Shennong Daojun

Chapter 3 Great Dream Academy

Taizu asked his ministers: "I want to make the world wise and everyone like a dragon. What good ideas do you have?"

Bi Gong said: "We can build a temple, enfeoff the Yin soldiers and generals, reward the good and punish the evil, and cover the 19 states."

Taizu frowned slightly.

Zhao Gong said: "We can build a great code, collect thousands of good laws, and spread them to the world."

Taizu's face was slightly relieved.

Zhou Gong said: "The common people have many hardships. They work from sunrise to sunset and rest at sunset. We should not increase the burden. When building temples and building great codes, we should encourage officials, not the common people. The ancient evil cult Nightmare Sect has a law called "Da Meng Chunqiu" and a treasure called "Yi Meng Tiandi", which can make disciples kill people in dreams."

"Laws are neither good nor bad. I can change their use. All the people of my Zhou Dynasty can be wise in dreams without hurting their bodies."

Taizu clapped his hands and laughed: "Good!"

So he asked Zhou Gong to interpret the dream and spread it to the world.

The above allusions are of course fictitious.

Zhao Xing clearly remembered that Yunmeng Academy had nothing to do with Taizu and the founding hero Zhou Gongdan.

The ancient sect Mengyan Sect was not a cult at all, but the state religion of another dynasty of destiny before Zhou, Dali.

The skill "Da Meng Chunqiu" and the treasure "Yimeng Tiandi" did exist.

The predecessor of Yunmeng Academy was called "Da Meng Academy".

It was used by Dali Dynasty to carry out "elite education" and absorb talents, and it could indeed be used to kill people in dreams.

After the fall of Dali, it went through several dynasties and was obtained by Dazhou.

The Zhou emperor wanted to crack it and use it for his own use, but he didn't do it at all.

It was not until the reign of Emperor Wu that the treasure Yimeng Tiandi was cracked and turned into "Yunmeng Academy" in the hands of Emperor Wu.

At the same time, this allusion also came along.

Why did Emperor Wu give the credit to Taizu?

Because this treasure was not "cracked" in his hands at all, but a minister accidentally discovered the method of entering from ancient books.

That is, with the simplest [Soul-soothing Talisman] and [Guiding Talisman], you can enter with a sentence.

And the efficacy of it has long been developed by Dali, and it can be used by casual modifications.

After years of trying to crack the treasure, Zhao Xing finally found a method, but found that the method was so simple that it was outrageous!

In addition, the ancient emperors had done everything he wanted to do, and the only thing left was to promote it on a large scale and simplify this step.

The arrogant Emperor Wu felt ashamed. He seemed to see the emperor of Dali laughing at his incompetence, and it was even more impossible for him to covet this "great merit" and "great virtue" in the eyes of the world.

It was not appropriate to put it on the previous dynasties, so he simply pushed it to the end and put it on Taizu.

The Soul-soothing Talisman and the Guiding Talisman glowed slightly, and a strong sense of sleepiness came over him. Zhao Xing suddenly felt heavy eyelids, and soon he began to snore.

In the dream, Zhao Xing suddenly stood up and looked up.

Endless clouds enveloped the surroundings, so thick that they could not be seen clearly.

Only a gate tower several dozen feet high appeared in front of him.

Four characters were carved in ancient Chinese: Dameng Academy

"Did you really come in?"

Zhao Xing's first thought was to check the panel, but he found that he could not see it at all, so he really came in.

The second thought was:

"I'm rich!"

"The Yunmeng Academy copy in the early version, oh no, it's still called Dameng Academy now! It's a completely undeveloped gold mountain!"

"Compared to the later period when the treasure was emptied by the Emperor Wu, it became a daily copy for players, which is completely incomparable!"

Zhao Xing was a little excited.

He didn't catch up with the good times in his previous life, but now it's different.

After sorting out his thoughts and recalling some precautions, Zhao Xing stepped into the misty portal.

One step across, the scene suddenly changed.

In front of him appeared a series of magnificent palaces wrapped in semicircular light shields.

[Reincarnation Hall], [Questioning Platform], [Martial God Tower], [Secret Treasure of Magic], [Heavenly Secret Pavilion], [Holy Beast Palace], [Fate Palace]...

Pavilions, towers, palaces, corridors and overpasses are scattered in an orderly manner, with mountains and clouds, as if you are in a fairyland.

Zhao Xing's eyes were dazzled and his mouth was watering.

In the 'background story' summed up by players in the previous life, Emperor Wu got the treasure accumulated by Dali, so he had enough confidence to conquer the eight wastelands.

Now these treasures are presented one by one in front of Zhao Xing, but before he can take a closer look, most of these palaces are hidden in the clouds and disappeared.

Only a few small attics are left.

"Huh? What's the situation?" Zhao Xing was stunned. "Why did it disappear?"

He quickly chased in the direction where a palace disappeared, but after walking a few dozen meters, he was blocked by a gentle push. It was very difficult to walk, and it was difficult to move forward.

After trying several times, it was the same. Zhao Xing stood there, frowning and thinking for a long time before he realized it.

This is the Dameng Academy, not the Yunmeng Academy.

"Da Li's Dameng Academy is dedicated to training geniuses, while Da Zhou's 'Yunmeng Academy' teaches everyone, regardless of qualifications."

"The former can not only learn high-end secret methods, but also bring back physical rewards, and each one is a precious treasure. But there is an entry threshold and a difficult test."

"The latter is mainly based on low- and medium-level secret books, with very few physical rewards. But there is no threshold, and children can walk around the academy, and there is no test."

After figuring it out, Zhao Xing could only helplessly watch the treasures disappear into the clouds.

Now he doesn't have to look for it himself.

Because as soon as he moved, the mechanism was triggered, and the place he stayed in the end was where he could try to get the reward.

"Let's see what's left. There's no need to rush. It will take at least a few hundred years for Emperor Wu to empty the treasury." Zhao Xing's mentality relaxed immediately. He had plenty of time to slowly empty the place.

After waiting for a while, all the palaces and pavilions disappeared, leaving only a high platform floating in the sky.

The clouds rolled, and there were stairs spiraling from the high platform to Zhao Xing's feet.

"The Heart-searching Platform?"

"It seems that my level is too low, and I am not qualified to touch anything else. Only this 'Heart-searching Platform' that has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation has the hope of passing the level and winning the prize."

The test of the Heart-searching Platform is basically the seven emotions and six desires, and the scenes will be set according to different people.

It also has some rules: create the most desired or most feared things at the moment.

Looking at the Heart-searching Platform, Zhao Xing seemed to recall some bad memories.

"It won't be something terrifying when I come up..."

Take a deep breath and step carefully onto the first step.


The surrounding scene suddenly changed, and Zhao Xing suddenly smelled a refreshing fragrance.

The water rippled, petals floated on the water, hot air rose, and a beauty was lying beside the bucket.

The half-hidden buttocks, naked back, shoulders, and hair...

"What? The gate of lust?"

"Are you mistaken, Questioning Platform? What I desire most at the moment is not this kind of low-level interest?!"

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