Shennong Daojun

Chapter 249: Entering the Great Dream Academy again, a giant puppet weapon beyond the ninth level!

There is a small team stationed on Twin Islands. They are from the Liberation Army. They are not many in number, only five hundred people.

The leading general is named Jiang Tian, ​​who is of the fifth rank. There are eight sixth-rank deputy generals, and the rest are all seventh-rank.

They were not invited by Zhao Xing, but by Sun Shizhao who reported to Chongming Mansion and applied for garrison.

Originally, Zhao Xing did not agree to send troops to Twin Islands.

Because of the island's apparent strength, the weaker it is, the better. If it is so weak that others are too lazy to fight, it will naturally be safe.

What's the use of having an extra 500-man army?

Previously, He Wu of the Wuluo Army and Fang Ze of the Jiujiang Army expressed that they could send a team of 500 people led by the fifth grade to garrison.

But Zhao Xingdu refused.

Again, it’s useless.

If something really happens, even if there are 1,500 more people, it won't make a big difference at all.

On the contrary, it may attract attention.

If it is the fourth rank, it would be useful, but according to the configuration of the fourth rank general, the fifth rank deputy general, and the sixth rank soldiers... You are a small twin county, how can you be so virtuous and capable?

Therefore, Zhao Xing does not agree with sending garrison troops, at least not to his mainland islands.

But he couldn't bear Sun Shizhao's repeated requests.

Sun Shizhao has really been a little frightened in the past few years, because several nearby islands have been attacked to varying degrees.

Some county magistrates had their heads removed and died in the line of duty, while others were demoted because they failed to protect the people.

Being an official at sea has great chances of promotion, but it is also dangerous. Sun Shizhao was mentally prepared.

It's just that he didn't catch up with the good times. He came to be an official for twenty years, just in time for the Pingman War, and the East China Sea was not as easy to mess with as before.

Because the evaluation of officials throughout Pinghai Prefecture has become more stringent.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of Marquis Yuan Rang nine years ago, even if he was demoted to the fifth rank, he would have to go back to the interior to become an official.

After Zhao Xing came, he felt that he had finally turned a corner and had hope of promotion.

However, in the past few years since the start of the Mid-Rank War, the East China Sea has become more dangerous every year.

Sun Shizhao didn't understand, why couldn't he kill just a few 'pirates' when there were the Eastern Navy Regiment and the Water Tribe chieftain army like Bai Yunwu blocking the open sea?

It is said that spies from the Fangwai sect who have been lurking for many years have emerged, but why have they not achieved any results after several years of suppressing the counter-revolutionaries? The coastal defense map has changed so many times, why is it still the same as the sieve?

It is quite helpless to be an official like Sun Shizhao.

There are evil sects outside and spies inside. The court is purging the rebels and the evil sects are carrying out terrorist attacks.

He wanted to do something, but it turned out that he, the leader, couldn't make the decision at all.

He applied to the Chongming Prefecture for dispatching military camps, but the Prime Minister actually asked him to ask Zhao Xing, Zuo Sizheng, for his opinion.

The reason is that the garrison expenses have to come from Sinong Supervisor, so you have to ask Zhao Sinong first.

Sun Shizhao knew that he could not make the decision at all.

Because the reason given by the Chongming Mansion is rather nonsense, even if I go by the reply letter above, I would have to ask the fifth-grade supervisor of the Agricultural Supervision Department of the Gemini Department, Fang Anmin, who is the person in charge of the county's finances.

Ask Longma Jianjian what is going on?

Well, Yuan Ranghou is awesome and has a great background, so there’s no harm in asking him.

But why didn't he agree to send more powerful troops to protect the Twin Islands?

After being in official circles for many years, Sun Shizhao really couldn't understand the situation.

Zhao Xing saw that Sun Shizhao had requested many times in the past few years, and in order to give Sun Shizhao peace of mind, he agreed to let 500 people of the Liberation Army garrison.

With the protection of the army, he finally felt a little more at ease, but in the past few days, Sun Shizhao's eyelids jumped again.

The heart is also pounding.

He went to find Jiang Tian worriedly, but Jiang Tian didn't feel this way.

He planned to go to Longma Prison on Ludao to report to Zhao Xing, but he was afraid that Zhao Xing would annoy him.

Uneasy, so uneasy, Sun Shizhao thought about applying for transfer many times, but seeing that it was only half a year before the completion of ten years of merit, he refused to give up this opportunity.

Anxious and tired, Sun Shizhao had never felt so tired before.

When he saw no hope, he dared to gamble with his wealth that Zhao Xing could lead Twin Islands to take off.

But now, a few years later, his state of mind is not as good as before.

People always worry about gains and losses when they are close to success.

Sun Shizhao just wanted to quickly pass the twenty-ninth year of Jingxinli and receive the excellent evaluation from Chongming Mansion. Hurry...

"Master Sun, quickly activate the city formation! Organize people to enter the city, hurry up!"

"What?" Sun Shizhao was suddenly excited and immediately started playing. He heard that it was Jiang Tian's voice.

"General, what happened?"

Jiang Tian's people are not here. He used the Thousand Miles Pass token: "The secret sentry I left in the east of the island is dead. The secret code of a group of patrol guards does not match!"

"I pretended not to know and wasted time, but you have to act quickly!"


Jiang Tian immediately sent a message to all departments in the county.

"Tiangong Division, activate the customs defense formation immediately!"

"Luo Yong, Inspector, please bring people to assist the city defense. Anyone who cannot enter the city must be a spy and will be killed immediately!"

"In addition, separate a part and go to Si Nong Supervisor to assist Si Nong Supervisor and immediately send out all the buildings and flying boats to bring the people outside the city back to the city."

"Priest Li of the temple immediately sent a message to Chongming Mansion, informing us that we had suffered an unknown attack."

"The priests of each temple immediately invited the wandering gods to assist the inspection department and agricultural supervisor outside the city..."

Before the incident happened, he was frightened. But when it happened, Sun Shizhao was not so afraid anymore.

His methodical deployment showed the qualities that an official should have.

After giving all these instructions, he immediately took out a talisman and threw it away. The flames burned and a human face was revealed.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, Wan Island was attacked by an unknown person!"

The human face nodded: "Don't panic, comfort the people. I have killed the main culprit, and the rest are fleeing. I am chasing them."

"Huh?" Sun Shizhao was stunned.


Time went back to a quarter of an hour ago. General Jinhou led his subordinates, shuttled through the cloud road, and quietly landed on Shuangzi Wan Island from the west.

"General, there are secret sentries." The adjutant next to Jinhou said, "Look in the dark three miles southwest, there are three people lurking with water beads."

"There is a patrol guard in the northwest, and there are also four secret sentries."

"Kill the secret sentry and capture the patrol guard." Jinhou said casually.

The warship is completely invisible. With the specifications of Shuangzi Island, it can't be found at all.

There are only two situations for sea defense. Either you can't get in, or you can kill them indiscriminately.

Because the East Sea Corps and the Shuizu Tusi Army in front, these two lines of defense are already the strongest sea defense of the Great Zhou.

With the latest sea defense map and the caravan as an insider, they sneaked over here, and it was a relatively weak link. The defense of the county island cannot be very high.

Of course, the vigilance of the East Sea is much higher now, and they have to fight quickly and run after shooting, because General Jinhou is a relatively young fourth-rank, not the kind of person who is about to end his life and comes to carry out suicide attacks.

After the destruction, he has to hide in another place and go out again after a few months or one or two years.

"Quickly ask for key information and lurk in the Twin City. After entering the city, you only have half an hour. Just look for officials and ignore civilians."

"I reiterate, try not to kill them, use the blood Kui method to knock down the realm, and steal the luck of the officials of the Great Zhou is the key."

General Jinhou said lightly.

Why did he come here? Because after cooperating with the sect, he obtained the method of stealing luck!

While knocking down the realm, it can steal part of the luck of the officials of the Great Zhou.

If they are not killed, the court will have to make up for the officials, which is more harmful than killing them.

"General, the interrogation is over. He said that there is..."

"He is lying. You have been deceived." Jin Hou slapped the captured seventh-rank commander of the Restoration Army.

The blood-red palm print was printed on his forehead, and then penetrated from behind.

Bits of light scattered from the commander to the sky and earth, but there was still a part that was swept back by the blood.

"Gulong~" General Jin Hou swallowed it, and the face of the seventh-rank commander suddenly turned pale.

After this palm, he was only left with the early eighth rank, and all the gifts from the court were gone!

"Not enough to fill the gaps in my teeth." General Jin Hou waved his hand, "Hurry into the city."


Everyone jumped off the dark golden warship, even General Jin Hou himself left the warship, leaving only a few people to guard.

The warships did not enter the city directly because they were afraid of being recorded and leaving traces. It was fine to stop outside the island.

However, at this moment——


A sword light suddenly appeared from a thousand meters in the south.

Sword Qi! The powerful sword Qi was like a green dragon, and this road seemed to have suddenly emerged from space.

General Jinhou's scalp was about to explode, and an extremely strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

He had encountered several life-and-death crises in so many years of killing, but this time was the strongest.

When he turned his head and looked at the source of fear with a trembling body, the green dragon sword Qi was already in front of him.

At this time, except for Jinhou, no one reacted and continued to fly forward.

"Snow falling!" Before the life-and-death crisis, General Jinhou's spirit reached its peak, and his swordsmanship also reached an unprecedented power.

He broke through on the battlefield, and as the sword light flashed, the sky seemed to be covered with snowflakes.

General Jinhou's sword, at this moment, finally kept up with the speed of the sword Qi.

If it were normal times, Jin Hou would probably jump for joy, because the power of his snowfall move was infinitely close to the perfect attack power of the fourth rank.

However, now, he was only afraid!

Because when his sword energy touched the Azure Dragon, it was instantly disintegrated by the dragon claws.

The Azure Dragon sword energy seemed to have an indestructible force, and directly shattered his sword energy with the most powerful posture.


The sixth-level middle-grade flowing light knife in Jin Hou's hand was knocked out of his hand by the sword energy.

The blade turned quickly, like a sharp cutting disc, cutting the bodies of the ten martial artists and three deputy generals next to him.

And he himself was hit by the Azure Dragon sword energy.


The armor on General Jin Hou's body lit up with a dazzling light, and the sixth-level upper-grade Yufeng armor suddenly sank in the chest area, and Jin Hou's body was bent like a shrimp.

"Bang!" Although the sword energy did not penetrate the armor and its power was weakened by 70%, the remaining 30% caused a terrifying impact force, which still shattered the golden bones in his chest and abdomen and penetrated his heart.

"Such a wonderful sword art..." Jin Hou felt his own death, and his face showed a look of intoxication.

People like them, who licked blood on the edge of a knife and sneaked into the great country of Da Zhou to do things, have long been aware of death.

"It's not unfair to die under this sword art."

General Jin Hou sighed, because he was not repelled.

The power of the sword energy, bound by the sword energy master's Dao, is completely condensed at one point, without the slightest leakage, mighty, domineering, but with extremely strong penetration.

This is the realm he has been pursuing all his life.

"General? General?!"

No one reacted until Jinhou's breath was rapidly declining and he could no longer maintain his flying position and began to fall.

Because everything happened too quickly, from Jinhou's knife falling out of his hand, affecting more than ten of his own people, to his life force running out and falling, it was only a matter of a moment.

At this time, Jinhou's Yuan soul was shattered, but he was not completely dead, but he could no longer issue any orders.

When the people next to him held up his body and wanted to form a blood battle formation to remedy the situation, it was too late.


This team can be regarded as elite. The leader died, and many of the adjutants died, but immediately someone in the highest position stood up to give orders.

They instantly condensed into a blood battle formation and wanted to return to the warship.

In the mist, Zhao Xing looked at this scene and couldn't help frowning: "Japanese forces? And they are elite, and they are all let in?"

However, it was futile for these people to retreat.

Because Zhao Xing brought eight Wanfa clones, seven of them were the strongest.

Not only were their materials all of the sixth level, they could all cast high-level sixth-turn spells, and they also had Yang An's sword energy.

It was just that their soul power was weaker and they couldn't sustain the battle for too long, but their soul level was also at the fifth level.

Even if the clones couldn't handle it, there were still a cat, a dog, and a sheep waiting in the fog.

"Teng Snake Transformation!"

Zhao Xing didn't waste any more sword energy, after all, there were only 7 sword energies left.

His eight clones all performed Teng Snake Transformation, instantly locking onto the eight team leaders, who were also the eight fifth-level ones, and trying to form a blood battle formation.

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff!"

Teng Snake Transformation immediately made the eight people spit blood, and a giant snake blood shadow had originally condensed above their heads, but now it instantly dissipated.

"Not dead?"

"Evil of the Yin Wind!"

"Thunderbolt Breaking Delusion Finger!"

Zhao Xing continued to use high-level magic. With his current understanding of the Tao, he has already reached the fourth-grade level. Even though the Wanfa clone is limited, the second round of attack immediately killed the eight team leaders.

At this point, this elite Japanese team collapsed immediately.

Because there are only 20 fifth-grade people left in the team, but these 20 fifth-grade people have just entered the Pure Yuan Realm, and even the Golden Bones have not yet been fully developed.

They can't even see the enemy now, and when the Yin Wind Evil blows, even the most tenacious will collapses.

So they began to flee in all directions.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy? Xiaotian, Aotian, Huantian, kill them."

Zhao Xing immediately ordered the three war beasts.




Cang Ni and Shan Mao immediately rushed out of the range of Wuyin.

The Spiritual Goat stood in place with red light in his eyes.

The clone of Wanfa cast the Cloud Law Field, and the speed of the twenty fifth-grade early stage suddenly dropped sharply.

The evil of the Yinfeng had already made it impossible for them to speed up, and now the Cloud Law Field suppressed them, and their vitality was rapidly lost.

The illusion of the spirit goat directly acts on the soul, and the nickname of the upside-down goat is not for nothing.

The remaining fifty or sixty people were immediately hit by the illusion, and they couldn't tell left from right, and they were upside down.

Those who wanted to fly up suddenly fell to the ground, and those who wanted to fly forward suddenly retreated and ran towards the mountain cat and Cang Ni instead.

Weird, too weird.

At first, they didn't see anyone, and they haven't seen anyone until now, just a dog.

Because the mountain cat is too fast, they can't see it at all.

The spirit goat is still standing in the fog and attacking, and the means make them collapse.

Once they lose the will to fight and become deserters, these fifth-grades are just like chopping melons and vegetables to the three-headed war beast.

"Buzz~" A talisman paper on his body burned, but it was Sun Shizhao who contacted him urgently.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Zhao Xing injected his energy into the sound transmission talisman.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, Gemini Island was attacked by an unknown person!"

"You don't have to panic, comfort the people. I have killed the main culprit, and the rest are fleeing. I am chasing them."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Tian rushed over with his men.

The five hundred people of the Restoration Army formed a scorching sun hanging overhead. Jiang Tian was a perfect fifth-grade master, and his power at this time was even more powerful.

However, when he arrived, he saw a Zhao Xing standing next to the body of Jin Hou.

Jiang Tian could not see the rest of the Wanfa clones.

Of course, he also saw cats and dogs killing people everywhere.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, this..." Jiang Tian landed, and he was extremely surprised. He never thought that Shanmao and Cang Ni could kill so many people.

Zhao Xing was too lazy to explain, and pointed to the remaining dozen people who fled and said: "You go and catch the thieves quickly, it will be too late if you are late."

"Yes, thank you, Marquis Yuan Rang." Jiang Tian said gratefully.

"Yes." Zhao Xing nodded. "Leave it to you."

He called back Shanmao and Cang Ni, and only used the spirit goat to influence the remaining dozen people.

Then let Jiang Tian and his restoration army participate in the battle, otherwise Jiang Tian would not do anything, and the superiors would definitely punish him for incompetence.

Master Zhao was still very considerate of the people on his side. He understood that Jiang Tian's reaction speed was already very good, and he was not really incompetent.

He came to the body of Jin Hou, but did not rush to touch the body, but opened his eyes to check.

When he saw through Jin Hou's armor and saw the blurred flesh and blood and broken gold bones in his body, he couldn't help but secretly shocked:

"Yang An's gold content is still increasing. I thought it would take several sword qi to kill him, but I didn't expect that one sword qi would solve it."

Different trades are like different mountains. Zhao Xing has not yet reached the fourth rank. He only knows the form of Yang An, a sword cultivator, but not his spirit.

He knows that Yang An's sword energy is very powerful among the fourth rank, but how powerful is it? That is not clear.

If Yang An came to see Zhao Xing's Wanfa Caoren, he probably would not have any idea and could only vaguely guess the strength of Wanfa Caoren.

"No wonder Yang An can kill the third rank Tianwu. This is just the sword energy, which can kill the fourth rank mid-stage in seconds."

This is the sword energy that Zhao Xing saved when he left Shiyang Dongtian in the 20th year of Jingxinli. He may not have saved all of Yang An's Tao!

But even so, he still killed a fourth rank like Jinhou in seconds!

It's not Jinhoucai, but Yang An, a sword cultivator, is too strong.

"If Yang An didn't die in the high-rank battle, he should be the top of the Pinghaizhou Sword Immortal List..." Zhao Xing said secretly.

It's a pity that he didn't know how Yang An died, and he couldn't remind him.

Now that the middle-grade opening year of the Pingman War has been advanced by three years, we can only hope that Yang An's fate has also changed.

Otherwise, it would be a pity. After all, Yang An still has some feelings for him, but it's not to the point where Zhao Xing would risk his life.

He almost lost his life when he carried Chen Shijie! Mr. Zhao couldn't bear Yang An's life in such an environment as the Pingman War.

"Huh?" Zhao Xing suddenly saw a map, and then his face changed, "The East China Sea's coastal defense map includes cloud roads, patrol routes, and the locations where the heavy troops are secretly stationed... What does the red circle marked by the big snake mean? Although it's not complete, this, this is too exaggerated."

When Zhao Xing saw this coastal defense map, he immediately understood why Princess Youruo had not been able to investigate it thoroughly after several years of anti-counterrevolutionary rectification.

The coastal defense cloud road and the deployment of heavy troops are not problems in Chongming Prefecture and Zixiao Islands, but problems in the top leaders of the entire East China Sea Corps.

The only one who can do this is King Liang.

As long as Princess Youruo didn't slash her uncle with the sword, there would be no way to find out the truth.

Investigate yourself? Even if the Yin God patrols the sea and interrogates, the Yin God system is ultimately ruled by people!

Take Zhao Xing as an example. If a civilian on Shuangzi Island was killed by Tao Anchun, one of his subordinates, even if he was killed in front of the Shuangzi County Temple, he would first report it to four people, one is the Sikou Ling of Shuangzi County, the second is Sun Shizhao, the magistrate of Shuangzi County, the third is the Shuangzi County Magistrate, and the fourth is the chief priest of the temple.

But these four people all rely on Zhao Xing for promotion, so they will definitely inform him first.

Even if one of them is upright and reports this small civilian death incident to the prefectural city.

When it arrives at the prefectural city, sorry, it will still be sent back to the county-level county for disposal, because Zhao Xing also has connections in the prefectural city.

If he wants to protect Tao Anchun, he can definitely do it.

In the county-level county of Shuangzi Island, Zhao Xing can be said to be a one-handed cover, which means that it will be a bit troublesome to report it to the prefectural city.

Of course, the matter cannot be too big. Master Zhao still cannot cover up such things as treason and slaughter.

But Liang Wang Ji Mingxian, the Grand Marshal of Pingman and the Lord of Pinghaizhou, can do it! He only needs to mobilize the East Sea Corps in the name of integration and let some enemies in. The Liang Wang Party, which has been operating for hundreds of years, has a deep-rooted network of power and can do these things easily.

"No wonder the old witch has no time to quarrel."

"Emperor Jing is pacifying the barbarians. Everything is prioritized by the war of pacifying the barbarians. Everything can be put aside and dealt with later."

"What's more, this may not be the result of Emperor Jing's indulgence." Zhao Xing shook his head.

He continued to scan with the Sky Eye Method, and soon saw a snake-shaped jade pendant in the dantian of the corpse, which made Zhao Xing feel uneasy.

The Sky Eye Method did not see anything special, so Zhao Xing switched to other spells.

Checking with the Qi Wang Method, at this time, his eight Wanfa clones can use the Sky Eye Method and the Dayan Qi Wang Method. But the power must be reduced.

After switching to the Great Evolution Qi-Watching Technique, Zhao Xing was shocked. There was a black stripe on the jade pendant, the tail was red, the head was flat, and the slender body of the snake was swallowing gray, white, green, and red in the jade pendant.

"The snake swallows the luck, this is the method of stealing luck!"

"It stores a mess of luck, which is all the luck of the Great Zhou."

One of Zhao Xing's plans was to get the method of stealing luck.

Unexpectedly, I encountered it today.

"Can't touch it, it will be a big trouble if you touch it." Zhao Xing's eyes flashed with a trace of thought, and he still stood there without moving.

In Jiujiang Cave Heaven, the master also saw the luck level on the panel, which was temporarily reduced from Yanwu to Yansi.

This also confirmed his guess.

"There will be big trouble, can't touch this thing."

He still has to be an official in the Great Zhou. If he learns the method of stealing luck during this period, it will be self-destructive.

Besides, the method of stealing luck on this person is not considered advanced, and it may cost a price.

"Let alone taking it away, I shouldn't even know about it." Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and took a few steps back.

If Jin Hou is alive, he can sneak in and cause trouble; if Jin Hou is dead, he can still play a role!

Once the method on him is seized by an official, this method of stealing luck is discovered.

How many people can resist the temptation?

You can withstand the temptation of money and beauty, and the improvement of strength, life span, and luck after stealing luck... How many officials can resist this temptation?

"In recent years, many evil sects have been killed. I don't know how many people with the method of stealing luck have flowed into the hands of officials of Da Zhou... These people who were let in, dead or alive, are all used to their full potential."

"If I dare to take this jade pendant, I will be questioned immediately."

"Fortunately, I only scanned it with the Sky Eye Method and the Qi-Looking Technique, and didn't touch him at all. Everything is recorded in the Mirage Pearl."

He no longer looked at the body of Jinhou, but just watched quietly.


The battle ended quickly, and no one escaped, but no one was alive.

These people practiced evil methods, and when they saw that they were about to be caught, they committed suicide decisively, and it was the kind of suicide that destroyed both their body and soul.

At this time, Zhao Xing, Jiang Tian, ​​and Sun Shizhao were all in a bad mood.

Jiang Tian felt ashamed that he didn't catch anyone alive.

Sun Shizhao was scared. He didn't expect that such a strong Japanese team would come to his Twin Islands. If it weren't for Zhao Xing, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Zhao Xing felt vaguely that he was involved in someone's calculations because he saw the coastal defense map and the jade pendant stolen by the Viper.

"I stayed quietly on Gemini Island, either practicing or farming. After I got started in Longma Prison, I rarely handled daily government affairs, in order to reduce cause and effect. Yanwu's luck kept me safe for eight years, and now I am finally involved."

"In the previous life, King Liang rebelled, and the East China Sea was less affected. Now I am afraid there will be a big turmoil."

Just as Zhao Xing was thinking, Sun Shizhao and Jiang Tian came over.

"Marquis Yuan Rang, how to deal with this matter?" Sun Shizhao asked, and Jiang Tian also looked at Zhao Xing, waiting for his decision.

Zhao Xing glanced at the two: "Lord Jiang, Lord Sun, do you want to get credit from this matter?"

Sun Shizhao shook his head quickly. It is said that this kind of thing is considered a merit, but he is not a fool. What has happened in the past few years? Still thinking about getting credit? It is good to avoid trouble.

Jiang Tian also shook his head. With such a strong force from the Japanese forces lurking in, as usual, the coastal defense forces of the East China Sea will have to beheaded, imprisoned, and demoted.

Because this is the dereliction of duty of the East China Sea Corps, but Jiang Tian has seen it all these years. Most of those who have been demoted and transferred... are somewhat wronged!

"Since you don't want it, then listen to me." Zhao Xing said, "No one is allowed to leave the scene, keep the battle as it is."

"I brought the Mirage Pearl Conch for record, but I still lack the witness of the Justice Yin God. Lord Sun, you send an order to let Zhao Ping, the main temple priest of the temple, carry the statue over."

"Lord Jiang, you restrain your subordinates, don't search for stolen goods, don't look, just stay outside this circle."

"I will report to the princess, and when I say you can report, you report to Chongming Prefecture."

"Yes." Jiang Tian and Sun Shizhao did it immediately.

Zhao Xing also retreated far away. The bodies, stolen goods, and the warship all remained in place, but were circled far away.

Xiao Sun had a hard time. If he dared to see the secret method in the jade pendant, dismissal would be the best outcome.

Not to mention Jiang Tian. If he saw the coastal defense map, it would be a disaster.

At this time, the less we know, the better.

Zhao Xing planned to submit it privately to the Princess's Mansion, and wait for Princess Youruo to send someone, and then report it to Chongming Mansion in the form of an official document.

Because it was on the beach outside the island, the ground mirror here could not be used. Zhao Xing could only come out of the Taoist temple in Jiujiang Dongtian and contact Princess Youruo.


The ground mirror projection revealed the figure of Princess Youruo. She was actually wearing a military uniform and standing behind a screen.

Behind the screen, there were many figures, some kneeling and some standing.

"Chen An, what's the matter?"

Princess Youruo interrupted other matters to answer Zhao Xing's call because Zhao Xing activated the emergency code she gave him, which he had not used once in the past eight years.

"Master's wife, an excellent Japanese team appeared on my island, led by a person in the middle stage of Yuanpo Realm, with a total of 89 people."

"However, they have all been killed."

Princess Youruo was a little surprised, "Are you okay?"

"Disciple is fine, my original body is practicing in Jiujiang Cave Heaven, completing the task assigned to me by the teacher."

Destroyed this team with just the clone? Princess Youruo showed a hint of appreciation in her eyes.

"Since they have all been executed, why don't you report to Chongming Mansion?"

Zhao Xing knew that Princess Youruo was testing him, but he did not analyze it randomly. He simply replied: "This matter is serious. I think I should report it to Master's wife first, and then report it to Chongming Mansion, so as not to disrupt Master's wife's deployment."

Princess Youruo nodded: "I will send someone over. It will take at least two hours."

"Disciple understands. I will ensure that the people from Chongming Mansion will arrive in at least three hours."

"Okay." Princess Youruo nodded slightly, "You protect the scene. It's best not to move anything."



Two hours later, Liu Wanliang, the secretary of the Princess' Mansion, personally led a team to the Bay Island of Shuangzi Island.

After seeing the scene, especially the specifications of the warship, Liu Wanliang couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

The Mingxie warship of the Viper Country is a sixth-level top-grade warship. They actually sent such a warship over.

If Zhao Xing hadn't stopped it, it would only take two hours for Shuangzi County to be destroyed.

"Jiang Tian, ​​Sun Shizhao, you can leave now." Liu Wanliang said, "I will give you a reference for the report later."

"Yes." Sun Shizhao and Jiang Tian returned to the city obediently. It was a reference, but it was actually an order.

They followed the plan given by Liu Wanliang.

After everyone left, Liu Wanliang came to Zhao Xing.

"Chen An, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"Sir." Zhao Xing saluted respectfully, "It's Chen An who should thank you for making the trip in person."

"Have you ever touched the enemy chief's belongings?" Liu Wanliang came up and asked the most critical question.

He knew that the attacking teams in recent years had carried some evil magic with them and deliberately lured Zhou officials into corruption.

To prevent Zhao Xing from going astray, he must ask clearly, otherwise it would not be such an understatement if others asked.

"No." Zhao Xing shook his head. "After I came here, I only killed the bandits. I did not conduct a search. Instead, I immediately sealed off the area and the others were not allowed to approach. The battle scenes and orders given were all recorded."

"Okay." Liu Wanliang nodded. As expected of Liu Tianning's apprentice, he was reliable in his work.

"Everything here has nothing to do with you."

"No one will come to ask you questions later."

Liu Wanliang made a promise.

Zhao Xing asked: "What about Sun Shizhao and Jiang Tian..."

Liu Wanliang muttered: "They will inevitably be interrogated, but don't worry, as long as they haven't done anything bad, there won't be any problems."

Twin Island is related to Zhao Xing's promotion, and Liu Wanliang will certainly not let Sun Shizhao and Jiang Tian have problems.

"Thank you sir." Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't ask any questions and handed all the official records to Liu Wanliang.

Then he notified Sun Shizhao and Jiang Tian and asked them to answer truthfully, and then returned to Ludao.

An hour after Liu Wanliang arrived, the team sent by Chongming Mansion also arrived.

As usual, the participants were to be questioned, but Zhao Xing was nowhere to be seen.

"Master Liu," a fourth-grade civil servant looked at Liu Wanliang, "Zheng Zhao Xing, the supervisor of Longma, is the main person who killed the bandit leader. Why don't you see him reply?"

"Inspector Yin," Liu Wanliang said, "I have asked Marquis Yuan Rang, and this is the summary of his report."

Liu Wanliang's polished report was naturally watertight. After Yin Qiquan read it, he had nothing to criticize.

I can only ask questions: "I dare to ask Mr. Liu, Longma Supervisor Zheng Zhao Xing, Jing Xinli twenty-one years ago, he was only a sixth-grade official. Until now, he is still a sixth-grade official. Even if he has broken through the fifth-grade Pure Yuan Realm, why? Can you kill the fourth grade?"

Liu Wanliang said: "Master Yin has extraordinary circumstances. In just ten years, he jumped four levels and became a supervisor of the Chongming Mansion under the fourth rank. He is extremely talented and has amazing fighting power. What's the problem with this?"

Yin Qiquan smiled and said: "There is no problem, but where did the huge resources for his self-study come from? I checked and found that he has purchased a lot of training resources from the military community in recent years, which are astronomical prices. Na."

Liu Wanliang said: "This is a gift from the princess. Do you want to check the princess's assets?"

"I don't dare." Yin Qiquan laughed sarcastically. He was a member of Prince Liang's party, but he did not dare to raise the knife to Princess Youruo. "I wanted to make a routine inquiry. Since Mr. Liu has asked, it's no problem."

"Thank you, Mr. Liu, for passing by Twin Islands."

Liu Wanliang glanced at him: "If you dare to go against the imperial court, you will die."

Seeing that there was no benefit, Yin Qiquan could only give up the entanglement, quickly close the case and file it, and leave with Jinhou's body, warship and other belongings.

After leaving Shuangzi Island, Yin Qiquan looked at the report materials and thought thoughtfully: "Liu Tianning's disciple has been on Shuangzi Island for nine years. He has made such achievements, but we didn't notice him before? Why did we ignore it before? Where is he?"

"Forget it, he is only a sixth-grade official now. He can't find the opportunity this time. When he gets promoted next year, he may not be so lucky."

The bigger the official, the easier it is to handle, because the mistakes made by the people below can be pinned on you!

As Zuo Sizheng, the sixth-grade dragon horse supervisor, Zhao Xing really can't find anything wrong with him. In terms of official duties, he can even be said to be excellent.

But after being promoted to fifth rank, this may not be the case.

"Liu Tianning, this mad dog, is staring at the prince. I wonder if he will be so arrogant after his disciple is destroyed." Yin Qiquan's eyes flashed with blood red, and he threw all the materials into the brazier burning with black flames.

"The luck level has been restored to Yan Wu."

In the Jiujiang Cave Sky, Zhao Xing glanced at the panel and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He used the five-finger destiny to deduce himself and found that this wave of bad luck had passed.

Liu Wanliang did not hide his meeting with Yin Qiquan. Combined with this sudden drop in luck, Zhao Xing also guessed some reasons.

"It is estimated that Liu Tianning and the princess were collecting evidence of Prince Liang's crimes and found some real things." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

The incident of him scolding King Liang had long since passed. This time it was not a continuation of the insult, otherwise he would not have waited eight years before launching an attack.

At that time, King Luohu and King Liang had a lot of arguing before they got the ruling. King Feng said the matter ended here, and that was the end of it.

Now that something like this happened, it was only due to Liu Tianning and the princess.

"In this turmoil, the internal enemies can only be dealt with by Lao Liu and the princess. As long as I don't make mistakes, there won't be any big problems. Farming can make far fewer mistakes than other organizations."

"What I need to be wary of are external enemies like Jinmiao." Zhao Xing thought.

If he has the backing of Liu Tianning and Princess Youruo, and can be killed by internal hostile forces, then Da Zhou will not be in chaos, but will be in trouble. It has not reached this point yet.

He doesn't have to worry about the political struggle at all. If the sky falls, Liu Tianning and his wife will still be there to support it.

Chaos returns to chaos, but food still needs to be eaten. After the Golden Throat attack, Zhao Xing continued his daily routine of self-cultivation and training of war beasts in preparation for next year's Ten Thousand Beast Competition.

Time came to December of the 29th year of Jingxin Li. The number of fifth-level plants planted in Zhao Xing’s Chunyuan soil reached 60 species, and the area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters was completely planted.

Now he has not met the requirements for the first stage of leaving Laoliu, which is only the life of big trees. This is also the only difficulty.

For big tree plant life, planting weaker ones will not meet the requirements, and it is not Zhao Xing's character to muddle through. Planting stronger ones will take a longer period. Because he doesn't just plant one tree, he has to plant several trees.

The development of strength entered a period of calm, and Zhao Xing decided to try his luck in the Dream Academy again.

He left Jiujiang Dongtian and found a wilderness in Jiujiang County, where he escaped to a depth of five thousand meters underground. A specially carved out underground space.

Dameng Academy is located above the East China Sea and cannot be entered, because the Zixiao Islands were a vast sea during the Da Li period and were not considered the territory of the Nineteen States at all.

He discovered this when he was preparing to break through to the fifth level in the twenty-seventh year of Jingxinli.

Finally, I returned to Dongyang County, Bixian County before entering, but the harvest was relatively small that time.

Passed the fourth level of Tiangong Hall, Yin and Yang Shuangsha Array Mountain. After surviving the four calamities of earth, wind, fire, and thunder, I only got a low-grade sixth-level defensive armor.

There was no shortage of money and supplies, and at that time he had not yet mastered all the spells to a high level, so Zhao Xing did not try again.

In addition, it is troublesome to get the treasures out, because it is really difficult to sell Da Li's things.

For example, Zhao Xing did not dare to sell the sixth-level low-grade armor, nor did he dare to bring it into reality, so he could only store it at Haechi's place.

You must know that the Dameng Academy itself is a treasure, and it is now stored in the royal treasury.

There are always dedicated people studying the history of Dameng Academy and Da Li. If you take a bunch of Da Li's treasures and sell them to the military world, it is easy for problems to arise.

After all, it is not a low-level treasure. It is a sixth-level treasure that can be easily detected.

Therefore, Zhao Xing could only go in and try his luck. It would be best if he could find things like Life Soul Pill and Dao Fei Pill.

The others are not easy to sell for money, but they are eye-catching for personal use. One or two pieces make sense. They are all treasures from the Dali period. They are too eye-catching, so they can only be saved for now.

The right time to deal with it is after you come out of Longting Ancient Land. Then you can deal with it openly and turn it into your own wealth.


Zhao Xing put the talisman on it, closed his eyes, and muttered something.

Then he came to the familiar Yunmen.

"You're here again." The mechanical beast Xiezhi appeared at the door of Tiangong Hall. "You passed the fourth level last time and haven't come in for three years. I thought you were dead. Now it seems that you are I have gone to practice and have already reached the Pure Yuan realm.”

Zhao Xing cupped his hands and said: "Yes, Guardian, I am going through a turmoil. There are dangers, but there are also gains."

Haechi, the magical beast of the machine, possesses high spiritual intelligence. As he passes the fourth level, Haechi pays more attention to him and will be concerned about his living conditions outside.

Sometimes Zhao Xingdu suspected that Haezhi knew that Dali had been destroyed, but he was not sure.

"It is a good thing for young people to have more experience. How can they become the pillars of the country without training?" The machine beast Xiezhi walked with Zhao Xing in the hall, as if the elders and juniors were chatting.

"That's what the guardian said."

Walking to a long corridor mural shrouded in mist, Haechi pointed and said: "Are you planning to pass the fifth level now? The fifth-grade Pure Yuan realm has barely met the conditions to pass the level."

"Yes, I plan to try the 'Tiangong Tower' in the fifth level."

"I must remind you that you don't know how to use the mechanism. You have to use tricks or brute force to pass the first few levels. The Tiangong Hall I guard is mainly for screening talented mechanism masters." The divine mechanism beast Haechi lowered his head and looked at Zhao prosper.

"Breaking through the levels in the Tiangong Tower involves the use of puppets. If you use brute force to break through, it will be more difficult and the rewards will be different."

"Guardian please give me instructions."

Haechi's beard fluttered and lit up with starlight: "The final reward in the Tiangong Tower is the ninth-level giant machine puppet 'Heavenly General'."

God general? Zhao Xing blinked. The giant mechanism puppet displayed during Emperor Wu's period was originally obtained from here.

"The God General is a thousand feet tall. One hundred and eight thousand ninth-level materials were used to build it. It can rival the super-level ones."

"If you pass the ninth floor, you can obtain this object, and you will also become a candidate for the Great Master of Da Li."

"On the eighth level, the highest reward is the Earth God General, which is also made of ninth-level materials, but the quantity is less than half."

"On the seventh level, the highest reward is the Heavenly Weapon Puppet, the ninth level of the best."

"On the sixth floor, the highest reward is the Earth Soldier Puppet, a ninth-level top grade."

"On the fifth level, the highest reward is the Nightmare Dragon, the eighth level of the best."

"On the fourth level, the highest reward is the Dou Zhan Venerable, the eighth level top grade."

"On the third level, the highest reward is Wanhua Dao Weapon, the seventh-level top grade."

"On the second level, the highest reward is Qianbian Dao Soldier, seventh level top grade."

"On the first level, the highest reward is the 'Sunday Goddess', the sixth level of the best."

The mechanism magic beast Xie Zhi introduced the rewards and then talked about the test: "You can only enter the Pure Yuan realm because you must use pure Yuan magic power to drive these puppets."

"Before you break through the level, you have to make a choice, whether to use the method of trapping the magic circle to break through the level, or choose to use force to break the level."

"The former does not require fighting. You only need to practice the Heavenly Formation Diagram and unlock the mysteries of the layers of mechanical formations."

"The latter is mostly a battle test, and the clearance conditions are more stringent, and you can't pass it above the seventh floor."

Zhao Xing nodded. The Tiangong Palace was a test specifically for machine masters. In other words, if he chose to use force to break the law, he would only be able to obtain puppets of earth soldiers in the future.

But it doesn't matter. When the time comes, he will become a great farmer, and his interests are consistent with Emperor Wu's. He can choose people to inherit these treasures and then go to conquer the wilderness.

You don’t need to hold everything in your own hands, just control the person who uses it.

Why did he invest in Yue Lingzhi, the future master craftsman? This was premeditated.

Not only that, Zhao Xing also plans to support him all the way to the position of chief engineer. When the Dameng Academy is opened on a large scale, he will be able to pick it up. This will be a big favor given to him by himself.

Great favor is also great cause and effect. Whatever you want to do in the position of a great master, it will definitely be much more comfortable if you have a great master who you have trained yourself.

"I choose to use force to break the law." Zhao Xing said. He would not be distracted by studying the mechanism magic circle. The way of Sinong was enough for him.

Even if he has the ability, he won't learn. He doesn't want to end up like Liu Tianning. If he is too distracted and understands different ways, people will go crazy.

"Okay, you go in." The mechanism beast Xiezhi waved its long beard, and the light scattered, dispersing the fog.

"Boom~" The wall in front cracked, revealing the boundless starry sky. There is a tower standing on the grassland under the starry sky.

It is said to be nine floors, but the top of the tower seems to pierce the sky. Even the first floor is a thousand meters high and shrouded in a thin cloud.

"Remember, once you find that you can't get through, shout to the guardian immediately and I will rescue you." The machine beast Xiezhi said in a low voice, "You may get hurt when you get through. Don't shout when you reach the limit. By that time, Maybe your life and soul will be severely damaged, do you understand?"

"Understood, thank you Guardian." Zhao Xing nodded.

"Go ahead."

Zhao Xingtengyun flew past the gate and flew to the grassland under the starry sky.


He landed in front of the entrance to the first floor of the Tiangong Tower. The surrounding walls were extremely smooth and exuded terrifying power.

Zhao Xing took a deep breath and stepped into the entrance of the first floor.

It's only a few hundred short of 30,000 yuan. Brothers who haven't ordered all of them should do so.

There will be an event after reaching an average of 30,000. Try to get the starting point to make a straw man model or hang it out. Please everyone!

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