting for a while and looked away.

After a moment, Zhao Xing's eyes fell on the corner and his pupils shrank.

"Found it!"

"Preaching painting "Xuanhuang Haiyue Tu""

Zhao Xing couldn't hide his excitement. He immediately came to the painting and observed it attentively.


Zhao Xing's eyes suddenly changed, and the next moment he came to the nine heavens.

"When Mi Fu broke through the fifth level, he was full of curiosity about the sky. He kept flying up, flew over the Gangfeng layer, and came to the nine heavens."

"But after flying over the ninth Gangfeng layer, he could not continue. He looked down at the land of the Nineteen States from this height, and the perception of Tao emerged, so he created this painting."

Zhao Xing carefully felt that Mi Fu wanted to explore the truth of time at first, but he didn't understand anything about time, but he saw the veins of the Nineteen States.

Since there was no inspiration for the time method, he planned to create a method of geography.

In the end, he created a spell of the Self School - Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique.

This spell is only a mid-level spell of the Self School. As a result, it has little effect on the growth of plants, but it can make "Hou Tu Sand and Gravel" stronger.

In the end, it was developed by someone to have a miraculous effect.

"The world is unpredictable, I am afraid even Mi Fu himself could not have thought of it." Zhao Xing looked down at the land of the Nineteen States, and many mysteries emerged in front of him.

Because it was the original, he could even feel the Tao that Mi Fu had realized at this time.

One can even feel the complex emotions Mi Fu had when he created this method.


After a while, Zhao Xing looked away.

It was just an intermediate secret method, and it took him only a moment to comprehend it.

"This Xuanhuang Sea and Mountain Picture was painted when I broke through the fifth level and wanted to explore the end of the sky." Mi Fu came to Zhao Xing without knowing when.

He said helplessly: "I originally wanted to create a method of time and weather, but I found that I was not capable of it."

"So I wanted to create a method of geography. I observed the mountains, rivers and oceans above the nine heavens, and I don't know how I created a spell of my own school."

Mi Fu pointed at the painting: "It's just an intermediate secret method, and the effect is quite poor. It's really embarrassing."

Mi Fu felt embarrassed, so he naturally wouldn't sell it, let alone be collected by the court.

If Zhao Xing hadn't taken the initiative to look for it, this painting would probably be collected by the court only after Mi Fu's death.

"Master Mi, do you know the effect of this painting on Hou Tu gravel?" Zhao Xing asked.

Mi Fu was surprised and said, "Chen An, what are you talking about? I made this painting, how could I not know it?"

"It can promote the growth of Hou Tu gravel, but the effect is relatively poor."

Zhao Xing said, "Can its effect be improved?"

Mi Fu nodded first, then shook his head, "Theoretically, it is possible."

"The essence analysis technique acts on plants, mainly extracting the life energy of plants, using the way of heaven and earth to make a certain part of it continuously pure. It's like a person practicing to enter the pure essence realm."

"My magic, by accident, can make the Dantian part of a person deeply pure. , can affect the growth of Hou Tu gravel. "

"In theory, this method of analyzing Yuan can continue to strengthen Hou Tu gravel and accelerate the birth of pure Yuan soil, and even pure Yuan soil can appear without the fifth grade."

"But in fact, this is just a delusion."


"Because it requires a lot of high-level rare treasures as auxiliary materials."

At this point, Mi Fu couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, a mere mid-level secret method, but it has to use high-level treasures as auxiliary materials, hahaha..."

Mi Fu seemed to be amused by his own words.

His purpose has always been to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Now there is a spell that requires sky-high auxiliary materials, and it is still unknown what the final effect will be.

Mi Fu certainly won't study it in depth. He is a little weird, even a little crazy, but he is not really crazy.

"It seems that Mi Fu is not unaware of the purpose of his spell, but because he sees that the cost of applying this spell is too high, but the effect is unknown." Zhao Xing said secretly.

If it were the era of spiritual revival dominated by the ego school, Mi Fu would certainly continue his research, because the expensive auxiliary materials that Mi Fu believed in were easy to get at that time.

The times restricted Mi Fu's development and his research.

Zhao Xing asked: "Mr. Mi, if I provide you with funds, would you be willing to..."

"Do you think I am short of money?" Mi Fu waved his hand and interrupted, "It's just that it doesn't conform to my purpose. I will not continue to study this secret method."

Zhao Xing stopped persuading him. He asked Mi Fu for the original of the painting as a collection, and Mi Fu agreed very readily.

He also gave Zhao Xing the handwritten copy and related ideas.

He himself was unwilling to study this, but he would not stop others from doing so.

After obtaining the Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique, Zhao Xing's purpose of this trip was also fulfilled.

In the 29th year of Jingxinli, at the beginning of summer, Zhao Xing said goodbye to Mi Fu.

Before leaving, he exchanged the ground mirror code with Mi Fu. Mi Fu had been a military minister and was qualified to use the ground mirror, but at this time he was in the Xingxu Realm, and the ground mirror could not be used. In the future, if he wanted to communicate, he would have to rely on the most primitive letter writing.

"Master Mi, I will write to you often in the future." Zhao Xing said, "I hope you will give me some advice."

"Hahaha, I may not be able to reply. Maybe I will die in the Xingxu Realm someday."

"But if I am dying, I will definitely write to you to inform you, hahaha~~"


Farewell to Mi Fu, Zhao Xing left the Xingxu Realm.

He returned to Hongxia County and said goodbye to Chen Xuan, asking him to take good care of Mi Fu, at least to ensure Mi Fu's supplies in Guixu City so that he could live a better life.

Such a small matter, Chen Xuan naturally agreed.

Wei Wuji had already returned to work, and Zhao Xing had to make an appointment with him in the ground mirror to meet again next time.

Then he passed the fire pond of the Lihuo Daoyuan branch and set out on the road back to Pinghaizhou.

In the 29th year of Jingxinli, Xiaoman.

Zhao Xing's original body returned to Gemini Island, one of the Zixiao Islands in the East China Sea.

At this time, Gemini Island was still the same as usual, but there were many soldiers patrolling on the island.

"In recent years, the evil ways of the outside world have been rampant, and even the near sea is a little unsafe." Zhao Xing looked a little gloomy.

"Originally in the previous life, there was no such situation in the East China Sea. Even if the sects had trained some pirates, they were not enough for the East China Sea Corps to fight."

"But this life, the situation is completely different."

"The middle-level war is getting more and more intense, and there is no sign of stopping. Although the court occupies a lot of land and even opened four prefectures, it often goes back and forth. Except for Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture, the other three prefectures are not really occupied at all."

"Once the high-level war is also frustrated, I really don't know what kind of chaos the border and the ocean will be..."

The border and the distant sea areas are originally areas where the control of the Great Zhou is relatively weak, because the ancient land of Longting and the rich marine products cannot be given up.

If Pingman plays well, there won't be so many clowns, but if it doesn't go well, all kinds of monsters and monsters will pop up.

It’s not just about foreign enemies. The reforms of Dingxin and Jingxin in the past three hundred years have caused many deeply hidden forces to counterattack.

It won't shake the foundation of the Qi Luck Dynasty, but it will still be a turmoil and many people will die.

Princess Youruo and Lao Liu had long since reconciled, but Zhao Xing still hadn't seen her for three years.

People are too busy. The evil sect is carrying out terrorist attacks in the East China Sea. Waterways and islands are all targets. As one of the largest landowners in the East China Sea, Princess Youruo was also annoyed by these things.

Because many evil sects caused trouble in the name of Bishui Taoist Temple, and this was her base, she not only wanted to put out the fire, but also suppressed the rebellion within the Taoist Temple.

Zhai Zhong was originally teaching Zhao Xing how to control beasts in Shuangzi Island, but he was transferred back in the winter of the 27th year of Jingxinli.

"It's not peaceful to farm any field." Zhao Xing shook his head and returned to the Sizheng Mansion in Longma Prison.

His trip to Guangling Prefecture did not cause any commotion.

The main reason is that he usually has his Wanfa clone on the Twin Islands, as if he had never left.

After returning to his residence, Zhao Xing closed his eyes, practiced in his dream, and made plans for the future.

"Today's situation is becoming more and more complex. As far as the East China Sea is concerned, it is very different from the situation I knew in my previous life."

"If you want to stand firm, you have to rely on yourself."

"The top priority is to improve my own strength. My path to advancement has long been opened. Even if I am a fifth-grade official, I can reach the perfection of the fourth-grade Yuanso Realm by cultivating on my own."

"The East China Sea qualification in Longting Ancient Land will start next year. This place must be entered. I must do everything possible to improve my strength."

"Sinong's fifth grade is a key node. Now that I have reached the Pure Yuan realm, my first task is to open up the Pure Yuan soil as soon as possible and accelerate the growth of floating vines."

"To open up pure Yuan soil, the first step is to reach the fifth-grade Pure Yuan realm. I am already satisfied with this."

"But there are still three conditions that need to be met. One is to understand the second level of "Houtu Guiyuan"."

"The second is the 'fixed solar terms' that the solar terms enter into the second realm."

"The third is the perfection of the second level of the Yin-Yang Self Sutra."

Why is it difficult to develop pure Yuan soil? Because it has certain requirements for the classics of the three factions.

"Hou Tu Gui Yuan" is the foundation, while "Solar Terms Order" and "Yin Yang Sutra" provide favorable conditions for self-planting in pure Yuan soil.

Both the inner heaven and the earth are called inner heaven and earth. It does not matter whether it is only the sky or only the earth.

If plants want to grow in the pure soil of the inner heaven and earth, they need the four methods of knotting, root strengthening, element analysis, and sublimation of the Self School to accelerate their growth.

"Even if the above three points are met, the pure Yuan soil that is developed is only ten meters in radius, and there is no way to grow any powerful plant soldiers."

"It needs to grow slowly over ten years, unless you spend money."

This is the reason why few people from the Id sect left during the Yuanqi Era.

Liu Tianning's Pure Yuan Space is quite large and can even plant big trees, but he has stayed at the fifth level for nearly a hundred years! He was also very wealthy and ate all the edible and usable treasures, which gave him incredible fighting power.

How could a normal id-sect Si Nong have such an opportunity as Liu Tianning when he was at the fifth level?

Theoretically, a fifth-grade person can live up to four hundred years, but how many resources are needed to reach this limit? It's not that you can live four hundred years after reaching the fifth level. Theory and reality are far apart. Many people do not live up to the theoretical life span. It is not an accident. On average, they die in less than three hundred years.

"Buzz~" Zhao Xing opened the barrier of a secret room and walked in.

There are many cabinets, boxes, medicine bottles, and a dazzling array of things, piled up like mountains.

"The resources accumulated in the past few years are all here." Zhao Xing said secretly. "Worth a billion points."

Where did the treasure worth one billion points come from?

Of course it’s all thanks to Mr. Zhao’s own efforts!

He worked hard to lick the old witch, and in eight years he licked treasures worth 400 million points from her hands.

He worked hard to practice the straw man method and received Liu Tianning's training resource incentives, worth 300 million points.

With the 10 million start-up capital given by Tian Hou, he used his foresight to invest in Pinghai Prefecture, Bingjie, and Donghai, earning more than 200 million points.

As for the other treasure worth 100 million, they relied on divination and deduction to find the treasure on the bottom of the sea. Forty-nine clones were groping on the bottom of the sea day and night.

I worked hard on the Twin Islands and cultivated cash crops with Setsuna, but I made the least money, only 20 million in eight years.

Orders and other things cannot go into his pocket, they all have to go into the inner treasury of Longma Prison. That is not his money, otherwise it would be corruption and favoritism.

After all, the money I earn from farming is the least.

There are countless farmers in the world who grow cash crops but cannot afford to sell them at a high price. He is not the best farmer in the world. No matter what he does, there will always be someone who can grow better than him, with a larger scale and lower costs.

"You can't make a fortune by farming." Zhao Xing sighed with emotion, sealed the barrier of the secret room, and then came to a Guiyuan magic circle in the center of the secret room.


In the eight corners of the magic circle, the seventh-order elemental crystals gradually light up.

Each Yuan Jing burst out with a beam of light as strong as substance, pointing towards the center.

Zhao Xing sat cross-legged in the center, and eight beams of vitality light focused on him.

"The Guiyuan Array is the fourth most expensive in the military world. This set of Guiyuan Array alone is worth 120 million." Zhao Xing sat in the center.

In the past eight years, not only has his spells been perfected at a high level, but the three secret codes have also met the requirements.

The second level of the Yin-Yang Self Meridian has been entered as early as the plain barbarian period. At that time, it was just entered. By now, the second level has been fully understood.

The Qi of the Five Elements is inextricably linked, and the next step is to master the ‘Five Elements Particles’.

The solar terms order has reached the third stage of the second stage of ‘determining solar terms’.

Hou Tu Guiyuan rebuilt the secret code in recent years, because Zhao Xing had never practiced this secret code.

There are only nine grains of 'back soil gravel' in the Dantian, because it does not affect anything else, it is just the foundation of the pure soil.

Before Chunyuan Dantian appeared, it was useless.

But now it is the top priority.


Chunyuan Dantian was operating at a high speed, and Zhao Xing continued to use the Yuan Condensation Method of the secret book "Hou Tu Guiyuan".

In the first breath, the tenth 'back soil gravel' appeared.

Ten light points rotated in the cyclone of Chunyuan Dantian, followed by the eleventh, twelfth...

Well prepared, Zhao Xing gathered quickly.

A new grain of 'back soil gravel' appeared almost in a second.

An hour later, there were already thousands.

One day later, the number of light spots in the Dantian cyclone exceeded 86,400!

"These are the most basic existences that constitute the pure Yuan soil." Zhao Xing looked inside his Dantian.

At this time, the pure Yuan cyclone is no longer gray because there are many more light spots, and it already has the appearance of a nebula.


Zhao Xing remained calm and continued to burn money.

Yes, now is the time to burn money!

Normally speaking, a Level 5 Sinong who just meets the requirements can condense ten pieces of 'Pure Yuan Gravel' in one day by relying solely on self-study without using any resources.

Now, 86,400 can be condensed in one day!

Zhao Xing's current speed is 8,640 times that of normal Sinong cultivation!

Such an exaggerated gap has nothing to do with whether Zhao Xing has talent or not.

It's just a waste of money.

Zhao Xing's current income, due to the good political performance of Longma Supervisor, bonus + rank + basic upper-level salary of the sixth grade, his annual income is about 950,000 military points.

This is already more than the vast majority of fifth-grade officials, who are neither greedy nor robbing, and have to save up for more than a hundred years without eating or drinking, just to be able to buy such a set of Guiyuan Magic Array for practice.

Two days later, the amount of pure Yuan gravel, also known as Houtu gravel, exceeded 170,000.

Three days later, the amount of pure Yuan gravel reached 260,000.

Time passed day by day, and half a month later during the Xiaoman solar term, the number of pure Yuan grits in Zhao Xing's dantian exceeded 1.3 million.

After breaking through one million, the speed of condensation slowed down.

"It's almost reaching the upper limit." Zhao Xing said secretly, "In the early stage of the fifth grade, the capacity of the Pure Yuan Dantian is almost one million pure Yuan gravels."

Millions of grains may sound like a lot, but they are actually very few and are not enough to condense into soil.

"This is because the realm perception of the secret realm has just reached the threshold, and I am only in the early stage of the fifth level."

Zhao Xing closed the seventh-level Guiyuan Array and no longer wasted its effectiveness.

Then he stretched out his hand.


Two cabinets and ten boxes open.

For a moment, the secret room was filled with fragrance, and all kinds of elixirs and fruits flew over.

"I'll eat it!"

Zhao Xing opened his mouth and began to devour these vitality treasure combinations.

It is relatively easy to improve to the fifth level of Pure Yuan Realm because it only requires the accumulation of Yuan Qi.

Unlike the fourth-level Yuan Soul realm, one has to train the seven souls of the physical body.

In the pure realm, you can directly purchase the improvement resources of the military realm to skip the process of hard training.

From the early stage of the fifth stage, it is directly pulled to the fifth stage of perfection.

"This is the No. 9 Yuan Gathering Combination in the Military World. It is worth a total of eight million points. It has no side effects and is not expensive."

In fact, inexpensive is a relative term. If you want to switch to a general sixth-grade civil servant position, there is no rank, and you only rely on basic salary, and you have to accumulate 8 million military points for a hundred years.

How about Song Shiyang of Nanyang County, who wants to be promoted so much, and a person who is in the fifth rank to curry favor with Zhao Xing who is in the sixth rank.

Because he has average talents and is busy with official duties, how can he find time to practice by himself?

Since I don't have time, when I think of the fourth level, there are only two options: have money to buy precious resources, and self-study to the fourth level of the soul realm.

In this way, as long as your political performance is not too bad and you are a fourth-rank official, the court will give priority to promotion. Because you are a fourth-rank official, the cost of promoting your official career will be lower.

But since he holds a fifth-grade official position and is not corrupt, it would be difficult for him to save enough money.

Then there is only the second option: promotion.

He would not be able to reach the fourth level in his lifetime, so he could only hope to be promoted and rely on the imperial court's baptism of fortune to forcibly promote him.

As soon as he reaches the official position, he naturally enters the fourth-grade Yuanso realm.

When you reach the fourth level, you can polish your spells and keep the spell level up, and then you will have the true strength of the fourth level.

In the Yuanqi Era, the vast majority of officials who came from poor backgrounds could only rely on promotion to reach higher levels.

Practicing off-the-job and upgrading through self-study is something that can only be done by powerful people from aristocratic families. They don’t have to go to work or make a living. Besides, they have Sanjue and Jue, and the path for advancement has been opened. They have family assets accumulated by dozens of generations, so they can do this. .

But ordinary officials can't do it. You are not allowed to practice during working hours. You have to do things. You have done things well and the court has promoted you, so why bother practicing on your own?

After taking the ninth Juyuan combination for a full half month, Zhao Xing was promoted from the initial stage of the Pure Yuan Realm to the Perfect Pure Yuan Realm.

It was the summer solstice of the 29th year of the Jingxin calendar.

"Hou Tu Gui Yuan Great Array, start!"

Zhao Xing once again activated the seventh-level array, and under the light of the Yuan Crystal, he began to condense pure Yuan gravel.

This time, the speed was faster, increasing by more than 200,000 in one day.

After forty days, the pure Yuan gravel in Zhao Xing's body had exceeded the "tens of millions".

At this time, the Dantian cyclone was already dotted with stars, looking extraordinary.

"Tens of millions of pure Yuan gravel are enough for me to condense pure Yuan soil."

"However, this is still just the beginning, the area is only ten meters square, and the energy level is only one level."

"First-level pure Yuan soil, ten meters square, can only grow a few plant soldiers, and can only provide plankton for growth. If it is raised, there will be no living space for others."

Zhao Xing glanced at the Hou Tu Gui Yuan Great Array, and the eight seventh-level Yuan Crystals at this time had dimmed.

"The first phase, the upgrade plan worth 200 million, has come to an end."

"The effect will be worse, but it has allowed me to complete the journey that others took decades or even hundreds of years to complete in three months."

Zhao Xing sighed, the cost of quickly condensing pure soil in the Yuanqi era is really too high.

In the Yuanqi era, the I-school really relied on the accumulation of generations to dare to take this path.

But once it is done, even if it is a small achievement, the reward is huge.

For example, Qin Hongying of the Bishui Daoyuan opened a sky-high order for herself, and was even willing to open the position of vice president to bind herself.

"Next, start to use the second set of plans, which is worth 400 million."

Zhao Xing walked away from the Guiyuan formation, and then walked to the side, a special crystal pool.


The crystal pool was filled with an extremely sticky dark yellow substance.

"The second set of upgrade plans is called 'Shangluo Kaiyuan Method'."

"The upgrade plan provided by Shangluo College."

"Kaiyuan Method opens up the pure Yuan space, even if my understanding of the three secret books has just reached the standard. But this combination can still expand the range of my Dantian and increase the capacity again. This is a transformation of the Dantian, which has nothing to do with my understanding of the Tao."

"The second set of plans is expected to be used for three months, which can increase my pure Yuan sand from tens of millions to hundreds of millions."

"At least hundreds of millions, the specific amount varies from person to person."

Zhao Xing took off his clothes and jumped into the crystal pool.


The mechanism locked, and the whole pool began to emit a fragrance of soil and grass.

Zhao Xing felt that his vitality was growing. Half a month later, he felt that his body had grown three centimeters taller.


Three months later, in the 29th year of Jingxinli, on the eve of the autumnal equinox.

Sun Shizhao suddenly came to Lu Island from Wan Island and sent an urgent report.

Zhao Xing quickly sent out a clone of Wanfa to greet him.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, a murder occurred yesterday 150 nautical miles from our Shuangzi Island."

"A ship of the City Order Department was attacked."

"All 196 people on the ship died of dehydration and turned into mummies."

"All the goods were looted."

Zhao Xing's face was solemn. 150 nautical miles was already a very short distance.

It would only take two or three quarters of an hour to reach Shuangzi Island.

"Have you found out who did it?" Zhao Xing asked.

"The temple of Chongming Prefecture has sent a fourth-grade priest to the scene of the incident and asked Wangsheng Zhenjun to transform a fifth-grade chief official of the City Order Department into a Yin God body."

"The official conclusion has not yet been learned, but I expect this time to be the same as before."

"You, you mean..." Zhao Xing spoke a little intermittently.

"Yes." Sun Shizhao nodded, "Bishui Sect."

"According to gossip... this time the fifth-rank official saw the leader of the attacking team, and he actually said it was Zhai Zhong!"

Zhao Xing shook his head: "There have been more than 50 murders in the past few years. The murderers all wore the robes of Bishui Taoist Temple. It is obvious that they are confusing the public and framing others."

"How can someone who can kill so many people in an instant and leave quickly let the ghosts see his true face?"

"It is even more impossible to say that it is Zhai Zhong."

Sun Shizhao frowned and said: "But it is a bad influence after all. Otherwise, let's..."

"Do you mean to stop cooperating with the Taoist Temple first?"

Sun Shizhao whispered: "I just suggest a temporary cut, and the specific decision is still up to you, Yuan Ranghou."

It can be seen that Sun Shizhao is very anxious.

Thanks to his previous investment in Zhao Xing, Sun Shizhao will be able to be transferred back to the inland to serve as an official in another year. Even if he cannot be promoted to the fourth rank immediately, he will be promoted to the fourth rank after working in an important position for a few more years.

During the critical period, Sun Shizhao did not want any accidents.

Because he had been smooth sailing in Gemini Island in the past few years, not only without any accidents, but also with outstanding political achievements.

From the fourth rank, once promoted, not only will he have power and status, but he will also increase his life by a hundred years. At that time, he will seek the fourth rank and find some treasures to prolong his life. Theoretically, he can live another two hundred years.

How tempting is it to stay young and live another two hundred years? It is equivalent to living another life.

Of course, he hopes to cut off ties with the Taoist temple temporarily to prevent Gemini Island from being targeted by demons and monsters.

"Lord Sun." Zhao Xing said in a deep voice, "You should be prepared. Please ask the Restoration Army to strengthen patrols. As for the Taoist temple, everything will remain the same."

"It's too late to cut now. If you notice it early, I will tell the Dragon Horse Guard to seal off the Tuquan Palace and not go out to the wild and the sea."

In fact, in the past few months, the war horses and war beasts in the Tuquan Palace have been locked up and have not been out for a stroll.

Sun Shizhao actually knew that he came to Zhao Xing to ask for peace of mind.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you."


The 29th year of the Jingxin calendar, the fifth day after the autumnal equinox.

"Ka Ka Ka~"

The mechanism of the crystal pool opened, Zhao Xing flew out of it, and put on his clothes.

At this time, the viscous substance in the crystal pool disappeared and turned into a turbid liquid.

Zhao Xing looked inward at his Dantian: "The pure Yuan gravel has reached 200 million, and this effect is beyond expectations."

"Now if I open up the pure Yuan space, it can become the second-level pure Yuan soil, with a range of up to 20 meters."

"I can already grow a lot of things."

"From April to September now, in less than half a year, I have completed the life journey of many Si Nong."

Zhao Xing looked at the empty secret room.

He also consumed more than 600 million resources.

As for the remaining resources worth 400 million points, there is actually only one thing.

A willow branch sealed in a secret box.

Zhao Xing walked over and stroked the box.

Because this is the auxiliary material of the Xuanhuang Xiyuan technique.

It was taken out from the old witch's warehouse.

"The willow branch is just an ordinary willow branch, but it contains spiritual energy. It is not an item of this era. The old witch valued it at 400 million points, but its value is inestimable."

"However, this thing is useless in her hands. In this era, almost no one has seen spiritual things, and it is difficult to use them if they see them."

"And the Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique can just extract the spiritual energy from the willow branch to strengthen my pure Yuan soil!"

Zhao Xing's eyes were hot. Most of the auxiliary materials required for the Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique need to contain wood-attributed spiritual energy.

What grade should this willow branch be considered? There is no way to calculate it. If it is a super-grade, it seems inappropriate, because once it is opened, the spiritual energy inside will soon dissipate and eventually return to the world and fall to the Yuanqi level.

Princess Youruo has no use for it because it is too weak, but she can feel that the level of power inside is higher than Yuanqi. At this time, it can only be classified as a 'strange object'.

"Open up the pure Yuan space first." Zhao Xing sat cross-legged.

He activated the three secret books, and his mind kept sinking.


Soon he came to the sky above the nebula, with countless light spots below.

However, there was a layer of fog in front of him, making it difficult for him to see clearly.

"Pure Yuan Wuji, creating the world!"

Zhao Xing's mind moved, and the nebula began to spin wildly.

In Hou Tu Gui Yuan, there are two secret methods: Kai Yuan Fa and Gui Yuan Fa. The former opens up the pure Yuan space, and the latter summarizes the pure Yuan gravel to condense it into pure Yuan soil.

Because there are enough accumulated pure Yuan gravel, Zhao Xing is very smooth in these two steps. After all, he has been preparing for a long time and spent so much money, so how can there be any difficulties.


The fog in front of him dispersed, and the starlight gathered together to form a miniature land.

The land was about 20 meters in radius, flashed twice, and then converged.

"It's done, second-level pure Yuan soil, about 1256 square meters." Zhao Xing smiled slightly.

As for thickness, there is no concept of thickness in the pure Yuan space, or it can be said to be infinite thickness.

The level of pure Yuan soil represents the depth of rooting, as well as the number and rank of plant arms that can be cultivated.

The expansion of pure Yuan space in the real world is called pure Yuan projection, which is scaled 10 to 1 with the area of ​​pure Yuan soil.

Because it is suppressed by the world, the actual projection only occupies 120 square meters. This suppression will gradually equalize to 1 to 1 with the upgrade of pure Yuan soil and the improvement of the perception of Tao.

After the opening, many mysteries surged in Zhao Xing's mind.

From today on, he has truly entered the door of the Self Sect.

It can be said that he is a Si Nong of the Self Sect.


Zhao Xing opened his eyes, and then his mind moved.

On the ground in front of him, a layer of soil phantom appeared. It was originally 1,200 square meters, but when it really appeared in reality, it was only 120 square meters.

"Long-lost pure Yuan projection." Zhao Xing missed it.

Then he cut his skin and pulled out the floating vine.


The floating vine immediately swam and took root in the soil on the ground that was emitting light.

The floating vine was originally only three feet long, but after taking root, the floating vine doubled in size and grew to six feet!

Then it slowly grew to twelve feet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the floating vine was still a seedling at this time, it was already four meters long and had two tender green vine leaves.


Zhao Xing's mind moved, the pure Yuan projection disappeared, and the floating vine also returned to the pure Yuan space.

In the Dantian, a tender green vine took root in the center of the land, emitting a little light, which was very magical.

"Originally, the floating vine parasitized in my blood, and it took fifty years to get rid of the seedling stage, but now, it can enter the growth stage in one year."

"However, the second-level pure Yuan soil will take at least thirty years for the floating vine to mature, and it can only provide it with one plant to grow." Zhao Xing set his eyes on the box containing willow branches.

"Old Mi, now it depends on whether your Xuanhuang Xiyuan technique is reliable or not. This is a priceless treasure." Zhao Xing rubbed his hands.

Then he slowly opened the seal of the box.

There are still seals inside the box.

There are nine layers in total, so that a ray of spiritual energy in the willow branch can be locked.

"I don't know how many years this willow branch has gone through, but it looks like it was just picked." Zhao Xing thought.

When was the last time there was a small-scale spiritual energy revival? It has been at least a million years.

There are very few spiritual energy objects that have survived to this day.

"After a million years, a willow branch is still fresh and green, purely because it has a ray of spiritual energy hidden in it."

Zhao Xing carefully unsealed the layers one by one, and when the last layer of seal was unsealed.

He immediately performed the Xuanhuang Xiyuan technique.


A trace of spiritual energy in the willow branch was immediately captured, and a green light spot appeared in front of Zhao Xing.

"Wood-attributed spiritual energy." Zhao Xing controlled the light spot and used the magic driven by Yuan Qi to restrain the spiritual energy, which was equivalent to using a sieve to scoop water.

Even with the Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique, Zhao Xing felt that the light spot would go out at any time.

However, it did not leak at all in the end.


Zhao Xing took the green light spot into his Dantian.

At the same time, he used the Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique to purify the soil in the Dantian.


The green light spot was like a drop of water falling into the soil.

It was obviously insignificant, but the entire pure Yuan space trembled.

The soil also seemed to have an earthquake, and cracks appeared. Zhao Xing quickly gathered his mind and operated the Guiyuan Method and Kaiyuan Method in Hou Tu Guiyuan.


The radius of the pure Yuan soil increased from 20 meters to 100 meters!

The light flashed three times and jumped to the third-level pure Yuan soil.

"Uncle Mi is awesome!"

Looking at this scene, Zhao Xing smiled from ear to ear.

The area of ​​20 meters widened to 100 meters, and the area increased by more than a little.

Now his pure soil area has reached 31,400 square meters!

It has expanded by nearly 30 times!

The pure soil has also reached the third level, and the plant soldiers that can be planted can reach the seventh level! The number will also increase greatly, and the tolerance will become stronger.

"It's time to report a wave of results to Lao Liu," Zhao Xing took out the ground mirror, "I'm a pauper now, and I don't have money to cultivate plant soldiers."

The cost of raising plant soldiers is not small, and Zhao Xing is not like Liu Tianning who has a family to support him. He is too weak now, and can only take advantage of Liu Tianning and his wife.


Liu Tianning's shadow was projected from the ground mirror.

"What's the matter."

"Teacher, I'm short of money." Zhao Xing went straight to the point.

Liu Tianning was stunned: "You have spent all the resources worth 300 million points?"

He gave it to Zhao Xing in the 27th year of Jingxinli, because at that time Zhao Xing reported to him that he was 100% sure to break through the fifth grade.

300 million points, wasted in two years?

Liu Tianning was so wasteful when he heard it.

"Did you invest it in the bank?" Liu Tianning asked, "Didn't I tell you not to do these things?"

At the beginning, Liu Tianning found that Zhao Xing wasted his time on business, so he gave more at one time.

According to Liu Tianning's thinking, Zhao Xing would not be able to spend all the hundreds of millions in ten years as long as he didn't invest.

Now, in less than three years, the money is gone, and it is hard for Liu Tianning not to think about this.

"Teacher, you misunderstood. The disciple broke through the fifth grade and has opened up pure Yuan soil." Zhao Xing said. "I am now lacking a suitable plant soldier."

Liu Tianning nodded. If that was the case, it was almost the same.

"How much do you need?"

Zhao Xing didn't waste any words and directly launched the pure Yuan projection.

He fully unfolded his pure Yuan projection, and the floating vine swayed in the center.

Afraid that Liu Tianning couldn't see clearly in the ground mirror, Zhao Xing also controlled the ground mirror to fly up and circled around his pure Yuan projection range.

Then it flew back to his hand.

"Teacher, look at my range, how much should I need?"

Liu Tianning was stunned again.

The estimate failed, it was actually seven o'clock. Go to sleep, sleep, dog life is important.

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