Shennong Daojun

Chapter 28 What went wrong?

"Lymai Zongyuan!"

Zhao Xing squatted on the ground, his fingertips touched the ground, and a wisp of vitality immediately followed the soil and sank into the depths of the ground.

Then came the second ray, the third ray... a total of nine rays of vitality submerged into the ground.

In Zhao Xing's perception, these nine rays of energy formed a cage-like structure underground.

"This is the core of the spell and the center point. All the underground energy will be gathered and absorbed here."

Channeling the power of the earth's veins and integrating the energy of the earth's veins is only the first step.

Now that he has the center point, he still needs to determine the direction.

Zhao Xing began to wander around the edge of the territory. Once he walked somewhere, he would squat down and grab a handful of soil, as if he was in a good place.

Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze both noticed his movements.

But Zhao Xing didn't cross the line, so he didn't care.

"This is the advantage of Dimai Zongyuan, concealment!" Zhao Xing even waved to Wen Nanxing.

Feeling that this person was quite polite, Wen Nanxing nodded in response,

After walking around, Zhao Xing was really tired.

Although Earth Meridian Synthesis is an elementary spell, it consumes a lot of money.

Casting this spell consumes more energy than dozens of Xingyun.

"Vital energy is like a rhizome, taking root in the ground and forming an underground network."

"The cage has been lowered, it just depends on how many fish come." Zhao Xing clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Then he ran to the well, leaned against the well and began to rest with his eyes closed.

Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze could not see Zhao Xing's movements, but they did not escape Chen Shijie's eyes.

But it took him a while to understand.

"This is... Dimai Zongyuan?"

"The Dimain Synthesis is not activated. Do you want to act secretly at night? Good boy! You act in my style." Chen Shijie became more and more satisfied with Zhao Xing, no matter how he saw it, he liked it.

As a military farmer, he knows this kind of operation very well!

Apart from Chen Shijie, only Xue Wenzhong saw Zhao Xing's intention.

The other officials didn't realize it. They were not as comprehensive as Chen Shijie, nor were they as experienced as Xue Wenzhong.

Naturally, Xue Wenzhong would not speak out at this moment to arouse jealousy among the students. Chen Shijie only admired it in his heart and did not show it anymore.

He knew that he had paid enough attention to Zhao Xing today, and if he paid more attention, it would be too much.

The people below are so careful, but Chen Shijie's door is clear.

"Ziyu, I, I can't do it anymore..." Qian Dong collapsed on the ground, gasping for air, like a fish about to die of thirst.

Chen Ziyu wasn't much better either. He was sweating profusely and couldn't even wipe it off.

It was already afternoon, and they had been busy for several hours, but there was no movement in the fields in front of them.

Most of the seeds have never germinated and the seedlings have died.

Looking at it like this, the remaining small part will not survive tomorrow at all.

"Why, how about we leave? We'll just take the make-up exam next time." Qian Dong said, he really didn't want to waste his efforts.

"I won't leave." Chen Ziyu shook his head, "I always say next time, work harder next time... When will I be able to get ahead? Why not just this time."

Qian Dong Zheng, then gritted his teeth and got up.

More and more people gave up, unable to bear the pain, and left the venue.

But some people gritted their teeth and persisted.

After struggling in the scorching heat, everyone finally waited until dark.

And Xue Wenzhong didn't make things too difficult for them. When it got dark, he sent a breeze to the planting area.


Xue Wenzhong was refreshed by the breeze, and Zhao Xing woke up from his light sleep.

He is particularly sensitive to winds that do not belong to him.

"It's getting dark, and it's time to work."

Zhao Xing stretched and then ran to check the status of the three plants.

At this time, the 20 ivy plants have entered the growth stage from the seedling stage. The vines are covering the loess soil, and flower buds have already appeared on some branches and vines.

In the two mud pits, the fragrant lotus has pulled out three lotus leaves and has also entered the growth stage.

Only the bamboo shoots, due to the characteristics of bamboo plants, still have only the top of the shoot.

"As expected of a second-level high-quality product, I have concentrated all the nutrients on it, and it is still the same as at the beginning."

Diamond Bamboo belongs to the category of pulling points, and of course it cannot be cultivated so easily.

Zhao Xing was not in a hurry, he hadn't started exerting force yet.

"It's dark, so I can work secretly."

A wisp of vitality emerged from Zhao Xing's fingertips and penetrated into the ground.


The Earth Meridian Syndrome was immediately activated!

The big net began to spread, and then quietly moved out of Zhao Xing's range.

Going north, it crossed most of Wen Nanxing's territory, and going south, it covered Xiao Ze's territory.

To the west, there are more than a dozen top-notch buildings included.

Li Chengfeng and Zong Shichang were in the far west, and Zhao Xing couldn't reach that far. After all, he had just mastered this Geographical Spell.

"It covers less than half of the planting area, which is almost enough." Zhao Xing looked at the night vision and could see that many officials began to work after dark, and began to consume energy and cast spells.

"Come on, everyone, it's up to you how tall the diamond bamboo can grow."

"It's getting dark, and the Requiem I received should start ripening." Huang Tao looked at a seedling on the ground and prepared to take action.

Zhao Xing had a hard time eating here in the morning, but he still grabbed a piece of land near the spring well.

The plant Huang Tao chose is called 'Requiem Fragrance', which is a second-level mid-grade plant.

There is only one effect, that is, after flowering, the fragrance can soothe the mind and calm the soul.

Many people like to plant a plant of incense at home. When they are cultivating, they can reduce the probability of going astray.

The flowering period of incense is quite long, which can last for several months. However, it is not resistant to extreme heat and it is difficult to bloom. Therefore, Huang Tao did not do anything during the day and waited until the evening.

"Being able to plant incense at the beginning of autumn, even one plant, is enough to be on the top list." Huang Tao was full of confidence.

"Let's get started! Grow vigorously!"

Huang Tao began to cast a spell on the incense seedling.

The vitality entered the soil and went straight to the root of the incense.

Part of the vitality suddenly disappeared when it was about to reach the root, and only 10% was absorbed.

"In this season, the incense seedling is really difficult to grow."

Huang Tao did not care, just thinking that the difficulty he chose was high enough, so the effect is slow now.

After waiting for a while, Huang Tao continued to cast a spell.

The incense seedling grew a little taller.

"Come again!"


At midnight, Huang Tao squatted on the ground in a daze, looking at this soul-soothing incense.

"What's going on? I have been casting spells on it for three hours, and now, the soul-soothing incense has not entered the growth stage?"

It hasn't even reached the growth stage, let alone blooming.

At first, Huang Tao didn't realize it, but until his vitality was drained several times, the soul-soothing incense still grew slowly. He suddenly realized that it was not his own vegetable, but something else was wrong!

"Did I pick a diseased species? Impossible, I clearly checked it..." Huang Tao muttered to himself, pulling his hair, "What exactly is wrong?"

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