Shennong Daojun

Chapter 36 This is not acceptable!

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded and immediately handed over the information he had learned about.

"He was born an orphan, and then he was mistreated by a jealous woman after being adopted? I guess he doesn't have enough food and clothing in daily life. Our sect should save such people from suffering. If he is trained by our sect, he can perform better!"

"Put him on the list!"


After the man finished speaking, the woman next to him took out another list: "Dharma protector, there are also two new first-class promotions in Weaving Workshop and Tiangong Workshop, named 'Lin Baiwei' and 'Han Bi'."

Guardian Falcon looked at it, but did not agree this time. "Let's observe and observe for the time being. Now the East Lake Army and the County Martial Arts Squad are investigating closely."

"But I'm waiting for work, so there's no need to rush. They can't keep investigating so strictly. There will always be a day when they relax, and that's when we'll reap the rewards!"

"I have gained something in the Beginning of Autumn assessment. I will become a tribute member next month and receive 5 taels of tuition per month."

"Master Chen, the chief officer of the Agricultural Supervision Bureau, appreciates me very much and decided to provide me with resources for my cultivation every month."

"So, my adoptive father doesn't have to give me any more silver."

When Zhao Xing returned home, he heard Zhao Ruide calling him over, intending to secretly give Zhao Xing money to practice.

At this time, Zhao Ruide didn't know that Zhao Xing had gotten the upper hand again. He didn't understand until Zhao Xing explained.

"You became a tribute member? Are you still sponsored by Chen Shijie?" Zhao Ruide was stunned at first, and then showed a look of joy.

But when he heard that Zhao Xing refused his money, he suddenly felt a little empty.

"The imperial court and Lord Chen are funding this, and the funds are earmarked for your cultivation."

"You hang out with your colleagues, keep in touch with each other, and treat guests to meals. Can't they also help you with these?"

"I don't have that many fair-weather friends to spend money on," Zhao Xing said.

"You don't have it now, but in the future you will become famous, so naturally you can't help it. Use your own money to be cool, and others have nothing to say. Otherwise, what will Mr. Chen and others think?" Zhao Ruide pushed the banknote in his hand to Zhao Xing in hand. "I've already exchanged everything. Is it possible that my adoptive father's money is too hot to hold on to?"

When it comes to this offer, Zhao Xing can only accept it, but the amount is a bit large, one hundred taels!

"Father, there are so many, if Mrs. Cai knows..."

Zhao Ruide snorted: "Do you really think she is the one who calls the shots in the family?"

Zhao Xing quickly shook his head and said that you, the adoptive father, are the head of the family.

But Zhao Ruide then whispered: "It's okay if you don't tell me. I have always had a secret share of the escort agency in my master's house, which is settled every few years. She doesn't know..."

Okay, you still don't dare to tell Mrs. Cai about your feelings. This is private money.

However, this private money was quite a lot, and Zhao Xing didn't know that Zhao Ruide hid it so tightly.

No wonder Zhao Ruide is not at ease every time Mrs. Cai complains. No matter how many mouthfuls of meat he eats every day, he can't bear it!

It’s human nature to think about it.

Mrs. Cai was born as a singer, and she was not over 30 yet, so she was still pretty even after giving birth to Zhao Zheng, but Zhao Ruide was already almost 60.

If everything between an old man and a young woman was paid, Zhao Ruide would be afraid that Mrs. Cai would take the money and run away.

If his adopted son hadn't had hope for a bright future, Zhao Ruide would have planned to talk about this before he died.

"Keep it yourself. Don't let Mrs. Cai know. If it is discovered, I will not recognize it. You will never get the money again in the future." Zhao Ruide warned.

"Thank you, foster father."

"A loving mother often loses her son. You can take care of Zheng'er. When you become the eldest brother, be more considerate. After I leave..."

"My adoptive father is young and powerful. It's too early to say this. Zheng'er is my brother, so why do I need any additional instructions from my adoptive father?"

Zhao Ruide also felt that it was too early to say this, and for some reason it was a bit pretentious today. Are you really old?

"Go and do your business. Mrs. Cai will be back from the market in a while. Remember to hide the banknotes."


Zhao Xing turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Unexpectedly, Zhao Ruide stopped him again.

Zhao Xing turned around, a little confused.

Zhao Ruide said: "You will be crowned next year, and it's time for you to say goodbye."

After a man is crowned at the age of twenty, and a woman is given hairpin at the age of fifteen, it is inconvenient to call her by her first name, so she takes another alias that is related to the meaning of her real name and calls it a word to express her virtue.

This is a relatively important part of the coming-of-age ceremony. If you don't have it, you will be laughed at.

Zhao Xing turned 20 after spring started, and Zhao Ruide thought in advance that it was not too early.

"I asked someone about it and I think 'The Beginning of Spring' is quite suitable for you. It just so happens that you want to be an agricultural official. This is the first of the twenty-four solar terms. What do you think?" Zhao Ruide asked.

"The beginning of spring? That's right... wait, Zhao Lichun?" Zhao Xing suddenly looked strange.

"What, you don't like it?" Zhao Ruide was a little confused as to why he had such a big reaction.

"Uh... foster father, the word "beginning of spring" is good if it is good, but it is too popular. Among the agricultural supervisors in my department, there are eighty or not hundreds of people who have the words "beginning of spring" and "beginning of winter". I think you should think about it again. ." Zhao Xing refused.

"Okay, anyway, there is still half a year, I will ask again." Zhao Ruide is a rough martial arts practitioner. He also knows that he has no education. He needs to find someone to ask about this matter for reference.

"What should I choose? I think Beginning of Spring is pretty good..." Zhao Ruide muttered and walked away.

Zhao Xing couldn't help but dumbfounded, "Father, this word is not interesting."

The day after the Beginning of Autumn Assessment, Chen Shijie sent someone to deliver a box.

There were two dawn-colored fruits in the box. As soon as they were opened, the fragrance was fragrant.

The energy in the room became three points stronger.

【Tianyuan Pear (Third Grade Top Grade)】

[Category: Edible treasures]

[Efficacy: Contains rich vitality, protects the heart and increases muscle, calms and clears heat, and reduces the body damage caused by the circulation of qi and blood. ]

"Tianyuan pear, third-grade top-grade, its effect is of great help to me now."

Zhao Xing took a bite, and the fragrance was immediately rich between his lips and teeth.

Tianyuan pears have thin skin and fine flesh, are crispy and refreshing, have more juice and less residue, and you don't feel the weather is so hot after taking them.

Many warriors who have entered the grade like to eat Tianyuan pears, because practicing martial arts, qi and blood surge, and it is easy to accumulate hidden injuries over the years. If you eat Tianyuan pears for a long time, you can greatly reduce organ damage.

However, Si Nong does not need this effect much, and values ​​its vitality growth effect.

"Chen Shijie gives me 15 pears every month, and my speed of gathering yuan is at least doubled compared to when I don't eat it." At this stage, the second-grade gathering yuan is still a considerable improvement.

Zhao Xing just took a bite, and the panel immediately responded.

A record was refreshed.

[You take the third-grade top-grade Tianyuan Pear, and your vitality increases by 25 points. ]

[Juyuan second-grade: 785/1000]

Increase by 25 points at once!

The effect is immediate!

According to common sense, the increase effect cannot be so great. It is really that Zhao Xing's current body has never eaten any treasures that increase vitality. After the transformation of Dao Embryo Pill, the body's absorption efficiency of such treasures has also greatly increased.

"There is a risk of dissipation of vitality. It cannot be wasted. It must be eaten quickly!" Zhao Xing immediately took big bites.

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